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Wish you a wonderful day 🙂 •. I’m in my first year at university The plant will feature two of General Electric Co’s 216-MW gas turbines and one steam turbine.

GE has said it willmanufacture the gas turbines in Greenville, South Carolina, andthe steam turbine in Schenectady, New York. Lauro 61, led by Pirelli Chairman Marco Tronchetti Provera,has offered 0.80 euros per share to buy out investors in Camfinafter acquiring a 12.4 percent stake in the company at the sameprice from Malacalza Investimenti. Yahoo Inc Chief Executive Marissa Mayer sought to slow the rollout of its search partnership arguing that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer’s decision to retire had raised concerns, according to court documents.

The National Football League’s new rules stipulate that bags brought into stadiums for games must either be clear or small clutch bags, approximately the size of a hand. The move caused some complaints from fans, particularly women who carry larger purses, after they were announced. Syrian Deputy Prime Minister Qadri Jamil gave what he said were the dates for the meeting during a news conference in Moscow. He later told Reuters: “This is what (U.N. Secretary-General) Ban Ki-moon is saying, not me.” •.

I’m in a band The group also recommended keeping the proportion ofrenewable energy at 11 percent as planned. It suggested imposingtaxes on coal-fired power stations and lowering taxes onliquefied natural gas and kerosene. It’s hard to argue that against the assertion that Newark’s downtown has been revitalized.

Security officers ride Segways past vendors selling T-shirts and incense. Pounding jackhammers pervade a part of downtown where Prudential Financial Inc. Is building a new headquarters. Across the street, dilapidated Military Park is getting a makeover spearheaded by the designer who rehabbed New York City’s Bryant Park. A gleaming new park on the Passaic River opened this summer, opening up the long-neglected waterfront. He said the Fed should determine whether it could write aninterim final rule to replace the 21-cent cap and asked how longthat would take. An interim rule would take effect immediatelybut could be adjusted later based on industry comments.

PriceWaterhouseCoopers, which commissioned the report from the Local Data Company, said there were more 3-star hotels, convenience stores and coffee shops on the high street than at the start of the year. The president is not known for his willingness to engage with reporters but on October 8 he appeared in the White House briefing room and basically refused to leave. Mr Obama hung around for an hour and six minutes, taking questions from 12 different reporters before finally calling it a day.

I have my own business At the same time the world’s largest yoghurt maker kept its full-year forecast for higher sales but weaker profitability as it tries to offset sluggish demand in Europe by expanding in fast-growing emerging markets in Asia and Latin America. It is rare and perhaps unprecedented for a legitimate U.S. Business to shut down rather than comply with a government request for information, said Kurt Opsahl, an attorney with the Electronic Freedom Foundation, a civil liberties group in San Francisco that is not involved in the case. Compared with those not taking ACE inhibitors, those on these drugs experienced marginally slower rates of cognitive decline – researchers found a small, but significant, difference in patients who undertook the more sensitivities of the two tests. Among people critical when Obama announced the nomination was Sen.

Ted Cruz, R-Texas. He called the choice “deeply troubling” and charged that Power has been “sharply critical of our nation’s strong support of Israel.” Traders, shippers and Libyan industry sources said there hadbeen no change on Wednesday at the major terminals of Es Siderand Ras Lanuf as well as the ports of Zueitina and Marsa AlHariga, at all of which exports remained halted. It’s OK Both newly-signed White Sox slugger Adam Dunn and ‘Talladega Nights’ star Will Ferrell are large men. They look alike. The only difference is, when Adam Dunn is in the batter’s box, he hits home runs, but when Will Ferrell’s pants are on, he makes hit movies. Both of them, however, could probably use more cowbell. While Kiir is leader of the ruling SPLM party, many of the dismissed ministers, including Machar and Amum, were key figures in the rebel movement that fought a decades-long war against Sudan that led to South Sudan’s independence in 2011.

Amum is South Sudan’s chief negotiator in talks with Sudan. “The loading bay used to be the same colour as the road but when they did the regeneration they made the pavement and loading bay similar colours and this is what's causing what I would say is an optical illusion. It tends to blend into one,” she said. It is unclear how their story would have proceeded in season five. And in the wake of Monteith’s death in a Vancouver hotel on Saturday, representatives at Fox Broadcasting, a unit of Twenty-First Century Fox, were not commenting on the future plans of the show which was scheduled to return to production later this month. Working on an orchestra is clearly a never-ending job.

“Of course there’s no perfect orchestra in the world, one always has to work. It’s just the top quality bar you have to raise, in other words the best the orchestra can achieve, but also the bottom bar. You have to ensure the orchestra never falls below a certain level.” •. It’s serious The problem of ballooning old-age costs is familiar to manydeveloped countries facing the retirement of the “baby boomer”generation. China is confronting it earlier than most emergingeconomies due to the one-child policy introduced in 1979. L’Oreal cited the promising international growth prospectsof the two brands, which made combined annual sales of around100 million euros in 2012. It said an agreement could be signedin coming weeks.

Leone said it could take years to determine whether The Hill predates Treme. To make the determination, a network of scholars who specialize in African-American history would be consulted once enough evidence is gathered, Leone said. BCC chief economist David Kern added: “The Government must switch policy priorities towards measures to boost growth, such as infrastructure investment, cutting business rates and taxes, promoting exports, and boosting the flow of lending to growing businesses through a fully funded business bank.” Time Warner Cable, which has long viewed Cablevision as anacquisition target because it makes sense geographically in theNew York area, has reached out to smaller operators Cox andCablevision about creating larger clusters in some ofits main markets. Could I have an application form? The company was the subject of an editorial published Wednesday in the Communist Party’s mouthpiece publication, and state central television aired the apparent confession of one of the four GSK executives.

“Planes,” which features the voice of Dane Cook as Dusty, acrop duster trying to overcome a fear of heights, was producedby the DisneyToon studio for $50 million and originally plannedas a direct-to-DVD release. “The biggest financial impact on any person’s life isseparation or divorce,” said Debbie Hartzman, an adviser atProfessional Investments in Kingston, Ontario, and the woman whobrought the CDFA training course to Canada. There’s certainly no shortage of political chatter onTwitter, and world leaders ranging from Iranian President HassanRouhani to Pope Francis have taken to the service as a means ofcommunicating directly with constituents. “They must also vote to replace the entire board and the CEO through a proxy contest at a subsequent annual meeting, and even then may end up with cash and equity if the envisioned self tender is oversubscribed,” ISS said. I’ll call back later “We ran up by the barn where all the adults were sitting, and we said we found a tooth,” said Volker. “They thought it was just like a little mini rock like it wasn’t going to be anything, and we came back with this enormous thing.

It was pretty cool.” In the northern city of Mosul, gunmen attacked a military checkpoint and shot dead two soldiers. Another group of gunmen shot dead two women in the west of the city and a Sunni sheikh was killed by a bomb planted on his car, police said.

Analyst Phil Carroll, at Shore capital, said there was still a case to be made for the merger but Barr shareholders would have to give some ground. He said the latest market valuations suggested a deal ratio of 67 to 33.

An issue of even greater potential concern than meltwater lakes is the possible release of Arctic methane gas due to rising temperatures. According to a study published last March in the journal Science, the permafrost under the East Siberian Arctic Shelf is perforated, causing large amounts of methane to leak into the atmosphere.

Scientists say the release of even a small fraction of this potent greenhouse gas could trigger a precipitous rise in global temperatures with dire climatic consequences. Its high speed Internet business rose 8%, while business services grew 26.4%. The video segment, which faces customers increasingly opting for other video outlets like Netflix and YouTube, grew more modestly at 2.7%.

I’d like a phonecard, please “The message I have for the [Congressional] leaders is, as soon as we get a clean piece of legislation that reopens the government until we get that done, until we make sure that Congress allows [the Department of the Treasury] to pay for things that Congress itself already authorised, we are not going to engage in a series of negotiations,” he said. Pershing Square had gained 2.2 percent in the first two weeks of July, sending yearly gains to about 8 percent through July 15, Reuters previously reported. Despite the disappointing bets on Herbalife and J.C Penney, some of Ackman’s other big holdings, such Procter & Gamble and Canadian Pacific, have performed well this year. The pay-off is that the orchestral playing was simply glorious throughout, even if the total assurance with which every phrase was shaped – with immaculately smooth crescendos and flawless intonation – left edges and corners rubbed down Karajan-smooth and sheer visceral seat-of-the-pants excitement wanting at the climaxes. Snowden has asked some 20 countries for asylum and receivedoffers from Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia, but he said onFriday that Western states had made it “impossible for me totravel to Latin America and enjoy the asylum granted there”.

Next to Gibbs presides another beneficial destination: David Axelrod, a Democratic media consultant and kibitzing walrus of a mensch who orchestrated Obama’s run to the 2008 Democratic nomination. Known as “Axe,” Axelrod is a sentimental RFK Democrat whose swoon over Obama is unrivaled even by Gibbs’s. (Gibbs once called Axe “the guy who walks in front of Obama with rose petals.”) Noting the big run on Gibbs and Axelrod, a columnist for Politico told me they were the new “it guys” at the service, and of course they were, in part for devising a communications strategy predicated on indifference to this very onrushing club of D.C.’s Leading Thinkers.

Where do you study? Managing Editor Michelle Toy, who read the names aloud, thought the names sounded suspicious but approved the list regardless. She was told that an official at the National Transportation Safety Board confirmed their authenticity. General Assembly on September 24, Obama appeared to split the difference, saying the United States would maintain constructive ties with Egypt’s interim government despite its anti-democratic moves – including an emergency law and restrictions on opposition parties, the media and civil society. If failing to change the nature of international politics means R2P has failed, then it failed. But if succeeding in putting in front of every U.N. Member evidence that no one challenges as to the number of civilian deaths (if not how they died) and keeping international representatives engaged and reporting back through the worst carnage, then R2P has succeeded.

If the point of comparison is not Bosnia but Rwanda, then R2P has succeeded for its sponsors even as we, the international community, fail the civilian victims – no one can say, this time, that they didn’t know. Regardless of whether Cargill broke the law in Colombia, the government is trying to encourage investment by agricultural firms whose know-how and capital it says can develop terrain largely hostile to farming. So do other residents in the northeast Detroit neighborhood, who said they’re unnerved by this supersize cat roaming the streets in recent weeks. They’ve tried calling Detroit police and Animal Control, but have gotten no response. On Friday, the Michigan Humane Society said it will investigate the case and try to find the cat. I like watching football Turkey is deeply frustrated at what it sees as humiliating treatment by Europe, which has turned its public opinion against EU membership. Turkish EU negotiator Egemen Bagis complained this month that the EU has held dozens of summits with Russia, China, Brazil and other partners in the last decade but only one with Turkey and other candidate countries.

The dollar held near a one-month low against a basket ofcurrencies as investors bet that recent declines were too far,too fast even amid the debate about when the U.S. FederalReserve would begin to slow its stimulus measures.

Picking up the mantle of the assassinated Kennedy, Johnson in 1964 sought to counter the effects of long-standing race discrimination in America with executive orders and by signing several milestone laws including that year’s groundbreaking Civil Rights Act. Andrew Grice has been Political Editor of The Independent since 1998.

He was previously Political Editor of The Sunday Times, where he worked for 10 years, and he has been a Westminster-based journalist since 1982. His column, Inside Politics, appears in The Independent each Saturday. The study of 1000 coffee drinkers, conducted by clinical psychologist Dr Ramani Durvasula, certainly makes intriguing reading. Apparently, those who plump for a latte tend to be neurotic and people pleasers. Instant coffee drinkers were found to be laid-back with a knack for procrastination. I’m about to run out of credit * S&P 500 futures fell 1.1 points and were slightlybelow fair value, a formula that evaluates pricing by takinginto account interest rates, dividends and time to expiration onthe contract.

Dow Jones industrial average futures shed 6points, and Nasdaq 100 futures added 1.5 points. The Mortgage Bankers Association said its seasonally adjusted index of mortgage application activity, which includes both refinancing and home purchase demand, rose 1.3 percent in the week ended August 30, after sliding 2.5 percent the prior week.

The agency is trying to set up a new, faster approvalprocess for early-stage breast cancer drugs, including aproposed new clinical goal known as pathologic complete response(pCR), to support approval. Pathologic complete response isdefined as absence of invasive cancer in the breast. A round of stress tests into their capital positions couldtrigger further sales and other changes, although several seniorfigures in Greek banking told Reuters they did not expect thesetests to have a major impact. Potbelly’s sales were brisk in 2012, with revenue rising more than 15 percent to $274.9 million and profit tripling to $24 million. The company has posted positive same-store sales growth in twelve of the last thirteen quarters.

Thanks funny site Just over one in ten (13 per cent) now rate the economy as good, compared to 6 per cent last year, whilst the proportion of consumers rating the economy as poor (59 per cent) is lower than June 2013 (66 per cent) and July last year (72 per cent). Rodriguez, who turns 38 Saturday, is expected to receive a lengthy suspension from MLB in connection with the Biogenesis case.

He has not played for the Yankees all season, as he is recovering from January hip surgery and a more recent quadriceps injury. It said the report used “the extreme and unrepresentative”2012 drought along with unrealistic commodity prices to arriveat an inflated price tag, rather than look at likely performanceover good and bad years. The Pen Pinter Prize was established in 2009 in memory of playwright Harold Pinter and is awarded to a writer who casts an “unflinching, unswerving” gaze upon the world and shows a “fierce intellectual determinationto define the real truth of our lives and our societies”.

For the third quarter, earnings estimates have fallensharply in recent months. Earnings at S&P 500 companies areexpected to have risen 4.8 percent from a year ago, in line withsecond-quarter growth, according to Thomson Reuters data. We’ll need to take up references Food cooked in the oven gets on with the job itself, without us having to watch over it. No tinkering, stirring or moving it around the pan. No having to lower the heat or prod and poke.

We simply put a dish in the oven and leave it to do its stuff. That is not to say a roast won’t benefit from the occasional basting with its juices, or that you can ignore a rapidly browning pie, but it does allow us time to do other things while our dinner cooks. McCall’s shopping list includes European banks along with a few exchange-traded funds. On Monday, McCall bought ING Group for one client. “Valuation-wise, European banks are better than U.S. Financials, and they are still trading at a discount because of the black cloud hanging over the continent,” said McCall, who manages $150 million in client assets. Rodriguez has acknowledged taking PEDs before baseball started penalizing their use.

In 2009, he attributed his decision to being “young and stupid” and agreed to work for the Taylor Hooton Foundation to combat steroids. “This action is necessary to address continuing challengesin our business environment, including continued uncertainprogram funding, delays in contract awards and an extremelycompetitive market,” he said in a statement. Veghte takes over immediately as head of the division, and will not be replaced as HP’s chief operating officer. Veghte joined HP in 2010 after a 20-year career at Microsoft Corp, which culminated in his heading the business side of the Windows unit.

He also worked on developing and marketing Microsoft’s server software. Could I take your name and number, please?

“You could make a persuasive policy argument that those are the people who have most fully sunk roots into communities, most convincingly demonstrating they’re contributing in the labor market,” said Doris Meissner, a senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute. “Many are paying U.S. Taxes and raising families in their adopted country.” Carnival Cruise Line officials announced that two ships thathad been due to arrive in New Orleans over the weekend, theCarnival Elation and Carnival Conquest, could be delayed untilMonday.

Guests onboard were being kept apprised and the shipswere sailing at a safe and comfortable distance from the storm,the company said. It’s always sunny in Hollywood, and these celebs love flaunting their picture-perfect beach bodies almost as much as they love getting all dressed up for the red carpet. Whether they’re splashing arou He said it was still too early to provide details on thesize of the bonds.

His comments were in line with previousremarks by government officials; the country faces increasingpressure on its state finances because of rising expenditure,which is expected to prompt it to return to the internationaldebt market for the first time since 1997. “I’m a member of the Church of England and this is very special. This is our future King, potentially the head of the Church of England. It’s special for Prince George, his family and for us. Do you know each other? “The truth is no one can truly ‘comfort’ the survivor of a recent death,” says Megen Duffy, an emergency department nurse who pens the blog “Not Nurse Ratched.” Duffy has consoled strangers whose loved ones recently died in unexpected, often violent ways and concludes that, “One can merely be present, or not, according to the person’s wishes.” Starbucks net earnings for the fiscal third quarter thatended on June 30 increased more than 25 percent to $417.8million, or 55 cents per share, to beat analysts’ averageforecast by 2 cents per share, according to Thomson ReutersI/B/E/S.

Arrowhead Addict editor. Varsity running backs coach at North Kansas City High School. College football recruiting analyst. Football Writers Association of America member. Podcast and radio enthusiast. New to the Kansas City area.

Grew up in Troy, Michigan. Email me at: @AKonSports The majority of Christian denominations, however, view homosexual relationships as sinful. In more hierarchical denominations, like the Roman Catholic Church or the United Methodist Church, individual churches are bound by the policies of the larger denomination.

But nondenominational churches and those loosely affiliated with more established groups often individually decide how to address social issues such as gay marriage. Local environmental activists have raised concerns aboutpotential leaks of gas, oil and hazardous materials from wellsites and other energy facilities compromised by flooding. TheColorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission said it was working with health authorities to assess environmental impacts. What sort of work do you do? BOGOTA, Aug 6 (Reuters) – U.S. Coal miner Drummond Co Inc and striking workers in Colombia failed to reachagreement on Tuesday to end a 14-day work stoppage that stalledabout one-third of the output in the Andean nation, the mainunion and company said. Howard Archer, an economist at IHS Global Insight, said theservice sector data maintained expectations that the economywould pick up speed in the third quarter, pencilling in a0.8-0.9 percent quarterly rise in gross domestic product.

Teams of engineers were dispatched by Boeing worldwide toinstall the stronger battery casing and other componentsdesigned to prevent a repeat of the meltdowns that led to thefirst U.S. Fleet grounding in 34 years. Unions, trying to defend the 35-hour working week, arepitted against some retailers and even some employees who wantto increase business at a time of record unemployment andstagnant economic growth. Retailers Leroy Merlin andKingfisher-owned Castorama were open in Paris and itssuburbs this Sunday, defying a court ruling on Thursday. Students in Clearing can view the Clearing Vacancy List. They can contact universities directly when they see a course that suits them; they don’t have to stick to their original choice. When do you want me to start?

Stand up to the cops?!?! What the cops do? With that attitude, this kid won’t be out of jail for long. And still, thousands of black kids die and kill each other year in and year out, and no protests.

Of course white people show up to protest before they go back home to their exensive comfortable houses and their nice cars and jobs. Do they offer blacks the chance to live in their communities and try to make it possible? Do they volunteer 30 hours of their time each week helping African americans get jobs or tutor them. They are just satisfying their white guilt but they don’t do any real good. They are pathetic. Whether you're heading home in the rain or out for LFW after-party, a bomber jacket is the ideal solution to our perpetual weather issues.

We love this symbol version from Rihanna's favourite brand, Kokon To Zai (below). Nonetheless, none of these factors was responsible for therolling blackout which occurred later that afternoon. Subsequentmodelling by task force investigators established that thecondition of the electricity grid was vulnerable but stablebefore a tree contact caused the third, Harding-Chamberlin,power line to trip at 15:05. Howard Archer, chief UK economist at IHS, said the improvement in house-building activity was welcome news, given concerns that a shortage of properties risked contributing to a new housing market bubble.

Tampa Bay Rays’ James Loney follows through on a three-run home run off of New York Yankees relief pitcher Adam Warren in the seventh inning of a baseball game at Yankee Stadium on Friday, July 26, 2013, in New York. (AP Photo/Kathy Kmonicek) •. What do you do for a living? “Both the pending sale of Steel Americas and the potentialrights issue have been a big overhang for ThyssenKrupp’s sharesfor months,” Nomura analyst Neil Sampat said.

“Dealing withthese issues will take away a big part of investors’uncertainty.” The Congressional Budget Office estimates Washington would start missing payments between October 22 and the end of the month. America could miss a $12 billion payment due to its Social Security pension program on October 23. McDonough radioed back a brief reply to call if they needed anything and that he’d be with the buggies. He is haunted by the last words of his boss. “Jesse Steed, my captain, said, ‘All right, I’ll see you soon.’ I said, ‘Okay.’” Up for sale in Australia are Lloyds BOS Internationalcorporate loans business and its Capital Finance motor andequipment finance business, another person familiar with thematter said.

Among the few assets Lloyds assets left inAustralia after this deal would be a branch licence. Available in all shapes and sides, this season has seen the backpack's popularity skyrocket, with leather versions leading the way. Take a leaf out of Rihanna's book and opt for a quilted Chanel, or make like Cara and go for classic cross-body number. Go travelling “Timely access to reproductive health services is criticalto women’s health,” the bill’s author, California stateAssemblywoman Toni Atkins said in a statement after GovernorJerry Brown announced the signing of the law, known as AB 154, BEIJING, July 11 (Reuters) – Eight more cities in China, theworld’s biggest auto market, are likely to announce policiesrestricting new vehicle purchases, an official at the automakersassociation said, as Beijing tries to control air pollution. The diaries and selected letters are an important insight into this funny, accomplished, always humane writer. They offer, too, an insight into Bulgakov’s struggle.

The diaries stop in the mid Twenties, after the secret police, raided Bulgakov’s apartment in May 1926 and confiscated his private notebooks. They are deftly observant of daily life and the historical situation. They also contain some of his wryest humour. “I’m in a terrible state: I’m falling more and more in love with my wife She’s sweet and lovely. And large.” All of these matters are easy to discuss in the abstract. Far tougher is having an authentic feel for what is actually going on in thousands of classrooms across the city, especially those filled with our most disadvantaged students.

Peyton, at 38, looks to get the second Lombardi Trophy he could see right in front of him last January until the Ravens made a crazy long pass and finally beat the Broncos in that overtime game at Mile High, the whole world thinking that Tom Brady and the Patriots would have to come to Denver if they wanted to make it to another Super Bowl. You know Eli thinks he will get at least one more Lombardi before he is through, and all that third title would do is tie him with Brady and Troy Aikman, put him one behind Joe Montana and Terry Bradshaw. For now, there is this game today, 4:25 p.m., MetLife, maybe the last game Peyton and Eli go against each other. Will I get travelling expenses? Danone said that as a result of the Fonterra recall its babyfood sales fell 8.6 percent in the third quarter, reversing a15.2 percent rise in the first half.

This compares with anaverage market expectation for a 3 percent decline. However, a growing number of economists have started to betthat interest rates could climb back into double digits nextyear to ensure inflation expectations for 2014 and 2015 falltowards 4.5 percent, the center of the government’s target. Here’s a handy little thing to remember as you go through life: men are useless. They can be funny and sexy and generous and kind, but essentially when it comes to matters of the heart they are as much use as a wet ball of wool. My other handy tip for this journey we are all on together is – speak! Trust me the momentary humiliation of him telling you that he isn’t interested is better than the endless frustrating nights of heartache and uncertainty.

You don’t have to declare your undying love for him but it seems fairly reasonable to tell him that you enjoy having him as a friend but would he like it to be something more? It may be his eureka moment — and feel free to invite me to the wedding — but also be prepared for bad news. I refer you to the mantra I gave you earlier: Men. The violence was concentrated in a few spots in working-class neighborhoods in north and east Belfast, a city whose tidy center betrays few visible scars of the sectarian battles that turned the capital into a war zone for much of the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s.

These days, it’s not enough to complain about your loan servicer and how high your student loan payments are. Instead, make sure you understand your options and then go to your servicer to demand the services you are entitled to and need. One moment, please Orr’s spokesman, Bill Nowling, said he couldn’t comment onthe specifics of the current proposal, but he said Orr initiallyspoke with the city’s unions and pension boards in June aboutthe changes to their healthcare plans. Nowling said that at thetime Orr proposed offering retirees under 65 $110 per month topurchase coverage from an exchange. Miners with the hardline Association of Mineworkers andConstruction Union (AMCU) downed tools on Friday to protestplans by Amplats, the world’s largest producer of the preciousmetal, to cut 3,300 jobs to restore profits. Ivan Nova allowed four runs on six hits and two walks over six innings, giving up all four in the fifth inning. His teammates bailed him out, making a winner of Adam Warren (2-2), who pitched a scoreless seventh.

Sensing perhaps that the threat of a U.S. Strike is no longer imminent, Assad is publicly trying to strengthen his hand. In an interview with Russian television, he not only demanded the U.S. Drop the threat of military action — he also said the Obama administration must stop arming the opposition. Gulf News in Dubai quoted Abdul Qahir Qamar of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, as saying in-vitro meat “will not be considered meat from live animals, but will be cultured meat.” •. What’s the last date I can post this to to arrive in time for Christmas? * With a phalanx of new series to make their debuts thisweek against an increasingly dominant cable television lineup,broadcast television executives this summer turned to diversepromotional ideas.

But even with such marketing efforts,executives say calling attention to the 12 new series due thisweek has been anything but easy. () Franke said Frontier, which offers flights to more than 80cities in the United States, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic,Jamaica, and Mexico, would expand to new markets based ondemand, and added the airline would continue to be based inDenver. Apax more than doubled Hub’s cash flow during its ownershipand used much of it to fund the company’s expansion in Canada,where it grew from the third-ranked insurance broker to becomethe biggest, as well as enter new markets such as Brazil. Despite his background as a cop, Farina made headlines withhis own brush with the law in 2008 when he was arrested at LosAngeles International Airport for carrying a loaded handgun onhis way to board a plane.

According to the family's statement, Sarah is walking short distances with a walker. She no longer needs the oxygen through a ventilator, marking the first time in 2.5 years, although she is still trached. I need to charge up my phone The National Association of Realtors said on Thursday its Pending Homes Sales Index, based on contracts signed last month, decreased 1.6 percent to 107.7. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast a -1.0 decline. “You can upgrade when you want, not when you’re told,”T-Mobile Chief Executive John Legere, who was appointed inSeptember 2012, told reporters and analysts at a New York eventwhere he announced the changes. Miami quickly fell behind 10-0 and trailed much of the game, but improved to 3-0 for the first time since 2002. The Falcons fell to 1-2.

Tannehill led the comeback and finished 24-for-35 for 236 yards and two scores. He overcame five sacks and two turnovers. A postseason clash would be an intriguing prospect, especially if it came together this season with the Super Bowl coming to MetLife in February in the NFL’s first outdoor, winter-time Super Bowl. Marines arrested Miguel Angel Trevino, aka Z-40, after intercepting his pick-up truck with a helicopter a few miles (km) from his home town of Nuevo Laredo on the U.S. Border, government spokesman Eduardo Sanchez said in Mexico City.

Yes, I love it! The way I see it, the government can address these problems by stepping in to provide liquidity, as the Federal Reserve has done since the onset of the recession; what this research helps us understand is why it has had to go to such extraordinary lengths to provide enough of it. The project's initial phase was approved in principle under the previous Labour government, and the scheme has had the backing of all three main party leaders since its conception – despite strong opposition among some backbench MPs. The contractors are looking for payment irregularities inbilling to Medicare, the government healthcare program for theelderly, and suspending payments while the reviews are underway. Florida is one of the states targeted for extensivepre-payment reviews by HHS because of high volumes of billingerrors in the past. But it was the first substitution that Moyes made, after 61 minutes, which grabbed more attention as Rooney replaced Ryan Giggs in the midst of English media reports that he wants to leave United for rival Chelsea. “A lot of people feel betrayed by it,” said HD Moore, anexecutive at security firm Rapid 7, though he said he wouldcontinue to brief the NSA on software flaws that the agency usesfor both offensive and defensive cyber activities.

“What bothersme is the hypocritical bit – we demonize China when we’ve beendoing these things and probably worse.” •. I work for myself About 1,000 academics, researchers, technologists and engineers will work in the NAIC building, which will feature engineering workshops and laboratories, advanced powertrain facilities and the latest advanced design, visualisation and rapid prototyping technologies. She attributed her professional success, now a partner at European law firm Dechert LLP, to her mother who “always pushed her a little harder” and told the girls to “feel free to aim high”. Britain is expected to go to the polls in 2015, withseemingly different views between the governing coalitionpartners as to how quickly the government should part with its82-percent stake in the bank. Some of the testimony focused on a personal email Tourre sent to his girlfriend in France. The SEC lawyers said the missive proved the hubris of a man at the center of a massive fraud, while the defense claimed was “an old-fashioned love letter” penned by a young trader who was full of self-doubt and angst over upheaval in the financial world. Fanaroff Neonatology Pdf Editor. Of course, Facebook is hardly alone in this realm.

Google, Twitter, Amazon and others are all also competing to be your single sign-on internet identity, offering respite from the need to create individual accounts and passwords for every website and application you use. Likewise, they collect an enormous amount of information about you through the use of their own services, be it your search habits or your propensity to share photos of your lunch. The differences are in the ways they use the information they gain about their users, and the degree to which they test their trust.

I’ll call back later You must also check with your mortgage lender and insurer before buying. Although lenders were initially nervous, most now lend on properties with panels.

Insurers, too, are more relaxed although some may charge a small additional premium. Think carefully about the system you buy and the impact that might have on the look of the property if you have to sell.

“I am in-no-cent”, the three-time premier said, emphasising each syllable. “I have never made false invoices. I never called my company while I was prime minister because it would have raised questions about conflict of interest.” “One could think of this shutdown as basically stopping business indefinitely for anyone who didn't have certain paperwork in place back in mid-August,” said Paul Gatza, director of the Brewers Association, which represents more than 1,900 U.S.

These common sense reforms are as basic as requiring anycompany paid with tax dollars to open its books and meetings tothe public, just as public agencies do. They require companiesthat receive public contracts to pay a living wage withreasonable benefits, and they bann language that promisesprofits even if public services are no longer needed. “Q2 sales growth, clearly ahead of the market, is mostpleasing and contradicts fears about market share losses as aresult of the restructuring program,” Credit Suisse analystChristoph Gretler, who has an ‘outperform’ rating, said in anote. Who would I report to? Says it takes no sides in the disputes but has backed a Philippine move to seek U.N.

Arbitration and a proposed regional nonaggression pact. China has criticized the Philippines for escalating the disputes and warned against any outside intervention. “I can't convince anyone to have an affair. I can't convince people to step outside their relationship. What I can do is cannibalize an already existing behavior pattern.

An affair at the workplace ends really badly, so we built a platform that says: are you looking for an affair? Great, everyone else here is looking for the same thing,” he told CNBC on Tuesday. Aware that German voters are sceptical about more bailouts,she has repeatedly played down suggestions Greece may requireextra aid, or debt relief, despite conflicting views from experts, including at the International Monetary Fund (IMF). First of all, while it’s possible that different strategic decisions on Ballmer’s part would have put Microsoft in a different position today, I don’t think that the man broke a machine that was destined to work well forever. The odds were always slight that Microsoft would matter as much in the mobile era as it did in the more PC-centric one. Exactly who remains behind the threat is still unclear, he said.

It could be a resurgence of core al-Qaeda in Pakistan, one faction gaining dominance, or coordination between various factions, he said. Languages Still, the Winston-Salem Open title marked a turnaround of sorts for the 32-year-old Melzer, once ranked as high as No. 8 in the world standings. He made it to the Round of 16 at Wimbledon last June, but an injured shoulder cost him a month away from the tour. The lawsuit alleged that “AEG came to control much of Jackson’s life.

The home Jackson lived in was provided by AEG; his finances were dependent on AEG, and his assets stood security if he failed to perform.” Those assets included The Sony/ATV music catalog owned by Jackson, which even includes iconic Beatles songs. Dozens of police and army vehicles entered the town at daybreak in the second such raid this week to reassert government control over areas where Islamist sympathies run deep and hostility to the authorities has grown since the army overthrew and imprisoned Mursi on July 3. Tourism accounts for nearly a fifth of the economy inGreece, which is visited by about 16 million tourists a year.Many of its coastal resorts have become notorious for violenceamong young holidaymakers. (Reporting by Angeliki Koutantou; Writing by Renee Maltezou;Editing by Alison Williams) And I said, “How– when are we going?” She said, “Next Sunday.” I said, “Chelsea, do you know how hard it is to keep 1000 people busy for eight hours?” She said, “We got it covered.” So I go out there. And sure enough, they had it covered because Team Rubicon, you know, the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, these young people who are great at deploying. I’m on holiday “Since the global crisis, a mix of investment, credit and fiscal stimulus has underpinned activity,” the report says.

“This pattern of growth is not sustainable and is raising vulnerabilities. While China still has significant buffers to weather shocks, the margins of safety are diminishing.” Since it became clear that Desmond was absorbing his ancestor’s abilities through the Animus, gamers have wondered what a modern-day Assassin’s Creed game would look like. Visions of Desmond free-running along skyscrapers and scaling vast tower blocks got us excited, but the missions we got in Assassin’s Creed 3 in particular left a lot to be desired. Unfortunately, while there are playable modern missions in Black Flag, your hero is not an assassin in the making. The company said in a regulatory filing with the U.S.

Securities and Exchange Commission that the Surface had earned revenue of US$853 million in its fiscal year ended June 30. The Redmond, Washington, software company did not disclose how many units of the tablet it had shipped during the year. Around Taipei and in its environs, emergency crews were struggling to restore power to the 520,000 homes where it had been disrupted, and to remove hundreds of trees uprooted by the storm from streets and roads.

In this fiscal year, which began in April, the governmenthas so far raised $203 million by selling stakes in sevencompanies, including Hindustan Copper, MMTC Indian Tourism Development Corp. And Neyveli LigniteCorp. One moment, please The merger would expand CHS’s footprint in the country’slargest spring wheat producing state which has seen corn andsoybean production rise in recent years, mostly in the fertileRed River Valley along the state’s eastern edge. In addition to the smaller, less expensive EV, which islikely to wear a Chevrolet badge and sell for $30,000 to$35,000, GM has the premium Model S in its sights with theupcoming 2014 Cadillac ELR, a sporty hybrid coupe that isexpected to start at the same $70,000 price point when itarrives early next year. If you want to copy Keisha's cool look, and quite frankly ladies why ever would you not, then make sure you check out one of the boutiques that stocks Sophies designs, as listed on her website. If you're after a quick colour fix however then help is at hand for we've chosen our favourite orange tone shoes below. Treatments range from an ace and rest, immobilization in a walking boot or cast, to surgery to insert screws to hold together the bones while the ligaments heal, to PRP(platelet rich plasma) injections to speed ligament healing.

SAO PAULO/BRASILIA, Oct 23 (Reuters) – Brazil plans to sellat least $500 million of a new global bond due in 2025 and buyback up to $12.6 billion in eight different debt maturities, astrategy to reduce debt payments by the government while makingit cheaper for companies to access international capitalmarkets. Where do you live? But with memories still fresh of the chaos that brought the eurozone to the brink of collapse when the last Berlusconi government fell in 2011, the turmoil in Italy has been closely watched by Rome’s international partners.

Defense and State Department officials say the location of the new anti-missile radar, which is expected to be installed with a year or so, will help improve tracking coverage of rockets launched toward both Japan and the United States. In this image taken from video obtained from Ugarit news, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, Syrian rebels gather as they engage government forces in Aleppo, Syria, Friday, Sept. Syrian rebels and residents of Aleppo struggled Saturday to contain a huge fire that destroyed parts of the city’s medieval souks, or markets, following raging battles between government troops and opposition fighters there, activists said. Some described the overnight blaze as the worst blow yet to a historic district that helped make the heart of Aleppo, Syria’s largest city and commercial hub, a UNESCO world heritage site. (AP Photo/Ugarit News via AP video) “That’s not a goal but it could be a feature, in order tohave accommodating conditions that support maximum employment,so that’s really very helpful,” Evans said. “We could even dothis as long as inflation was below 3 percent, because I thinksymmetry around the inflation target is incredibly important.” Also adding pressure are signs of increasing competition in the U.S.

Wireless industry. Verizon Wireless and AT&T Inc. Have long accounted for the bulk of the industry’s lucrative subscribers on contracts, net customer additions and profits.

But in recent months, smaller rivals Sprint Corp. And T-Mobile USA Inc. Have showed signs of becoming more formidable competitors. I’d like to open an account HPV vaccination “coverage for girls getting this anti-cancer vaccine has not increased at all from one year to the next.

Zero,” CDC Director Tom Frieden said in a telephone briefing Thursday. “We’re dropping the ball. We’re missing opportunities to give the HPV vaccine.

That needs to change to protect girls from cervical cancer.” Mr Hunt said many workers doubled as carers for people with dementia and, with the number of sufferers expected to rise from about 800,000 now to more than a million by the end of the decade, employers must help carers stay in work. All of this is disturbing. (Well, all of it except Putin’s decision to give Russian citizenship to right-wing wacko actor Gerard Depardieu, who’s trying to avoid paying French taxes – that was a gift to the French, who are well rid of him.) But what truly baffling are the details of the announced divorce of Putin and his wife, Lyudmila Putina. Apparently, the couple is parting ways because they just never saw each other.

When Martens began looking to join the SEC, he originallyapplied to run its Atlanta office, according to Robert Khuzami,who stepped down as the SEC’s director of enforcement in Januaryand joined Kirkland & Ellis last month. “That, to me, raises questions about the economicmotivations of the purchase. Is Shuanghui focused on acquiringSmithfield’s technology, which was developed with considerableassistance by U.S. Taxpayers?” Stabenow asked. What do you want to do when you’ve finished?

The euro zone’s largest economies, Germany and France,showed stronger than expected growth in the second quarter,helping the bloc post a first rise in seven quarters with slightly stronger than anticipated 0.3 percent growth on thequarter. “I don't buy a lot of British brands, but I do drink Twining's tea. I've heard of Jaguar and Burberry, but these brands are a bit too expensive for me,” admitted one male customer wandering around the fair. And earlier this month, it warned that the volume of calls at two of its larger contracts, North West and West Midlands, were 30-40% lower than contracted leading to lower income and leaving its whole 111 service “financially unsustainable”.

A pathologist with the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office, who performed the 2006 autopsy on Podolak, determined he died from chronic intoxication of ethylene glycol, the active chemical in antifreeze, over a period of time. Bullard said the best case for tapering rests on the performance of the job market since last September, when the Fed began its asset-buying effort. “Unemployment is down and jobs growth is up” and by this logic, “we got what we set out to get” and can thus begin to ease back on stimulus, he said. He said that making this argument is “simplistic” even as it’s consistent with the Fed’s stated goal. Is it convenient to talk at the moment?

The company on Thursday said its contract pipeline for thenext year was robust as customers become more willing to spendon large deals, and the business software maker added that itsAmericas business was “back to strength”. Dr Peter Gillett, of Edinburgh University's department of child life and health, said: “This study confirms a trend we have seen on a daily basis in our local area of Lothian, Fife and Borders. The PocketCAS is a free graphing calculator for Apple devices. For those familiar with Texas Instruments products, the features of the PocketCAS are comparable to the TI-89 model.

The app has the following mathematical capabilities: 2-D plots, 3-D plots, calculus, linear algebra and scripting to name just a few. The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, and the app is often updated with new features, graphs and bug fixes. If you are looking for a solid graphing calculator this semester, give this app a try before you spend money on an expensive physical calculator. (Free for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) Our altruistic inner selves should provide the motivation to behave in a caring manner, but in reality, most people are more motivated to behave by the threat of getting caught if they don’t. Franks serves lionfish as a special whenever her chef can get his gloved hands on them. South Florida fish mongers primarily offer lionfish during spiny lobster season, which runs August through March. The exotics swim into lobster traps and are pulled up by commercial fishermen.

I’m a member of a gym Communities are often infuriated when mega power or mining complexes are planned nearby, especially as many in economically stratified Chile feel the benefits of a copper bonanza have bypassed them while harming the environment. The federal government is also expected to promote the upcoming exchange with television or radio ads in Michigan. Another nonprofit group working closely with the Obama administration, Enroll America, is working in Michigan and already launched ads in other states. “I’m not going to speak for Geno or the coaches, but I’ll speak for myself,” he said when asked if he’s currently ahead. “I feel like I’m having a great camp; as I said, my arms feel good, my legs feel good, I feel strong, I feel accurate, I feel like I’m in command.

So I’ve just got to keep playing.” “Our primary focus is on preventing any future systemic failures. We will identify best practices and develop protocols and procedures to streamline and improve management and operations.” He intentionally hides his identity and real name, but verifies his works by featuring them on his website ( Banksy appeared in the 2010 Oscar-nominated documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop” with his face obscured and voice altered. A jiffy bag Soda has long been criticized for its high sugar concentration, something that many experts blame for causing adverse health conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular disease. And now, the sugary beverage may also play a role in a completely different area of health: human behavior. With its canals, bridges, waterways, palaces, winding back streets and fabulous art, Venice must be the most romantic spot on the planet for a short break.

This year, the Venice Biennale, which runs until November, brings an additional cultural dimension to the city. Shares were also boosted by Boeing Co., whichjumped 3.7 percent to $105.66 as an investigation of a fire thatbroke out on one of the company’s 787 Dreamliners did not blamethe plane’s batteries. Labour health spokesman Neil Findlay called on Mr Neil to reveal how the new system will be implemented and rolled out, how it will be monitored to ensure that guidelines are not ignored, and how it will avoid becoming “another postcode lottery”. Members of the office’s board, chaired by former CIA director Porter Goss, a Republican, and former Colorado Rep. David Skaggs, a Democrat, weed out clearly frivolous complaints submitted by members of the public.

It’s OK Kevin Kolb started the following weekend at Washington, but sustained a season-ending concussion during that game. The Bills were forced to scramble to address their depth at quarterback by signing free agent Matt Leinart and acquiring Thaddeus Lewis in a trade with Detroit. CHICAGO – Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers has pulled out of speaking engagements and other events involving Citigroup Inc while President Barack Obama considers whether to nominate the Harvard economist as the next chairman of the Federal Reserve, the bank said in a statement. The statistics come from a new Yale University study published online Monday in the journal Pediatrics, in which researchers surveyed 877 pregnant or parenting women in the New Haven, Conn., area.

The study sample included low-income women of African American and Hispanic background. “The objective for us was to show that, yes, there is this source of energy and, yes, you can harvest it,” Hamelers said. “Of course you need a lot more technological development before this is a system that can be practiced.” He was speaking to Reuters the day before it announced it sold 7.4 million Lumia phones in the second quarter, a 32 percent improvement from the first quarter but fewer than the market’s consensus forecast of 8.1 million units. Very interesting tale “The Conjuring,” produced for just under $20 million, starsVera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson as a couple who investigateparanormal activity inside a Rhode Island farmhouse. The moviefollowed the successful path of other inexpensive horror filmssuch as “Mama” and “The Purge” that grabbed big sales in theiropening weekends this year. A spokesman for the authority said payments to Mr Hone were “legal and contractual obligations”, saying: “We used a variety of incentives to recruit the best staff, who proved themselves by completing venues and infrastructure on time and under budget, in fact making savings of over £1 billion.

It expects to take those charges – for severance, “network simplification costs” and other expenses – over the remainder of this fiscal year, which ends March 1, 2014, and in the first quarter of fiscal 2015. It had previously said it would take a $100 million charge for the current fiscal year. The quality of this year’s crop appears to be good, and prices could be strong because the harvest in Quebec is expected to be down after frost and disease, said David Yarborough, blueberry specialist for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Instead, any threat is more likely to come from the right ifthey are too soft on spending.

The influential conservativegroup Club for Growth, headed by former Indiana Republicancongressman Chris Chocola, is watching their every vote. Not in at the moment Oracle said on Wednesday new software sales and Internet-based software subscriptions rose 4 percent to $1.7 billion in its fiscal first quarter which ended in August, in line with its own forecasts. Analysts on average had expected about $1.63 billion, Ives said. A micro venture capital firm known as I/O Capital, which had offered to pay $10,000 of the prize money, issued a press release late on Sunday saying that it would make its own determination about who won the contest.

The bank loan consists of a $350 million five-year revolvingcredit facility, a $3.2 billion term loan and a 750 million euroterm loan. Both term loans will mature in seven years and arecovenant-lite. Foreign mining companies, the assets of which had been expropriated under Mr Allende, were invited back into the country. State-owned companies were sold off.

The education and pension systems were privatised. The children, aged between eight and 11, fell ill soon after eating lunch in Gandamal village in Masrakh, 50 miles north of the state capital of Patna. School authorities immediately stopped serving the meal of rice, lentils, soybeans and potatoes as the children started vomiting. It’s a bad line Anderson edged Poliana Okimoto of Brazil in a sprint finish, clocking 56 minutes, 34.2 seconds, 0.02 ahead of Okimoto.

Another Brazilian, Ana Marcela Cunha, won a group sprint for third and finished 10.5 seconds behind. Alan Taylor was picked in the same category for “The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832,” and Lawrence Wright was named for “Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, & the Prison of Belief.” Three of Mellon’s guests went long on Twitter, ahead of the social network’s IPO, while Magnolia Petroleum, the Aim-listed oil and gas producer, was also tipped for big things over the next four months. After that, there’s even scope for a smart TV app, said Miller.

“There’s a need for a more tangible stream of content on screen and better way to navigate all that,” he said. “Maybe you come home from work and want a few minutes of content delivered to you rather than having to go to websites or filter thousands of tweets. Very much a lean-back experience.” At least 1.5 million people are thought to have lost their lives and more than four million were displaced in the ensuing 22 years of guerrilla warfare. Large numbers of South Sudanese fled the fighting, either to the north or to neighbouring countries, where many remain. Excellent work, Nice Design ITV won channel of the year, Beat the Crusher won the award for worst TV programme and Kevin Spacey won lots of generous applause for telling an audience of “TV creatives” that what matters are TV's creatives.

National Transportation Safety Board member Robert Sumwalt said the cockpit controls in the A300 aircraft appeared to be working before the crash, and they matched the positions of the airplane’s flaps and rudder. Variety film critic Justin Chang said that while Kutchercarried a physical resemblance to Jobs, “the illusion neverfully seizes to hold.” The Hollywood Reporter’s reviewer JustinLowe said Kutcher “goes beyond” the physical resemblance to Jobsto “faithfully re-create physical mannerisms.” Boeing said the repairs of the latest problem, to be carried out in Stockholm where the aircraft is parked, would take a matter of days. That is much better than with the 787’s volatile battery system, which grounded the worldwide fleet of Dreamliners from mid-January through late April. Rodney King, whose videotaped beating by cops became a symbol of police brutality and ultimately sparked the 1992 Los Angeles riots, was busted for driving under the influence. Cops watched King, 46, commit ‘several traffic violations’ while behind the wheel of a 1994 Mitsubishi before pulling him over in Moreno Valley, Calif., police said. King was arrested and booked on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Cops said it wasn’t clear whether King was drunk or high on drugs. In 1991, King was viciously beaten by Los Angeles police officers after a high-speed chase through the San Fernando Valley, leaving him with skull fractures and brain damage.

How do you know each other? Lawrence Lustberg, a New Jersey defense lawyer, said any systematic government effort to conceal the circumstances under which cases begin “would not only be alarming but pretty blatantly unconstitutional.” Many medical users and producers of marijuana feared that passage of the last year’s ballot initiative, I-502, would lead to a crackdown on drivers who used pot and pressure lawmakers to create stricter rules and higher taxes for a medical industry that currently has little state oversight. This is a type of cookie which is collected by Adobe Flash media player (it is also called a Local Shared Object) – a piece of software you may already have on your electronic device to help you watch online videos and listen to podcasts. The communications regulator will allow a network of Earth Stations on Mobile Platforms [ESOMPs] that are capable of providing connections that are up to 10 times the speed of those currently available to travellers. Chinese companies such as Huawei Technologies Co, Lenovo Group Ltd and China Wireless Technologies Ltd’s Coolpad, among the top five Chinese handset makers, are trying to secure a foothold in the United States while dipping their toe into markets in Russia, Brazil and Latin America, said Melissa Chau, senior analyst for the Asia Pacific region at research firm IDC. A staff restaurant He says: “If a fair trial is to take place, the jury (and for some limited purposes the judge) must be able to assess the credibility of the witnesses – to judge how they react to being questioned.

Particularly, though by no means exclusively during cross-examination. Schapiro had pushed reforms for funds, saying they remainedvulnerable to runs like one in 2008 when investors yanked moneyfrom the Reserve Primary Fund. The run on that fund, which hadheavy exposure to collapsed investment bank Lehman Brothers,pushed its net asset value below $1 a share.

It was the firstmoney-market fund in years to “break the buck.” Mel Gibson chose a mug shot over the red carpet. The star of Jodie Foster’s latest flick ‘The Beaver’ skipped the film’s Texas premiere and instead walked into an El Segundo, Calif. Police station shortly before 9:30 p.m. On March 17 for formal booking on a misdemeanor battery charge. The actor was arrested, photographed, fingerprinted and released. A week earlier, Gibson accepted a no-jail plea bargain to end the criminal probe into claims he assaulted his ex-lover Oksana Grigorieva during a heated argument at his Malibu home last year.

He pleaded no contest and received three years probation, a year of mandatory counseling and 16 hours of community service. But this isn’t Gibson’s first run in with the law The shareholder, Hayes, who has sued Activision, Vivendi andthe investor group, claimed that the deal should not becompleted as it was not subject to a majority vote ofActivision’s stockholders excluding majority owner Vivendi andits affiliates.

Lower quality bonds would have an even higher wipe-out”trigger” of around 10.5 percent to help bring a bank’s capitallevel back up to minimum levels and shield taxpayers from havingto bailout out lenders, as occurred in the financial crisis. I like it a lot The statement said that the hope now is that the Geneva-based World Health Organization (WHO) may recommend the use of the RTS,S vaccine from as early as 2015 if EMA drugs regulators back its licence application. Beau Biden, who suffered a mild stroke in 2010, is undergoing treatment at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston after becoming weak and disoriented last week while on vacation in Indiana. MADRID, July 12 (Reuters) – An overhaul of the Spanishenergy sector aimed at plugging a widening gap between regulatedpower prices and generation costs will hit companies andconsumers hard but protect the state’s strained budget. Among the revelations in court was an email from Hope, whopulled out of the case earlier this year, to her mothercomplaining about being “down to my last $60,000”. Youngersister Ginia, 27, who has sided with her mother in the dispute,told Hope in another email to “just take the 300 million dollarsmum has repeatedly offered you and walk away.” New Street analyst Jonathan Chaplin said earlier this monththat after meeting with Sprint management, he now expects aSprint network revamp to take longer and come with “significant”additional expenses.

Do you know the address? Since the government spending cuts known as the sequester took effect this year, federal-agency budgets have faced pressure. If the hits on CGI continue, some of its competitors are likely to start circling the company’s more lucrative contracting opportunities, observers said. Assad’s cards reflect the benefit of his liability–chemical weapons. This is the instrument of international unification. This will be the way to turn the tides, when the inspectors in Syria come under a rebel attack.

This will warrant the eradication, not away driving, but erasure of the other chemical imbalance threat plaguing Syria and several other ME, African, and former Soviet masses of land. I’m completely compassionate for cause and reason but taking innocent life is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE. These things occurred prior to the year 0(zero) but after year zero they were cancelled. Perhaps mohammer reinstated them, yet he had no authority to do so. The crazy muzzies gotta rehab for them He asked the House and Senate to reinstate the ban on military-style assault weapons, which lapsed in 2004. He sought to close loopholes allowing many private purchasers to buy firearms without so much as a background check. To inform that debate, we need to see stories flushing outthe arguments, sizing up the key players on both sides, andexploring how tricky the politics of all this can be.

(CanGoogle or Facebook deplore NSA tracking while fighting for thefreedom to do their own tracking?) Most important, we need somegood analyses of how tightened restrictions on tracking willaffect our economy and some of our most celebrated enterprises. This is the best weather I’ve ever seen here in Cuernavaca. Light rain on and off during the day. Rain all night.

Rain when waking up at 08:00. No thunderstorms. Everything bright green. All this at 22 degrees Celsius. Absolutely bliss. I go out walking. It’s paradise.

I love this site Ted Baker is a fictitious character, but Ray Kelvin, a Londoner, is probably the nearest living person to that character. The company has succeeded not despite his unique style, but because of it. His quirkiness, passion and rebellious style runs through everything that Ted Baker does.

The world’s three biggest shipping firms – A.P.Moller-Maersk’s Maersk Line unit, Switzerland-basedMSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A., and France’s CMA CGM – announced plans in June to share 255 ships and cut costs. O’Connor, who once famously tore up a picture of Pope John Paul II on Saturday Night Live, declaring “Fight the real enemy!”, said she was worried the former child TV star was being exploited in her latest video of the song “Wrecking Ball”. While the action will take place some 5,000 miles from Florida, the state’s ties are strong: Carnival Corp., with headquarters in Doral, owns Italian cruise operator Costa Cruises. And Titan Salvage, one of the two firms awarded the contract for the salvage job, is based in Pompano Beach. The company is working with Italian marine contractor Micoperi. In 1980, only months after Anthony Blunt’s exposure as the so-called fourth man in the Cambridge spy ring, Julian Mitchell sat down to write Another Country. The play told of how, in the ruthless hierarchy of an English boarding school, a homosexual teenager incubates a terrible vengeance against an Establishment he comes to regard as an enemy.

It was about sex and class and it hummed with newsworthiness. And yet no theatrical management would touch it. The RSC, the Royal Court and the National said no, as did every West End producer.

I’m sorry, I’m not interested Earlier this week Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthereferred to the “the super-exploitation of unskilled workers”through an “archaic migrant labour system” and companies nowroutinely refer to it as a blight in their annual reports. The president was now ready to address the outside world – the United States in particular. His decision to grant his first major interview to NBC, a mainstream US news organisation, shows the focus of his diplomatic efforts. * American and British authorities moved a step further onWednesday in their investigation into the manipulation of thebenchmark interest rate known as Libor, fining the Britishfinancial firm ICAP Plc a combined $87 million for itsrole.

() High costs have undone other long-haul carriers. Britain’sLaker Airways, for example, flew between points in the UK andthe USA but went bankrupt in 1982. Hong Kong’s Oasis flew toLondon and Vancouver, but it was grounded in 2008 after twoyears of massive losses. * Weak reaction to important new Microsoft Corp products rarely discourages the company – instead, it usuallytweaks the products over and over. So it goes with the Surface,Microsoft’s poorly selling answer to the iPad. On Monday,Microsoft introduced a second generation of Surface tablets withonly subtle adjustments from the originals, a sign that thecompany still believes in its vision of devices that blend thebenefits of tablets and laptop computers.

Accountant supermarket manager Pai, one of several small towns and villages scattered throughout the mountains of northern Thailand, is a pretty, off-the-beaten-track outpost. It boasts a laid-back lifestyle, welcoming residents, some of the finest scenery to be found anywhere in Southeast Asia and an unbeatably low cost of living. This is one of the most affordable places in the world to enjoy a rich, full and comfortable retirement. POLICE WILL RECORD ‘CURB-SITTING’ STOPS: SAN JOSE (AP) — Police in San Jose will record the race of every person they stop and question on the street under a new policy that supporters say could finally determine whether officers are racially profiling.

The San Jose Mercury News says police by year’s end will be following a new policy that requires them to record detailed information about so-called “curb sitting” detentions — whether or not an arrest is made. Such information has long been required when officers stop people in cars.

When kids pick out their own clothes, though, it can get expensive. According to Capital One’s annual back-to-school survey, parents care more about price, while teens, not surprisingly, care more about style and appearance. Parents want to shop at discount stores, while teens want to buy from department stores.

Khalfani-Cox urges parents to stick with their instincts on this one: “Don’t get caught up with brand,” she warns. “You can make kids see that the $30 jeans from a discount place is just as cute as $100 jeans from a boutique place.” MILAN, Oct 11 (Reuters) – Alitalia, the Italian nationalairline that has made a profit only a few times in its 67-yearhistory, once again risks collapsing as the government scramblesto find investors willing to rescue its problem child. A top aide to Anthony Weiner’s campaign lashed out at a former campaign intern with a stream of crude slurs for women after the ex-intern wrote a tell-all story about her experience in a New York newspaper. Have you got a telephone directory? A senior U.S.

Official said after the meeting that Iran had proposed fully implementing an agreement on its nuclear program within a year. The official added that while Zarif had offered suggestions, “there is a lot more to understand.” European and U.S. Lenders such as Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank have set aside money to cover the cost of any losses arising from the dispute with the Federal Housing Finance Agency but estimates vary widely.

The Senate, as expected, passed on Friday a straight-forward emergency-funding measure to keep the government running through November 15, after stripping out Republican language to end funding for the 2010 healthcare law known as Obamacare. The court, in the northern port city of Murmansk, hasalready denied bail to four Russians held for the Sept. 18protest in which a Greenpeace ship was boarded by securityforces close to an oil rig in the Arctic. “The inability to provide a diaper increases the stress levels of mothers incredibly,” she said.

“An irritable baby is hard to soothe, and this can affect bonding” and a mother’s ability to cope with postpartum depression, she added. I’m a member of a gym Cyber criminals have used Zeus to infect hundreds ofmillions of PCs since the virus first surfaced more than fiveyears ago, according to Don Jackson, a senior securityresearcher with Dell SecureWorks. This lack of transparency meant the company “exploited its quasi-monopoly position” to limit access to both the wholesale and retail market “to the detriment of the consumer”, concluded the report.

Then there’s the ever-important operating system. Amazon’s finally put a name to its user friendly Android skin, dubbed Fire OS 3.0 “Mojito,” which runs over Android 4.2.2. Amazon takes user friendly design one step further with its new Mayday feature. Tap the Mayday button and you’ll be able to chat with a real live Amazon expert who can help you with all your tablet issues. Apple’s always had its retail stores and in-person support, but getting some of those benefits right from the comfort of your own home could be a big selling point for the tech-averse.

Check it out in action in the video below. This advice applies equally to big and small schools. You will find large schools with moribund research programs in some fields and small schools with a long list of recent publications from a vibrant community of scholars.

In JPMorgan’s case, bankers say that the loss within the Chief Investment Unit (CIO) has also given regulators the ammunition to call for sweeping changes across the organization, not only in the area of the bank where the controls broke down. I’d like to open a business account Champion died in Orlando in November 2011 after he collapsed from what prosecutors call a savage beating during a hazing ritual. It happened on a bus parked in a hotel parking lot after FAMU's final football game that season. While the Kremlin played down any bilateral friction, Obama administration officials and top lawmakers suggested it would not be business as usual now that Russia has given Snowden a year’s asylum and allowed him to leave Moscow’s airport after more than five weeks in limbo. Even supermodels like Heidi Klum deserve a little R&R! The “Project Runway” host — and mother of FOUR — showed off her incredibly fit figure in a Twitter snapshot she shared with her nearly one million followers. Relaxation!” she wrote.

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Driven Sports has blamed questions raised about Craze on a “smear campaign” by competitors in the supplement industry who have also released test results finding amphetamine-like compounds in the product. “We found that an emotionally close grandparent adult-grandchild relationship was associated with fewer symptoms of depression for both generations. The greater emotional support grandparents and adult grandchildren received from one another, the better their psychological health,” the researchers from Boston College said.

The average fixed rate on a 30-year mortgage was 4.57 percent last week. That’s near the highest level in two years.

Still, rates remain low by historical standards. And most economists expect the housing recovery to withstand the increase in borrowing costs. Lee’s father Lee Hoi-chuen was a famous Cantonese opera star. Because of this, Lee was introduced into the industry at a very young age appearing in several films as a child.

By the time he was 18, he had starred in 20 movies – his most popular, the worldwide blockbuster ‘Enter the Dragon’, which was released six days after his death in 1973. Jeantel had used what de la Rionda called “colorful language,” such as when she quoted Martin as referring to Zimmerman, who is white and Hispanic, as a “creepy ass cracker.” She also testified that Martin told Zimmerman to “get off,” suggesting Zimmerman initiated the confrontation. I’d like some euros This is a type of cookie which is collected by Adobe Flash media player (it is also called a Local Shared Object) – a piece of software you may already have on your electronic device to help you watch online videos and listen to podcasts. In a late Friday statement, the pro-Morsi camp said it has used creative new ways to keep up its protest against the military coup. It called on supporters to keep up protests next week and said the arrest campaign “will only increase the persistence and cohesion” of its members.

Dewhurst spokesman Travis Considine said in a statement, “David acted as a concerned family member in an attempt to acquire information on how to post bail for his niece while reiterating multiple times in the full conversation that law-enforcement follow their normal protocols and procedures.” Bryant should have birdied the first seven holes. He rolled in a perfectly paced 20-foot putt that broke right to left at the par-4 second hole, hit his tee shot to 8 feet at No. 4, then made a superlative save at the par-5 fifth hole, blasting out of a greenside bunker to 3 feet from the flag. In 2011, Glover started using a heart rate monitor and otherelectronic gadgets (as well as free apps like NoomCardioTrainer, Google MyTracks, MapMyRun, RunKeeper, andMapMyFitness) to help him achieve his weight loss goal. This is be cool 8) Dr Christian Milla, global head of the Medical Division and director of operations for France, said CROMSOURCE had been stepping up its activities in the market year on year and expected further growth in the future. It’s not as though he is trying to tamp down on war fever.

The bipartisan resistance to his attempt to draw the nation into military action in Syria after the Damascus government used deadly nerve gas against its own people is proof enough of that. There is something else going on, something that no one as yet can fathom. “We are also appalled to learn that CBS is now punishingDIRECTV customers, who may happen to have Time Warner as theirInternet provider, by denying them access to CBS contentonline,” the company said, saying the efforts of contentcompanies to extract “outrageous fees” from distributors mayhave reached “a new low.” The prime-time address underscored the extent to which the president is stuck in a box he constructed. It capped an extraordinary 10-day span during which Obama tested the limits of his own powers of persuasion — and then found them, promptly and uncomfortably. As one of only two Americans (and the only golfer among the world’s top 10) starting this week in Scotland, Mickelson believes navigating a similar landscape can only help his chances at Muirfield.

I like watching football Instead of solving math problems or doing English homework, as administrators envisioned, more than 300 Los Angeles Unified School District students promptly cracked the security settings and started tweeting, posting to Facebook and playing video games. An official Israeli assessment said Iran now had centrifugesfor quickly turning low-enriched uranium into nuclear bomb fuel,putting it on a fast track to nuclear arms even if it gave upuranium of mid-level purity – previously Israel’s goal. “It gives her a chance to work on important, discreet issues,” said David Axelrod, President Barack Obama’s longtime adviser.

“She would be wise, however, to stay out of the updraft of the Washington tizzies du jour for as long as possible. It is a mixmaster that grinds you down.” In almost every case, the agency said, “an engineeroperates and a conductor manages a train, calling out signalsand keeping inventory of its cargo.” The agency, however, saidit does not have specific rules about crew size. Yet few people really believe that will work – they don’t like staying still – so they chase active managers or pick stocks themselves, usually buying and selling at the wrong times. They deceive themselves into thinking that they can outwit the smartest managers in the world and their costs won’t sink them.

Good material thanks “A foreign strategic investor would certainly have to consider some very significant regulatory issues, including domestic and foreign antitrust concerns Some foreign investors might also have to address national security concerns,” Bhattacharjee said. The ability to travel to different customers and venues without paying for permanent locations was the key to success for a more established fashion truck in Los Angeles, where mobile boutiques are more common. “It seems that the government is back to its old routine after the past couple of weeks of taking a defensive posture from a U.S. Strike,” said one resident of central Damascus, who opposes Assad.

She heard jets overhead and artillery in action. If the Justice Department persuades a judge to agree, itwill have scuttled an $11 billion deal intended to create theworld’s largest airline. The government argued that the mergerwould reduce competition for commercial air travel in localmarkets throughout the United States and cause passengers to payhigher airfares and receive less service. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” that she doesn’t know how many people have enrolled but “hundreds of thousands of accounts” have been created on the federal site,

• $316 million (gross) • $267.4 million (net) Box office $1.405 billion Avengers: Age of Ultron is a 2015 American based on the superhero team the, produced by and distributed. It is the sequel to 2012's and in the (MCU). The film was written and directed by and features an that includes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Avengers fight, an artificial intelligence obsessed with causing human extinction.

The sequel was announced in May 2012, after the successful release of The Avengers. Whedon, the director of the first film, was brought back on board in August and a release date was set. By April 2013, Whedon had completed a draft of the script, and casting began in June with the re-signing of Downey. Filming began in February 2014 in with taking place between March and August 2014. The film was primarily shot at in,, with additional footage filmed in,,,, and various locations around England. While in, the film was converted to and over 3,000 shots were added. Avengers: Age of Ultron premiered in Los Angeles on April 13, 2015, and was released on May 1, 2015, in North America, in 3D and.

The film received generally positive reviews from critics and grossed over $1.4 billion worldwide, making it the and the. A sequel,, is scheduled to be released on May 4, 2018, and is scheduled for May 3, 2019. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Plot [ ] In the country of Sokovia, the —,,,,, and —raid a facility commanded by Baron, who has been experimenting on humans using the scepter previously wielded. They encounter two of Strucker's test subjects—twins, who has superhuman speed, and, who can manipulate minds and project energy—and apprehend Strucker, while Stark retrieves Loki's scepter. Stark and Banner discover an within the scepter's gem, and secretly decide to use it to complete Stark's ' global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron, believing he must eradicate humanity to save Earth, eliminates Stark's A.I. And attacks the Avengers.

Escaping with the scepter, Ultron uses the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. Having killed Strucker, he recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his company's weapons, and goes to the base of arms dealer to obtain.

The Avengers attack Ultron and the Maximoffs, but Wanda subdues them with haunting visions, causing the Hulk (Banner) to rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor. A worldwide backlash over the resulting destruction, and the fears Wanda's hallucinations incited, send the team into hiding at a safe house. Thor departs to consult with Dr. On the meaning of the apocalyptic future he saw in his hallucination, while Romanoff and Banner plan to flee together after realizing a mutual attraction. However, arrives and encourages the team to form a plan to stop Ultron. In, Ultron forces the team's friend Dr. Helen Cho to use her synthetic-tissue technology, together with vibranium and the scepter's gem, to perfect a new body for him.

As Ultron uploads himself into the body, Wanda is able to read his mind; discovering his plan for human extinction, the Maximoffs turn against Ultron. Rogers, Romanoff, and Barton find Ultron and retrieve the synthetic body, but Ultron captures Romanoff.

The Avengers fight amongst themselves when Stark secretly uploads J.A.R.V.I.S.—who is still operational after hiding from Ultron inside the Internet—into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, explaining that the gem on its brow—one of the six, the most powerful objects in existence—was part of his vision. This ' and the Maximoffs accompany the Avengers to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift a large part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. Banner rescues Romanoff, who awakens the Hulk for the battle. The Avengers fight Ultron's army while Fury arrives in a with, and agents to evacuate civilians.

Pietro dies when he shields Barton from gunfire, and a vengeful Wanda abandons her post to destroy Ultron's primary body, which allows one of his drones to activate the machine. The city plummets, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and shatter the landmass.

In the aftermath, the Hulk, unwilling to endanger Romanoff by being with her, departs in a, while the Vision confronts Ultron's last remaining body. Later, with the Avengers having established a new base run by Fury, Hill, Cho, and Selvig, Thor returns to to learn more about the forces he suspects have manipulated recent events. As Stark leaves and Barton retires, Rogers and Romanoff prepare to train new Avengers: Rhodes, the Vision,, and Wanda.

In a,, dissatisfied by the failures of his pawns, dons a gauntlet and vows to retrieve the Infinity Stones himself. The of the, who is a self-described genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist with of his own invention. On how his character evolves after the events of, Downey said, 'I think he realizes that tweaking and making all the suits in the world—which is what he has been doing—still didn't work for that thing of his tour of duty that left him a little. So his focus is more on how can we make it so that there's no problem to begin with. That, you know, there's a bouncer at our planet's rope. That's the big idea.'

An Avenger and the of, based on the deity of the. Regarding Thor's place in the film, Hemsworth stated that as Thor has remained on Earth since, and has begun to feel at home here, he considers Ultron's threat a personal attack. Hemsworth stated that he had to work harder to bring new elements to the character to avoid repeating himself saying, 'It gave us room to kind of make him a little more grounded and human and have him in some civilian clothes and mixing it up at a party.' Hemsworth noted that Thor's motivations in this film were completely different, as it was the first MCU film where he did not play against 's character of. An Avenger and a genius scientist who, because of exposure to, transforms into a monster when enraged or agitated.

To prepare for the role, Ruffalo worked with performer '. He stated that his character had grown since the previous film and was 'a bit more complex'. Ruffalo explained that a confrontation is brewing between Banner and the Hulk saying, 'There's a very cool thing happening: Hulk is as afraid of Banner as Banner is afraid of Hulk.

And they have got to come to peace somehow with each other.' While filming in, Ruffalo said that Whedon still had not given him any of the Hulk's lines. Whedon later explained that he writes the Hulk's dialogue spontaneously, saying, 'What makes the Hulk so hard to write is that you're pretending he's a werewolf when he's a superhero. You want it vice versa. So the question is, how has he progressed? How can we bring changes on what the Hulk does?

And that's not just in the screenplay, that's moment to moment.' The leader of the Avengers and a veteran, who was enhanced to the peak of human physicality by an experimental serum and frozen in suspended animation before waking up in the modern world. Evans stated that since the fall of in, Rogers has been left to depend on his Avenger teammates without the structure of military life and is now 'looking to understand where he belongs, not just as a soldier, as Captain America, but as Steve Rogers, as a person.' Evans said that he was able to maintain the strength he built up for Captain America: The Winter Soldier by working out up to an hour a day. Regarding Captain America's fighting style, Evans felt he did not want to take a step back from the skills shown in The Winter Soldier, making sure Rogers' fight style advanced, showing 'a consistent display of strength' and having Rogers utilizing his environment.

An Avenger who formerly worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. As a highly trained spy.

Producer stated that more of the character's backstory is explored in the film. Johansson elaborated, 'In Avengers 2 we go back. We definitely learn more about Widow's backstory, and we get to find out how she became the person you see. All of these characters have deep, dark pasts, and I think that the past catches up to some of us a little bit.'

Regarding where the film picks up Widow's story, Johansson felt it was a continuation of what was seen for her character in The Winter Soldier, with the fact that '[Widow] never made an active choice. [She's] a product of other people's imposition.'

That's going to catch up with her. That's bound to have a huge effect. There's got to be a result of that realization. You'll see her actively making some choices in her life, for better or worse.' A mixture of close-ups, concealing costumes, stunt doubles and visual effects were used to help hide Johansson's pregnancy during filming.

An Avenger and master who previously worked as an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. Whedon said that Hawkeye interacts more with the other characters in the film, as opposed to the first film where the character had been 'possessed pretty early by a bad guy and had to walk around all scowly.' As the character did not appear in any other of Marvel's, Whedon stated Age of Ultron sheds light on to what the character was doing since the end of The Avengers. Renner described the character as 'kind of a loner' and 'a team player only 'cause he sort of has to be.

He's not really a company man. Captain America can be that guy. In [ Age of Ultron] you'll understand why [Hawkeye] thinks the way he thinks.' • as: An officer in the and Tony Stark's close personal friend who operates the War Machine armor. The twin brother of the Scarlet Witch, who can move.

Taylor-Johnson felt Pietro was defined by the fact that he and his sister were abandoned by their family, and they both had to grow up 'in Eastern Europe defending and looking out for themselves and each other,' that they both look to the other for guidance. Taylor-Johnson also said that Quicksilver was 'very overprotective' of Scarlet Witch and has 'real anger frustration', which results in him being easily bored because of a short attention span. Feige stated exploring Quicksilver's relationship with his sister and his backstory growing up in Eastern Europe would help differentiate the character from ' version in (2014). Taylor-Johnson stated that the running style for Quicksilver went through multiple iterations, saying, 'The running style we tested early on was just very one-dimensional and boring to look at, but if you try to do free running, like parkour, then that's very much Captain America's style. You have to find your own place in the stunt world.'

Much of Taylor-Johnson's scenes were filmed outdoors to give 'life' to his running, as opposed to running indoors in front of a green screen. The twin sister of Quicksilver, who can engage in and. Olsen felt Wanda was 'overly stimulated' rather than 'mentally insane' because 'she has such a vast amount of knowledge that she's unable to learn how to control it. No one taught her how to control it properly. She can connect to this world and parallel worlds at the same time, and parallel times.' Describing her character's mind control powers, Olsen said that the character is able to do more than manipulating someone's mind, with Scarlet Witch able to 'feel and see what they feel and see' by projecting visions that they have never seen.

Olsen expanded saying, 'What I love about her is that, in so many superhero films, emotions are kind of negated a bit, but for her everything that someone else could feel—like their weakest moments—she physically goes through that same experience with them, which is pretty cool.' Olsen drew on her relationship with her older brother and her to prepare for the role, as well as looking to the comics for inspiration. Olsen revealed that Whedon was inspired by dancers as a way to visually represent how the character moves. As such, Olsen mostly trained with a dancer in lieu of traditional stunt training. Olsen is signed for this film and another. Bettany, who voiced J.A.R.V.I.S., Stark's companion in previous films, was cast again as the Vision, an created by Ultron.

Bettany stated that he was surprised when Whedon asked him if he wanted to be the Vision because once an actor has been cast as a particular character in the MCU, they usually are not cast as another. On what intrigued him about the Vision, Bettany said, 'The thing that appealed to me is that this sort of nascent creature being born, being both omnipotent and totally naive, the sort of danger of that and complex nature of a thing being born that is that powerful and that created in a second and the choices he makes morally are really complex and interesting. They've really managed to maintain all of that'. Bettany also stated that the Vision feels paternal and protective to a number of people in the film, particularly Scarlet Witch, and has the ability to change his density. Bettany did wire work for the part. Whedon stated he wanted to include the Vision in a second Avengers film before he signed onto the first film.

Bettany's make-up, which consisted of a mix of and prosthetics, took two hours to apply with make-up artists Jeremy Woodhead and Nik Williams citing the correct hue of the Vision's skin as the hardest thing to figure out. A former high-ranking S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent who now works for Stark. Describing Hill's situation in the film, Smulders said that after The Winter Soldier, Hill does not 'really know who's a good guy and who's a bad guy and she's trying to figure out that throughout this film.' She added, 'She's not getting any sleep. She's doing all the work.

She doesn't have the kind of manpower that she had in S.H.I.E.L.D.,' instead working for Tony Stark at the Avenger's headquarters 'trying to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. It's an entirely different vibe for her.' A former trained by the military in aerial combat using a specially designed wing pack and a friend of Steve Rogers. Discussing the relationship between Wilson and Rogers, Mackie said that the two characters have a mutual 'soldier respect', which is explored in the film and in.

Feige said that it was decided to reshoot the final scene of the film to incorporate the new Falcon suit designed for, which was released after Age of Ultron, as Falcon was originally shot in his original suit from The Winter Soldier. Mackie stated he did not realize Wilson had become an Avenger until he watched the film at the premiere, as he was only given the script for the scenes he worked on.

• as: A retired officer with the Strategic Scientific Reserve and a co-founder of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is a former love interest of Steve Rogers. • as: The all-seeing, all-hearing Asgardian sentry of the, based on the mythological deity of the. An repurposed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner for a pilot peace program that is overwhelmed with a, and now desires to pacify the Earth by eradicating humanity. Director Joss Whedon stated that Spader was his 'first and only choice' for the role, because of his 'hypnotic voice that can be eerily calm and compelling' while also being very human and humorous. Feige clarified that Spader's face and body were 'to create a whole performance.

We did not hire James Spader to do a robot voice.' Extensive scans were taken of Spader's head and body in preparation for the role. About the character Whedon said, 'He's always trying to destroy the Avengers, goddamn it, he's got a bee in his bonnet. He's not a happy guy, which means he's an interesting guy. He's got pain. And the way that manifests is not going to be standard robot stuff.' Whedon added that Ultron is 'not a creature of logic—he's a robot who's genuinely disturbed.

We're finding out what makes him menacing and at the same time endearing and funny and strange and unexpected, and everything a robot never is.' Whedon compared Ultron to, saying, 'It's our new myth [.] We create something in our own image and the thing turns on us. It has that pain of 'Well, why was I made? I want to kill Daddy.' ' Spader called the character 'self-absorbed' and added, 'I think he sees the Avengers as being part of a problem, a more comprehensive problem in the world. He sees the world from a very strange, [biblical] point of view because he's brand new, he's very young. He's immature, and yet has knowledge of comprehensive, broad history and precedent, and he has created in a very short period of time a rather skewed worldview.'

Spader elaborates, 'He truly is an artificial intelligence with absolutely no censorship at all, no parameters really he’s got too much power, too much strength and speed and size, so he’s a very dangerous child.' The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Who originally recruited the Avengers and continues to be a mentor and leader for the team. Jackson described the role as a cameo, saying, 'I'm just kind of passing by there. Because, it's another one of those 'people who have powers fighting people who have powers'. That's why I didn't get to New York in The Avengers. There's not a lot I could do except shoot a gun.'

And reprise their roles as Baron and Dr. List, leaders who specialize in human experimentation, advanced robotics, and artificial intelligence from. Portrays, Hawkeye's wife. Portrays, a world-renowned geneticist who helps the Avengers from her office in Seoul, and portrays, a black-market arms dealer, smuggler and gangster who is a former acquaintance from Stark's weapons-dealing days. Appears as Madame B., who mentored Black Widow into becoming an assassin. Voices the artificial intelligence, a replacement for J.A.R.V.I.S., while Spader also voices Stark's Iron Legion droids.

Makes an uncredited appearance during the mid-credits scene as, reprising his role from. Avengers co-creator makes a cameo appearance in the film as a military veteran who attends the Avengers' victory party. Was to reprise his role of Loki, but his scenes did not make the theatrical cut of the film. Production [ ] Development [ ]. 'I have to make my movie assuming that people will only have seen the first one, or possibly not even seen the first one.

Download Steinberg Wavelab Studio Plugins. I can't assume that everybody went to see,, and in-between. I have to go from one movie to the next and be true to what's happened, but not be slavish to it. The model I'm always trying to build from, my guiding star, is where a ton has happened in-between and it's a very different movie [from ], but you don't need any information: it's there in the film.' —Joss Whedon, director of Avengers: Age of Ultron, on balancing the film's accessibility and continuity. In October 2011,, president of said the studio was beginning to look at their films, which would start with Iron Man 3 and would culminate in a second Avengers film. In March 2012,, director of, stated that he would want a sequel to be 'smaller.

More personal. More painful. By being the next thing that should happen to these characters, and not just a rehash of what seemed to work the first time. By having a theme that is completely fresh and organic to itself.' Despite the production of the film becoming increasingly wider in scope, Feige maintained that this was not their intention, always looking to see where the team wanted to take the characters, over how to make it bigger than The Avengers. At the premiere of The Avengers, Feige said the studio had an for Whedon to return as director. In May 2012, after the successful release of the first film, CEO announced a sequel was in development.

Most of the film's cast members were under contract to potentially appear in the sequel; however, was not, as his four-picture deal with Marvel expired after Iron Man 3. At the 2012, Whedon said he was undecided about directing. However, in August 2012, Iger announced that Whedon would return to write and direct the sequel and develop the Marvel television series,, for. Later in the month, Disney set a May 1, 2015 release date. When asked about his decision to return, Whedon said, ' Avengers 2, it wasn't a tough decision.

For a long time I thought, 'Well, it's just not going to happen.' Then when I actually started to consider it, it became so clear that I desperately wanted to say more about these characters, it would've been an easy no and it was a spectacularly easy yes. There was no wrestling.' Whedon said that they intended for the film's production to not be as rushed as the first one.

In December 2012, Whedon stated that he had completed an outline for the film. In February, at the 2013, Whedon said that death would play a theme in the sequel, and in March, he said that he looked to and The Godfather Part II as inspirations. Feige revealed that, who is scheduled to appear in her, appeared in an early draft of the screenplay, but was removed since the character had not yet been cast, saying, 'It didn't feel like the time. We didn't want to introduce her fully formed flying in a costume before you knew who she was or how she came to be.' Whedon went so far as to shoot visual effects plates for Captain Marvel to fly into Avengers Tower at the end of the film; those shots were reused, however, for Scarlet Witch instead.

Feige also revealed that an early draft of the script had Hulk's Quinjet detected near Saturn at the end of the film, but it was finally decided to keep it Earth-based and leave his fate ambiguous in order to dispel rumors that a film based on the ' comic storyline was in development, which Marvel Studios had no plans to adapt at the time. Marvel would later decide to adapt 'Planet Hulk' for the film, in which the Hulk does end up leaving Earth. Pre-production [ ] By April 2013, filming was scheduled to begin in early 2014 at in. At the Hollywood premiere of Iron Man 3, Whedon said that he had completed a draft of the script, started the process, and met with actors. Whedon also mentioned that he wrote with Downey in mind and included a 'brother/sister act' from the comic books, later confirming that he was referring to and. Whedon explained his rationale for including the characters in the film saying, 'their powers are very visually interesting.

One of the problems I had on the first one was everybody basically had punchy powers [Quicksilver]'s got super speed. [Scarlet Witch] can weave spells and a little telekinesis, get inside your head. There's good stuff that they can do that will help sort of keep it fresh,' though cautioned he was not throwing in more characters for the sake of doing that. Whedon stated that the twins allowed him to add more conflict: 'They don't like America, and they don't like the Avengers The Avengers are like a world power, and not everybody's on board with the Avengers coming in and starting fights, even in the name of justice.

So you need that dissenting voice, and you need to understand it and sympathize with it.' Because Marvel Studios shares the film rights to Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch with and had to avoid conflict with Fox's, Whedon introduced two important characters into the Marvel Cinematic Universe completely on his terms for the first time, which allowed him to connect their origin stories to the universe that they created and avoid the concept of. Whedon relished at the storytelling opportunities by introducing a character with telepathic powers, explaining, 'it meant we could spend a little time inside the Avengers' heads—either their past or their impressions of what's going on, or their fears, or all of the above.' By May, Downey had entered negotiations to extend his contract with Marvel Studios and reprise his role as Iron Man in the film.

A month later, Downey signed on to return for the then-untitled Avengers sequel, as well as a third Avengers film. Whedon promoting the film at the 2013 At the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International, Whedon announced the film would be subtitled Age of Ultron. Despite the subtitle, the film is not based on the 2013 comic book miniseries. Feige explained that they simply liked the title Age of Ultron but the plot was taken from decades of Avengers story arcs.

Whedon added that Ultron's origin would differ from his comics roots, and that would not be involved with Ultron's creation. Whedon disclosed that had rights to the character first through his inclusion in, which was already in development.

He also thought that Ultron needed to be conceived through the Avengers and since they already had Tony Stark and Bruce Banner on the team, it would not make sense to bring in a third scientist. Whedon also said the film would have a darker tone due to Ultron's involvement. The title of the film came as a surprise to many fans who were expecting, the mastermind behind the events of the first film, to be the main villain in the sequel, with Whedon saying, 'Thanos was never meant to be the next villain. He's always been the overlord of villainy and darkness.' Commenting on finding the right balance between technology- and fantasy-based heroes in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Feige said 'Iron Man is a very technological hero; his movies are always technologically based. The first was all about introducing and Thor in that more fantastical realm into the more reality-based MCU As we go into Ultron clearly he does come out of technology, but we're using all of our tools at our disposal that we've established so far as part of the MCU to build the storyline of Age of Ultron.' Casting continued into August 2013, with the announcement that would play Ultron.

In November, Marvel confirmed that and would play the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, respectively. Taylor-Johnson had been in negotiations since as early as June, while Olsen's potential involvement was first reported in August. By the end of the year,,,,,, and were confirmed to be returning to their roles from the first film, and, who portrayed in the Iron Man films, had committed to a part in the film. In the early months of 2014, was cast as Baron, was cast in an unspecified role, and, who voiced in previous MCU films, was cast as the Vision. Whedon said 'juggling' all the characters in the film was 'a nightmare' explaining, 'They're very disparate characters.

The joy of the Avengers is they really don't belong in the same room. It's not like the, who are all tortured by the same thing and have similar costumes. These guys are just all over the place. And so it's tough. Honestly, this is as tough as anything I've ever done.' On January 24, 2014, the Forte di Bard Association announced that filming would take place at in the region of in March 2014, as well as other locations in Aosta Valley including,,,, and. The next month, the Gauteng Film Commission announced that action sequences would be filmed in, and other locations in, beginning in mid-February.

A few weeks later Marvel announced that portions of the film would be shot in. Feige cited the nation's 'cutting-edge technology, beautiful landscapes and spectacular architecture' as ideal for the film. The nation's capital,, and Seoul's surrounding province,, were selected as filming locations, with South Korea's reimbursing up to 30% of the studio's expenditures, as part of a state-funded incentive program. Members of the Korea Film Commission and executives from Marvel Studios signing a in Seoul in March 2014 with actress (center) in attendance Filming began on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 in Johannesburg, South Africa, having been postponed that Monday. Crews shot action sequences without the main cast, to be used as background plates for scenes featuring the Hulk, in the for a period of two weeks.

By mid-March, had begun at Shepperton Studios near London and was scheduled to film there for at least four months, under the After Party. Filming at Shepperton as well as other locations in England allowed Whedon to get a 'number of different looks and textures and moods' to give the film a different palette and fresh aesthetic from its predecessor. Production designer Charles Wood built an enormous, new set, one of the largest sets ever built for a Marvel film. The set featured multiple connected environments and levels. On March 22, production moved to Fort Bard, Italy and continued in the Aosta Valley region through March 28. The region doubled as the fictional Eastern European nation of Sokovia, with crews replacing local storefronts with. Filming in South Korea began on March 30 on the, and continued through April 14 at various locations in Seoul.

While in Seoul, the production was able to attach cameras to drones and race cars to get unique camera angles and footage. An artificial island on the known as the served as the headquarters of an institute featured in the film. Scenes involving Ultron's attack on parts of the city were shot in the. In April, shooting began in in, England, and, who played in previous MCU films, filmed scenes inside the in London while extras performed the.

That June, scenes were shot at the in and at in, with Dover Castle used for interior shots of Strucker's Hydra base in Sokovia. The next month, filming took place at a for London's, which doubled as a city in Sokovia. Additional filming took place in,, including the, and in. On August 6, Whedon announced on social media that he had completed principal photography on Avengers: Age of Ultron. Disney spent $330.6 million on Avengers: Age of Ultron from February 2013 to November 2014, but $50.7 million of this was offset by payments from the UK tax authority. A report on actual production costs for films from FilmL.A. Inc., indicated a gross budget of $316 million, with a net of $267.4 million for Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Cinematographer, who also worked with Marvel on, shot the film with a main unit of three cameras. Davis said, 'Although the Alexa was Marvel's preferred camera, we weren't locked into that choice from the start. What wasn't negotiable was the fact that we were shooting digital: that's how Marvel shoots all of its films.' Davis also used 's to meet the needs of the second unit kit explaining, 'The second unit typically needs a fleet of smaller cameras that are less expensive and are rugged enough to handle the various trials by fire, as it were, that we throw at them.' About the camera system, Whedon stated that this film was shot very differently from the first one; using lots of long lenses, and that he aimed to shoot the film almost like a documentary. To create the scenes depicting how Quicksilver views the world, scenes were shot with an ultra-high-speed camera and later combined with shots of Taylor-Johnson moving through the same scene at normal speed. Post-production [ ].

The original shot (top) of the new Avengers training facility and the completed shot (bottom) with CG interiors added by In June 2014, the announced that the IMAX release of the film would be converted to. Following the completion of principal photography several more cast members were revealed including,,, and, reprising their roles from previous MCU films. However, Hiddleston's scenes did not make the theatrical cut of the film, with Whedon saying what was shot 'didn't play' and he did not want the film to feel 'overstuffed'. According to Hiddleston, 'In, audiences had overemphasized Loki's role, so they thought that because I was in it, I was controlling Ultron, and it was actually imbalancing people's expectations.' Whedon later explained that Elba and Atwell appear in the film because of exploring the psyches of the Avengers from Scarlet Witch's power.

In December 2014, Kim's role was revealed as Dr. Additional scenes were scheduled to be filmed in January 2015. In February 2015, Marvel confirmed through promotional material that Serkis portrays in the film. In early April 2015, and were confirmed to be part of the film's cast. At the same time, Whedon stated that the film would not contain a, which had become customary for MCU films. Whedon tried to come up with a post-credit scene but felt that he could not top the 'Shawarma scene' in The Avengers, explaining, 'It didn't seem to lend itself in the same way, and we wanted to be true to what felt right.

The first rule of making a sequel is take the best moments and do something else. Don't do the gun trick again differently. Just go somewhere else. Don't try to hit the same highs, because people will sense it.' However, Feige clarified, 'There will be a tag [shortly after the credits start].

But there's not a post– post–credit scene.' In May 2015, Whedon revealed he was in conflict with Marvel executives and the film's editors about certain scenes in the film. The executives were not 'thrilled' with the scenes at Hawkeye's farm or the dream sequences the Avengers experience because of Scarlet Witch. Also, Whedon had originally shot a much longer scene with Thor and Selvig in the cave, compromising with including a reduced amount of the total footage shot, as test audiences did not respond to it. In the scene, Thor would be possessed by a, a goddess of destiny, while Selvig would quiz her about Thor's hallucination.

Additionally, Whedon reiterated he had wanted to include Captain Marvel and at the end, but deals for each character (signing of an actress and a deal with, respectively) were not completed in time for their inclusion. The film contains 3,000 visual effects shots, completed by ten different visual effects studios, including (ILM), Trixter,,,, Lola VFX, Territory, Perception,, and The Third Floor. ILM opened a facility in London, citing Avengers: Age of Ultron as a catalyst for the expansion, and developed a new system for the film called Muse, which can better capture an actor's performance and combine different takes.

About the motion capture process, Ruffalo called it 'more of a collaboration' since the technology is advancing, with 'the face capture and the motion capture can now [being] put together, [allowing] you [to] get a lot more latitude as a performer you're no longer constricted by the attributes that you have as a person: your age, or weight, or size. None of that matters anymore.

And so there's this whole exciting place to go that is kind of unknown.' Visual effects supervisor said that the visual effects team considered depicting the Hulk when manipulated by Wanda Maximoff as being grey skinned with red eyes, but eventually decided against it, as they did not want to confuse audiences who might associate it with 'Joe Fixit', the grey Hulk from the comics. Method Studios created the interior of the new Avengers training facility by digitally designing the training facility, extracting the characters from the original set and placing them into the new CG environment. Method also contributed to Iron Man's new Mark 45 suit and played a key role in creating Scarlet Witch's CG mind control effect. Following the trend in recent years, most of the computer screens in Stark's lab, Dr Cho's laboratory, the Quinjet and other locations in the film were not added in post-production but were actually working screens on set, adding to the realism of the film and saving some on the post-production budget. London-based delivered the screen visuals filled with unique imagery and animations that matched the character using them.

Perception worked on the main-on-end and main titles for the film. Before settling on the marble monument depiction for the main-on-end titles, Perception created three other versions, which were based on Ultron's hive mind ability from the film, 'renderings of power and pure energy' inspired by classic comic panels, and classic moments for each character. The final design was inspired by war monuments such as the. For the main titles, Marvel wanted the typeface to be a direct continuation of the first film. Perception made the typeface a marble texture to mimic the main-on-end titles and changed the title's rotation (away from the camera instead of towards the camera in The Avengers), before 'Age of Ultron' overtakes 'Avengers' in a vibranium texture. Main article: In March 2014, signed on to compose the, replacing the composer for the first film,, while also marking his third film collaboration with Marvel following Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World in 2013. Tyler stated that the score pays homage to ' scores for,, and and references the scores for the Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America films in order to create a similar musical universe, saying, 'That's the goal for sure.

You have to build in nostalgia and do it upfront so you can relate to it.' Also contributed music to the score, using Silvestri's theme from the first film to create a new hybrid theme. Released the album digitally on April 28, 2015, and in physical formats on May 19. Renner arriving at the world premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron Avengers: Age of Ultron made its world premiere at the in Hollywood on April 13, 2015, and held its European premiere on April 21 at the in London. The film was released in 11 territories on April 22, with its release jumping to 55% of its international market (44 countries) by the end of its first weekend, before the North American release on May 1, in 3D and IMAX 3D.

In North America, the film opened in 4,276 theaters, including 2,761 3D theaters, 364 IMAX, 400 premium large format, and 143 theaters. Many independent theater owners in Germany (approximately 700 screens) boycotted the film in response to Disney raising its rental fee from 47.7% to 53% of ticket sales. The owners felt that the 'increased fees, coupled with the cost of digitization, and rising staff and marketing costs may force some of them out of business.' In September 2014, acquired the US cable broadcast rights, for broadcast two years after its theatrical release. On March 4, 2015, ticket pre-sales for the film began.

Noted, 'The two-month gap between advance sales and the release is much wider than normal and reflects the heavy fan anticipation for' the film. Marketing [ ] At the 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International, Whedon introduced a for the film, which included a look at an Ultron helmet and a title treatment. Footage of the teaser, as well as a brief interview with Whedon, was made available as part of Iron Man 3 's second screen companion app for its release on September 24, 2013.

On March 18, 2014, ABC aired a one-hour titled,, which included a sneak peek of Avengers: Age of Ultron. The special debuted concept art for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, as well as art of the Hulk fighting the ' Iron Man suit. Partnered with Marvel to provide their first electric motorcycle, Project LiveWire, for use by Black Widow in the film.

At the 2014 San Diego Comic-Con, the cast was introduced to promote the film, along with screening footage from the film. Avengers: Age of Ultron received the second most amount of mentions at the convention, following, but had a higher intend-to-see response. External video The use of the song ' from (1940) was lauded by critics.

The first trailer was scheduled to premiere during the airing of an episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. On October 28, 2014. However, on October 22, the trailer leaked online, and within a few hours Marvel officially released the trailer on. And noted the effective use of the song ' from (1940) in the trailer. Scott Mendelson of felt the trailer was 'such a textbook 'dark sequel' trailer that it borders on parody' but said, 'it's a pretty spectacular piece of marketing, one that elevates itself both by the music choices and by James Spader's vocals as the title villain'. The trailer received 34.3 million global, 26.2 million from Marvel's YouTube channel, which broke the previous record held by Iron Man 3 with 23.14 million views.

In comparison, the original Avengers teaser received 20.4 million views in 24 hours after its debut. In response, Marvel agreed to air footage from Age of Ultron during the episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. That was originally scheduled to premiere the trailer. At the end of October, Marvel Comic's Editor-in-Chief stated there were comic tie-in plans for the film. In November 2014, ABC aired another one-hour television special titled, which featured behind the scenes footage of Age of Ultron.

Also in November, an extended trailer debuted on 's YouTube channel, featuring product placement for various Samsung devices. In December 2014, additional behind the scenes footage was released as a special feature on the Guardians of the Galaxy Blu-ray, highlighting the various filming locations for the film. Also in the month, ABC announced that an episode of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Would tie-in to the events of the film. The episodes ' and ' feature 'Easter eggs, plot threads and other connective tissue leading into the opening scene of Avengers: Age of Ultron' while ' explores the aftermath of the film. In January 2015, a featurette focusing on Ultron was shown at 's 'Night With Marvel' event at the 2015 (CES). Also at CES, Samsung revealed a selection of hardware inspired by the Avengers films, as well as a simulation of Avengers Tower via its device.

A second trailer premiered on on January 12, 2015 during the broadcast of the. Mendelson enjoyed the trailer, but wished it did not reveal as many story elements as it did. However, he added, 'the marketing thus far [for the film] has been far superior to much of what sold The Avengers three years ago, both in terms of the specific footage and the artistic choices being made I'm sold, and I imagine most of the general moviegoers are already onboard too.' On February 3, 2014, Marvel 'stealth released' a, Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude—This Scepter'd Isle. Written by Will Corona Pilgrim and illustrated by Wellinton Alves, it reveals how Strucker came into possession of Loki's scepter and the origin of the Maximoff twins' abilities. At the end of the month, the film's official poster was revealed.

Graeme McMillian of The Hollywood Reporter criticized it for its lack of originality, calling it 'pretty much the poster for the first Avengers movie, except with added flying robots in the background' and the fact that it incorporated many of the same tropes the other MCU Phase Two film posters did. These included: the hero(es) staring off camera; destruction in the background as well as something occurring in the sky; and poor on the poster, highlighting the fact that each of the actors were obviously photographed separately and were later composited together into the poster. Mendelson agreed with many of McMillian's observations, and called the poster 'hilariously photoshopped'. The final trailer was 'unlocked' by fans on March 4, 2015, via the use of hashtags on Twitter, ahead of its broadcast debut during the series premiere of on March 5. Mendelson felt 'this [was] a fine final trailer, teasing what we already know, hinting at the scale and a few new action beats without telling us much we don't already know' adding, 'Here we have the fourth and final Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer and we don't know all that much about what transpires in a moment-to-moment sense in the finished 150-minute feature.

I have expressed my concern dating back to October that Marvel and Disney would release too many trailers and would by default give away too much plot and character information between October and May. But if this really is the final Avengers 2 trailer, then at least on the trailer front they have kept the film relatively unspoiled.' A week after the final trailer debuted, Marvel revealed that the trailer had 'smashed records' with over 35 million views. In April 2015, members of the cast presented Downey with the MTV Generation Award at the, along with debuting an exclusive clip from the film. On April 27, Downey and Renner along with executives from Marvel Entertainment rang the opening bell of the in celebration of the film's theatrical release. Disney spent a total of $26.9 million on television advertisements for the film, from an estimated total marketing budget of $180 million. Merchandise [ ] In January 2015, and announced a of the first film and Age of Ultron for release in late 2015 on a variety of video game consoles.

In March 2015, Disney said it planned to broaden its merchandising strategy with Avengers: Age of Ultron by expanding the target demographics to women and to fans of the individual superheroes that make up the Avengers. Paul Gitter, senior vice president of Marvel licensing for, said, 'For the first film, we primarily focused on the Avengers property and the group shots Now we're broadening the line and scope to create skews that focus on the team and the individuals characters, as well.' Disney Consumer Products partnered with,, and for action figures, playsets and other toys, and with for apparel. Disney established new partnerships in the food and packaged-goods categories, including with,, Crunchpak and. 's consumer products partnered with 50 brands to promote the film in India, considered the highest ever for any film—Hollywood or Bollywood—released in India (the previous record held by had 25 partners).

Some of the brands include, toy retailer India, online fashion store,,,,, and restaurants among others. Home media [ ] Avengers: Age of Ultron was released by on on September 8, 2015 and on and on October 2, 2015. The digital and Blu-ray releases include behind-the-scenes featurettes, audio commentary, deleted scenes and a blooper reel. The film was also collected in a 13-disc, titled ', which includes all of the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was released on December 8, 2015. In July 2015, Whedon stated that he did not intend on releasing a of Avengers: Age of Ultron because despite the film's complexity, he was satisfied with the theatrical version and did not think it needed to be tweaked.

Reception [ ] Box office [ ] Avengers: Age of Ultron grossed $459 million in North America and $946.4 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $1.405 billion. It is the worldwide and the fourth-highest-grossing. Avengers: Age of Ultron 's worldwide opening of $392.5 million is the. The film set a worldwide IMAX opening-weekend record with $25.2 million (previously held by ) and also broke the record for the fastest movie to make over $40 million in IMAX theaters, doing so in 12 days. According to some analysts, the opening weekend box office gross was lower than expected because of the weekend's featured between and. Calculated the net profit of the film to be $382.32 million, when factoring together 'production budgets, P&A, talent participations and other costs, with box office grosses, and ancillary revenues from VOD to DVD and TV,' placing it fourth on their list of 2015's 'Most Valuable Blockbusters'. On May 15, 2015, Avengers: Age of Ultron became the twenty-first film in cinematic history, the third Marvel Studios film and the eighth film distributed by to cross the $1 billion threshold at the box office.

North America [ ] Avengers: Age of Ultron earned $84.46 million on its opening day, marking the biggest opening day for a superhero film and the second-biggest opening and second-biggest single-day gross, behind ($91.7 million). The film's Friday gross included $27.6 million from Thursday night, which began at 7 p.m., and was the sixth-highest ever for Thursday preview earnings and the highest among Marvel films. The film totaled $191.3 million in its opening weekend, the third-highest gross behind ($208.8 million) and The Avengers ($207.4 million).

It also saw the second-highest IMAX opening weekend total with $18 million (behind The Dark Knight Rises), a record $13.5 million from premium large format theaters and the highest share for the first weekend in May, accounting for 85% of the top twelve box office total earnings (previously held by ). Of those in attendance the first weekend, 59% were male, 41% were female and 59% were over the age of 25. In its, the film fell 59%, earning $77.7 million, which was the second-biggest second weekend gross behind The Avengers ' $103 million (both were surpassed a month later by Jurassic World 's $106.6 million).

It holds the record for the second-biggest loss between first and second weekends with $113.6 million, only behind Deathly Hallows – Part 2 's $121 million loss between its first and second weekends in 2011. It became the third-highest-grossing film of 2015. Outside North America [ ] Avengers: Age of Ultron earned $200.2 million in its first weekend from 44 countries, opening in first in all, which was 44% above its predecessor's opening. Additionally, the film saw the largest non-China international IMAX opening with $10.4 million. The top earning countries were South Korea ($28.2 million), the UK ($27.3 million) and Russia ($16.2 million).

The film broke records in many countries, including: opening-day records in Mexico ($6.8 million), the Philippines ($1.6 million), and Indonesia ($900,000); opening-weekend records in Mexico ($25.5 million), Russia and the CIS ($16.2 million), Hong Kong ($6.4 million), and the Philippines ($7.7 million); and highest opening weekend for a superhero film in the UK, Ireland and Malta ($27.3 million), Germany ($9.3 million), Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands. In the UK, where Age of Ultron was filmed, it earned $5.4 million on its opening day and $27.3 million during the weekend, setting an opening-weekend record for a superhero film, Marvel's biggest opening in Britain, the biggest April opening, the eighth-biggest debut. It also set the best single-day earning for a Disney and superhero film with its $9.4 million haul on Saturday. In South Korea, also where part of the film was shot, the film earned $4.9 million on its opening day and $28.2 through the weekend. It held the record for advance-ticket sales rate, accounting for 96% of tickets reserved, breaking 's record of 94.6% in 2011, the widest release ever, across 1,826 screens, also breaking Dark of the Moon 's 1,420 screens, and the fastest imported film to surpass one million admissions, doing so in two days; it topped the box office for three consecutive weekends, and became the biggest Disney/Marvel release as well as the second-biggest Western film in the country. The Chinese opening scored the biggest weekday opening day, as well as the biggest Disney/Marvel opening, with $33.9 million, and the second-biggest six-day start with $156.3 million (behind ) of which $17.5 million came from IMAX theaters—the biggest ever.

Age of Ultron also opened at number one in Japan in early July 2015 with $6.5 million, the highest opening weekend for an MCU release. As of January 3, 2016, it is the seventh-highest-grossing film, and the fourth-highest-grossing 2015 film. Additionally, the film's largest markets as of July 17, 2015 are: China ($240.1 million), South Korea ($80.5 million), and the UK, Ireland and Malta ($76.6 million).

Critical response [ ] The website reported a 75% approval rating with an average rating of 6.7/10 based on 323 reviews. The website's critical consensus reads, 'Exuberant and eye-popping, Avengers: Age of Ultron serves as an overstuffed but mostly satisfying sequel, reuniting its predecessor's unwieldy cast with a few new additions and a worthy foe.' On, the film achieved an average score of 66 out of 100, based on 49 critics, signifying 'generally favorable reviews'. Reported that audiences gave the film an 'A' grade on an A+ to F scale. Of said, ' Avengers: Age of Ultron succeeds in the top priority of creating a worthy opponent for its superheroes and giving the latter a few new things to do, but this time the action scenes don't always measure up.' Scott Foundas of wrote, 'If this is what the of branded, big-studio entertainment has come to look like in 2015, we could be doing much worse.

Unlike its title character, Age of Ultron most definitely has soul.' Writing for the and giving the film three-and-a-half out of four stars, said, 'Some day, an Avengers film might collapse under the weight of its own awesomeness. I mean, how many times can they save the world? But this is not that day.' Of wrote, ' Age of Ultron is a whole summer of fireworks packed into one movie. It doesn't just go to 11, it starts there.

[Joss Whedon] takes a few wrong turns, creating a jumble when the action gets too thick. But he recovers like a pro, devising a spectacle that's epic in every sense of the word.' Of gave the film three out of four stars, stating that despite being 'bigger, louder and more disjointed' than its predecessor, 'it’s also got more personality—specifically Whedon's—than any other film in the now seven-year-old franchise.'

Helen O'Hara of praised the interactions between the characters, the action set-pieces and Whedon's ability as a director in her review, stating that the film 'redefines the scale we can expect from our superheroes.' Conversely, of the said, 'Although this movie is effective moment to moment, very little of it lingers in the mind afterward.

The ideal vehicle for our age of immediate sensation and instant gratification, it disappears without a trace almost as soon as it's consumed.' Scott Mendelson of said, ' Avengers: Age of Ultron plays like an obligation, a box to be checked off on a list before all parties move onto the things they really want to do.'

Of wrote, 'This Avengers doesn't always pop the way that the first one sometimes did, partly because its villain isn't as memorable, despite Mr. Spader's silky threat.'

Of remarked, 'Two hours of boredom and boobs add up to a sorry basis for the new Avengers.' Much like the release of Guardians of the Galaxy, the film received mixed reviews upon release in China, due to poor translations. The translations, which were said to be too literal, were thought 'to have been done by.' Accolades [ ] In December 2015, the placed Avengers: Age of Ultron on their shortlist of potential nominees for the at the, but ultimately did not nominate it for the award. Main articles: and Avengers: Infinity War and an untitled sequel will be directed by, from a script.

Infinity War is scheduled to be released on May 4, 2018, with the sequel scheduled for May 3, 2019. Downey, Evans, Hemsworth, Ruffalo, Olsen, Bettany, Johansson, Hiddleston, Brolin, Mackie, Cheadle, Renner, and Jackson reprise their roles as Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Black Widow, Loki, Thanos, Falcon, War Machine, Hawkeye, and Fury, respectively, in Infinity War. They are joined by,,,,,,,,,,, and, all reprising their MCU roles as,,,,,,,,,,, and, respectively. • While the name of the anti-Hulk armor, usually referred to as the 'Hulkbuster' in comic books, is not spoken in the film, its deployment system and containment cell are code-named 'Veronica'. Director Joss Whedon said the name alludes to the character from: 'I just decided to call it Veronica because [Bruce Banner] used to be in love with a girl named and Veronica is the opposite of that,' making the connection to 's love interest,. • According to Kevin Feige, the Infinity Gauntlet seen at the end of the film is not the same as the one seen in 's vault in in, revealing that two Gauntlets exist in the MCU.

The Asgard Gauntlet is revealed to be a fake in. References [ ].

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