Driver License Center South Main Street Coudersport Pa


Apr 21, 2017. Commercial Driver's License (CDL) medical exams are now available at two more Cole Memorial Medical Group practices: Bowman Health Center, 83 South Marvin Street, Smethport, Pennsylvania and the Internal Medicine Practice located in the Hospital's Irwin Medical Arts Center, 1001 East Second.

Driver License Center South Main Street Coudersport Pa

I believe there are, although I've never seen one. (Not surprising as I've only seen one black bear and no moose in the part of the mountains where I live, and we know there is a population of both.) Hundreds of people have claimed they have up seen mountain lions here in the Adirondacks and across the state. Someone I know claims he saw one as far south of here as Dutchess County. A State Police investigator claims to have spotted one while hunting near Keene, NY.

I'm not sure though that I want the State to declare them a resident species as that will surly insure their extinction. Better they stay elusive and unrecognized.

The official position of the State and the DEC is that there are no mountain lions in NY, despite the sighting by the police invesitgaor. Here is a typical sighting report in a local: Sightings count for little. Officially, it seems that without direct physical evidence, the policy is that there is no mountain lion population in NY. Note in the story that two people coming from different directions spotted a large cat near their village. The DEC apparently doesn't bother to respond to residents' concerns about the cats. Until the Governor runs over one with his car, I don't think the official position it will change.

A few weeks ago there was an article in the Albany Times Union on sightings of mountain lion in the hilltowns. There were several sightings there and again DEC denies they have 'proof' and suggested it was bobcats the article stated. Shortly after that article we had a workman at our home from the hilltowns so I asked. He states there are both bobcat and mountain lion, fox, coyote, coy dog and a DEC confirmed wolf sighting. I am in Rensselaer County and the bear in my backyard was enough wildlife for this year thanks! Kareen Here is a link that might be useful.

There are lynx here in WNY. I live in the 'southern tier', outside Buffalo and was just talking to someone this weekend about Lynx in our area. He actually spooked one out of his field when he was brush-hogging, and his dog took after it. He said a minute later his dog came running back with the lynx chasing him. It took off when the dog got back to 'his human'. I've heard we've had lynx in the area, and this is the second person I've talked to that's actually seen one. Lynx, coyotes and bears are the reason I make sure my miniature donkeys are in their stalls after dark.

They could probably defend themselves, but it's not worth taking the chance they don't. We live in Sullivan Co., near the Neversink River Gorge DEC area. My wife saw a mountain lion crossing the road while driving her car. She said there is no doubting the long tail. Local DEC guy doesn't believe.

We do see bobcat (much smaller and no tail) we often hear coyotes, and I believe I saw a fisher last year - big, dark and low to the ground. I know I've seen otters, no doubting their prancing walk across the pond. I'd be happy to know lions are around, I've read deer are their favorite food - take my deer, please?

Having lived in the rural Northeast for most of my adult life I have grown used to hearing reports about all kinds of animals in our environment. Some of them seem hard to believe, like 30 years ago who would have thought that Moose would return in sufficient numbers to become traffic hazards in suburban areas of Burlington, VT and the Adirondacks? A couple of years ago a local homeowner near Cooperstown photographed an animal he described as a Mountain Lion. Two groups of wildlife biologists examined the photograph, one said it was definitely a Mountain Lion, the other called it a bobcat or even a house cat. The issue got quite a bit of attention here in Otsego County and the picture was published in the local newspaper, here is the link to the photo: Garet. I have not seen one,but the stories persist up here near the Quebec border,and the cougar has been verified as being in Quebec. A few weeks ago a sensor-triggered U.S.

Border Patrol camera on the border with Canada was set off by a large cat.The pictures are still being looks like a cougar,but there is nothing in the pictures with which to compare its size.The cat walked around a field for about 20 minutes while the camera zoomed in and out. An agent who went to the scene and used his binoculars estimated the weight at 80 to 100 pounds.That is nobody's pet! Three times over a 15 yr period.

Once, first time, early morning hours of a summer Sunday, when it had a face off with our house cat in the field behind the house. Our cat was screeching its lungs out, which was what awoke me, as they stood facing each other until I arrived and our cat made a bee-line for me. I was within 100 ft of them. Beige, even colored coat, long tail, small head, and much larger than our large tomcat. All Clad Slow Cooker Troubleshooting Trailer. I first thought Bobcat, but tail was long, and no other markings in the coat.

That was about 1988. Twice again, most recently about 1997, but from a distance as it ran along a wood line behind the house. Location - Clarkson, NY. Others in the larger area were reporting the same sorts of sightings to the DEC, but the 'party line' was that we were all just dreaming. I feel like a UFO reorter, but I know what I saw and I know it was looking at our cat as breakfast when I ran outside to chase it off.

>>You could probably always find people who thought they saw large cats in the wilder areas of New York and Pennsylvania.>>>>I live in Elmira 9 miles from the PA border. Rural area all around us. Much wilder just below us in the PA counties of Tioga and Potter. There have been many rumored sightings in these PA counties for the last ten years or so, of mountain lions.

YES they have a lot of bobcats. But the rumors PERSIST,despite the state of Penna. Denying it, that there are mountain lions in these northernmost counties of Penna.

In particular, around the Coudersport, Pa area. That would be western Potter County. Their local paper has reported sightings from local, dependable witnesses, many times in the last few years. Nikon Stabileyes 12x32 Manualidades. Even a blurry photo in the snow which I saw that newspaper last year.

The state wants they keep denying what people say they see. There have even been sightings of a BLACK mountain lion.though most of the rest of the reports are your typical golden colored one. I live outside rochester where there used to be lots of apparent sightings. My neighbor down the road who is a close family friend actually said he was eating dinner and watching a rabbit outside when a big black cougar jumped on it and ran back into the woods. I dont know why it was black but my parents and I have both seen strange animals quickly that couldnt be ID'd as anything in particular. My father sent me this email awhile back with pics from a cougar supposedly in hornell, NY.

South of here. Theyre of a mountain lion outside on a porch looking in someones glass door. If i can figure out how to post them i will heres the text that came with the email, This is NO joke.

I personally know the person who took these photos. Edna Kriner Kirby was at the hunting camp in Hornell NY the weekend of Jan 24, the weekend we had the big snowstorm. She has cats and noticed something had been cleaning out all the food on the deck and in the storage shed.Very Big Cat That sunday a rep from the DEC confirmed it was a Cougar. He said there is at least10 cougars living between Hornell, Corning NY to Wellsboro PA. Each animal can roam a 100sq mile area and usually stay clear of human activity,but in the winter easy food will attract them. He noted this is VERY rare to have one at your door and stay there for 3 photos. This animal may be a problem one, he said.

He also estimated the animal is over 100lbs.Also the local radio and tv news didn't seem to care much about this story or the photos. I guess they don't want to cause a scare in that area.Watch your back if you have a camp or cottage in that area.

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