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• • • A circus is a company of performers who put on diverse entertainment shows that include,, trained animals, acts,,,,,,,, as well as other and stunt-oriented artists. The term 'circus' also describes the performance which has followed various formats through its 250-year modern history. Is credited with being the 'father' of the modern circus when he opened the first circus in 1768 in England. A skilled equestrian, Astley demonstrated trick riding, riding in a circle rather than a straight line as his rivals did, and thus chanced on the format which was later named a 'circus'. In 1770 he hired acrobats, tightrope walkers, jugglers and a clown to fill in the pauses between acts.

Performances developed significantly through the next fifty years, with large-scale theatrical battle reenactments becoming a significant feature. The 'traditional' format, whereby a ringmaster introduces a varied selection of acts that mostly perform choreographed acts to traditional music, developed in the latter part of the 19th century and continued almost universally to be the main style of circus up until the 1970s. As styles of performance have developed since the time of Astley, so too have the types of venues where these circuses have performed. The earliest modern circuses were performed in open air structures with limited covered seating.

From the late 18th to late 19th century, custom-made circus buildings (often wooden) were built with various types of seating, a centre ring, and sometimes a stage. The 'traditional' large tents, commonly known as 'Big Tops' were introduced in the mid-19th century as touring circuses superseded static venues. These tents eventually became the most common venue and remain so to the present day. Contemporary circuses perform in a variety of venues including tents, theatres and casinos.

Revenue Steamer Perry, circa 1890. Please search the image and resource galleries at the bottom of the page for images, articles, reports and publications on Coast Guard cutters, vessels, boats, icebreakers, lightships, buoys, planes, etc. The Coast Guard maintains and has used a variety of assets and vessels to. Oct 25, 2008. Signature we report for gastric cancer diagnosis. A future large cohort study is. Additional file 3. Differentially expressed 106 marker peaks in gastric cancer and benign gastric fluids (validation set). Click here for file. Bramble MG, Suvakovic Z, Hungin AP: Detection of upper gas.

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Many circus performances are still held in a ring usually 13 m (42 ft) in diameter. This dimension was adopted by Astley in the late 18th century as the minimum diameter that enabled an acrobatic horse rider to stand upright on a cantering horse to perform their tricks.

Has been credited with reviving the circus tradition since the 1980s when a number of groups introduced circus based almost solely on human skills and which drew from other performing art skills and styles. Video of a circus from 1954. The modern and commonly held idea of a 'circus' is of a Big Top with various acts providing entertainment therein. However, the history of circuses is more complex, with historians disagreeing on its origin, as well as revisions being done about the history due to the changing nature of historical research, and the ongoing 'circus' phenomenon. For many, circus history begins with Englishman, while for others its origins go back much further—to times. Origins [ ] In Ancient Rome, the was a building for the exhibition of horse and chariot races, equestrian shows, staged battles, gladiatorial combat and displays of (and fights with) trained animals.

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The circus of Rome were similar to the ancient Greek, although circuses served varying purposes and differed in design and construction, and for events that involved re-enactments of naval battles, the circus was flooded with water. The Roman circus buildings were, however, not circular but rectangular with semi circular ends. The lower seats were reserved for persons of rank, There were also various state boxes for the giver of the games and his friends. The circus was the only public spectacle at which men and women were not separated.

In London c.1808 The origin of the modern circus has been attributed to, who was born 1742 in Newcastle-under-Lyme, England. He became a cavalry officer who set up the first modern amphitheatre for the display of horse riding tricks in Lambeth, London on 4 April 1768. Astley did not originate trick horse riding, nor was he first to introduce acts such as acrobats and clowns to the English public, but he was the first to create a space where all these acts were brought together to perform a show. Astley rode in a circle rather than a straight line as his rivals did, and thus chanced on the format of performing in a circle. Astley performed stunts in a 42 ft diameter ring, which is the standard size used by circuses ever since.

Astley referred to the performance arena as a Circle and the building as an amphitheatre but these were to later be known as a Circus. In 1770 Astley hired,, and a clown to fill in the pauses between acts. Astley was followed by, whose feats of horsemanship had much to do with establishing the traditions of the circus, which were perpetuated by Henglers and Sangers celebrated shows in a later generation. In England circuses were often held in purpose built buildings in large cities, such as the, which was built as a combination of the circus, the menagerie and the variety theatre, where wild animals such as lions and elephants from time to time appeared in the ring, and where convulsions of nature such as floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have been produced with an extraordinary wealth of realistic display., the first mainstream, had his first major role as Little Clown in the pantomime The Triumph of Mirth; or, Harlequin's Wedding in 1781. The opened in London on 4 November 1782 by and his partner Charles Hughes.

In 1782, Astley established the in Paris, the first purpose-built circus in France, followed by 18 other permanent circuses in cities throughout Europe. Astley leased his Parisian circus to the Italian in 1793. In 1826, the first circus took place under a canvas big top. Artists, in lithograph by Calvert Litho.

Co., 1890 Ricketts and the first American circus [ ] The Scotsman brought the first modern circus to the United States. He began his theatrical career with Hughes Royal Circus in London in the 1780s, and travelled from England in 1792 to establish his first circus in. The first circus building in the US opened on April 3, 1793 in Philadelphia, where Ricketts gave America's first complete circus performance.

Attended a performance there later that season. Expansion of American format [ ] In the Americas during the first two decades of the 19th century, the toured from Montreal to Havana, building circus theatres in many of the cities it visited., a native New Yorker, was the first American to operate a major circus in the United States. Later the establishments of Purdy, Welch & Co., and of van Amburgh gave a wider popularity to the circus in the United States. In 1825, was the first circus owner to use a large canvas tent for the circus performance. Circus pioneer was the most famous pre- circus clown, popularizing such expressions as 'The One-Horse Show' and '. The American circus was revolutionized by and, who launched the travelling, the first.

Coup also introduced the first multiple ringed circuses, and was also the first circus entrepreneur to use to transport the circus between towns, a practice that continues today. Circus parade around tents, in lithograph by Gibson & Co., 1874 Touring [ ] In 1838, the equestrian returned to England from the United States, bringing with him a circus tent. At this time, itinerant circuses were becoming popular in Britain.

's circus, for example, between 1838 and 1840, travelled from Newcastle to Edinburgh and then to Portsmouth and Southampton., who is noteworthy as Britain's only black circus proprietor and who operated one of the most celebrated travelling circuses in Victorian England, erected temporary structures for his limited engagements or retrofitted existing structures. One such structure in Leeds, which Fanque assumed from a departing circus, collapsed, resulting in minor injuries to many but the death of Fanque's wife. Three important circus innovators were Italian, and Frenchmen and, whose early travelling circuses introduced the circus to Latin America, Australia, South East Asia, China, South Africa and Russia. Soullier was the first circus owner to introduce Chinese acrobatics to the European circus when he returned from his travels in 1866 and Tourniaire was the first to introduce the performing art to Ranga where it became extremely popular.

In lithograph by Gibson & Co., 1873 Following Barnum's death, his circus merged with that of, and travelled to Europe as the Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show On Earth, where it toured from 1897 to 1902, impressing other circus owners with its large scale, its touring techniques (including the tent and circus train), and its combination of circus acts, a zoological exhibition and a freak show. This format was adopted by European circuses at the turn of the 20th century. The influence of the American circus brought about a considerable change in the character of the modern circus. In arenas too large for speech to be easily audible, the traditional comic dialog of the clown assumed a less prominent place than formerly, while the vastly increased wealth of stage properties relegated to the background the old-fashioned equestrian feats, which were replaced by more ambitious acrobatic performances, and by exhibitions of skill, strength and daring, requiring the employment of immense numbers of performers and often of complicated and expensive machinery. Painting by Venezuelan, c.

1891, depicting a backstage area at the circus Russia [ ] In 1919,, head of the, expressed a wish for the circus to become 'the people's art-form', with facilities and status on par with theatre, opera and ballet. The USSR nationalized Russian circuses. In 1927, the State University of Circus and Variety Arts, better known as the Moscow Circus School, was established; performers were trained using methods developed from the Soviet gymnastics program. When the Moscow State Circus company began international tours in the 1950s, its levels of originality and artistic skill were widely applauded. China [ ] Circuses from China, drawing on Chinese traditions of, like the are also popular touring acts. International awards [ ] The has been held in since 1974 and was the first of many international awards for circus performers.

From the late 19th century through the first half of the 20th century, travelling circuses were a major form of spectator entertainment in the US and attracted huge attention whenever they arrived in a city. After World War II, the popularity of the circus declined as new forms of entertainment (such as television) arrived and the public's tastes became more sophisticated. From the 1960s onward, circuses attracted growing criticism from activists. Many circuses went out of business or were forced to merge with other circus companies.

Nonetheless, a good number of travelling circuses are still active in various parts of the world, ranging from small family enterprises to three-ring extravaganzas. Other companies found new ways to draw in the public with innovative new approaches to the circus form itself. Contemporary types [ ]. Performing in, 2004 (originally known as nouveau cirque) is a recent performing arts movement that originated in the 1970s in Australia, Canada, France, the West Coast of the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Contemporary circus combines traditional circus skills and theatrical techniques to convey a story or theme. Compared with the traditional circus, the contemporary genre of circus tends to focus more attention on the overall aesthetic impact, on character and story development, and on the use of, original music, and to convey thematic or narrative content. For aesthetic or economic reasons, contemporary circus productions may sometimes be staged in theatres rather than in large outdoor tents. Music used in the production is often composed exclusively for that production, and aesthetic influences are drawn as much from contemporary culture as from circus history. Animal acts appear rarely in contemporary circus in contrast to traditional circus where animal acts have been a significant part of circus entertainment. Early examples of nouveau cirque companies include:, forged in Australia in 1978 from SoapBox Circus and New Circus, both founded in the early 1970s; the, founded in in 1975; in the UK in 1983, in 1984 from;, founded in in 1984; and in 1986.

More recent examples include:, founded in Seattle in 1998; Quebec's; Les 7 doigts de la main (also known as The 7 Fingers); and the West African Circus Baobab in the late 1990s. The genre includes other circus troupes such as the Vermont-based (founded in 1987 by ), Le Cirque Imaginaire (later renamed Le Cirque Invisible, both founded and directed by, daughter of ), the, Dislocate, and Vulcana Women's Circus, while is an interesting take on the. Swedish contemporary circus company was founded in 1995. Company PURE Cirkus was founded in the subgenre of 'cirque noir' in 2004, and in, (United Kingdom), Skewed Circus combines punk, rap, dance music, comedy, and stunts to deliver 'pop-circus' entertainment to young urban audiences. The most conspicuous success story in the contemporary genre has been that of, the Canadian circus company whose estimated annual revenue now exceeds US$810 million, and whose nouveau cirque shows have been seen by nearly 90 million spectators in over 200 cities on five continents. Despite the contemporary circus' shift toward more theatrical techniques and its emphasis on human rather than animal performance, traditional circus companies still exist alongside the new movement. Numerous circuses continue to maintain animal performers, including, and the from the United States, from Munich, and from Australia,, Circo Atayde Hermanos, and Hermanos Mayaror Circus from Mexico, and Circus from Italy, to name just a few.

Performance [ ]. Risk burns, both internal and external, as well as poisoning in the pursuit of their art. A traditional circus performance is often led by a who has a role similar to a.

The ringmaster presents performers, speaks to the audience, and generally keeps the show moving. The activity of the circus traditionally takes place within a ring; large circuses may have multiple rings, like the six-ringed. A circus often travels with its own band, whose instrumentation in the United States has traditionally included, drums,, and sometimes the distinctive sound of the.

Acts [ ] Common acts include a variety of, (including and ), aerial acts (such as,, ),,, and a variety of other routines. Is one of the most common acts in a circus; the combination of juggling and gymnastics is called and include acts like and the. Acts like these are some of the most common, and the most traditional. Are common to most circuses and are typically skilled in many circus acts; 'clowns getting into the act' is a very familiar theme in any circus. Famous circus clowns have included, the,,,, and.

Daredevil and are also parts of some circus acts, these activities may include,,,, and,,,,. Famous sideshow performers include and. A popular sideshow attraction from the early 19th century was the, where fleas were attached to props and viewed through a. Animal acts [ ]. Act A variety of animals have historically been used in acts.

While the types of animals used vary from circus to circus,,,,,,, and domestic animals such as and are the most common. The earliest involvement of animals in circus was just the display of exotic creatures in a. Going as far back as the early eighteenth century, exotic animals were transported to North America for display, and menageries were a popular form of entertainment.

The first true animals acts in the circus were equestrian acts. Soon elephants and big cats were displayed as well. Entered a cage with several big cats in 1833, and is generally considered to be the first wild animal trainer in American circus history. Was a famous female tiger-tamer. Controversy [ ]. Elephant act at a 2009 circus in,, Mexico.

In December 2014, as a response to reports of animal mistreatment, the passed a law banning the use of animals in any circus in the country. The law set fines for violations and required circuses to submit lists of the wildlife they possessed, which would then be made available to zoos interested in taking the animals. Groups have documented many cases of in the training of performing circus animals.

The group (PETA) contends that animals in circuses are frequently beaten into submission and that physical abuse has always been the method for training circus animals. According to PETA, although the US does not permit the use of electric shock prods, whips, hooks, or similar instruments by trainers, these are still used today. According to PETA, during an undercover investigation of Carson & Barnes Circus, video footage was captured showing animal care director Tim Frisco training endangered Asian elephants with electrical shock prods and instructing other trainers to 'beat the elephants with a as hard as they could and to sink the sharp metal bullhook into the animals' flesh and twist it until they screamed in pain.' On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, conducted an investigation into the welfare of circus animals in 2008. The following issues, among others, were found: • 71% of the observed animals had medical problems • 33% of tigers and lions did not have access to an outdoor enclosure • Lions spend on average 98% of their time indoors • An average enclosure for tigers is only 5 m 2 • Elephants are shackled in chains for 17 hours a day on average • Elephants spend on average 10 hours a day showing • Tigers are terrified of fire but are still forced to jump through fire rings • Since 1990 there have been over 123 cases of lion attacks at circuses • Animals are trained through discipline. [ ] Based on these findings, the researchers called for more stringent regulation regarding the welfare of circus animals. In 2012, the Dutch government announced a ban on the use of wild circus animals.

In testimony in in 2009, CEO acknowledged that circus elephants are struck behind the ears, under the chin and on their legs with metal tipped prods, called bull hooks. Feld stated that these practices are necessary to protect circus workers.

Feld also acknowledged that an elephant trainer was reprimanded for using an electric shock device, known as a hot shot or electric prod, on an elephant, which Feld also stated was appropriate practice. Feld denied that any of these practices harm elephants. In its January 2010 verdict on the case, brought against Feld Entertainment International by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 'et al.' , the Court ruled that evidence against the circus company was 'not credible with regard to the allegations'. In lieu of a hearing,. (parent of Ringling Bros.) agreed to pay an unprecedented $270,000 fine for violations of the Animal Welfare Act that allegedly occurred between June 2007 and August 2011.

A 14-year litigation against the Ringling Bros. And Barnum & Bailey Circus came to an end in 2014 when and a number of other animal rights groups paid a $16 million settlement to Feld Entertainment. However, the circus closed in May 2017 after a 146-year run when it experienced a steep decline in ticket sales during the year after it discontinued its elephant act and sent its to a reserve. On February 1, 1992 at the Great American Circus in, an elephant named Janet (1965 – February 1, 1992) went out of control while giving a ride to a mother, her two children, and three other children. The elephant then stampeded through the circus grounds outside before being shot to death by police. Also, during a Circus International performance in on 20 August 1994, an elephant called (1974 – August 20, 1994) killed her trainer,, and severely mauled her groomer, Dallas Beckwith, in front of hundreds of spectators.

Tyke then bolted from the arena and ran through the streets of for more than thirty minutes. Police fired 86 shots at Tyke, who eventually collapsed from the wounds and died. In 1998 in the UK, a parliamentary working group chaired by MP studied living conditions and treatment of animals in UK circuses. All members of this group agreed that a change in the law was needed to protect circus animals. Gale told the BBC, 'It's undignified and the conditions under which they are kept are woefully inadequate—the cages are too small, the environments they live in are not suitable and many of us believe the time has come for that practice to end.' The group reported concerns about boredom and stress, and noted that an independent study by a member of the at 'found no evidence that circuses contribute to education or conservation.' However, in 2007, a different working group under the UK, having reviewed information from experts representing both the circus industry and animal welfare, found an absence of 'scientific evidence sufficient to demonstrate that travelling circuses are not compatible with meeting the welfare needs of any type of non-domesticated animal presently being used in the United Kingdom.'

According to that group's report, published in October 2007, 'there appears to be little evidence to demonstrate that the welfare of animals kept in travelling circuses is any better or any worse than that of animals kept in other captive environments.' A ban prohibiting the use of wild animals in circuses in Britain was due to be passed in 2015, but Conservative MP repeatedly blocked the bill under the reasoning that 'The EU Membership Costs and Benefits bill should have been called by the clerk before the circuses bill, so I raised a point of order'. He explained that the circus bill was 'at the bottom of the list' for discussion.

The non-profit group dubbed this 'a huge embarrassment for Britain that 30 other nations have taken action before us on this simple and popular measure'. There are nationwide bans on using some if not all animals in circuses in Sweden,, India, Finland,, Switzerland, Norway, Austria, Belgium,,,,,, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal,,,,,,,,,,,, Netherlands, and Denmark. Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom,, Austria,, Brazil, Canada,, and the United States have locally restricted or banned the use of animals in entertainment. In response to a growing popular concern about the use of animals in entertainment, animal-free circuses are becoming more common around the world.

In 2009, Bolivia passed legislation banning the use of any animals, wild or domestic, in circuses. The law states that circuses 'constitute an act of cruelty.'

Circus operators had one year from the bill's passage on July 1, 2009 to comply. City ordinances banning performances by wild animals have been enacted in (2015), (2017), and (2017). Greece became the first European country to ban any animal from performing in any circus in its territory in February 2012, following a campaign by and the Greek Animal Welfare Fund (GAWF). On June 6, 2015, the adopted a position paper in which it recommends the prohibition of the use of in traveling circuses.

Buildings [ ]. Paper postcard of the Old Wood Circus In some towns, there are circus buildings where regular performances are held. The best known are: • Circus • • in • • Cirque Jules Verne in • Hippodrome Circus, • in Montreal • in Moscow • in • in • Riga Circus in Riga • 'Globus' Circus in Bucharest In other countries, purpose-built circus buildings still exist which are no longer used as circuses, or are used for circus only occasionally among a wider programme of events; for example, the Cirkusbygningen (The Circus Building) in Copenhagen, Denmark, in Stockholm, Sweden, or in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In art, music, films, plays and books [ ].

Circus seals The atmosphere of the circus has served as a dramatic setting for many musicians. The most famous circus theme song is called ', and was composed in 1904. Other circus music includes 'El Caballero', 'Quality Plus', 'Sunnyland Waltzes', 'The Storming of El Caney', 'Pahjamah', 'Bull Trombone', 'Big Time Boogie', 'Royal Bridesmaid March', 'The Baby Elephant Walk', 'Liberty Bell March', 'Java', Strauss's 'Radetsky March', and 'Pageant of Progress'. A poster for 's Circus Royal, one of the most popular circuses of Victorian England, inspired to write on ' album,. The song title refers to, a well-known circus performer in the 19th century. Producer and engineers created the song's fairground atmosphere by assembling a sound collage of collected recordings of calliopes and fairground organs, which they cut into strips of various lengths, threw into a box, and then mixed up and edited together randomly, creating a long loop which was mixed into the final production.

Another traditional circus song is the march ', which is played only to alert circus performers of an emergency. Plays set in a circus include the 1896 musical The Circus Girl by, Polly of the Circus written in 1907 by, He Who Gets Slapped written by Russian 1916 and later adapted into one of the first circus films, Katharina Knie written in 1928 by and adapted for the English stage in 1932 as Caravan by playwright Cecily Hamilton, the revue Big Top written by in 1942, Top of the Ladder written by in 1950, Stop the World, I Want to Get Off written by in 1961, and with music by and lyrics and book by, Roustabout: The Great Circus Train Wreck written by in 2006. Following World War I, circus films became popular. In 1924 was the first film released by; in 1925 Sally of the Sawdust (remade 1930), Variety, and Vaudeville were produced, followed by The Devil's Circus in 1926 and starring, Circus Rookies,; and Laugh Clown Laugh in 1928. German film Salto Mortale about trapeze artists was released in 1930 and remade in the United States and released as starring in 1956; in 1932 was released; Charlie Chan at the Circus, Circus (USSR) and The Three Maxiums were released in 1936 and starring the and You Can't Cheat an Honest Man in 1939.

Circus films continued to be popular during the Second World War; films from this era included The Great Profile starring (1940), the animated film (1941), Road Show (1941), (1941) and Captive Wild Woman (1943). Tromba, a film about a tiger trainer, was released in 1948. In 1952 's Oscar-winning film was first shown. Released in 1953 were Man on a Tightrope and 's Gycklarnas afton (released as Sawdust and Tinsel in the United States); these were followed by Life Is a Circus; Ring of Fear; (1954) and (1954), an Oscar-winning film by about a girl who is sold to a circus strongman.

Fellini made a second film set in the circus called in 1970. Films about the circus made since 1959 include Disney's (1960), the (also in 1960); the (1962); A Tiger Walks, a Disney film about a tiger that escapes from the circus; and (1964), starring. (1970) a Hindi drama film directed by which was about a clown who must make his audience laugh at the cost of his own sorrows. In the film (1997), Leo's son Lune is captured and placed in a circus, which burns down when a tiger knocks down a ring of fire while jumping through it. The TV series, based on the novel by, follows the history of the circus family Humberto between 1826 and 1924. The setting of the HBO television series, which ran from 2003 to 2005, is also largely set in a travelling circus.

The circus has also inspired many writers. Numerous books, both non-fiction and fiction, have been published about circus life.

Notable examples of circus-based fiction include by, by, and. The novel by tells the fictional tale of a circus veterinarian and was made into a, starring and. Circus is the central theme in comic books of, an Indian comic book superhero. According to this series, Dhruva was born and brought up in a fictional Indian circus called Jupiter Circus.

When a rival circus burnt down Jupiter Circus, killing everyone in it, including Dhruva's parents, Dhruva vowed to become a crime fighter. A circus-based television series called was also telecast in India in 1989 on, starring as the lead actor. See also [ ] • •, tent shows that preceded American circus • • • • • • • • • • Notes [ ].

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Action Comics, 1987-04-00 (#589) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-05-00 (#590) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-06-00 (#591) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-07-00 (#592) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-08-00 (#593) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-09-00 (#594) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-10-00 (#595) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-10-27 (#596) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1987-12-00 (#597) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1988-01-00 (#598) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1988-02-00 (#599) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Action Comics, 1990-12-00 (#662) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1991-10-00 (#672) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1991-12-00 (#674) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1992-01-00 (#675) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1992-02-00 (#676) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1992-06-00 (#680) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1992-09-00 (#683) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1992-11-00 (#685) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1993-01-00 (#686) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1993-04-00 (#687) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Action Comics, 1993-05-00 (#688) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1993-05-00 (#689) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1993-06-00 (#690) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1993-07-00 (#691) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1993-08-00 (#692) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1994-04-00 (#700) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1994-05-00 (#701) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1994-07-00 (#703) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1994-08-00 (#00) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1994-11-00 (#706) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 1995-02-00 (#709) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Action Comics, 1998-09-00 (#1000000) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2000-10-00 (#772) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2000-11-00 (#773) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2001-01-00 (#775) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2002-02-00 (#788) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2002-03-00 (#789) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2002-04-00 (#790) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2002-08-00 (#794) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2002-09-00 (#795) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Action Comics, 2002-10-00 (#796) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Archie (DCP Webrips) Archie Comics Digest 256 (2014) (Forsythe-DCP) Archie Digital Comics Presents - Betty and Veronica Christmas Spectacular (2014) (Forsythe-DCP) Arctic Circle (DCP Webrips) Arlo and Janis (DCP Webrips) Athena Vol 1 TPB (2012) (DR & Quinch-Empire) Aunty Acid (DCP Webrips) Avatar - The Last Airbender - Smoke and Shadow Part 2 (Son of Ultron-Empire) Avengers 301 (1989) (MrWoodman) Azrael - Agent of the Bat, 2000-03-00 (#64) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Azrael - Agent of the Bat, 2000-04-00 (#65) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Barney and Betty Rubble 021 [Charlton](1976)(HD)(C2C)(RexTyler-DCP) Barney Google and Snuffy Smith (DCP Webrips) Batman & Robin Eternal 013 (Zone-Empire) Batman - Arkham Knight - Genesis 04 (of 06) (Minutemen-Thoth) Batman - Arkham Knight - Genesis 05 (of 06) (Minutemen-Thoth) Batman - Europa 003 (Zone-Empire) Batman - Sword of Azrael, 1992-08-00 (#01) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Batman - Sword of Azrael, 1992-09-00 (#02) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Batman - Sword of Azrael, 1992-10-00 (#03) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Batman - Sword of Azrael, 1992-11-00 (#04) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Electromagnate 006 (DR & Quinch-Empire) Elias The Cursed T01 (03) (onlyorm) Evil Inc Monthly 036 (Hourman-DCP) Fate, 1995-08-00 (#12) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Fight Comics 035 (1944 Fiction House) (c2c) (soothsayr-movielover-Novus) Final Crisis - Legion of Three Worlds, 2008-08-20 (#01) (Glorith-Novus) Final Crisis - Legion of Three Worlds, 2008-10-15 (#02) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Final Crisis - Legion of Three Worlds, 2009-02-04 (#03) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Final Crisis - Legion of Three Worlds, 2009-04-29 (#04) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Final Crisis - Legion of Three Worlds, 2009-07-22 (#05) (Glorith-Novus-HD).

Howard The Duck 003 (Oroboros-DCP) Howling Commandos Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 003 (c2c) (TLK-EMPIRE-HD) Howling Commandos Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 003 (TLK-EMPIRE-HD) Impact of Science on Society v32n04 (Unesco)(1982)(c2c)(Neon Vincent PuzzleScan 13) Imperial Vol 1 TPB (DR & Quinch-Empire) Incredible Hulk 232 (02-1979)(HD)(C2C)(RexTyler-DCP) Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four Annual 001 (Son of Ultron-Empire) Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz (DCP Webrips) Invincible Universe Vol 1 TPB (2013) (DR & Quinch-Empire) Invincible Universe Vol 2 TPB (2014) (DR & Quinch-Empire). Legion Lost, 2000-05-00 (#03) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2000-06-00 (#04) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2000-07-00 (#05) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2000-08-00 (#06) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2000-09-00 (#07) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2000-10-00 (#08) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2000-11-00 (#09) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2000-12-00 (#10) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2001-01-00 (#11) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2001-02-00 (#12) (Glorith-Novus) Legion Lost, 2011-09-14 (#01) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion Lost, 2011-10-12 (#02) (Glorith-Novus-HD).

Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-05-00 (#31) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-06-00 (#32) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-07-00 (#33) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-08-00 (#34) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-09-00 (#35) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-09-00 (#36) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-10-00 (#37) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-10-00 (#38) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-11-00 (#39) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1992-12-00 (#40) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Legion of Super-Heroes, 1994-09-00 (#62) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1994-10-00 (#63) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1994-11-00 (#64) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1994-12-00 (#65) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1995-01-00 (#66) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1995-02-00 (#67) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1995-03-00 (#68) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1995-04-00 (#69) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1995-05-00 (#70) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-05-00 (#82) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-06-00 (#83) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-07-00 (#84) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-08-00 (#85) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-09-00 (#86) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-10-00 (#87) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-11-00 (#88) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1996-12-00 (#89) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1997-01-00 (#90) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1997-02-00 (#91) (Glorith-Novus-HD).

Legion of Super-Heroes, 1999-10-00 (#122) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1999-11-00 (#123) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 1999-12-00 (#124) (Glorith-Novus) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2000-01-00 (#125) (Glorith-Novus) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2011-09-21 (#01) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2011-10-19 (#02) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2011-11-16 (#03) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2011-12-21 (#04) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-01-18 (#05) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-02-15 (#06) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Download Free Skip Bifferty 1968 Rare there. Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-03-21 (#07) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-04-18 (#08) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-05-16 (#09) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-06-20 (#10) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-08-15 (#12) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-09-19 (#00) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-11-21 (#14) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2012-12-19 (#15) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legion of Super-Heroes, 2013-05-15 (#20) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-02-00 (#01) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Legionnaires, 1993-03-00 (#02) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-04-00 (#03) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-05-00 (#04) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-06-00 (#05) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-07-00 (#06) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-08-00 (#07) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-09-00 (#08) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-10-00 (#09) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-11-00 (#10) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1993-12-00 (#11) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-01-00 (#12) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Legionnaires, 1994-02-00 (#13) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-03-00 (#14) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-04-00 (#15) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-05-00 (#16) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-06-00 (#17) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-07-00 (#18) (Glorith-Novus) Legionnaires, 1994-08-00 (#00) (Glorith-Novus) Legionnaires, 1994-09-00 (#19) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-10-00 (#20) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-11-00 (#21) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1994-12-00 (#22) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Legionnaires, 1995-01-00 (#23) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-02-00 (#24) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-03-00 (#25) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-04-00 (#26) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-05-00 (#27) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-06-00 (#28) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-07-00 (#29) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-08-00 (#30) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-09-00 (#31) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-10-00 (#32) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1995-12-00 (#34) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Legionnaires, 1996-01-00 (#35) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-02-00 (#36) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-04-00 (#37) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-06-00 (#39) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-07-00 (#40) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-08-00 (#41) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-09-00 (#42) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-10-00 (#43) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-11-00 (#44) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1996-12-00 (#45) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-01-00 (#46) (Glorith-Novus-HD).

Legionnaires, 1997-04-00 (#49) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-05-00 (#50) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-06-00 (#51) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-07-00 (#52) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-08-00 (#53) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-09-00 (#54) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-10-00 (#55) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-11-00 (#56) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1997-12-00 (#57) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-01-00 (#58) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-02-00 (#59) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Legionnaires, 1998-03-00 (#60) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-04-08 (#61) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-05-00 (#62) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-06-00 (#63) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-07-00 (#64) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-08-00 (#65) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-10-00 (#66) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-11-00 (#67) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1998-12-00 (#68) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-01-00 (#69) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-02-00 (#70) (Glorith-Novus-HD).

Legionnaires, 1999-03-00 (#71) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-04-00 (#72) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-05-00 (#73) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-06-00 (#74) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-07-00 (#75) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-08-00 (#76) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-09-00 (#77) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-10-00 (#78) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-11-00 (#79) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 1999-12-00 (#80) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Legionnaires, 2000-01-00 (#81) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Nancy in Hell on Earth Vol 1 TPB (2012) (DR & Quinch-Empire) Nest Heads (DCP Webrips) Ninjak 0(1995)(FB-DCP)(C2C) Ninjak 00(1995)(FB-DCP)(C2C) Ninjak Yearbook 1(1994)(FB-DCP)(C2C) Noble Causes 001 (2004) (Empire) Noble Causes 002 (2004) (Empire) Noble Causes 003 (2004) (Empire) Noble Causes 004 (2004) (Empire) Noble Causes 005 (2004) (Empire) Noble Causes 006 (2004) (Empire) Noble Causes 007 (2005) (Empire) Noble Causes 008 (2005) (Empire) Noble Causes 009 (2005) (Empire) Noble Causes 010 (2005) (Empire).

Superman, 1987-06-00 (#08) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-02-00 (#16) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-03-09 (#17) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-05-25 (#19) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-06-00 (#20) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-07-00 (#21) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-07-20 (#22) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-09-00 (#23) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-10-00 (#24) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-10-00 (#25) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-10-00 (#26) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1988-11-00 (#27) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Superman, 1988-12-00 (#28) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-01-00 (#29) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-02-00 (#30) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-03-00 (#31) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-04-00 (#32) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-05-00 (#33) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-06-00 (#34) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-07-00 (#35) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-08-00 (#36) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-09-00 (#37) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman, 1989-10-00 (#38) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Tarzan (DCP Webrips) Tech Jacket Vol 2 TPB (2014) (DR & Quinch-Empire) Teen Titans Vol05 014 (HD) (Thornn-Empire) Teen Titans Vol05 015 (HD) (Thornn-Empire) The 7 Wonders T2 Gardens of Babylon (2014) (Sosich) The 7 Wonders T3 Lighthouse of Alexandria (2014) (Sosich) The Adventures of Superman, 1986-11-00 (#424) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1986-12-00 (#425) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1987-01-00 (#426) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1987-02-00 (#427) (Glorith-Novus-HD). The Adventures of Superman, 1990-10-00 (#473) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1991-01-00 (#476) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1991-02-00 (#477) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1991-03-00 (#478) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1992-01-00 (#488) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1992-02-00 (#489) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1992-07-00 (#494) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1992-09-00 (#496) (Glorith-Novus-HD) The Adventures of Superman, 1992-11-00 (#498) (Glorith-Novus-HD). The Amazing Spider-Man 005 (Minutemen-Faessla) The Amazing Spiderman (DCP Webrips) The Barn (DCP Webrips) The Best Of Tinkle 502 - Indian Folk Tales The Best Of Tinkle 503 - Folktales Of The World The Bionic Man Vol 1 TPB (2012) (DR & Quinch-Empire) The Bionic Man Vol 2 TPB (2013) (DR & Quinch-Empire) The Bionic Man Vol 3 TPB (2014) (DR & Quinch-Empire) The Bionic Man vs The Bionic Woman Vol 1 TPB (2013) (DR & Quinch-Empire) The Born Loser (DCP Webrips) The Bounce Vol 1 TPB (2014) (DR & Quinch-Empire).

Tinkle 552 Tinkle 568 (NC) Tinkle 569 (NC) Tinkle Collection 001 - Free Issue with Colgate Tinkle Collection 003 - Indian Folk Tales Tinkle Collection 010 - Tales Of Humour-02 Tinkle Collection 011 - World Folktales-02 Tinkle Collection 015 - Tales Of Humour-03 Tinkle Collection 253 - Suppandi The Simple Tinkle Collection 255 - Tales of Nasruddin Hodja Tinkle Collection 256 - Folktales of South India Tinkle Digest v5 01 Tinkle Present - Just Like Suppandi Tiny Sepuku (DCP Webrips) Titans, 2002-04-00 (#40) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Titans, 2002-05-00 (#41) (Glorith-Novus-HD). Torchbearer 001 (2012) (Minutemen-Newt) Torchbearer 002 (2013) (Minutemen-Newt) Torchbearer 003 (2013) (Minutemen-Newt) Torchbearer 004 (2013) (Minutemen-Newt) Torchbearer 005 (2013) (Minutemen-Newt) Torchbearer 006 (2014) (Minutemen-Newt) Transformers - Last Stand of the Wreckers (2010) (Zeppeli) Transformers Sins Of The Wreckers 002 (TLK-EMPIRE-HD) Trinity, 2008-10-08 (#19) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Trinity, 2008-10-15 (#20) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Forgot about all those Tinkles and apparently 4chan also has a line length rule to go with the character count limit? Venus 01 (of 04) (Son of Ultron-Empire) Vidyarthi Mithram Comics 003 - Inspector Eagle Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 726 (c2c) (GreenManGroup-DCP) War Stories 015 (Mephisto-Empire) Watch Your Head (DCP Webrips) Webwitch 003 (DR & Quinch-Empire) Wee Pals (DCP Webrips) Welcome Back 04 (of 04) (Minutemen-Spaztastic) Whatever Happened to Baron Von Shock 001 (2010) (Li'l DR & Quinch-Empire) Whatever Happened to Baron Von Shock 002 (2010) (Li'l DR & Quinch-Empire) Whatever Happened to Baron Von Shock 003 (2010) (Li'l DR & Quinch-Empire). Whatever Happened to Baron Von Shock 004 (2010) (Li'l DR & Quinch-Empire) Wildfire Vol 1 TPB (2014) (DR & Quinch-Empire) Wonder Care Presents - The Kinder Guardians 002 (Hourman-DCP) Wonder Woman 047 (Empire) Wonder Woman, 1987-04-00 (#05) (hybrid) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Working Daze (DCP Webrips) World of Archie Comics Double Digest 053 (Forsythe-DCP) World's Finest Comics, 1984-06-00 (#306) (Glorith-Novus-HD) World's Finest Comics, 1984-07-00 (#307) (Glorith-Novus-HD) World's Finest Comics, 1984-08-00 (#308) (Glorith-Novus-HD) X-Men - Blind Science 01 (2010) (Minutemen-Faessla). MISSING [2/2]: >Pinocchio Vampire Slayer Versus The Vampire Zoo #1 >Pitiful Human-Lizard #1-3 >Power Up #5-6 >Princeless Be Yourself #1-4 >Public Relations #1-4 >Pussycats #4 >R.R.H. #1-3 >Replica #1 >Rivers Of London #2-5 >Rogues Odd Parenthood #1-3 >Rogues The Burning Heart #3-5 >Sadhu Birth of the Warrior #1-6 >Second Helping A Drawing Assistant's Memoir #1 >Serving Supes #1 >Simpsons Illustrated #16-20 >Six #1-2 >SkyStorm Origins #1-3 >Steam Wars Bounty Hunters #2 >Steam Wars First Empire #2 >Straitjacket #1-2 >Stringers #4-5 >Sunflower #1-2 >Super Zero #1 >T.H.U.N.D.E.R.

Agents 50th Anniversary Special >Titan #1-2 >Toil And Trouble #4 >Tony And Cleo #1-4 >Troll #1 >Vamplets Nightmare Nursery #1-6 >Venture #1-4 >Void Of Heroes #1-2 >Voracious #1 >Welcome To Showside #1-2 >World War 3 Illustrated #34-46 >Yankee #1 >Zen The Intergalactic Ninja Hard Bounty #1-3 >Zombie Tramp v3 #17-18 >Zombie Tramp Vs Vampblade #3. MISSING: GNs >The Abaddon >Andre The Giant Closer To Heaven >Ashes A Firefighter's Tale >Bad Machinery Vols. 3-4 >Bayou Bound >Blood And Honor The Foreworld Saga Volume 1 >City Of Clowns >Democracy >Double D Volume 1 >Eternaut >Faceless Ghost >Family Pets >Filmish A Graphic Journey Through Film >Flutter >Frickin Butt Kickin Zombie Ants Volume 1 >Four Eyes: Forged In Flames Remastered >Get Rich Blood and Sushi >Hysteria Graphic Freud >IF Anthology 2015 >Ingress The Niantic Project Begins >J. Ken Niimura's Henshin >John Carpenter's Tales For A Halloween Night Volume 1 >Junction True >Klaxon >LARP! 1 >Little Robot >Long Red Hair >Moomin And The Martians >Necessary Monsters Volume 1 >Our Expanding Universe >Quit Your Job And Other Stories >Ruins >Scarlett Star On The Run >Scorch >Smoke >Story Of My Tits >Sunbeam On The Astronaut >Tainted >Terror Assaulter O.M.W.O.T. Andertoons (2015) (DCP Webrips) B.C. (2015) (DCP Webrips) Big Top (2015) (DCP Webrips) Compu-toon (2015) (DCP Webrips) Dogs of C-Kennel (2015) (DCP Webrips) For Better or For Worse (2015) (DCP Webrips) Heavens Love Thrift Shop (2015) (DCP Webrips) Judge Parker (2015) (DCP Webrips) Li'l Abner (2015) (DCP Webrips) Mutts (2015) (DCP Webrips) Pibgorn (2015) (DCP Webrips) Rhymes With Orange (2015) (DCP Webrips) Sally Forth (2015) (DCP Webrips) The Duplex (2015) (DCP Webrips) The Sunshine Club (2015) (DCP Webrips) Wizard of Id (2015) (DCP Webrips).

All of these non-Sendspace mirrors are by the Hitlist guy; he forgot to post them before last thread died. Andertoons (2015) (DCP Webrips) Apartment 3-G (2015) (DCP Webrips) Aunty Acid (2015) (DCP Webrips) B.C. (2015) (DCP Webrips) Big Nate (2015) (DCP Webrips) Big Top (2015) (DCP Webrips) Buckles (2015) (DCP Webrips) Cleats (2015) (DCP Webrips) Compu-toon (2015) (DCP Webrips) Dennis The Menace (2015) (DCP Webrips) Dogs of C-Kennel (2015) (DCP Webrips) For Better or For Worse (2015) (DCP Webrips) Funky Winkerbean (2015) (DCP Webrips) Gil Thorp (2015) (DCP Webrips) Heavens Love Thrift Shop (2015) (DCP Webrips). Superman - The Man of Steel, 1994-11-00 (#40) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman - The Man of Steel, 1994-12-00 (#41) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman - The Man of Steel, 1995-01-00 (#42) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman - The Man of Steel, 1995-02-00 (#43) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman - The Man of Steel, 1995-08-00 (#49) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman - The Man of Tomorrow, 1995-04-00 (#01) (digital) (Glorith-Novus-HD) Superman - The Man of Tomorrow, 1998-09-00 (#1000000) (digital) (Glorith-Novus).

Not unless we get a lot of spam - sometimes a whole hour can past without a post. FROM T3: My folder is designed by publisher, than title. I started just this week organizing some stuff by character. If I had a slave, I'd also create a paste bin of stuff, since that would be easier to search, but my way, at least you can search (say you want just 1-2 books out of the Batman v1, it's easier to find that it's on the Empire Stash). However, if someone has a better design, I'm open. I don't want to create a blog like Saladin/Goblin or Azam and >green text User anon, it's just extra work for me.

I've been meaning to start posting on Kaskus and I might start posting on some of the forums that Goblin used to (since no one else does) or Avax, but that doesn't really help folks out here. Zippy reloading will also happen to you in the Empire Stash, depending on where you are and what you are moving too. I'll go ahead and do Hitlist's Man of Steel and MoT with my own so you don't have to deal with the drama, since I incorporated the other Glorith, you won't at least have to redo any of that when you do a final for AHG (plus I know he'd appreciate it as well) from what Novus I had forgotten to post before you did your recap. At least you won't have THAT headache from today. Besides, I made a next text file of your Raw Paste so I could add for this recap and I am almost done adding this stuff. Airport then I get to pass out while they drive back.

No clue which one you forgot, big guy, but you have 8 files listed (and 8 User links) but only 7 TUSux. Fuck that shit - I loath Nitroflare, I'll use it for a huge Empire trade I want that I'm essentially hording for later reading but that's about it. Shame because whomever Mike Stoke is, he misses about 33% of that week's books, especially trades. I thought Alexandra (she's either French or Greek and she posts on MCP as well) and some of the other foreign language posters still used Slowgator and Uploaded but honestly, I haven't been there in weeks and I pretty much just click on Mike's 'blog' and scan his stuff. >C4F's Hourman will get to the one he particularly did (I finally have a bit of info from them) but yes, I don't mind doing those.

There are more than that one? I won't get to it till later tomorrow, I have to go pick up bros at the airport.

>green user, yes, he's an annoying Ef, he's the one who first started posting User here besides folks cross-posting Azam or Goblin. I didn't realize Azam had a proxy issue until today. Here is the Paste Bin (T4 Recap plus Novu):.

An Hourman mirror of mine was also missing and I was sure so I went back and added some Azam User mirrors of those newspaper comics strip DCP rips, forget which one - just one or two? There may have been other problems besides that Hourman and Soothsayer Also, because Hitlist did and (and even forgot one of his links but got him to fix that), the names of the files are not in your format, so I tried to work on that but it's a bitch to do manually as you will see.

But at least you won't have to find them, you can just parse Hitlist links for those 13 file names and sub for what I placed. Recap Anon - who is on the hubs, said that those were from January as is the X-Men (although I am going to go ahead and mirror those because Minutemen).

So I'm not sure they need mirrors unless you simply want to be nice to do it? Angry Little Girls (2015) (DCP Webrips) Betty (2015) (DCP Webrips) Brewster Rockit (2015) (DCP Webrips) Cornered (2015) (DCP Webrips) Doonesbury (2015) (DCP Webrips) Flo and Friends (2015) (DCP Webrips) Gasoline Alley (2015) (DCP Webrips) Henry (2015) (DCP Webrips) Intelligent Life (2015) (DCP Webrips) Lola (2015) (DCP Webrips) Marmaduke (2015) (DCP Webrips) Off the Mark (2015) (DCP Webrips) Pooch Cafe (2015) (DCP Webrips) Rubes (2015) (DCP Webrips) Strange Brew (2015) (DCP Webrips) The Family Circus (2015) (DCP Webrips) The Other Coast (2015) (DCP Webrips). Simpsons One-Shot Wonders - Grandpa (2015) (GreenManGroup-DCP) Personally, was I the person actually generating the recap, I would have grouped all those say 'Tinkles' by at least batches and years (say - Tinkle (2011) 014-28, 33-51, 77-86, 91).

This was sometimes done in the past, definitely in 2014; problem is browsers do no necessarily pick it up, nor did MOE (not sure if DESU uses a different engine logarithm) so say, 'Action Comics (2011) 002' might not be searchable if it's in the recap as 'Action Comics v2 (2011-2012) 001-009' - capiche? We really need a script, posted on a site so anyone can access it, and then whomever is around (and willing) can do them for those of us too lazy to volunteer.

We had a long talk about this among probably 10+ anons the week our Recap Anon went away and the threads were a total mess. >Personally, was I the person actually generating the recap, I would have grouped all those say 'Tinkles' by at least batches and years (say - Tinkle (2011) 014-28, 33-51, 77-86, 91). This was sometimes done in the past, definitely in 2014; problem is browsers do no necessarily pick it up, nor did MOE (not sure if DESU uses a different engine logarithm) so say, 'Action Comics (2011) 002' might not be searchable if it's in the recap as 'Action Comics v2 (2011-2012) 001-009' - capiche? That's the sole reason I stopped grouping them. Once I started doing the backups for Boost I realised you can't search for singles issues that way so I started leaving it that way. Plus, less work for me.

>We really need a script, posted on a site so anyone can access it, and then whomever is around (and willing) can do them for those of us too lazy to volunteer. We had a long talk about this among probably 10+ anons the week our Recap Anon went away and the threads were a total mess.

Can't really script much considering all the different naming and grouping formats in the thread. Which is why I started using JD2, but even then you still have to go through it by hand to make sure names match up so you can group it automatically. And that's what takes the longest. From that point on though, you can basically script all of it. I've been doing it as PowerShell commands though cause I forgot to backup the half assed script I had written when I upgraded to Win 10. BTW - I am double checking some stuff of my own and a bunch of Azam Usercloud links (pretty much a lot of the CMX Submit Hourman stuff) looks like it was missed - at least on a few? He posts here, Usercloud links.

He was the one doing the green text for the titles before others copied him. His blog is still around, you should check out Azam, he has the same stuff, it has a better search function and he doesn't use Slowgator, Uploaded and FileFword. There's also My Comic Post but again same folks (it's where I cross post my shit and I only get around to doing 1/3 of it) and there's Comix4free - they are pretty much user/tus, some zips and a few other options, it's a collection of people so it's probably the most varied of what is out there right now, IMHO. Eh, whomever does them asked last week if folks read them, I do, so do others. I keep checking for the day that someone, rather than Empire ripping something OKC or Minutemen already did (because sales), will decide to rip LARP for me (and many other things, but that's the one that is most recent). Bit Serial Data Interface Bmw X6. Yeah, he posts here and doesn't even really respond to comments on his posts, not that there are really many.

As I said, Azam is also pretty quick to put stuff up as another plus, but I guess if it's a non-WIN-0 day thing for you, that doesn't matter, but for that, I suspect you will really prefer the better searching. Plus almost all User with just a few Tus. It's also searchable by publisher and character. Do one of those proxy things where they think you are in China and download it for free, as that's what they are doing to get them to adopt it legally, for updates, and to get access to them for Outlook and their other online products where they can generate those ad dollars and crap. Nope, I mirrored Sorcery 101 002 and cross-posted it elsewhere, but forgot to post it here. I just added my zippy when I processed your recap. So when I was searching NOW to see if I had posted it here, I found Hitlists, and the cross-posted sendspace PLUS a whole posting of Azam from Saturday of Hourman rips and a few other things.

I figure if two of those rips were I missed, I only checked two, more might have been. On the other hand, Hitlist LoSH 259 and 260 (1980) are last week's WIN-0 when I mirrored them, Hitlist posted them elsewhere and they are on Torrents from last week, but forgot (or just reposted them). Also, I keep forgetting because it's too much extra work, but either Hitlist is reposting the random Hourman CMX (Our Super Mom 4 is a good example, since that's a Christmas day Hitlist) on other weeks. However, I saw other people doing this so I assume Hourman is sometimes ripping the wrong issue. Why we have that C4F perhaps? Sticking to win7 for now, the only reasons I really see to get win10 would be DX12 and continued support. I don't care about [latest AAA snoozefest game] so DX12 is not really a biggie and MS is still supporting win7 to 2020 so I'm good for now.

On the other hand. Mandatory spyware, for anything but Enterprise users that knows how to disable it, is a no go for me. >proxy >implying that's the reason I'm too paranoid/cynical to believe that every single cracker does it 'because information should be free' so I'm not letting anything cracked near my computer.

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