Ranger School Prep Training Program Military Athlete Program

Ranger School Prep Training Program Military Athlete Program

Rob, I wanted to say thank you.I just graduated from Ranger School on Friday. I used your plan and had no issues.

Ranger School Prep Training Program Military Athlete Program

I felt like I was in the best possible shape I could be and think your program was critical to me earning my tab. I cannot thank you enough. What program and/or advice do you have for me getting back in shape.

I really am not too broken down, but at this point I am out of shape except for rucking. Thanks again. -T, July 2016 Rob, First I wanted to write kudos to you on your ranger school prep plan. Before I went to ranger school I wrote you asking about the difference between your plan and the Official RTB plan. I ended up using your plan and I definitely had positive results. Ranger, though not easy, would have been harder without your plan.

My initial training will be in Ft. Benning (Armor Basic Officer Leadership Course). I'd highly recommend the programs off of Military Athlete. Supposing that. This should be the link to a plan for Ranger training with 30, 60, and 90 day plans depending on how much time you have. Start the 90 day.

Awc Automatic Wallpaper Changer Serial Number. – V Rob, I just completed Ranger School. I used your Ranger school prep program to get ready for the course. It definitely prepared me for both pre-ranger and ranger school itself. The sandbag get-ups, in my opinion, were the most helpful, due to all the time spent under a ruck.

Thank you for your time and help. -F Rob, I just wanted to take a quick minute and thank you for your programming. I just recently graduated Ranger school. I used your Ranger school prep program and let me say it is spot on. I don’t feel like there is anything else out there that could prepare you as well as this program. While going through the program I wondered if I was doing enough or too much but once I got to school I saw that you definitely studied what would physically prepare you to complete the course. I will say that most beneficial aspect of your program is the sandbag getups.

When you are humping a 100# plus ruck you need that core and lower back strength, not to mention the only want to successfully get that heavy of a pack on is to start from the seated position and get up. I don’t know how many times I did that movement while in school but all the getups in the program sure helped. Once my body began to fully break down I knew that I still had a little more to give because physically I was as prepared as I could be. Again thank you so much and I look forward to getting back into shape. – M Rob – Just graduated Ranger School last week and I’m emailing you to send big time KUDOS to you for developing the Ranger School train up program.

All I can say is that I’m 28 years old and followed your program to the letter (I completed the 6 week cycle about 3 times before I actually went to school) and I went straight through the course without issue. The mountain phase in particular was not even close to as bad for me as it was for 90% of the other dudes out there and I have to credit your program for really helping me get my legs ready for the exceptional challenges. I really do believe that I had the endurance to go the distance And even as I was losing pounds of body mass and muscle each week, I had the foundation and confidence to know that I could take the next step and keep moving. Just wanted to give you guys some feedback. I just completed Ranger school. I used the Ranger train up program twice prior to my original start date, then got delayed a month since the january class was overbooked and followed your operator pentathalon program.

There wasn’t a single day my legs felt the hurt that some other guys were feeling. I even volunteered to carry the heavier equipment on multiple long walks and the hike up Mount Hawk. -T Rob- I just completed Ranger School. I used your Ranger school prep program to get ready for the course. It definitely prepared me for both pre-ranger and ranger school itself.

The sandbag get-ups, in my opinion, were the most helpful, due to all the time spent under a ruck. Thank you for your time and help.

-J I just graduated Ranger School and was able to make it through without any recycles. A large part of that I think is due to my training leading up to Ranger using your Ranger School prep program. The program did an excellent job of preparing my physically and mentally for the rigors of Ranger School.

I cycled through it once before our Brigade level Ranger Assessment Program, then cycled through it again before going to RTAC at the WTC in Fort Benning. Thank you for all you all do, and the support you give to the military and law enforcement communities. –B I would also like to give you all some kudos. I graduated Ranger School on Friday (17OCT) and was able to make it through without any recycles. A large part of that I think is due to my training leading up to Ranger using your Ranger School Prep program. The program did an excellent job of preparing my physically and mentally for the rigors of Ranger School. I cycled through it once before our Brigade level Ranger Assessment Program, then cycled through it again before going to RTAC at the WTC in Fort Benning. I would recommend that you somehow incorporate more flutterkicks into the workouts as they seemed particularly fond of them in Darby Phase.

Also, for those of us who are time-constrained, if push comes to shove between a workout and a ruck march on the plan, always pick the ruck march. During Ranger School you spend so much time under a ruck that rucking will serve you best instead of lifting weights.

For the rucks in the plan, since you have two per week, I would recommend having one be for time (i.e. To prep for the 12 miler that weighs about 50lbs) and then one that is for distance and at a heavier weight (i.e. After RAP week, I can’t think of a time when we rucked with anything less than 60lbs (maybe through Darby if you didn’t carry any squad equipment). Just some thoughts and comments. All in all, I thought it was a great plan, and am still an avid fan of Military Athlete. Thank you for all you all do, and the support you give to the military and law enforcement communities.

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