Geografia E Storia Della Letteratura Italiana Pdf Converter

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A proportionate graph of Sardinian topography: 13.6% of the island is mountainous, 18.5% is flat, and 67.9% is hilly. Sardinia is the second-largest island in the (after Sicily and before Cyprus), with an area of 24,100 square kilometres (9,305 sq mi).

It is situated between 38° 51' and 41° 18' latitude north (respectively Isola del Toro and Isola La Presa) and 8° 8' and 9° 50' east longitude (respectively Capo dell' and Capo Comino). To the west of Sardinia is the, a unit of the Mediterranean Sea; to Sardinia's east is the, which is also an element of the Mediterranean Sea. Sardinia average rainfalls The climate of the island is variable from area to area, due to several factors including the extension in latitude and the elevation.

It can be classified in two different macrobioclimates (Mediterranean pluviseasonal oceanic and Temperate oceanic), one macrobioclimatic variant, called Submediterranean, and four classes of continentality (from weak semihyperoceanic to weak semicontinental), eight thermotypic horizons (from lower thermomediterranean to upper supratemperate) and seven ombrotypic horizons (from lower dry to lower hyperhumid), resulting in a combination of 43 different isobioclimates. During the year there is a major concentration of rainfall in the winter and autumn, some heavy showers in the spring and snowfalls in the highlands. The average temperature is between 11 to 17 °C (52 to 63 °F), with mild winters and hot summers on the coasts ( 9 to 11 °C (48 to 52 °F) in January, 23 to 26 °C (73 to 79 °F) in July), and cold winters and cool summers on the mountains ( −2 to 4 °C (28 to 39 °F) in January, 16 to 20 °C (61 to 68 °F) in July). Rainfall has a Mediterranean distribution all over the island, with almost totally rainless summers and wet autumns, winters and springs. However, in summer, the rare rainfalls can be characterized by short but severe, which can cause. The climate is also heavily influenced by the vicinity of the (barometric low) and the relative proximity of the.

Low pressures in autumn can generate the formation of the so-called Medicanes, extratropical cyclones which affect the Mediterranean basin. In 2013, the island was hit by several cyclones, included the, which dumped almost 18 inches (450 mm) of rainfall within an hour and a half. Sardinia being relatively large and hilly, weather is not uniform; in particular the East is drier, but paradoxically it suffers the worst rainstorms: in autumn 2009, it rained more than 200 mm (7.9 in) in a single day in Siniscola, and 19 November 2013, locations in Sardinia were reported to have received more than 431 mm (17 inches) within two hours. The western coast has a higher distribution of rainfalls even for modest elevations (for instance Iglesias, elevation 200 m (656 ft), average annual precipitation 815 mm (32.1 in)). The driest part of the island is the coast of Cagliari gulf, with less than 450 mm (17.7 in) per year, the minimum is at Capo Carbonara at the extreme south-east of the island 381 mm (15.0 in), and the wettest is the top of the mountain with almost 1,500 mm (59.1 in) per year. The average for the entire island is about 800 mm (31.5 in) per year, which is more than enough for the needs of the population and vegetation.

The from the northwest is the dominant wind on and off throughout the year, though it is most prevalent in winter and spring. It can blow quite strongly, but it is usually dry and cool. At Sardinia is one of the most geologically ancient bodies of land in. The island was populated in various waves of immigration from prehistory until recent times. The first people to settle in Sardinia during the and the came probably from the and the; the colonization of the island is demonstrated by the evidences in 's Corbeddu Cave in the some populations, particularly from present-day, managed to move to northern Sardinia via Corsica. The was introduced in the by the coming from the Italian Peninsula. In the mid-Neolithic period, the, probably of, flourished on the island spreading the tombs known as, while the of built the first: circular tombs.

In the early, the of and began to develop. During the late, the so-called, coming from, appeared in Sardinia. These new people predominantly settled on the west coast, where the majority of the sites attributed to them had been found. The Beaker culture was followed in the early by the which showed both reminiscences of the Beaker and influences by the. As time passed, the different Sardinian populations appear to have become united in customs, yet remained politically divided into various small, tribal groupings, at times banding together, and at others waging war against each other. Martec Folding Prop Installation 115 on this page. Habitations consisted of round thatched stone huts.

Main article: From about 1500 BC onwards, villages were built around round tower-fortresses called (singular form 'Nuraghe', usually pluralized in as 'Nuraghes'). These towers were often reinforced and enlarged with battlements. Tribal boundaries were guarded by smaller lookout Nuraghes erected on strategic hills commanding a view of other territories. Today, some 7,000 Nuraghes dot the Sardinian landscape.

While initially these Nuraghes had a relatively simple structure, with time they became extremely complex and monumental (see for example,, or ). The scale, complexity and territorial spread of these buildings attest to the level of wealth accumulated by the Nuragic people, their advances in technology and the complexity of their society, which was able to coordinate large numbers of people with different roles for the purpose of building the monumental Nuraghes. Head of one of the so-called Sardinia was at the time at the centre of several commercial routes and it was an important provider of raw materials such as copper and lead, which were pivotal for the manufacture of the time.

By controlling the extraction of these raw materials and by commercing them with other countries, the Nuragic civilisation was able to accumulate wealth and reach a level of sophistication that is not only reflected in the complexity of its surviving buildings, but also in its artworks (e.g. The votive bronze statuettes found across Sardinia or the statues of Mont'e Prama). According to some scholars, the Nuragic people(s) are identifiable with the, a tribe of the '. The Nuragic civilization was linked with other contemporaneous megalithic civilization of the western Mediterranean, such as the of the and the of. Evidence of trade with the other civilizations of the time is attested by several artefacts (e.g. Pots), coming from as far as,,, and Italy, that have been found in Nuragic sites, bearing witness to the scope of commercial relations between the Nuragic people and other peoples in Europe and beyond.

Ancient history [ ]. Cagliari Around the 9th century BC the began visiting Sardinia with increasing frequency, presumably initially needing safe over-night and/or all-weather anchorages along their trade routes from the coast of modern-day Lebanon as far afield as the African and European Atlantic coasts and beyond. The most common ports of call were,,,, and., a Latin poet, in his poem De bello Gildonico, stated that Caralis was founded by people from, probably in the same time of the foundation of, in the. In the, after the conquest of western Sicily, the planned to annex Sardinia. A first invasion attempt led by Malco was foiled by the victorious Nuraghic resistance. However, from 510 BC, the southern and west-central part of the island was invaded a second time and came under Carthaginian rule.

Roman of Forum Traiani, in what is now. In 238 BC, taking advantage of Carthage having to face a rebellion of her mercenaries (the ) after the (264–241 BC), the annexed Corsica and Sardinia from the Carthaginians. The two islands became the province of. They were not given a provincial governor until 227 BC. The Romans faced many rebellions, and it took them many years to pacify both islands.

The existing coastal cities were enlarged and embellished, and Roman such as and were founded. These were populated by Roman immigrants. The Roman military occupation brought the Nuragic civilization to an end, except for the mountainous interior of the island, which the Romans called, meaning “ land”. Roman rule in Sardinia lasted 694 years, during which time the province was an important source of grain for the capital.

Came to be the dominant spoken language during this period, though Roman culture was slower to take hold, and Roman rule was often contested by the Sardinian tribes from the mountainous regions. Vandal conquest [ ]. Santa Sabina Byzantine church and nuraghe in The dates and circumstances of the end of Byzantine rule in Sardinia are not known. Direct central control was maintained at least through c. 650, after which local legates were empowered in the face of the rebellion of, and the first invasion of the.

There is some evidence that senior Byzantine administration in the Exarchate of Africa retreated to Caralis following the final fall of to the in 697. The loss of imperial control in Africa led to escalating raids by and on the island, the first of which is documented in 705, forcing increased military self-reliance in the province. Communication with the central government became daunting if not impossible during and after the between 827 and 902. A letter by as early as 864 mentions the 'Sardinian judges', without reference to the empire and a letter by (reigned 872–882) refers to them as principes ('princes').

By the time of, completed in 952, the Byzantine authorities no longer listed Sardinia as an imperial province, suggesting they considered it lost. In all likelihood a local noble family acceded to the power, still identifying themselves as vassals of the Byzantines, but independent as communications with Constantinople were very difficult. We know only two names of those rulers, Salusios (Σαλούσιος) and the protospatharios Turcoturios (Tουρκοτούριος) from two inscriptions ), who probably reigned between the 10th and the 11th century.

These rulers were still closely linked to the Byzantines, both for a pact of ancient vassalage, and from the ideological point of view, with the use of the Greek language (in a country of the romance language), and the use of art of Byzantine inspiration. 12th century frescoes in the in In the early 11th century, an attempt to conquer the island was made by Muslims based in Spain.

The only records of that war are from Pisan and Genoese chronicles. The Christians won, but after that, the previous Sardinian kingdom was totally undermined and divided into four small giudicati: Cagliari ( Calari), Arborea ( Arbaree), Gallura, Torres or Logudoro. Whether this final transformation from imperial civil servant to independent sovereign resulted from imperial abandonment or local assertion, by the 10th century, the (: judikes /: iudices, literally 'judges', a Byzantine administrative title) had emerged as the autonomous rulers of Sardinia. The title of iudice changed with the language and local understanding of the position, becoming the Sardinian judike, essentially a king or sovereign, while (: judicadu), literally ‘’ or ‘’, came to mean 'state'. A letter by to proves that the Giudicati were known even in, and that they played an important role in Medieval Europe.

Early medieval Sardinian political institutions evolved from the millennium-old Roman imperial structures with relatively little Germanic influence. Although the were hereditary lordships, the old Byzantine imperial notion that personal title or honor was separate from the state still remained, so the Giudicato was not regarded as the personal property of the monarch as was common in later European. Like the imperial systems, the new order also preserved 'semi-democratic' forms, with national assemblies called the. Each Giudicato saw to its own defense, maintained its own laws and administration, and looked after its own foreign and trading affairs. The history of the four Giudicati would be defined by the contest for influence between the rival rising sea powers of and, and later the ambitions of the. Sardinian Giudicati The (or Pluminos), during the regency of and his successor,, was allied with the. For this it was brought to an end in 1258, when its capital,, was stormed and destroyed by an alliance of Sardinian and Pisan forces.

The territory then was divided between, the and the Giudicati of Arborea and Gallura. Pisa maintained the control over the fortress of Castel di Cagliari founded by Pisan merchants in 1216/1217 east of Santa Igia; in the south-west the count promoted the birth of the town of Villa di Chiesa (today ) to exploit the nearby rich deposits.

The (sometimes called Torres) was also allied to the and came to an end in 1259 after the death of the judikessa (queen). The territory was divided up between the and Malaspina families of and the Bas-Serra family of, while the city of became a small republic, like the ( comuni), firstly with Pisa and then with Genoa. The ended in the year 1288, when the last giudice, (a friend of ), was driven out by the Pisans, who occupied the territory. The, having as its capital, had a longer life compared to the other kingdoms.

Its later history is entwined with the attempt to unify the island into a single Sardinian state ( Republica Sardisca) against their relatives and former allies. Aragonese period [ ] In 1297, established on his own initiative ( ) a hypothetical regnum Sardiniae et Corsicae (') in order to settle the diplomatically. This had broken out in 1282 between the and over the possession of Sicily. Despite the existence of the indigenous states, the Pope offered this newly created crown to, promising him support should he wish to conquer Pisan Sardinia in exchange for Sicily. The proclamation of the Republic of. The Sassarese republic lasted from 1272 until 1323, when it sided with the new born Kingdom of Sardinia. In 1324, in alliance with the Kingdom of Arborea and following a that lasted a year or so, the Aragon Crown Prince led a Catalan army that occupied the Pisan territories of Cagliari and Gallura along with the allied city of Sassari, naming them ' The Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica'.

The kingdom was to remain a dominion of the Crown of Aragon (under the ) until the Treaty of Utrecht. During this period, the Giudicato of Arborea promulgated the legal code of the kingdom in the (‘Charter of the Land’). The Carta de Logu was originally compiled by, and was amended and updated by Mariano's daughter, Female Judge ( judikessa or juighissa). The legal code was written in and established a whole range of citizens' rights.

Among the revolutionary concepts in this Carta de Logu was the right of women to refuse marriage and to own property. In terms of civil liberties, the code made provincial 14th century Sardinia one of the most developed societies in all of Europe. In 1353,, following Aragonese customs, granted a parliament to the kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica, which was followed by some degree of self-government under a viceroy and judicial independence.

This parliament, however, had limited powers. It consisted of high-ranking military commanders, the clergy and the nobility. The kingdom of Aragon also introduced the system into the areas of Sardinia that it ruled. The Sardinian Giudicati never adopted feudalism, and Arborea maintained its parliament, called the Corona de Logu 'Crown of the Realm'. In this parliament, apart from the nobles and military commanders, also sat the representatives of each township and village.

The Corona de Logu exercised some control over the king: under the rule of the bannus consensus the king could be deposed or even executed if he did not follow the rules of the kingdom. Statue of Judichessa in. Broken the alliance with the Crown of Aragon, from 1353 to 1409, the Arborean giudici, and (husband of ), succeeded in occupying all of Sardinia except the heavily fortified towns of the Castle of and, which for years remained as the only Aragonese dominions in Sardinia. In 1409,, king of Sicily and heir to the crown of Aragon, defeated the Sardinians at the.

The battle was fought by about 20,000 Sardinian, Genoese and French knights, enrolled from their kingdom at a time when the population of Sardinia had been greatly depleted by the plague. Despite the Sardinian army outnumbering the Aragonese army, they were defeated. The giudicato of Arborea disappeared in 1420, when its rights were sold by the last king for 100,000, and after some of its most notable men switched sides in exchange for privileges. For example, Leonardo Cubello, with some claim to the crown being from a family related to the Kings of Arborea, was granted the title of and feudal rights on a territory that partly overlapped with the original extension of the Kingdom of Arborea in exchange for his subjection to the. The conquest of Sardinia by the meant the introduction of the feudal system throughout Sardinia.

Thus Sardinia is probably the only European country where feudalism was introduced in the transition period from the Middle Ages to the, at a time when feudalism had already been abandoned by many other European countries. Spanish period [ ]. Flag of the Kingdom of Sardinia (center) at the funeral of Charles I of Spain In 1469, the heir to Sardinia,, married, and the ' (which was separated from Corsica) was to be inherited by their Habsburg grandson,, with the state symbol of the. The successors of, in order to defend their Mediterranean territories from raids of the, fortified the Sardinian shores with a system of coastal lookout towers, allowing the gradual resettlement of some coastal areas. The Kingdom of Sardinia remained Aragonese-Spanish for about 400 years, from 1323 to 1708, assimilating a number of Spanish traditions, customs and linguistic expressions, nowadays vividly portrayed in the folklore parades of Saint Efisio in Cagliari (1 May), the Cavalcade on Sassari (last but one Sunday in May), and the Redeemer in Nuoro (28 August). To this day Catalan is still spoken in the north-western city of ().

Many have been reported in Sardinia. According to Stephen L. Dyson and Robert J.

Rowland, 'The of Cagliari recorded years during the late 16th century 'of such hunger and so sterile that the majority of the people could sustain life only with wild ferns and other weeds'. During the terrible famine of 1680, some 80,000 people, out of a total population of 250,000, are said to have died, and entire villages were devastated.' Savoyard period [ ] In 1708, as a consequence of the, the rule of the Kingdom of Sardinia passed from into the hands of the, who occupied the island. The granted Sardinia to the, but in 1717, Cardinal, minister of,. In 1718, with the Treaty of London, Sardinia was handed over to the, that would impose the on the island in 1760. The French siege of Cagliari and Quartu In 1793, Sardinians repelled the French during the. On 23 February 1793,, commanding the Sardinian fleet, defeated the fleets of the French Republic near the, of which then-lieutenant was a leader.

Millelire became the first recipient of the of the. In the same month, Sardinians stopped the attempted French landing on the beach of, near the Capital of. Because of these successes, the representatives of nobility and clergy ( Stamenti) formulated five requests addressed to the King, but they got refused. Because of this discontent, on 28 April 1794, during an uprising in, two Savoyard officials were killed. That was the start of a revolt (called the 'Sardinian Vespers') in the island, which culminated on 28 April 1794 (commemorated today as ) with the expulsion or even execution of the Piedmontese officers for a few days from the Capital. Angioy entry into Sassari.

On 28 December 1795 in insurgents demonstrating against feudalism, mainly from the region of, occupied the city. On 13 February 1796, in order to prevent the spread of the revolt, the viceroy Filippo Vivalda gave the Sardinian magistrate the role of Alternos, which meant a substitute of the viceroy himself. Angioy moved from Cagliari to Sassari, and during his journey almost all the villages joined the uprising, demanding an end to feudalism and aiming to declare the island to be an independent republic, but once he was outnumbered by forces he fled to Paris and sought support for a French annexation of the island. In 1798 the islet near Sardinia was attacked by the and over 900 inhabitants were taken away as. The final Muslim attack on the island was on on 16 October 1815, over a millennium since the first.

In 1799, as a consequence of the in Italy, the Savoy royal family left and took refuge in Cagliari for some fifteen years. In 1847, the Sardinian parliaments ( Stamenti), in order to get the Piedmontese liberal reforms they could not afford due to their separated legal system, renounced their state autonomy and agreed to form a with Piedmont, Savoy, Nice and Liguria in order to have a single parliament, a single magistracy and a single government in Turin; this move aggravated the island's peripheral condition and most of the pro-union supporters, including its leader Giovanni Siotto Pintor, would later regret it.

Sardinians wearing traditional clothing, 1880s. In 1820, the Savoyards imposed the 'Enclosures Act' ( Editto delle Chiudende) on the island, aimed at turning the land's traditional collective ownership, a cultural and economic cornerstone of Sardinia since the Nuragic times, to private property. This gave rise to many abuses, as the reform favoured the landholders while excluding the poor Sardinian farmers and shepherds, who witnessed the abolition of the communal rights and the sale of the land. Many local rebellions like the Su Connottu ('The Already Known' in Sardinian) riot in 1868, all repressed by the King's army, resulted in an attempt to return to the past and reaffirm the right to use the once common land.

However the (called ademprivios) were never completely abolished, and they are still present in large number to this day (500,000 hectares of common lands were counted in 1956, of which 345,000 constituted by woods). In 1848, the confederation of states powered by the Savoyard kings of Sardinia became a unitarian and constitutional state and moved to the for the, that were led for thirteen years. In 1861, being Italy united by a debated war campaign, the parliament of the Kingdom of Sardinia decided by law to change its name and the title of its king in and. Most Sardinian forests were cut down at this time, in order to provide the Piedmontese with raw materials, like wood, used to make railway sleepers on the mainland.

The extension of the primary natural forests, praised by every traveller visiting Sardinia, would in fact be reduced to 1/5 of their original number, being little more than 100.000 hectares at the end of the century. During the, the Sardinian soldiers of the distinguished themselves. It was the first and only regional military unit in Italy, since the people enrolled were only Sardinians. The brigade suffered heavy losses and earned four. Sardinia lost more young people than any other Italian region on the front, with 138 casualties per 1000 soldiers compared to the Italian average of 100 casualties. During the period, with the implementation of the policy of, several swamps around the island were reclaimed and agrarian communities founded.

The main communities were the village of Mussolinia (now called ), populated by farmers from and, in the area of Oristano and, populated at first by settlers from the area, followed, after, by a notable number of and hailing from territories lost to, in the area adjacent the city of, within the region of. Also established during that time (1938) was the city of, which became the main centre of activity, that attracted thousand of workers from the rest of the Island and the Italian mainland.

The Sardinian writer won the in 1926. Effect of Allied bombing on during the. During the, Sardinia was an important air and naval base and was heavily bombed by the, especially the city of Cagliari.

German troops left the island on 8 September 1943, a few days after the, and retired to Corsica without fighting and bloodshed, after a bilateral agreement between the general Antonio Basso (Commander of the Armed Forces of Sardinia) and the German Karl Hans Lungerhausen, general of the. Post-Second World War period [ ] In 1946, by popular referendum, Italy became a republic, with Sardinia being administered since 1948 by a special statute of autonomy. By 1951, was successfully eliminated by the ERLAAS, Anti-malaric Regional Authority, and the support of the, which facilitated the commencement of the Sardinian tourist boom. With the increase in, coal decreased in importance but Sardinia followed the.

Super Yachts anchored at port, In the early 1960s, an effort was commenced, the so-called Piani di Rinascita (rebirth plans), with the initiation of major infrastructure projects on the island. These included the construction of new dams and roads, reforestation, agricultural zones on reclaimed marshland, and large industrial complexes (primarily oil refineries and related petrochemical operations). With the creation of, thousands of ex-farmers became industrial workers. The caused the termination of employment for thousands of workers employed in the petrochemical industries, which aggravated the emigration already present in the 1950s and 1960s. Sardinia faced the creation of on the island, like and (the biggest scientific military base in Europe) in the same decades. Even now, around 60% of all Italian and NATO military installations in Italy are on Sardinia, whose area is less than one-tenth of all the Italian territory and whose population is little more than the 2.5%; furthermore, they comprise over 35.000 hectares used for experimental weapons testing, where 80% of the military explosives in Italy are used. And local became stronger in the 1970s, and a number of ( ) started a long series of, which ended only in the 1990s.

This also gave rise to various militant groups that blended separatist and ideas, the most famous being Barbagia Rossa and the, which perpetrated several bombings and terrorist actions between the 1970s and the 1980s. In the span of just two years (1987–1988), 224 bombing attacks were reported. 's former NATO naval base In 1983 a prominent activist of a separatist party, the ( Partidu Sardu – Partito Sardo d'Azione), was elected president of the regional parliament, and in the 1980s several other movements calling for independence from Italy were born; in the 1990s some of them became political parties, even if in a rather disjointed manner. It was not until 1999 that the island's languages (,,, and ) were recognised, even if just formally, together with. The was planned by to be held in Sardinia, on the island of, in July 2009; however, in April 2009, the Italian Prime Minister,, decided, without convoking the Italian parliament or consulting the Sardinian governor of, to move the summit, even though the works were almost completed, to, provoking heavy protests.

Today Sardinia is phasing in as an region, with a diversified economy focused on tourism and the tertiary sector. The economic efforts of the last twenty years have reduced the handicap of insularity, especially in the fields of and advanced. For example, the (Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia) developed the second European and 1st in Italy in 1991 and in 1995. CRS4 allowed several telecommunication companies and internet service providers based on the island to flourish, such as Videonline in 1994, in 1998 and in 1999. Education [ ].

Main Building of the (which started the university courses in 1562) According to the census of 2001, the literacy rate in Sardinia among people below 64 years old is 99.5 percent. Total literacy rate (including people over 65) is 98.2 percent. Illiteracy rate among males below 65 years old is 0.24 percent and among women 0.25 percent; the number of women that annually graduate at secondary high schools and universities is about 10–20 percent higher than men. Sardinia has the 2nd highest rate of school drop-out in Italy. Sardinia has two public universities: the and the, founded in the 16th and 17th century.

48,979 students were enrolled at universities in 2007–08. Exports of Sardinia in 2012–13 Taken as a whole, Sardinia's economic conditions are such that the island is in the best position among Italian regions located south of Rome. The greatest economic development had taken place inland, in the provinces of and, characterized by a certain amount of enterprise.

According to, the 2014 nominal was €33,356 million, €33,085 million in, resulting in €19,900 that is the 72% of the EU average. The in Sardinia is the highest of the southern half of Italy.

The most populated provincial chief towns have higher incomes: in the income per capita is €27,545, in €24,006, in €23,887, in is €23,316 and in is €20,827. The Sardinian economy is, however, constrained due to the high costs of the transportation of goods and electricity, which is twice that of the continental Italian regions, and triple that of the average.

Sardinia is the only Italian region that produces a surplus of electricity, and exports electricity to and the: in 2009, the new entered into operation, it links the Fiume Santo Power Station, in Sardinia, to the converter stations in, in the Italian peninsula, the is another that links Sardinia to Italy, crossing, from 1965. Small scale LNG terminals and a 404-km gas pipeline are under construction, and will be operative in 2018.

They will decrease the current high cost of the electric power in the island. Three main banks are headquartered in Sardinia: the and the, both based in;, based in, was absorbed by parent company in 2014. The unemployment rate for the fourth quarter of 2008 was 8.6%; by 2012, the unemployment rate had increased to 14.6%. Its rise was due to the that hit Sardinian exports, mainly focused on refined oil, chemical products, and also mining and metallurgical products. There are chances for Sardinia to become a, the whole island territory being free by, and excise taxes on fuel; since February 2013, the town of has become the first free trade zone.

According to the article 12 of the Sardinian Statute modified by the regional parliament in October 2013: ' The Territory of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia is located off the customs line and constitutes a Free Trade Zone enclosed by the surrounding sea; the access points consist of the seaports and the airports. The Sardinian Free Trade Zone is regulated by the laws of the European Union and Italy that are in force also in Livigno, Campione D'Italia, Gorizia, Savogna d'Isonzo and the Region of Aosta Valley'. Percentage distribution of employees in different economic sectors in Sardinia: 8.7% the primary sector (fishing, agriculture, farming), 23.5% the secondary sector (industry, machinery, manufacturing), and 67.8% the tertiary sector (tourism, services, finance) This table shows the sectors of the Sardinian economy in 2011: Economic activity GDP (mil. €)% sector Agriculture, farming, fishing 908 3% Industry 2,828 9.4% Constructions 1,722 5.7% Commerce, hotels and restaurants, transport, services and (tele)communications 7,597 25.4% Financial activity and real estate 8,011 26.7% Other economic activities related to services 8,896 29.7% Total value added 29,962 100% GDP of Sardinia 33,638 Primary [ ]. Sheep grazing around, Sardinia's land is dedicated 60% to livestock, 20% to agriculture and the rest is occupied by closed forests, urban areas and areas that are not exploitable.

[ ] Sicily practically has reversed percentages and, with the same extension, almost three times the inhabitants of Sardinia. Sardinia is home to nearly 4 million sheep, almost half of the entire Italian assets and that makes the island one of the areas of the world with the highest density of sheep along with some parts of UK and New Zealand (135 sheep every square kilometer versus 129 in UK and 116 in New Zealand).

The soils of Sardinia are largely underpowered, shallow and therefore not very productive for agriculture. Sardinia has been for thousands of years specializing in sheep breeding, and, to a lesser extent, goats and cattle that is less productive of agriculture in relation to land use.

It is probably in breeding and cattle ownership the economic base of the early proto-historic and monumental Sardinian civilization from Neolithic to the Iron Age. Peeled trunks of in Even agriculture has played a very important role in the economic history of the island, especially in the great plain of Campidano, particularly suitable for wheat farming.

The Sardinian soils, even those plains are slightly permeable, with aquifers of lacking and sometimes brackish water and very small natural reserves. Water scarcity was the first problem that was faced for the modernization of the sector, with the construction of a great barrier system of dams, which today contains nearly 2 billion of water. The Sardinian agriculture is now linked to specific products such as cheese, wine, olive oil, artichoke, tomato for a growing product export. The reclamations have helped to extend the crops and to introduce other ones such as vegetables and fruit, next to the historical ones, olive and grapes that are present in the hilly areas. The Campidano plain, the largest lowland Sardinian produces oats, barley and durum, of which is one of the most important Italian producers.

Among the vegetables, as well as artichokes, has a certain weight the production of oranges, and, before the reform of the sugar sector from the European Union, the cultivation of sugar beet. In the forests there is the, which grows naturally; Sardinia produces about 80% of Italian cork. In fresh food, as well as artichokes, the production of tomatoes (including Camoni tomato) and citrus fruit are of a certain weight. Sardinia is the 5th Italian region for production, the main paddy fields are located in the Plain.

In addition to meat, Sardinia produces a wide variety of cheese, considering that half of the sheep milk produced in Italy is produced in Sardinia, and is largely worked by the cooperatives of the shepherds and small industries. Sardinia also produces most of the pecorino romano, a non-original product of the island, much of which is traditionally addressed to the Italian overseas communities. Sardinia boasts a centuries-old tradition of horse breeding since the Aragonese domination, whose cavalry drew from equine heritage of the island to strengthen their own army or to make a gift to the other sovereigns of Europe. Today the Island boasts the highest number of horse herds in Italy. There is little fishing (and no real maritime tradition), tunas are exported worldwide, but primarily to. The district, in the northern part of the region, around and, is composed of 130 companies.

Every year in Sardinia 200,000 quintals (20,000 tonnes) of cork are carved, and 40% of the end products are exported. Industry and handicraft [ ]. Petrochemical and Green Chemical industries in The once prosperous mining industry is still active though restricted to (, hamlet of ), (), (), () and and (, ). The extraction represents one of the most flourishing industries in the northern part of the island.

The Gallura granite district is composed of 260 companies that work in 60 quarries, where 75% of the Italian granite is extracted. The principal industries are chemicals (,,, ), petrochemicals (, ), metalworking (Portoscuso, Portovesme, ), cement (), pharmaceutical (), shipbuilding (,, ), oil rig construction (), rail industry (), arms industries at and food (sugar refineries at and Oristano, dairy at, and, at Olbia. In Sardinia is located the DASS ( Distretto Aerospaziale della Sardegna), a consortium of companies, research centers and universities focused on aerospace industry and research. The aerospace manufacturer, in, is involved in the production of the stealth multirole fighter. Plans related to industrial conversion are in progress in the main industrial sites, like in Porto Torres, where seven research centres are developing the transformation from traditional fossil fuel related industry to an integrated production chain from vegetable oil using oleaginous seeds to bio-plastics. Sardinia is involved in the industrial production of the, an innovative car powered by compressed air, with the first factory being built in. Craft industries include rugs, jewelry, textile, lacework, basket making and coral.

Tertiary [ ]. Luxury tourism represents an important source of income in Sardinia since the 1960s. The Sardinian economy is today focused on the overdeveloped tertiary sector (67.8% of employment), with,,, and especially on (mainly balnear tourism), which represents the main industry of the island with 2,721 active companies and 189,239 rooms. In 2008 there were 2,363,496 arrivals (up 1.4% on 2007). In the same year, the airports of the island registered 11,896,674 passengers (up 1.24% on 2007). Due to its isolated and insular location, Sardinia focused part of its economy on the development of digital technologies since the dawn of internet era: the first Italian website, one of the first webmail system and one of the first and largest internet providers (Video On Line) were realised by the, the first European online newspaper was developed by and also the first Italian UMTS company was founded on the island.

Today Sardinia is the second Italian region, after Lombardy, for investments in startups (owning the 20% of the Italian venture capital). Communications [ ]. On the island are headquartered some telecommunication companies and internet service providers, such as and the Mediterranean Skylogic Teleport, a controlled by satellite provider.

Sardinia is after Valle D'Aosta the Italian region with the highest e-intensity index (Index that measures the relative maturity of Internet economies on the basis of three factors: enablement, engagement, and expenditure) and the region with the highest internet performances, such as fastest broadband connection in Italy. Sardinia is also the Italian region with the highest percentage (41%) of 4G users.

The Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment and systems companies and have development centers and innovation labs in Sardinia. Sardinia has become Europe's first region to fully adopt the new broadcasting standard. From 1 November 2008 TV channels are broadcast only in digital.

Transport [ ] Airports [ ]. Of Sardinian airline Sardinia has three international airports (, and ) connected with the principal Italian cities and many European destinations, mainly in the,, and, and two regional airports ( and ). Internal air connections between Sardinian airports are limited to a daily Cagliari-Olbia flight. Sardinian citizens benefit from special sales on plane tickets, and several operate on the island.

Is an airline based in the airport of; it was founded as in 1963 by the. The development of followed the development of in the north east part of the island, a well known vacation spot among billionaires and film actors worldwide. Seaports [ ]. A bus of Sardinia public transport authorities () in Sassari Sardinia is the only Italian region without, but the road network is well developed with a system of no-toll roads with, called superstrade (en: super roads), that connect the principal towns and the main airports and seaports; the speed limit is 90 km/h (56 mph)/110 km/h (68 mph).

The principal road is the ', linking the north with the south of the island, crossing the most historic regions of and; it is part of E25. The links with, crossing the hinterland region. Other roads designed for high-capacity traffic link with, with, –, –, –, –. A work in progress is converting the main routes to standards, with the elimination of all. The secondary inland and mountain roads are generally narrow with many, so the speed limits are very low.

Reach every town and village at least once a day; however, due to the low density of population, the smallest territories are reachable only by car. The Azienda Regionale Sarda Trasporti () is the public regional bus transport agency.

Networks of city buses serve the main towns. In Sardinia 1,295,462 vehicles circulate, equal to 613 per 1,000 inhabitants. Railways [ ]. Tourist railway between and The Sardinian railway system was developed starting from the 19th century by the Welsh engineer. Today there are two different railway operators: • which connects the most populated towns, the main ports and also the Italian peninsula through the use of.

This network is the most modern on the island, running primarily diesel locomotives such as the and, from 2015 the faster, specifically designed for the Sardinian railway network; •: the trains run on track, are generally slow, due to the tortuosity of the lines, except for the electrified operating in the metropolitan areas of and. The ( Little Green Train) is a service operated by ARST.

Vintage and run through the wildest parts of the island. They allow the traveller to have scenic views impossible to see from the main roads.

Demographics [ ]. See also:,,,, and Historical population Year Pop. Change in population for each comune of Sardinia between 1861 and 2011 It is the region with the lowest (1.087 births per woman) and the second-lowest of Italy (which is already one of the lowest in the world). Combined with the aging of population going rather fast (in 2009, people older than 65 were 18,7%), rural is quite a big issue: between 1991 and 2001, 71,4% of Sardinian villages have lost population (32 more than 20% and 115 between 10% and 20%), with over 30 of them being at risk to become. Nonetheless, the overall population has been increasing because of a considerable immigration flow, mainly from the Italian mainland, (esp. Life expectancy [ ] Average is slightly over 82 years (85 for women and 79.7 for men ). Sardinia shares with the Japanese island of the highest rate of in the world (22 centenarians/100,000 inhabitants).

Sardinia is the first discovered, a demographic and/or geographic area in the world with an oversize concentration of centenarians and supercentenarians. Foreign immigration [ ] In 2016 there were 50,346 foreign national residents, forming 3% of the total Sardinian population. The most represented nationalities were. Provinces of Sardinia.

Sardinia is one of the five, along with,, and. Its statute, which is a, gives the region the right to create its own laws in a wide number of domains and to carry out regional administrative functions.

The regional administration is constituted by three authorities: • the Regional Council (legislative power) • the Regional Junta (executive power) • the President (chief of executive power) Administrative divisions [ ] Since 2016 Sardinia is divided into four provinces:,, and, and a of. Province Area (km 2) Population Density (inh./km 2) 1,248 431,568 345.8 5,786 213,206 36.8 3,034 160,864 53.0 7,692 494,388 64.2 6,339 358,229 56.5 Military installations [ ]. US Artillery Live Fire Exercise in Capo 2015 during NATO exercise Trident Juncture Around 61% of all the Italian and military installations in Italy are on Sardinia, whose area is less than one-tenth of all the Italian territory and whose population is little more than the 2,5%. The bases, used for manufacturing plants and military testing grounds, totally take up more than 350 km² of the island's land, making Sardinia the most militarized region in Italy and the most militarized island in Europe. Besides the land-occupying installations, where 80% of the military explosives in Italy are used, there are also other military structures located on the sea and along the coastline, roughly equivalent to 20000 km² (little less than the island's surface), being made inaccessible to the civil population when military exercises are being held.

Among the others, the most notable military bases on the island are the Interagency Polygons in Quirra, Capo Teulada and Capo Frasca, used by Italian and NATO forces to test-fire ballistic missiles and weapons and by and to test space vehicles and for orbital launches. Until 2008, the US navy had also a nuclear submarine base in the. Players Sardinia is home to one of the oldest forms of vocal, generally known as. In 2005, classed the cantu a tenore among intangible world heritage. Several famous musicians have found it irresistible, including,, and.

The latter travelled to the town of in the central mountainous region and recorded the now world-famous on his Real World label. The guttural sounds produced in this form make a remarkable sound, similar to. Another polyphonic style of singing, more like the paghjella and liturgic in nature, is found in Sardinia and is known as cantu a cuncordu.

Another unique instrument is the. Three reed-canes (two of them glued together with ) produce distinctive harmonies, which have their roots many thousands of years ago, as demonstrated by the bronze statuettes from, of a man playing the three reed canes, dated to 2000 BC. Beyond this, the tradition of cantu a chiterra ( songs) has its origins in town squares, when artists would compete against one another. The most famous singer of this genre are and.

Sardinian culture is alive and well, and young people are actively involved in their own music and dancing. In 2004, presenter travelled to the island with Sardinian music specialist Pablo Farba and interviewed many artists. His programme can be heard on. Sardinia has produced a number of notable jazz musicians such as Antonello Salis, Marcello Melis, and. The main of the island are the Teatro Lirico in and the Teatro Verdi in (soon to be replaced by the new Teatro Auditorium Comunale). Beer produced in Sardinia One of the most famous of foods is, the flat bread of Sardinia, famous for its thin crunchiness. Originally the making of this bread was a hard process which needed three women to do the job.

This flat bread is always made by hand as it gives a different flavor the more you work the dough. After working the dough it will be rolled out in very thin circles and placed in an extremely hot stone oven where the dough will blow up into a ball shape. Once the dough achieves that state it is then removed from the oven where it is then cut into two thin sheets and stacked to go back into the oven. Sant'Elia Stadium in Cagliari is home to, which was founded in 1920 and will play in the, the Italian first division, in 2016–17 following promotion from. It won the Italian Championship in the season, becoming the first club in to achieve such a result. Home matches are played at the.

Basketball [ ] is home to, the only Sardinian professional basketball club playing in the Italiana serie A (Lega A), the highest level club competition in Italian professional basketball. It was founded in 1960, and is also known as Dinamo Banco di Sardegna thanks to a long sponsorship deal with the Sardinian bank. Since its promotion in Lega A in 2010, it has been enjoying the support of fans from Sassari and all over Sardinia with full-house matches on every game played at home. Dinamo Sassari achieved the highest titles in the Italian basketball in 2015, winning the, the and the Italian basketball championship.

Motor racing [ ]. Mores circuit In the is the, the only Circuit homologated by CSAI (Cars) and the IMF (Motorcycles), in Sardinia.

Hosted a race in 2002 and 2003 on a 2.414-km street circuit around Sant'Elia. In 2003, 's and former driver did a spectacular exhibition. At the BMW-F1 driver Robert Kubica took part in a car, as did BMW WTCC Augusto Farfus, 's and. Since 2004 Sardinia has hosted the, a competition in the schedule.

The rally is held on narrow, twisty, sandy and bumpy mountainous roads in the north of the island. Water sports [ ] In its almost 2000 km of coasts, in Sardinia the wind almost never fails. Regatta at On the island of is located the, that is considered one of the largest school of sailing in the, founded in 1967. The located in and founded in 1967 is the main yachting club in the island. Annually the island hosts the Super Yacht Regatta and the Maxy Yacht. Part of the was held in the in 2010. Vento di Sardegna (en: Wind of Sardinia) was a sailboat sponsored by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.

Its skipper, Andrea Mura, won the in 2013 and in 2017, the Two Handed Transatlantic Race (Twostar) regatta in 2012 and the Route du Rhum., north of, is a bay well known by and. The bay is divided by a thin tongue of land that separates it in an area for advanced and beginner/intermediate windsurfers.

There is also a restricted area for kitesurf. Many freestyle windsurfers gwent to Porto Pollo for training and 2007 saw the finale of the freestyle pro kids Europe 2007 contest. Because of the between Sardinia and, western wind accelerates between the islands and creates the wind that makes Porto Pollo popular among windsurfing enthusiasts. Cagliari hosts regularly international, such RC44 championship, World championship, and. In view of the 36th America’s Cup, scheduled to take place in New Zealand in 2021, has chose Cagliari as place for its preparation.

Winter sports [ ]. Skilifts on the Bruncu Spina Four ski resorts are located on the Range at Separadorgiu, Monte Spada, S'Arena and Bruncu Spina, they are equipped with ski schools, skilifts and ski equipment hire. Traditional sports [ ] S'Istrumpa, also known as Sardinian Wrestling, is a traditional Sardinian sport, officially recognized by the (C.O.N.I.) and the International Federation of Celtic Wrestling (I.F.C.W.).

It shows similarities with the and the. Istrumpa's wrestlers participate annually at the championships for Celtic wrestling stiles. Sardinia boasts ancient equestrian traditions and is the Italian region with the highest number of horse riders (29% of population) and boasts also fine tradition, which many believe originated in the region of the country towards the end of the 15th century. In those days, the darts were carved from ( fagus) wood and the flights were feathers drawn from the indigenous (‘sultana bird’), famed for its spectacular violet-blue plumage. Environment [ ]. Following an enormous reforestation plan Sardinia has become the Italian region with the largest forest extension. 1,213,250 hectares (12,132 km 2) or 50% of the island is covered by forested areas.

The Corpo forestale e di vigilanza ambientale della Regione Sarda is the Sardinian Forestry Corps. Sardinia is the Italian region most affected by during the summer.

The Regional Landscape Plan prohibits new building activities on the coast (except in urban centers), next to forests, lakes or other environmental or cultural sites and the ensures the protection of natural areas on the Sardinian coast. Have increased noticeably in recent years, mainly, favoured by the windy climate, but also (, Nobelist in physics, is creating an experimental central) and, based on and. 586.8 megawatts of capacity were installed on the island at the end of 2009.

The Sardinian feral cat, long considered a subspecies of the, are descended from domesticated cats Sardinia is home to a wide variety of rare or uncommon animals, such as several species of, many of them belonging to an subspecies: the,,,, Sardinian,,,,, ( Vulpes vulpes ichnusae), Sardinian hare ( Lepus capensis mediterraneus), ( Sus scrofa meridionalis), and. Rare amphibians, found only on the island, are the,,,, and Sarrabus cave salamander ( Speleomantes sarrabusensis); the is also found in and in the. Among reptiles worthy of note are, the and, endemic species of Sardinia and Corsica.

The island is inhabited by terrestrial tortoises and sea turtles like, the, ( Testudo marginata sarda), Nabeul tortoise, and. A new species, endemic to the island, has been recently found: the. Sardinia has four endemic subspecies of birds found nowhere else in the world: its (ssp harterti), (ssp ecki), (ssp sarda), and Eurasian (ssp ichnusae). It also shares a further 10 endemic subspecies of bird with. In some cases Sardinia is a delimited part of the species range. For example, the subspecies of, ssp cornix occurs in Sardinia and Corsica, but no further south. Some found here are the,,,,,,, Sardinian goshawk ( Accipiter gentilis arrigonii), and, whose name comes from, national heroine of Sardinia, expert in.

The hundreds of lagoons and coastal lakes that dot the island are home for many species of wading birds, such as the. Conversely, Sardinia lacks many species common on the European continent, such as the,, and. The island has also long been used for grazing flocks of indigenous. The is a horse breed that was established in Sardinia, where it has been selectively bred for more than one hundred years.

Three different breeds of dogs are peculiar to Sardinia: the, and. Natural parks and reserves [ ]. Sulcis Regional Park, the European largest Over 600,000 hectares of Sardinian territory is environmentally preserved (about 25% of the island's territory). The island has three: • 1., • 2., and • 3.. The numbers correspond to those in the map to right. Parco del Limbara • 5. Parco del Marghine e Goceano • 6.

Parco del Sinis – Montiferru • 7. Parco di Monte Arci • 8. Parco della Giara di Gesturi • 9. Parco di Monte Linas – Oridda – Marganai • 10. Parco dei Sette Fratelli – Monte Genas • 11. Parco del Sulcis • Parco naturale regionale di Porto Conte • Parco regionale Molentargius – Saline There are 60 wildlife reserves, 5 W.W.F oases, 25 natural monuments and one Geomineral Park, preserved.

Northern Sardinian Coasts are included in the, a Marine Protected Area, that covers a surface of about 84,000 km 2 (32,433 sq mi), aimed at the protection of marine mammals. See also [ ].

This ' section may contain inappropriate and/or excessive suggestions. Please ensure that only a of, topical, reliable, and notable further reading suggestions are given. Consider utilising appropriate texts as or creating a.

(December 2017) Further reading • Tennant, Robert. Sardinia and Its Resources (2010) • Insight Guide Sardinia by Nick Bruno (2010) • Tracey Heatherington. Wild Sardinia: Indigeneity and the Global Dreamtimes of Environmentalism (2010) 314 pages;Examines the clash between conservation efforts and traditional commons; focuses on resistance in the town of Orgosolo to Gennargentu National Park. • Sardinia (Eyewitness Travel Guide) by Fabrizio Arditio (2009) • Sardinia (Regional Guide) by Duncan Garwood (2009) • by Charming Italy Publishers (2008) • The Rough Guide to Sardinia (Rough Guide Travel Guides) by Robert Andrews (2007) • Dyson, Stephen L. And Robert J.

Archaeology and History in Sardinia from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages: Shepherds, Sailors, and Conquerors (2007) • Sardinia: The Undefeated Island by Mary Delane (1968) • Sardinia, Ancient Peoples and Places by Margaret Guido (1963) • Sardinia Side Show by (1930) • The Island of Sardinia by John Warre Tyndale vol I (1849) • The Island of Sardinia by John Warre Tyndale vol II (1849) • The Island of Sardinia by John Warre Tyndale vol III (1849) • Sketch of the present state of the island of Sardinia by William Henry Smyth (1928) • DH Lawrence (1921) • Casula, Francesco Cesare (1994). La Storia di Sardegna. Sassari, it: Carlo Delfino Editore..

• Brigaglia, Mastino, Ortu (2006). Storia della Sardegna.

Dalle origini al Settecento. Roma-Bari: Laterza Editore.. CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list () External links [ ].

From India to Italy About this Item: 2017. Condition: New. Italian Lang:- Italian, Pages:- 222, It is an Ebook edition of the original edition published long back [1842]. Exalted 2nd Edition Dragon Blooded Pdf Reader. We found this book important for the readers who want to know about our old treasure so we brought it back in ebook (pdf) format. These are scanned images of the original book in pdf format. We provide you the best available ebook for your ebook shelf. Once you place the order, you will receive a link to download the pdf file.

An email will be sent shortly to your email address containing the download instructions. This is an Ebook. All sales final unless there is illegibility to text. Seller Inventory # 797 1. From India to Italy About this Item: 2017. Condition: New. Italian Lang:- Italian, Pages:- 261, It is an Ebook edition of the original edition published long back [1842].

We found this book important for the readers who want to know about our old treasure so we brought it back in ebook (pdf) format. These are scanned images of the original book in pdf format. We provide you the best available ebook for your ebook shelf.

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All sales final unless there is illegibility to text. Seller Inventory # 699 2. From India to Italy About this Item: ReInk Books, 2017. Condition: NEW.

Reprinted from 1842 edition. Language: Italian. NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white.

Each page is checked manually before printing. As this reprint is from very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set.

This paperback book is SEWN, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of paperback binding. It can also be open wide. The pages will not fall out and will be around for a lot longer than normal paperbacks. This print on demand book is printed on high quality acid-free paper. Original Publisher: a spese dell'ed. Migliaccio 222 pages.

Seller Inventory # 457370527 5. From India to Italy About this Item: 2016.

Condition: New. 222 Lang: - Italian, Pages 222, Print on Demand. Reprinted in 2016 with the help of original edition published long back[1842]. This book is Printed in black & white, Hardcover, sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover, Printed on high quality Paper, re-sized as per Current standards, professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books, we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots.

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We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. (Any type of Customisation is possible).

Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions. Language: Italian. Seller Inventory # 797 6. From India to Italy About this Item: ReInk Books, 2017. Condition: NEW. Reprinted from 1842 edition.

Language: Italian. NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint.

Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this reprint is from very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book.

If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. This paperback book is SEWN, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of paperback binding.

It can also be open wide. The pages will not fall out and will be around for a lot longer than normal paperbacks. This print on demand book is printed on high quality acid-free paper. Original Publisher: a spese dell'editore Raffaele Migliaccio 261 pages. Seller Inventory # 457370528 7.

From India to Italy About this Item: 2016. Condition: New. 261 Lang: - Italian, Pages 261, Print on Demand.

Reprinted in 2016 with the help of original edition published long back[1842]. This book is Printed in black & white, Hardcover, sewing binding for longer life with Matt laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover, Printed on high quality Paper, re-sized as per Current standards, professionally processed without changing its contents. As these are old books, we processed each page manually and make them readable but in some cases some pages which are blur or missing or black spots. If it is multi volume set, then it is only single volume.

We expect that you will understand our compulsion in these books. We found this book important for the readers who want to know more about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. (Any type of Customisation is possible). Hope you will like it and give your comments and suggestions.

Language: Italian. Seller Inventory # 699 8.

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