Descargar Nuevo Diccionario Biblia Certeza Pdf Download

Descargar Nuevo Diccionario Biblia Certeza Pdf Download

Bible Concordance in Spanish (Reina Valera) Bible and Bible Concordance - Today's Reading, Daily Verse, Audio Bible! MATCHING BIBLICAL In this application you will find alphabetical index of all biblical words (, and, that, the, the, the, on are excluded - do not use) You can also search by several words - use the space between them We have added the ability to search with multiple words. Example: 'Jesus Maria' TODAY'S READINGS Chronological, Canon and Historical Plans for a Year, 180 and 90 days. The Daily Notification helps you not to forget the Reading Today! Daily Verse Gospel today, Salmo today - you can create your own daily verse from your favorite Bible books! THE BIBLE IN AUDIO Audio function compatible text to speech. Just touch the verse - you will see audio icon.

REINA VALERA King James Bible is the most popular of the Spanish Bible! FREE and OFFLINE All the functions work offline and absolutely free! I hope this Bible and Bible Concordance will be your perfect companion in the study of the Bible! Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to improve or have any problems with this application.

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