Programs For Scoring Trap League Sec

Programs For Scoring Trap League Sec

Where the Tennessee Titans lost, because they were one yard short. Almost invariably, sports games on TV and in the movies are extremely close, go down to the wire, and are decided by a crucial, unbelievable, play at the last second. Usually, the game in which this occurs is the; the championship or playoff game pitting the against the seemingly unbeatable. • Every baseball game ends either with (A) a dramatic walk-off home run, (B) a clutch strikeout or incredible defensive play while the tying and/or winning runs are on base, or (C) a super-close play at home plate. Full counts are terribly common. • Every hockey game ends with getting a breakaway and going one-on-one against the goalie—or, of course, a shootout, which is a series of forced one-player-vs.-goalie breakaways. • Every game ends with a Hail Mary, or some bizarre, convoluted ace-in-the-hole offensive play that the team thought of in practice.

The Team Captain is responsible for collecting the shooter and sponsor fees to be paid to the league secretary before the 3rd night of shooting. All teams will. Any shooter not completing all 12 league weeks by the end of the season will have their score calculated as follows: Average minus 5 birds. A ​ team that has. Reedsburg Outdoor Club Individual Trap League Rules 2016. League begins May 4, 2016. Individual league will be Lewis class scored at the end of the league. $1 per week of member fees goes toward payout. According to the program and monies are distributed. Team and Individual League calculations.

Or, if the protagonist team is in the lead (which never happens because people like comeback stories), a goal line stand. • The score usually puts one team up by at least four points, so you can forget about those last-second winning field goals (worth only three points) from 15 yards out. Writers seem to think this sort of thing isn't dramatic, when any sports fan can tell you otherwise. • Every basketball game ends with free throws with no time left or a three-pointer made in desperation.

Often from across the court. • Alternately, having to dunk on / the nastiest player from the other team. • Buzzer beaters are also mandatory. • Every race ends with a (sometimes literal) photo finish.

• Every golf tournament comes down to making a long putt, or to getting out from a trap or some other nasty place. • Every match ends with a spectacular last-minute goal, usually from a free kick. Or sometimes a last-minute penalty, or a penalty shootout.

• Every bowling game comes down to either striking out or converting an extremely tough split. • • Every boxing match ends with a knockout, usually after the scrappy underdog has taken a beating that would certainly put him behind on points, and been knocked to the mat the maximum number of times possible without losing by TKO. • A sudden-death overtime, in which any play that results in a score is by definition the last play. Of course, this is not to say that will necessarily be successful and win the game in this final play. Ejma Bellows Software Informer more.

It's become a trope itself to have the final shot miss, the closing field goal go wide right, or that last deep fly ball to die at the warning track in order to present a and teach an that you can't always win and that it's okay to lose sometimes. (And also note that it doesn't make the example an aversion or subversion of this trope; the game is still decided on the final play, even if not in the protagonists' favor.) In Real Life examples this is even more prominent; close games that come are often contested by two evenly-matched teams, both of which are deserving of the win, and thus there isn't a clear protagonist if one is not in either team's fanbase.

This happens, because there are very few circumstances in which it is interesting to see a routine pop fly with a four run lead or a second string quarterback sit on the ball for three downs. Often preceded by the, and the one player who is involved in the dramatic final play is often the one who finally gets the chance to prove himself.

Contrast with. See for the non-sport variation of this trope. In politics, this trope is called; contrast with. See also and. When a game itself is structured so that almost every match comes, the system enabling this is a.

Very distantly related to, which is about video games where only the last hit point counts as far as staying alive or uninjured. In this is much rarer than in fiction, but it does happen (see examples below). • does this a number of times, such as with Sena's first game against Koigahama and most of the Devil Bats' games during the Fall Tournament. It often doesn't end up so fine and dandy though. • Subverted in a wildly over-the-top fashion in - the speed-obsessed character Sam Speed had demanded a rematch against the titular hedgehog, who had humiliated him at the start of the series. Sam has procured an experimental rocket-jet-car-thing from somewhere, and the race is on!

It comes down to a photo finish. Until playback reveals that Sonic had reached the finish line WELL ahead of his opponent, hopped over it so as not to break the tape, mugged for the camera briefly, then run back to resume the race for the 'photo finish'.

• Used at least twice in, with Ryoma having to play an extra match when one of the normal games is declared a draw or forfeited by both teams. In the Hyotei arc, he plays Hiyoshi after Kawamura and Kabaji have to draw since they're * both* too injured to continue and both teams. In the anime-only American arc, Sengoku and Bobby Marx pull something similar and Akaya Kirihara is hurt during his game with Kevin Smith, so it's up to Ryoma to finish the last one * and* his feud with Kevin • In one episode of, there's a relay race in which Miyuki is the final leg runner for her team (it wouldn't do to have a main character somewhere in the middle), and the race is of course decided by a photo finish: her larger-than-average chest breaks the ribbon before the other runner crosses, granting her team the victory. • wins so many matches in this fashion that he's been nicknamed the 'Miraculous Comeback Fighter.' • Parodied in with one of the sports show episodes.

Excel's team loses by a ludicrously huge margin (several million runs) in the last inning. Apparently the version of this trope is popular in Japan. Lacrosse match in is won by Nagisa scoring at the last second. This is not an exaggeration. And there are about 6-7 across two seasons. Originality is not the writers' friend when it comes to Lacrosse games, it seems.

• In Chapter 58 of the manga, Megumi's four-member softball club forms a team with Keiichi, Belldandy, Urd, Skuld, and Sora to play against N.I.T.' S baseball team, composed entirely of. During the bottom of the ninth, Megumi's team is ahead by one run when it looks like it's going to be a when the opposing team scores two runs in the ninth inning, but the first runner failed to actually touch home plate, meaning he's out, and Megumi's softball club wins by one run. • Young star Aizawa Suguru starts off the opening chapter of the manga by making what the announcers describe as a 'magical pass' in the final moments of an international youth football game against Brazil. His teammates shot is easily blocked by the Brazilian goal-keeper, however since the deflected ball just so happens to land at Suguru's feet, he is able to make the last second shot that ends the game in a tie between Japan and the reigning champions.

• • In EP 3, Hayato took third place at the qualifying round of the Fujioka Grand Prix by 0.002 seconds by a photo-finish line. • Episode 26 is even more blunt. His Super Asurada is having a problem, yet he beats Shinjyo out of determination in the last stretch in the English GP. In fact, Hayato is always seems to be this case up until SAGA Arc. • This almost always happens in every duel in every franchise, with, setting things up for the latter to win at the last possible moment. Often results in accusations of on the part of the protagonist. • The anime adaption of plays this straight in most of the matches, except the second season, in which takes places to show how badass the bad guys are when they debut.

• Very common in the anime. Trainers can use anywhere from one to six Pokemon to battle each other, but matches will almost always end with a one-on-one fight. • Adding a layer to that, many of those final one-on-one fights will end with both combatants being so exhausted that whoever can land the next successful attack will win. The last play of the last play. One major exception is in the Hoenn region when Ash faces Wattson. His Pikachu had absorbed a lot of electricity by mistake, and proceeds to KO all 3 of Wattson's Pokemon with only Pikachu. • Almost all the matches shown in the anime version of Ro-Kyu-Bu!

Comes down to this. • The Girls vs. Guys match was won by the girls through a game-winning shot from via an assist from. • made a game-winner against Class D. • The match against was supposed to be a come-from-behind victory for Keishin, if only did not miss the game-winning shot. • In their rematch in the prefectural tournament, however, she made the game-tying shot to send it to overtime. Tomoka almost won it for Keishin this time, but only if she made the game-winning shot in time.

Arts A's victory in the medley brought them victory. School-wise, they're still second last. • In, the that will decide whether the Yezo High baseball team goes on to the finals comes down to this.

Bottom of the ninth, bases loaded, our heroes are ahead by one and pitching, and talented freshman Komaba is on the pitcher's mound versus the local champion's best batter. Heartbreakingly, and the more experienced batter hits Komaba's pitch, winning the game for the champs. • Played with in. Goku's performance in the final round of each Budokai Tournament is always this case, except that it's his opponents who barely win.

Goku wins only once in the show's finale. • this phenomenon in a song performed by Brett called Last Second Plays. • In the Remake of, the Cons manage to score on a last second trick play after mounting a miracle comeback to put them one point behind the guards. They have the choice of either kicking the extra point to send the game into overtime, or to go for two and the win.

They choose the latter, setting up another trick play that results in them scoring and winning the game. • In, Mel Clark has pitched an entire game, and his last batter is the other team's heavy hitter. With two outs, and a foul ball that was nearly a home run, it comes down to one last pitch. The batter hits a line drive up the middle, but Mel manages to make a diving catch for the final out, the win, and the pennant for the Angels. And he did it all with no angel help whatsoever. •, because of the, Happy is forced to putt for a victory with a collapsed TV Tower fallen on the green.

Refusing to putt around it to take the tie and play for the tiebreaker, Happy instead plays it through the tower like it's a putt-putt course, and sinks the winning putt to win the Tournament, and more importantly, to beat Shooter and win his grandmother's house back. • was the first film to have the protagonist team NOT win. • In in Breaking Training, the game comes down to the last runner trying to stretch a lucky hit and a fielding error into an inside-the-park home run. He slides into home plate just as the catcher tags him with the ball. It took a few suspenseful seconds for the home plate umpire to call it.

• The series often has the boxing matches go down to the final round — and possibly by decision. Averted in, when the final fight ends in only three rounds. • movies: • In Major League, the final play in the comes with two outs in the bottom of the ninth, but is otherwise a unique twist. The beat-up, has-been catcher 'calls his shot' to the bleachers in order to draw the infield out, and then bunts for a base hit, allowing the winning run to score from second. Also, if this play had failed, they would have gone to extra innings rather than losing, as the game was tied. • Major League 2, however, plays the trope traditionally. With his team clinging to a one-run lead, in a move that would be unheard of in real baseball, Rick 'Wild Thing' Vaughn intentionally walks the guy he's pitted against, which results in the bases being loaded, in order to set up a confrontation with Parkman, the opposing team's big power hitter and the movie's central antagonist.

Vaughn, of course, strikes Parkman out and wins the game. Note This may be a nod to Satchel Paige, who was said to have done the same thing to get to Josh Gibson in. • Major League Back to the Minors ends on a home run by the big-hitting prospect, despite the fact that there were no outs in the game and it was an exhibition.

• and not only both have 'Mr.' In their title, but both also end on a game-winning run scored by a bunt. Both bunts also prevent the titular character from making it into the record books (it leaves Bernie Mac stranded on 2,999 hits in the former, and it breaks Tom Selleck's home-run streak in the latter).

• example: In the Pete Maravich biopic, Maravich makes an apparent buzzer beating shot and starts celebrating.before realizing that the shot came a split second too late. • Averted in: Rudy gets to play at the end of the climactic game only because Notre Dame already has a huge lead over their opponent. • The movie is based off the real story of tiny Milan's victory over giant Muncie Central. The game was won by a shot at the last second.

• series of movies always ended in some dramatic fashion, though never in overtime. The first movie ended on a penalty shot, the second in shootouts; the third movie again used the trope by having a scoreless tie all the way to the last seconds of the third period, and the Ducks being content with a tie against the varsity team.

Then, a brilliant defensive play allows the Ducks a goal-scoring opportunity—from Goldberg, who had been the goalie in the previous two movies and was still a mostly defensive player. •,, uses the trope, though not in the way the viewer expects.

The team has a chance for a medal, but crashes in their final run. The inspiration is there when they carry their bobsled across the finish line to finish the race. Movie, the Titans overcame a 7-3 deficit by using a trick play (ironic in that, before the season began, Coach Boon looked down his nose at trick plays, as it were) for a 75-yard touchdown run in the final seconds of the game to win the state championship.

Averted by the real-life 1971 T.C. Williams Titans; in the championship game, the opposing team was not only shut out, but ended up with negative rushing yardage. • In, Cuervo Jones forces Snake Plissken to play a deadly game of solitaire basketball for the amusement of him and the crowd. Cuervo Jones: 'Two hoops, full court, ten-second shot clock. Miss a shot, you get shot.

Shot clock buzzer goes off before you shoot, you get shot. Two points for a basket, no three-point bullshit. All you gotta do is get ten points.

*dramatic pause* 'By the way, nobody's ever walked off that court alive. • Snake does indeed win, by way of making a lay-up, a jump shot from free throw distance, a jump shot from three-point distance, a half-court shot, and a full-court shot.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, Cuervo prepares to, but Snake is saved when an earthquake happens, giving him the opportunity to escape the caged basketball court, and then the stadium itself. For bonus points, actually made all those shots (including the full-court shot) during filming, although the number of takes it required is unknown. •; with seconds on the clock, the underdog hockey team facing off against the New York Rangers needs a single goal to tie and therefore take the match into overtime. In agonizing slow motion, their captain makes a buzzer-beating shot. That strikes off the goalpost, producing the loud, piercing clink that is one of most heartbreaking sounds in sport. • Happens in the opening game of 3, where with 16 minutes to go the Wildcats are losing horribly, but with upbeat inspirational music in their ears manages to even the score, and manages to score a basket just as the clock ticks from 1 to 0.

• Played with in the Kevin Costner movie Tin Cup, where the has-been pro (played by Costner) makes an impressive comeback in the U.S. Open Golf Tournament. It's down to the final hole, and he needs a par to tie and a birdie to win. The hole was a par 5 with a green guarded in front by a lake and he would have to murder his 3 wood to get it onto the green. Any sane golfer would lay up, he doesn't. He hits it into the lake, refuses to drop near the green, hits from where he hit his second shot, going for it again, hits it into the lake again, rinse and repeat until he holes the shot with his last ball in the bag for a 12 (had he dunked that one, he would've been disqualified).

Os X Lion 10 7 0 Download Speed on this page. More than a few critics found this broke their, arguing such would never happen in a 'real' golf tournament. Until it did, more or less, see the section below. • In the final moments of the last game of, the score is tied at 0 - 0 (because the enemy team decided they would rather win by injuring enough players on the good team to force them to forfeit).

Naturally, the shows up when they reach the point where they are one player short, and she and the main character combine their Kung Fu to make the ultimate shot and win the game. • In, the professional (US) football team of the main characters was predicted to win their championship game and move on to the, but were down by a touchdown near the end of the game. They scored the touchdown, and only needed the extra point to tie and move into overtime. Unfortunately, they fumbled the snap and didn't make the extra point, and so lost the game to the underdog. • In the movie, the backstory of Ray Finkle, the primary villain, involves the disastrous loss of that year's Super Bowl by one point due to Finkle missing the 26-yard field goal that would have won the game for the Miami Dolphins. Finkle lost his mind as a result and was committed to a mental hospital, and blames the whole thing on Dan Marino, who according to Finkle didn't hold the ball 'laces out' like he was supposed to. His vendetta against Marino and the Dolphins would lead to the plot of the movie.

•, where the comeback comes from the, with Kit Keller getting the big hit and then plowing over her sister to score the winning run. • When Saturday Comes in which Sean Bean plays a football player named Jimmy Muir.

He spends all the movie trying to become a member of Sheffield United. Of course, his very first match with them ends with him shooting a penalty at the 89th minute. • In Didier, the team needs one more point to win against the PSG. Of course, Didier marks. After turning back into a dog. • In, Danny's final putt decides both a substantial bet and his own prospects for the future.

• Beautifully averted in Blood of Heroes when the climactic three-period game is decided in the middle of the second inning. • In the 2006 film Vince Papale, Invincible, the movie ends with the first home game of the Philadelphia Eagles — one which they win without going into overtime because Papale calls an audible and then forces a fumble on the resulting punt, which he picks up and runs in for a touchdown. • silent film features Harold picking up a loose football and running it all the way down the field for a touchdown as time expires. • 's ends with the 24 hour race as a three car shootout on the last lap, and that is after the previous lead car retires on the penultimate lap.

This was nearly though since the movie was made in 1970 and the 1969 race was a two car last lap shootout (see examples below). • In, Quarterback Willie Beaman, wins the crucial playoff game by diving into the Endzone during the final play of the game.

• has the final game for Brian's team feature the home team down two points, ten seconds left on the clock, and possession of the ball by the klutzy protagonist. He passes to a more competent player, who shoots a 3-pointer, but is blocked, leading to Brian making his only 3-pointer in the film other than when he had Durant's 'talent'. • In, James Hunt needs to finish third or better in the last F1 race of the season to be world champion. He finishes third on the last lap of the race to beat Lauda by a single point and becomes world champion. • The championship match at the climax of comes down to a 1-1 tie, broken by Jess's penalty kick with mere seconds left on the clock.

• In, the climactic horse race, which will either leave bookmaker Duke Bradley penniless or allow him to retire from bookmaking to run a ranch, comes down to a photo finish that has to be reviewed via a film reel. • Parodied in the obscure 1989 B-horror-movie / teen sex comedy Monster High (no relation to the toy line from ). Not only does the fate of the world come down to, and not only does the outcome of that game come down to one final free-throw, but that free throw spends a amount of time bouncing around before settling perfectly on the rim. The world is saved when one of the protagonists gets the bright idea to blow on it, tipping it into the basket and saving the world. •: In the finals of the fencing tournament, the score is tied, the Moscow team has priority (meaning they win if it's a tie), and the team's best fencer is injured. Little Marta is their last hope.

She manages to score a touch with a second to spare, winning the whole tournament. • In, the TuneSquad is in a pinch - 10 seconds to go in the final quarter, down by one and they're a man down.

Has just learned that, in Looney Tune land, he can use the cartoon-y physics to his advantage, but without the extra man, they forfeit and Swackhammer gets him and the Tunes. (as in, the actor, not a character played by Murray; it's ) and Jordan's able to pull off a half-court slam dunk to win the game. •: Scott () starts using his newfound to win basketball games for his high school, at the expense of alienating his teammates who see him hogging the ball, and the glory, for himself. Eventually Scott decides to, right before the against the rival Dragons, and that game ends up coming down to Scott being fouled by the just as time expires with the Beavers down by 1, and Scott has to make the free throws - something that wouldn't be a problem for him in, but in human form he usually., he sinks them, securing the win for the Beavers. •: In the 1888 Ernest Thayer poem, the great Casey, after deliberately getting two strikes to build even more dramatic tension, strikes out to end the game. • Justified in the series: Quidditch matches end only when the is caught; catching the Snitch is also worth 150 points, usually resulting in a win for the team whose Seeker catches it.

Thus, most matches end with the Seekers in a mad race for the Snitch. However, large portion of matches still end up by a winning team winning by 10 points. • The number of Harry Potter parodies that have pointed out how senseless this rule is are too numerous to list. ('This game is very complicated, but none of the rules actually matter, because once you catch this little golden thing.' ) Fans have pointed out that this may be because Hogwarts-level Quidditch isn't really very 'good' Quidditch — the Quidditch World Cup scene shows scoring happening at a much faster rate, thus making the 150 points from the Snitch less impressive and increasing the probability that grabbing the Snitch too early might lose you the game (as was done deliberately in the Quidditch World Cup). Further, in the Hogwarts Quidditch tournaments, the exact score can matter for a team's placing, meaning even a team that would win when the Snitch is caught will wait if getting it too soon would win the game but lose the championship.

(As happened with Gryffindor in Prisoner of Azkaban, Order of the Phoenix, and Half-Blood Prince.) • It also bears noting that J.K. Rowling's ' book characterizes Quidditch's rules as primarily being a senseless, thrown-together mess of traditions kept for tradition's sake. (A lot like some real sports, come to think of it.) The Snitch itself only exists because of a riot that once broke up a Quidditch game when the players stopped playing to catch a bird intentionally released by so that the players would hunt the bird for his own amusement rather than play Quidditch for his own amusement. The 150 number is how many gold coins he offered as an incentive, and we're told that it would be worth, so it's probably lucky that it's only 150. • The of The Philosopher's Stone emphasises this element of it further, although the likelihood is far more that this is a case of sloppy research than deliberately this trope - Wood explains to Harry, directly after explaining scoring rules with the Quaffles, that 'you catch [the snitch], Potter, and we win.' • The novel Playing for Pizza opens with the main character, a journeyman 3rd string quarterback for the Cleveland Browns, blowing a colossal lead in the AFC Championship Game and being knocked unconscious-costing his team a chance at the Super Bowl.

He's so disgraced he has to play in Italy. • Deliberately invoked in, where Skeeve bets a huge fortune on a single hand of Dragon Poker, because he doesn't have a clue how to play and figures an (incorrectly assumed) 50% chance is better than any odds he could get if he tried. • Also played with - Skeeve's stated logic is this: He claims luck got him to the match. His opponent is highly skilled. In the long run his opponent's skill will defeat his luck. However all the skill in the world cannot affect the outcome of a single hand. His opponent plays along because of the prestige of the biggest bet in the history of the game being made on the outcome of one hand.

• Happens in a golf game in the series, which hinges on the final hole, the final game of a five-game series, and the next-to-final desperate shot from the depths of a sand trap. This is, of course fault. • did this thrice, with hockey in 'Nice Guys Finish First', boxcar racing in 'Michelle a la Cart,' and with baseball and a twist in 'Stephanie Plays the Field'. •: • 'Making the Team,' from the fall of 1991, sees the normally clumsy Urkel lead an amazing second-half comeback for his team. Down 20 points late in the third quarter, Urkel connects on a shot just before the buzzer for the go-ahead points and help the team win the game.

• A couple of weeks later, in 'A Pair of Ladies,' Urkel gets revenge on Carl's big-talking, thinks-he's-macho, hustling superior officer Lt. Murtgauh in a poker game when the nerd one-ups Murtgauh's would-be-winning hand with 'two pairs of tens'. •: The 1977 episode 'A Shot in the Dark,' where Richie becomes a basketball hero for Jefferson High when his last-second shot wins a big sectional game. In the next round, he's fouled at the buzzer with Jefferson trailing by two points; he makes the first shot to pull Jefferson to within one, but on the shot that would send the game into overtime. He deliberately misses. • Averted in the baseball episode, 'Take Me Out To The Holosuite'. The main characters lose the game 10-1 (with their single run being scored on an accidental bunt).

In two seperate games, at the start of the Superbowl Shuffle episode, they lose a game by making a moronic play call in a situation where all they need to do is have Finn just take a knee. Then at the end of the episode they win another game when the other team ignores the same basic game ending strategy and and do the exact same error as Finn did in the first.

There is a lengthy analysis of this at the Glee JBM for season 2 page. • Though the first was the result of the center being a dick with an intentionally low snap and the second was the result of the opposing center being frightened by their zombie makeup and snapping it high. • In one episode of The, Will is shown to be a very good basketball player, making all sorts of trick shots throughout the game. With his team down at the end, however, he's about to take a shot. When his cousin Carlton, wanting some glory himself, starts grappling with him for the ball, takes it, shoots, and misses horribly.

• This comes up a couple of times in: • The police games in the episode 'The Great Wall' is said to be a tie between Station 4 and Station 5 going into the final event (a tug-of-war between both teams). One of the men on the Station House 5 team loses his footing, giving Station House 4 a brief shot at winning, but Murdoch is distracted by seeing a clue that solves the murder case he's been investigating and Station House 5 wins the event. • The baseball game at the end of 'Stroll on the Wild Side' is tied 8-8 when Murdoch comes to bat with Inspector Brackenreid on base. Despite the distracting presence of a member of the Black Hand, Murdoch hits the home run that brings both of them home to win the game.

• In the made for TV movie every playoff game the Buffalo Bills play comes down to the last play with just seconds on the clock. • Challenges on. The presenters sometimes lampshade the ridiculousness of this, and sometimes insist it really was that close. • Inverted in the race across London. Richard takes the lead instantly at the start and never relinquishes it. • Many of the challenges on ended this way, with sometimes as little as a few hundredths of a second separating who stayed from who went home. The show also subverts this as often as not, with one particular contestant dominating a given challenge.

Kelly's first elimination challenge and J.J.' S performance shooting steel in the finale are standout examples of almost comically one-sided matches. • Several individual legs of have been decided by footrace, with the eliminated team in sight of the mat when the second-to-last team checks in. Season 7 had three legs decided this way. However, the only finale to be decided this way was in Season 2, with a footrace from the cabs to the Finish Line. Tara and Wil were in the lead when they jumped out of the cabs, but Tara was asthmatic and could not keep up, allowing more physically fit Chris and Alex to race past her and win the million dollars.

• In, Malcolm, Dewey and Reese are playing a basketball game with the foul-happy Hal, with the game tied, one move left and Hal on the offense. The boys realize they have no choice but to use 'The Play'. • Game show examples: • has seen countless Fast Money rounds come down to the final question, with the score in the 180-199 range and the final answer being just enough to win the grand prize (200 is needed to win). Made even more dramatic if there is a string of zero- or low-scoring answers with the second player. Made heartbreaking if the final answer's score is zero or falls just short of the winning 200 score.

In either case, the moment will be made more dramatic. •: A five-square win, only after each of the contestants have filled in four boxes (none of which leads to tic-tac-toe). • (and even its precursor, and revival!) will often have its outcome determined based on a contestant's final spin.

•: When a contestant solves the bonus round puzzle (or begins the correct answer) a split second before the buzzer. Sometimes, it's been so close that they've had to stop and check the tape, and not declare the contestant a winner until returning from commercial. • A few times, the Winner's Circle on was cleared only at the last second. •: While there were numerous close games through the years, one of the best 'down to the last play' games came in the midst of Ken Jennings' incredible 74-game run in 2004. The game where he became champion was decided on Final Jeopardy! (he had the lead and bet liberally).

On his 49th day, he had a mere $5,000 ($19,700 to $14,800) lead over the second place contestant and had to have the right answer (his opponent was incorrect) to win, which he did. Another of his games saw one of his opponents wager everything on a Daily Double late in Double Jeopardy!

And guess correctly, and that opponent briefly took the lead before Jennings reclaimed the lead just before the end of the round; with Jennings leading by less than $2,000, both he and his opponent engaged in a truly dramatic Final Jeopardy! With Jennings winning.

Finally, Jennings last game saw him hold a slim lead over the woman that finally beat him (thanks to Jennings giving a wrong answer). •: The use of the special 'red' categories frequently led to a showdown for a box that could give either contestant the win upon a correct answer.

(In other words, both contestants have two of their mark in a line, and the box both are going for could give either one.

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