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—, from note (Referring to fame.).because you just might get it. A character and actually gets what they wished for, only to find that the reality does not live up to their fantasy. This trope is all about how a character who makes a wish comes to regret it; the actual circumstances vary. The wisher may or may not have known that their wish was actually going to be heard.

The one which grants it may be anything from a wish-granting Genie to a who just wants them to suffer. A sudden appearance by, ready to offer a, is not out of the question either.

Britten Four Sea Interludes Score Pdf Download. Sometimes the character gets a tour through an. Other times the of the granted wish is not even explained — the wisher gets what they want through nothing more than an ironic and coincidental twist of circumstances. The 'deal breaker' that makes the wish not worth it also comes in a lot of possible flavors. Perhaps the character finds out that what they wanted comes at the cost of something they wanted even more. Maybe the element of their life that they wanted gone is really essential to who they are; maybe the wish isn't all they thought it was cracked up to be; or maybe it just comes true in an unanticipated manner. In many cases the character repents of their ill-considered wish and things revert to normal, though in some stories the character is stuck in the new situation and forced to deal with the consequences of her/his thoughtless wish.

Midas Gen Crack Serial Key

This is an elementary form of — The character wants X, and then they find out that. Nine times of ten this is an outright, though strictly speaking it doesn't have to be. A crucial element of playing that angle well is making the 'deal breaker' a meaningful, inherent flaw to the original wish rather than something tacked on or that could have easily turned out differently if the character had more common sense. Otherwise, a is guaranteed. Often a cause of, though not the only one; wont to count as an; Contains the same type of irony as. In some cases the experience may lead the wisher to discover an. Often overlaps with — 'So you want new leadership?,.'

Midas Gen Crack Serial Key

Compare, when science or logic is involved rather than wishes,, when getting your wish ends with more disappointment than satisfaction, and, which does not specifically require a wish. Contrast the, which ignores the intent of the wish in favor of the exact words; this trope is about the complications that arise when you get exactly what you wanted, rather than exactly what you said. A is likely to cause this to happen, if he doesn't just twist your words entirely. The, too, may make this happen if he thinks you 'need to learn, or if he lacks the or to see that the wish is disastrous, or if he is just no matter how disastrous it is. •: • In the very first issue of #1 — the comic book that began the saga of — the feature story included an episode where three gangsters kidnap a woman (later known as Lois Lane) as she is traveling home from a nightclub in a taxi. Clark Kent and Lois were dancing at the nightclub when one of the gangster's, Butch, smugly tries to cut in, but Lois refuses. Kent tries to stand up to Butch but gets nowhere.

Later, after Butch and his goons have kidnapped Lois (no doubt planning to take her to a remote location to brutally beat and rape her), Butch arrogantly hopes that Kent will come after him. Not knowing that Kent (now as Superman) is coming to the rescue. The confrontation leads to Superman catching and (easily) picking up their car, shaking it violently so that the bad guys fall out and then, after securing Lois' safety, vaulting the now scared-out-of-his-wits Butch onto a telephone wire to await the authorities. • In, Superman has been trapped by an alien plant that gives him a hallucination of the happy ending he would have wanted — living on Krypton, which was never destroyed. Apparently, the plant's victims are normally happy in their delusion, but it turns out that the logical extrapolation of what would have happened on Krypton includes social upheaval and unrest and Superman's father Jor-El having become a reactionary bigot, making the scenario kind of nightmarish. It's a bit borderline to say all this follows from the wish; the things that happen are not illogical from what is known of Krypton, but there's no clear reason they had to be like that other than the writer deciding it. • In Superman Vol 1 #282, Supergirl is considering giving up her Supergirl identity.

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To illustrate she might regret that decision, Superman tells her a tale about a Kryptonian who wanted to live forever and managed to make himself immortal, only to find out that he would be alone forever. Superman: So you see, Kara. Sometimes, when we get the things we think we want most. They turn out to be a curse rather than a blessing! •: • This happened to Kara Zor-El in the Elseworlds story Superman vol. 1 #149: The Death of Superman!

Back then she was Superman's secret emergency-weapon until her cousin decided she was well-trained enough and ready to operate openly. Kara was dying to reveal her existence to the world. Until Superman got murdered. She arrested and punished Luthor, revealed herself and took over for her cousin, becoming a beloved hero, but she wasn't happy at all. Bystander: Good luck! We miss Superman, but we're glad you're taking over for him! I never thought it would turn out this way.

All the time I was Superman's secret emergency-weapon, I eagerly looked forward to the day when I could operate openly! Now that it's finally happened, I — I feel no happiness at the 'glory' that's now. • In issue #21 -titled “Be Careful What You Wish for”- Kara Zor-El arrives on I’noxia, a planet whose inhabitants could completely recreate Krypton. However, Cyborg Superman’s presence means the reimagining of Krypton can cost Kara her life. • In the 'Id' story line of, a group of 6th-dimensional beings release an entity capable of granting wishes. Unfortunately, it's a. It affects the league, splitting them into their superheroic and secret identities, and wreaks havoc (most hilariously when some guy wishes his boss would go to hell).

In the end, Plastic Man's alter-ego pulls the league back together, comes up with a plan to defeat Id, and saves Earth. • In Avril Lavigne's Make 5 Wishes since there is no at the end. Protagonist Hana, having used up all five wishes and finding herself no better off, maybe even worse, than at the beginning of the story, decides to jump off a bridge so as to get rid of the demon Romeo and prevent his magic from harming anyone ever again. Romeo somehow escapes from the box before they reach the riverbed, claiming that he 'can't die.' The last page shows a news report saying that Hana's body has still not been found. • 'Wish You Were Here', a 1953 story from the horror title The Haunt of Fear, uses a variation of ' story: A businessman's wife discovers an enchanted Chinese figurine and wishes for a fortune.

Learning that her husband was killed while driving to his lawyer's office (after naming her the beneficiary of a generous life insurance policy) and remembering what happened in 'The Monkey's Paw', she wishes for him to be brought back to the way he was 'just before the accident'; unfortunately, he's still a corpse since his actual death was due to a heart attack. She uses the third and final wish to make him 'alive now, alive forever!' .which condemns him to eternal pain and agony, since his dead body had been embalmed. Don Mock Guitar Secrets Revealed Pdf Download. Even her hacking him to tiny bits can't put him out of his misery. (The comic was later adapted for the 1972 movie anthology:.) • When a powerful throws a fit, really bad things can happen. Shortly after, the Scarlet Witch's that had suppressed the memories of her children was undone.

In a rage of fit and grief, she wished for a world with no mutants. • From: • When given the opportunity for a Wish, resident Brian pulls out a 20-page legal document he's. It's so complex that the has to call several other DMs to help him interpret it.

• Ultimately, B.A. Is able to invoke this trope. While the wish was airtight the immortality granted to Brian leaves a vengeful deity he previously pissed off free to attack him with full force. Fortunately for Brian, a clause of the wish stated that if he died as a direct consequence of the wish, all effects of the wish would be undone and Brian would get a 25,000 gp consolation prize.

• In the comic 'Artificiality',, at a crewmember's funeral, wishes that all of his crew were as durable as. Q obliges him by turning the whole crew into Soong-type androids. • This tends to happen quite often in the comic series. • The 2011 'Heart of the Monster' arc in is built around this trope - Hulk and his team encounter a Wishing Well. Everyone involved knows what it will twist every wish it grants.

What they don't know is the intentions of the Red She-Hulk, who used it to wish doom on her ex-husband. If she meant it, his circumstances are going to improve, but if she liked him. As it turns out, she hated him at the time, meaning all of his dreams briefly came true. •, in a moment of grief after losing Clea, wished he were dead.

Enter, who put him through a series of so painful that Strange nearly. • In a sidestory, Trailcutter briefly wishes that he no longer had his signature forcefield before going to sleep as he feels that is the only thing people remember about him. When he awakens, an malfunctioning pulse weapon has frozen everyone else on the ship and taken away his ability to project forcefields. He later learns that his forcefields are what protected him from the inventions effects. • In the comic Mina Mongoose, after being traumatized by the Iron Dominion's occupation of New Mobotropolis and of NICOLE's brief, uses her status as a music icon to send a message across the city to inspire them and raise awareness concerning possible problems should NICOLE become compromised again. In comes Ixis Naugus, who uses his magic to all existing feelings of anger and fear in the public to turn NICOLE into a and eventually get her from the city altogether, which, combined with the revelation that NICOLE was acting as proceeding Sonic and Sally's departure from the city, leaves Mina guilt-ridden. When Mina goes to Freedom HQ, the place of NICOLE's exile, to speak with her and apologize, NICOLE explicitly informs her that with her exile, she got what she wanted.

• A version occurs in. Richard Madoc holds one of the Muses captive as a sex slave because, as a writer, he needs ideas. It all works pretty well for him until Morpheus (said Muse's ex) gives him more ideas than his brain can handle. • In a sense, in, as Katie starts using the mushrooms to make long term changes in her life. As you can imagine, she quickly finds out there's no such thing as a 'perfect' life.

• In, Damian Wayne says that the world needs a genius supervillain like his mom or his. He's sleeping with her. • Paul Patton, a.k.a The Fox, originally became a costumed crimefighter to better attract stories and scoops, being a photojournalist and everything, but by the time of, he can't seem to stay away from front page news (read:crazy dangerous villains) and has begun to see his as a curse. • In three high-school students were given an art assignment to imagine themselves as superpowered people. They imagined themselves as a pair of angel and devil, a warrior with cynderblocks for hands and head, and a -human hybrid.

And when they woke up the next morning, they had become just that. Only the tyrannosaurus was happy with it. • In 'When Susie Sneezes' from, Susie discovers that any wish she makes while sneezing will come true - but in the heat of the moment, she often wishes for things that she later regrets. • The conflict in originates when the public reject the traditional heroes, who won't kill their enemies no matter how deadly they are and instead turn them over the justice system to be dealt with. The public demand a new breed of heroes who are willing to permanently deal with threats such as the Joker and not being concerned about taking lives or deferring to the justice system. They get what they ask for,— but unfortunately, the new breed of heroes are also not particularly concerned about collateral damage or what the public think about them, resulting in unrestrained metahuman warfare and the complete stagnation of human society. Suddenly, Superman's rule didn't look so bad after all.

• Happens very often in. A particularly sadistic example is Dust, a who was while being unable to understand it due his nature as an angel, searching for Ash, and, so Ash will be forced by his own punishment to make him understand evil. • ' gives us one during the 2016 arc. The two new antagonists, Zenzi and her have been trying to overthrow T'Challa, but in order to put a more democratic government and just society. However, their benefactor (financially and technologically), the Iron Monger, warns Tenzu about one of the core tenants of revolution.

Stane: Okay, here's the thing, you say you want a revolution,?. Panic in the streets. Fire in the sky. •: It's very common for characters hoping to access gain to secret powers or explore hidden wonders to have it backfire on them (often to deadly effect), usually because they fail to take into account that. •: Beast Boy tells Dr.

Light this when Dr. Light gets electrocuted trying to get Cyborg's battery's power. • and the Goths: Kuningaz Metric wanted to see Getafix' druid magic?

By Tīwaz, he got to! He also got ousted by his interpreter, and then at least eight more rivals sprang up. •: After Mystery, Inc.

Returned to their normal sizes, a monster shows up and Shaggy regrets no longer being small since it'd be easier to hide that way. • In Art Sansom's The Born Loser, the strip's main character Brutus Thornapple finds a lamp with a genie, who will grant him one wish. In an, Brutus says to us, 'Boy, I wish Gladys [ his wife] could see this!' Gladys suddenly appears in the genie's place and deadpans 'You called?' • The trope image comes from, during a storyline where Calvin gets sick. • Two arcs of relating to one of Jason's money making schemes are a direct result of this trope: The first one related to Jason making his own website, and the second dealt with a greeting card, both times were the result of Roger, his father, ranting about how he would make a lot of money creating a site and at the cost of buying Christmas cards, respectively.

The second time, Jason wasn't even in the same room as Roger, implying that Roger was talking about to Andy loud enough for Jason to hear it from another room. • has a few examples: • In a strip, Jon scolds Garfield about how he is 'doing nothing with your life' then goes to the store, saying, 'when I come back, I want you to have learned something'. By the time he comes back, Garfield has learned to use his credit card, and has bought enough stuff to construct a 'man cave' with it.

• A subversion. Garfield: Reruns! Yesterday's news. There's never anything new around here! Jon: Run for your life! The plumbing backed up, and thousands of piranha are spawning in the toilet!! • In another strip, Garfield wished for a fifty-pound pan of lasagna.

It fell on him. (At which point he mused, 'Now wouldn't you think I'd know better than to make a wish like that on a Monday?' ) •, Garfield is shown hanging onto the screen door simply because he's bored, complaining of his boredom.

He wishes for something to happen. A very mundane yet apparently painful something occurs. • One strip has Garfield. Garfield says to it 'Stupid tree. May all your stupid branches fall off!' Needless to say, all the trees branches broke off and fell to the ground.

Including the one he was on. • In, a queen says, 'If I only had a daughter as white as snow and as red as blood, I shouldn't care what became of all my sons.' A troll witch hears and takes her sons. • In ',' the father wishes his sons were ravens for their being so forgetful.

(To add to the irony, he was mistaken about why they hadn't done as he said.) • In, a woman. • In, the father wishes for a son, even a hedgehog. • Similar stories went around in seventeenth-century England. In some cases a Catholic or Anglican parent would rather their unborn child have no head than be a Roundhead; in others, a Puritan would wish for their child have no head rather than have a priest make the Sign of the Cross on it. Either way, they ended up with a headless baby. • In ', a poor couple that rescues an elf and is granted three wishes in return. The wife, being hungry, wishes she had a nice, tasty sausage.

Her husband scolds her for wasting a wish on such a mundane thing and blurts out in anger: 'I wish that stupid sausage was stuck on your nose!' Which is exactly what happens next. In the end, they have to use the third wish to get the sausage off the poor woman's face and have thus wasted all three of them.

• There's a story from somewhere in Africa about a tribe that doesn't exist any more, because when seeking a reward from some supernatural being, the men said that the best thing that could happen to them was for their wife to give them a son, and for their cattle to give them female calves. — So be it, all your children shall be sons and all your calves shall be heifers. — They rejoiced, until. • Your son does not talk.

Wish for any child at all, because things can't be worse, and you get born with iron teeth who eats you up. • Played with in one fairy tale about a girl who lies dying during the early spring from who wishes that she could at least get to live for as long as the beautiful spring flowers in her garden still bloom so she can meet with her boyfiend who is set to return to her before summer. She near instantly becomes healthy and, unusually for, seems fully aware of the fact that and starts taking good care of them to ensure her own survival. She never regrets her wish or angsts about how but is simply thankful for the additional time she has been given and is. Cue her unknowing boyfriend returning while she's napping in the garden: he plucks the flowers, braids them into a crown and wakes her up by placing it upon her head.

The girl quickly realizes what the boy has done and hurriedly sets the flowers in water but over the following days. As the flowers wither away, so does the girl. With the last petals of the flowers falling as the girl peacefully passes away with her family and boyfriend at her side while the hushed laughs of are heard from the garden. • In, the protagonist goes through a series of terrifying adventures in his quest to 'find fear', all without batting an eye.

But when he's made a king at the end of the story, he finally finds fear at the prospect of the and the burden of trying to be a good ruler. 'Be careful what you wish for around here, Shinji. If that’s what you want, I can make it happen. I maintain and operate my own Hell, for those truly unworthy or unwilling to seek penance and redemption. And I know of even worse places than that.'

• Kensuke wished he had a girlfriend, right like his friends. Then he met one girl was interested in him. Then another girl came along.

Then both girls argued. Then they agreed to share him.

And he has absolutely no idea of how handling the situation. •: Asuka wanted to show everybody that she was the best pilot, and she wished that Shinji got her blatant hints. At last Shinji got her hints and because she became more psychologically stable -thanks Shinji- she became the Number One, and she and Shinji defeated an enemy together. But because they did not win as Gendo wanted, he fired them, rendering her accomplishments irrelevant. • In, Vice Admiral Jonathan wonders why he thought it was a good idea to let the Straw Hats stress test Navarone. • Fleet Admiral Sengoku wishes for the Strawhats to engage in over the SBS and even plans on saying prayers for those who'll end up losing their homes.

Then he recognizes the voices/names on the broadcast and realizes exactly which island they're destroying— The Judicial Island, Enies Lobby, which is one of the Marines' three greatest strongholds. It's also during the broadcast almost immediately afterwards. Cross: We're going to take a leaf out of the pages of the big black book of piracy! Only It's not the edition you were hoping for.

We're tearing this straight out of the Four Emperors' personal playbook: you touch one of ours? We fuck you up. • Jabra taunts Luffy in hopes of getting the best possible fight. Unfortunately for him, he did so by not only pressing Luffy's, but slamming it with a sledgehammer.

•: • Asuka wanted to get the B-1C assignment. After doing a bit of soul-searching and bonding with Shinji she managed to become the chief test pilot for the experimental jet. And she was not happy because Shinji got to leave for one week as she got to stay to take part in the program. And during the assignment she had to put up with a harsh (albeit well-meaning) drill instructor while wearing an embarassing suit. • After a crash sends Asuka into a coma for several months Shinji spent the entire time desperately praying for her to wake up. She did eventually recover, but was an absolute mental and emotional wreck due to the trauma; becoming angry, spiteful, and lashing out at him constantly.

For Shinji, this was like going from one hell to another, and sometimes made him wonder if this was what he had been wishing for. Fortunately she got better.

•: In the sequel, Ghosts of the Past, Harry gets hit with this hard when he darkly remarks that he hopes the then unknown telepath who intervened to keep him at Privet Drive to study him comes around and has a go, doubtless planning to wreak horrors on his person. Then he does. Cue the Forever Red arc, in which Harry is kidnapped, tortured, his body is, hundreds of deaths, countless cases of to varying degrees, the geopolitical map of the mortal and spirit worlds being turned upside down, and worst of all, the rise of the Dark Phoenix, an event which leads to more than a few mortals and gods concluding that Harry is an and too dangerous to live, while Harry is a slowly recovering traumatised wreck from the memories of 6 months of black ops horror. All in all, it's fair to say that that particular wish backfired. •: Kensuke wished being an pilot. He managed becoming a jet fighter pilot, which it is almost so good in his opinion but it entails that is his superior officer, and they never got along well. • The fanfiction involves a story within a story about six pony princesses, each named for a fairy tale heroine, who each recklessly used a spell from a magic tome called 'The Excess Magic of Wishes', with disastrous and ironic results: Princess Snow White wishes she weren't so tall, and shrinks to a tiny size; Princess Goldilocks wishes to be more 'sensitive', and suddenly everything feels too hard or too soft, too cold or too hot, etc.; Princess Rapunzel wishes for a longer mane, and ends up with enough hair to swamp a tower; and so on.

Princess Cinderella 'merely' gets trapped in a giant pumpkin after losing her concentration while casting a powerful spell. • In, Shinji and Asuka were because of an offhanded wish they made one night.

They got their wish, but it came with a heavy cost. They wished that they could do something to allow their 3-year old daughter a normal life; a life where she could have friends. By going back in time they got their chance to make such a world, but it also Shinji doesn't take this very well when he learns of it. Ultimately averted when it turns out she was sent back as well, but to a later date than her parents. • In instead of Tsuna being the heir of the mafia, his twin OC brother is.

When Gokudera challenges the brother and ends up being defeated, the brother rejects him and refuses to make him his right hand man. In an effort to make the brother reconsider and show how effective the bomber could be, Reborn has Gokudera guard Tsuna. Obviously Gokudera is not happy about this, and spends most of the time with Tsuna calling him names and wishing he could be his brother's right hand man.

In Chapter 12, he gets his wish, only to realize it wasn't as good as he thought it would be. The brother is a petulant, cowardly asshole, who treats everyone around him ( especially Gokudera) like shit. Instead of protecting people, or doing anything remotely worthwhile, his new boss uses his followers to belittle and make fun of others.

Worse, his boss doesn't even bother treating him like a person, referring to him as a dog more than once. Gokudera realizes too late that he left Tsuna, a person who honestly cared for him and treated him like a friend, for someone who treats him no better than a pet. •: Keel and the rest of sought to create a new god and become one with it. When happened, it turned Shinji, Asuka, Rei and Misato -the four persons in the whole world who had suffered the most at the Seele's hands- into gods. And they were pissed off. Cue the Seele members receiving, punishments.

“You and the other members of SEELE wanted to shed your bodies and become one with a new god well, no one ever said that God would be nice or particularly like you and your cronies for your involvement in its birth. I hope you prepared for the eventuality of an eternity being horrifically tortured by your worst nightmares.” •, a fanfiction, in which Zuko’s dream of catching the Avatar and being reinstated as his father’s heir comes trueand promptly turns into a scene so nightmarish that he eventually loses himself in increasingly desperate daydreams trying to wish the new reality away. •: Episode 5 is bui.

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