Cibc Eft 80 Byte File Layout Field


Publication number WO A2 Publication type Application Application number PCT/US2005/013988 Publication date Nov 10, 2005 Filing date Apr 25, 2005 Priority date Apr 23, 2004 Also published as,, Publication number PCT/2005/13988, PCT/US/2005/013988, PCT/US/2005/13988, PCT/US/5/013988, PCT/US/5/13988, PCT/US2005/013988, PCT/US2005/13988, PCT/US, PCT/US200513988, PCT/US5/013988, PCT/US5/13988, PCT/US5013988, PCT/US513988, WO 2005/106749 A2, WO A2, WO A2, WO-A2-, WO2005/106749A2, WO A2, WOA2 Inventors,,,,,,, Applicant,, Export Citation,, (1), (9), (6) External Links. A system and method for implementing a program such as a loyalty program. An account (e.g., card) system includes a plurality of participating account holders (e.g., cardholders), a plurality of non-participating account holders (e.g., cardholders), a plurality of non-preferred merchants and a plurality of preferred merchants. A processor executes the program including evaluating transactions to identify qualifying transactions involving both a participating account holders (e.g., cardholders) and a preferred merchant. Rebates are provided for identified, qualifying transactions.

5.3 Record Layout - 80 Byte - Field Definitions. This section defines the field descriptions provided in the previous section (5.3). Numeric Field. Right justified. Fill with zeros if field is blank. Alphanumeric Field (AN). Left justified. Fill with spaces if field is blank. File Rejection - Your file will be rejected if.

The FTP site will have the following directory structure under the root: Inbound outbound Scotiabank will place the data files in the Inbound Directory, and Maritz will pick up the data files from the Inbound directory Maritz will place data files in the outbound Directory for pickup by Scotiabank. A slightly different directory structure will exist on an internal Maritz system. This directory structure will extend the existing one by saving backup copies of all files sent and received. Mantz Canada Inc Data Processing Functional Specifications Data ProSelsin r^ilrfffiffi ϊJSiSelifjI iώϊlisi The directory structure will be as follows: Scotia-d Scotia-d Original Scotia-e Scotia-e Original Time stamps will tag all backup file names and they will be placed in the Original directory. Inbound and outbound data files will be encrypted using PGP. The transfer of data from and to the Inbound and Outbound directories will be done using a process running on the Maritz Inc.

Cibc Eft 80 Byte File Layout Field

Encryption/decryption server. The Encryption and decryption process will be done by Maritz Inc. Using GNUPG (Open Source PGP). The Encryption process will pick up the files to be encrypted from the Scotia-e directory and saves a time stamped backup in the Original Directory. The backup file will have the following format:.TXT.PROCESSED Once the file is encrypted it is placed in the Outbound directory on the server for pickup. The decryption process will pick up the files to be decrypted from the Outbound.

The files will be decrypted and a time stamped backup is saved in the Original Directory. The backup file will have the following format:.PGP.PROCESSED Once the file is decrypted it will be uploaded to the database. Uploading and downloading data to and from the database will be done using the BCP COM object developed by Maritz Canada Inc.

And used across a number of applications. The COM object uses BCP (Bulk Copy Program) - an sqlserver tool- to upload and download data from the database. Maritz Canada Inc. Data Processing Functional Specifications DATA FILES In this section a brief description of the data files used by the Data Processing Engine will be presented.

The file formats have not been finalized as of yet. Incoming Files Scotiabank will generate these files for use by Maritz. These files include: Daily Status File (KSMTZOU1) Daily Transaction File (KSMTZOU2) Daily Acknowledgment File (KSMTZOU3) DAILY STATUS FILE This file is the enrolment daily file to be provided by Scotiabank. This file will contain a header record, a number of detail records and a footer record.

Each record is 279 bytes long Duplicate file Check: Compare Header Day, Month, Year & Trailer Rec Count - if match if found indicate potential duplicate error DAILY TRANSACTION FILE This file is the transaction daily file to be provided by Scotiabank. This file will contain a header record, a number of detail records and a footer record. Each record is 170 bytes long. Duplicate file Check: Compare Header Day, Month, Year & Trailer Debit Count plus Credit Count - if match if found indicate potential duplicate error. DAILY ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILE This file is the acknowledgment daily file to be provided by Scotiabank.

This file will contain a header record, a number of detail records and a footer record. Each record is 111 bytes long. Maritz Canada Inc. Data Processing Functional Specifications Da a Pro £irιϊg,F «Mi EΪS^iifBf «ϊlδ Outgoing Files Maritz will generate these files for use by Scotiabank.

These files include: Daily Enrollment File (KSMTZIN1) Daily Monetary Transaction File (KSMTZIN2) Daily Non-Monetary Transaction File (KSMTZIN3) DAILY STATUS FILE This file is the enrolment daily file to be provided by Maritz. This file will contain a header record, a number of detail records and a footer record. Each record is 79 bytes long. Duplicate file Check: Compare Header Day, Month, Year & Trailer Rec Count- if match if found indicate potential duplicate error. DAILY MONETARY TRANSACTION FILE This is the daily transaction file Maritz will be generating for rebates from participating partners to enrolled customers. This file will contain a header record, a number of detail records and a footer record.

Each record is 170 bytes long. Duplicate file Check: Compare Header Day, Month, Year & Trailer Debit Count plus Credit Count - if match if found indicate potential duplicate error. DAILY NON MONETARY TRANSACTION FILE This is the daily transaction file Maritz will be generating for rebates from participating partners to solicited customers. This file will contain a header record, a number of detail records and a footer record. Each record is 88 bytes long. Duplicate file Check: Compare Header Day, Month, Year & Trailer Rec Count - if match if found indicate potential duplicate error. Maritz Canada Inc.

Data Processing Functional Specifications Da a roceeirag.-Fl^cJ^l;; ^j@δi1®CΪ ENROLLMENT APPROVAL PROCESSING Solicited customers will use an enrollment web site to enroll in the VISA rebate program. Once on this website the customers will be asked to provide the following pieces of information: 16 digit Credit Card Number Expiry Date (MMYY) Once this information is provided, the 13-digit account number is scrambled and be saved to the database. The additional 3 digits will be stored as Customer Number. Enrollment requests are extracted daily and the 'Daily Status File' is created.

The file will be then put on the FTP site for Scotiabank to pick up. Once the file is picked up, Scotiabank will process it and create the 'Daily Status File' then place it on the FTP site. Once the file is on the FTP site Maritz will process it and the customer record will be created.

The process flow for the enrollment approval process is depicted in the following diagram: Enrollment Approval Process. The daily status file from Scotiabank will not only provide confirmation for pending enrollments but it will be used to update enrollment status, account information, customer address changes. Account changes include a VISA category change or a Transfer of Balance (TOB) change. The VISA category change might have an impact on the enrollment status of the account. It might change from enrolled to un- enrolled.

As for the TOB this will trigger an update to the account information, a TOB will be accompanied with a new account number. TRANSACTION PROCESSING Maritz Canada inc. Data Processin Functional Specifications Da a Pr je ss ι ιg' g®f ft l,Sβ ,ς;ff ©©ιfS Transaction processing is the most important component in the Data Processing Engine (DPE). The Transaction processing process is made up of the following sub-processes: 1. Transaction File Upload 2.

Transaction File Processing 3. Merchant Matching 4.

Rebate Transaction Processing 5. Transaction Adjustments 6. Creation of Rebate Transaction Files Transaction File Upload Scotiabank will on a daily basis create a file listing all transactions for all solicited and enrolled customers.

The file is scrambled, encrypted and placed on the FTP site for pickup by Maritz on a TBD time. The file is moved from the external FTP site to an internal storage area where it will be uploaded into the database using BCP. A backup of the file will be saved after processing for archival purposes. The application used in uploading the file using BCP should verify successful completion of the upload process.

In case the process was not successful an email is initiated to the Data Specialist notifying of failure. Specialized Merchants Some specialized merchant, e.g. Travel merchants, do not process their own VISA transactions. Transactions are processed by their affiliates and preferred vendors. In order for these types of merchants to be eligible to participate, they must provide us with a file daily which indicates which of the other vendor transactions should be included with their eligible transactions. A daily process is run to flag these transactions as eligible so they can be included the thr transaction file processing documented below.

Transaction File Processing Once the file is uploaded using BCP it will be placed in a transaction staging table where some business rules will be applied to it. The following checks will be implemented: 1. Transaction dates will be validated as being valid dates values. Transaction amount will be validated as valid numeric values. Account numbers will be validated as valid account numbers (mod 10).

The individual transaction records will be counted and the money values will be summed up and compared to the footer record in the file. Once all these checks are performed records not passing the checks will be flagged as such. Records that passed the checks will be moved into the transaction processing tables. For invalid transactions an exception file will be generated and sent to Scotiabank for investigation. The exception file will contain all the transaction information in addition to a new field describing the error encountered. The format of the file will be as follows: This is the daily transaction exception file Maritz will be generating for rebates from participating partners to enrolled customers. This file will contain a header record, a number of detail records and a footer record.

Each record is 170 bytes long. Rebate Transaction Processing All transactions flagged for rebate calculations will processed during this process. Here we will be determining the amount of each rebate applicable on each transaction. The transaction rebate grid data will be consulted for each merchant and a rebate percentage is calculated.

Once the rebate percentage is determined, the rebate amount is calculated. Both the rebate percentage and amount will be stored along with the transaction data. Maritz Canada inc. Data Processing Functional Specifications Data. Rebate Processing File Formats Maritz will be using the standard Scotia Direct EFT file layouts to generate the direct deposit files.

Scotia Direct has two file formats that can be used a 105-byte file and an 80 byte file. It has been decided to use the 105-byte file as it provides a simpler structure than the 80-byte file. SCOTIA DIRECT 105 BYTE TRANSMISSION FILE LAYOUT The following specification describes a file of electronic receivables (debit) and/or payables (credit) transactions to be transmitted using one of several available transmission protocols.

File Structure 1. Overview • The character code of the file is ASCII. • Each record is 105-bytes long, and is terminated by a carriage-return / linefeed. Trailing blanks may be truncated. • The following record types may appear in the file: o A - Record - Header o Y - Record - Customer Information o C - Record - Payables (credit) Transaction o D - Record - Receivables (debit) Transaction o Z - Record - Trailer • The first record in the file must be an A record.

• The second record in the file must be a Y record. There can be multiple Y records in a file. The.information on a Y record applies to all C and D records following it until another Y record appears or the end of file is reached. • C, credit records and D, debit records can be intermixed throughout the file. • The last record in the file must be a Z record. A Record - Header The A record is the first record in the file, and contains important customer identification and control fields.

An error in any of these fields will cause the file to be rejected by Scotiabank. SCOTIA DIRECT FILE TRANSFER METHODS A number of methods to transfer the files to Scotia Direct exist.

Currently none has been selected as the standard. Further investigation to determine the proper method is needed. The transfer methods are the following: Maritz Canada Inc.

Data Processing Functional Specifications Data PMsifr^ MA ffl$Bi ^uSft3-Wάk • Internet Communication Methods o Connect:Direct The finance team will be using the Scotia bank software provided to them for the file transfer. Files are to be transferred by 12:00PM for same day processing. The DDA file will be placed in a secure directory accessible by the Finance Team, once the file is processed by the Connect:Direct software and sent to the bank, within 5 minutes we will receive and update on the status of the file. The bank prepays all the money into the Maritz account, if the bank fails to collect from a merchant then a reject will be sent to Maritz. If within a week ail transactions are processed then all transactions are flagged as such. Those rejected transactions will be resubmitted for processing.

Tax Calculations Tax will be calculated on all the rebates collected form partners based on their province of operation. The tax collected will be either GST or HST except for Quebec where it will be GST+QST. GST will be calculated @ 7% of original amount HST will be calculated @ 15% of original amount QST will be calculated @7.5% on the (original amount + 7% GST) Mantz Canada Inc Bata Processing Functional Specifications Data Pro!B 'έi g' M iI 'IIϊS^άifllSfei PARTNER OUTLET APPROVALS Currently locations are approved through the Content Manager - Banner Manager. We will now be moving all Outlet/Location approvals to the client server application, which already manages the Partner Upload approvals. A new section will need to be added to the application under the Tools area called Outlet Approvals.'

All newly inserted Outlets will be placed in an 'Awaiting Approval' status by either the Administration website or the Partner website, dependant on the source of the insert. The default VISA descriptor is added by the Admin or Partner websites on insert into the Outlet table. Outlet Approvals List Screen.

Once the uploaded file has been reviewed and is approved by the administrator, the default VISA descriptor needs to be added to each outlet. There is a SQL function that is used by the Admin and Partner websites that can be called to handle this.

Outlets are still saved in a PUBLISHED status once they are approved, however the Matched/Not Matched flag will be blank. This will initiate these outlets being matched through the Pre-Match process. Maritz Canada Inc.

Data Processing Functional Specifications Data Proeellsifig. PARTNER PRE-MATCHING Once all of the locations have been approved and are in the PUBLISHED status, you will be able to begin the pre- matchmg process. All outlets that are PUBLISHED but do not have the Matched/Not Matched flag set will be sitting waiting for matching in the client server applications. Matching will be made against the historical transactions table, as well and the non-participating table If a match is found the VISA descriptor will be added to the outlet and the outlet will be flagged as 'Matched ' If a match is not found, the outlet will be flagged as 'Not Matched.' Mantz Canada Inc Data Processing Functional Specifications Data PrdeSsϊn ttliEliSriiϊ Sp&icSSS PA TMER MATCHING - DAILY TRANSACTIONS Once the valid transactions are in the transaction processing tables, transaction merchants are identified and checked as being a participating merchant belonging to a participating partner. If they are identified as participating merchants then those transactions are tagged for rebate processing. The remaining merchants are checked to see if they belong to a non-participating merchant.

If they belong to a non-participating merchant then the transactions are tagged as non-eligible for rebates. After this process if there remains transactions with merchants that cannot be determined as participating or not, those transactions are tagged for review by the data specialist. Here we should keep in mind that the data specialist(s) do not review at a transaction level, but rather at a merchant level. Thus the number of merchants would be much less that the number of actual transactions. All matching is at a summarized merchant level, i.e.

All transactions are rolled up to a merchant outlet level and matching occurs at this level. Edward Bernays Engineering Of Consent Pdf Viewer there. The data specialist will be provided with online tools to help facilitate the 2 nd level review on merchant matching. The following lists the types of options that will be available to them: 1.

When the administrator enters the verification screen, they will see a list of all of the exceptions. These merchant exceptions will be color-coded.

Each color represents the different% of probability of them being matched. For example, green might mean that there is a 70% chance that a match will be made.

The system will be programmed to try and match merchant names in the following ways: a. Matching of merchant name based on multiple words/phrases b. Matching of merchant name based on a single word/phrase, words like the, a, etc. Would not be used in this matching process c. Sounds like matching d. The administrator can select either a word or phrase themselves manually and prompt for a match 3. Once a potential match is found, the administrator will be provided a list of the closest matches from the participating Partner/Banner list based on the matching criteria 4.

They can then try and find the Partner/Banner that the merchant outlet belongs to, once this relationship is established they will then be provided with a list of the outlets that roll up to that Partner/Banner. If they find a match at an outlet level, i.e. Perhaps there is just an extra space in the merchant name, e.g. Rona Home and Gardens #8 is on the outlet list, but Rona Home and Gardens #8 is in the transaction file. The administration can then associate the two instances of the name of the outlet to that outlet, and add it to the participating outlet table. If they find an outlet that belongs to a Partner/Banner but is a potentially new outlet, they can flag this for approval.

An automated approval request will be generated based on the approval process business rules. Once approved the outlet will be added to the participating outlet table. If they are not approved they will be added to the not participating table. If no matches are found, the administrator can select these merchants and add them to the not participating table. On the next daily process all cleared transactions will be processed.

Any transactions for newly added not participating merchants will automatically be skipped. Maritz Canada Inc. Data Processing Functional Specifications DBlto. IBusiness Rules: * ' ' _ l7 *' j » ', _ A '. • ' ■- _ '* _ ' A *', Submitting the form will display the following messages: o Message 1: If the password was change successful. Password update successful. Message 2: If the password change was not successful.

Password not changed, Username(Email) or current password incorrect Message 3: If the New Password and Confirm New Password fields do not match, A JavaScript alert will appear if the 'New Password' and 'Confirm New Password' fields do not match. Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 6 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Screen 2 - Popup message if invalid Usemame or Password id Business Rules: Login Failed.

Free 3d Logo Creator Download. If the combination of email address and password are NOT found in the user table a pop up message will be displayed. 1 oκ 1 They will then be asked to enter their email address. To retrieve your password, please enter your email address and then click Submit. Email Address: Submit Click hers to return to login page Screen 2 - If email address entered is not found Screen 3 - If email address entered is found ^Marit -Maritz To retrieve your password, please enter your email address and then click Submit. Email Address: bath, madden@maιιt2, com Email Address: ιappy@smiley com Your password has been sent to your email address, please check your email! Submit Click here to return to login page The email address you enteied was not found in our user list.

Please ensure you have typed the email address correctly. If it is entered coirectly, please contact the systems administrator to request to have an account set up. Click here to return to login page Businessf^ules: _ h ' 1 ' i. „„ ϊf the combination of email address and password are NOT found in the user table a pop up message will be displayed. They will then be asked to enter their email address.

If the email address entered is not found in the user table, they will be provided with an error message If the email address entered IS found an email will be sent to their email address, and a message will be displayed detailing this. Mantz Canada Inc. Functional Specifications P 7 Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Forgot Your Password Email Content.

Business Rules: z k„ ~ The user can update the Appointment Sfatus by selecting a different status from the status dropdown list. Once selected they will be prompted to either save or cancel.

Appointment Status options: Pending (default on adding of an appointment), Completed (To be updated by the PRM once the meeting has occurred), Cancelled, Rescheduled (Used when the appointment needs to be rebooked, the rebooked appointment will show up in a Pending status on a new Contact Log. All Appointments with an appointment date in the current week plus all Appointments with an appointment date prior to this week with a status of Pending will be displayed. Business Rules:,„ „ t ' _ ' _. J T Ji _ „ ^ '111. Business Rules: XXh „ ~~' ^ _ _ ^ _ '~ _ '„ ''. '., _ The user can select the Complete check box, when they click on the Update all checked Completed button, they will be prompted with a pop up message asking if they wish to update all Support Required items selected to completed, do they want to continue, if yes, all checked support required will be set to completed All Support Required tasks with a status of Pending will be displayed Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 12 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK.

Ey w e promp e o e er save or cance. Appointment Status options: Pending (default on adding of an appointment), Completed (To be updated by the PRM once the meeting has occurred), Cancelled, Rescheduled (Used when the appointment needs to be rebooked, the rebooked appointment will show up in a Pending status on a new Contact Log. All Appointments with an appointment date in the current week plus all Appointments with an appointment date prior to this week with a status of Pending will be displayed.

Mm AΪΪ Action, Support and Appointments that have a reminder set to Yes with a reminder date of prior to and including today will be displayed. The user can select the Clear Reminders check box, when they click on the Clear all checked Reminders button, they will be prompted with a pop up message indicating that all reminders selected to No, do they want to continue, if yes, all checked reminders will be set to no. Maritz Canada Inc. Functional Specifications P 13 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK PARTNERS ect 'Find a Partner' from the Business Rules: _ ι The user can select any combination of criteria provided on the Find a Partner screen The selected criteria will remain on the Find a Partner Screen unless the users clicks on the Clear Form button, if selected the form will be reset. Business Rules: __ Results are displayed in Alphabetical order in the Find Results Grid below the Find a Partner Screen Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 14 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK ADD/EDIT A PARTNER • In order to add a Partner to the system, you need to click on the Partners tab and select 'Add a Partner' from the list of options • In order to edit a Partner, you need to first find the Partner Click on the Partners tab and select 'Find a Partner' from the list of options. PARENT COMPANY TAB Contact Information.

Business Rules: ^ ^ All mandatory information shown in red followed by an * must be entered in order to submit the form You can edit a contact that is associated to this partner and will be updated on the Contact Information grid. Add another contract [Business Rules: All mandatory information shown in red followed by an * must be entered in order to submit the form When Negotiation Status is 'No Go', Not Go options and No Go comments must be completed Exclusivity Offered Notes is mandatory if Exclusivity Offer is 'Yes' Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 18 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Banking Information business Ru[es: All mandatory information shown in red followed by an * must be entered in order to submit the form. Dd another Contact Business Rules: J _ _ o Primary contact names are displayed as bold o A contact log link is displayed if a contact log exists for the specific contact. You can click on this link to see a filtered view of all contact logs for this contact o Clicking on the Edit View link will open a pop up window where contact information can be viewed or edited. O Only active contacts are displayed by default o Clicking on the Add another contact will open the Add a Contact window.

Mante Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 19 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK. Add another Banner Business Rules:, _ _ _ 'IA ' ^L ~.. « ' ' A X * *, * - ' ' „ '.X o Mandatory fields are shown in red followed by an * o Clicking on the Add another Banner will open a blank Banner form which can be updated with the new banner information Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 20 of S7 Administration Website SCOTIABANK OUTLET INFO TAB Business Rules: ' __ ' __ _ • If there are no outlets the tab will show the 'Add another utlet' link. • If there is one outlet the 'edit' will be displayed for the one with the 'Add another Outlet' link at bottom. • If there are many outlets a table will display the outlets with a 'View/Edit' link to drill into the outlet. • If you click on the 'Add another Outlet' link a blank Outlet Information form will open up in a new window Outlets Grid. Add another Outlet Get new screen shots.

Maπte Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 1Λ Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK CONTACT LOG Business Rules: • If there are no contact log entries then only the 'Add another Log item' link will appear. When this link is clicked it will open the 'contact log add' screen only if there are one or more contacts for the selected partner and its banners. • If there is only one contact log entry the edit form will appear displaying the details of the one log entry • If there are multiple log entries then a 'Contact log table' will be displayed Contact Log Grid βusiηess Rules; ' Clicking on the Date wifi take you to the Contact Log Detail Clicking on the Add another Log Item will take you to a New Contact Log. 'Business Rules X ^ „ ^ ' _, _ a.«>' _I' _, 1 - „. Maritz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 2 Of 5 Administration Website SCOTIABANK [support require (ϊ j Yes NO tfjtjwii Η>j*tlr >»l Change: Support Support T Yes - display as First Name Availablθ Users Listf Selected Users List.

Last Name and should be a list of all users Support Requited η »>I From* M - - lι Support Required Description '¥ Submit,Busihess Rules: „ __ _ '_ „,* _ ',, „ '*. * **._ » _1_ *_' o When Support Reminder is Yes, Reminder Date and Due Date must be populated; otherwise Reminder Date and Due Date can remain blank o Support Required Status by user with the following status options ■ Pending (default on adding of support required request) ■ Completed (To be updated by Support Required User) each user can update their individual support required status. The combination of these status' will roll up to the overall Support Required Status which will be displayed and cannot be edited by the user ■ Next to each selected user indicate in brackets their status ■ On initial submission of the support required request, an email will be initiated to the support required user ■ On edit of the support required form, an email will be initiated if additional users are added to the support required list, or if users are removed from the list. O When Support required is changed from Yes to No, on submit, the system should generate an automated email to all selected users with a Support Required Cancellation notice Support Required Request/Reminder Email: Subject: Scotia Admin - Your Support is Required.

Clear all checked Completed All Appointment Booked Date Time 1 Company Name Appolntrhent with supported By Status history regardless of status, 11/6 /03 OS 100 00 AW Sηnw display most recent j status appointment on top of the I here. (Make shame changes j not allow as on Homepage re multiple 1 updates. Attendees as well as showing Maritz Attendees) Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 26 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK REBATE OfFE S (NEW) We will be adding a new tab to the Partner view. It is the Rebate Offers tab, which will be located after the Follow-up tab. The purpose of this section is to track all of the rebates being offered by the Partner. Rebate Offer Grid li i t- piatei- S£nd'©^. IB SΪrϊess u • Related Contract Number The Rebate Offer should be associated with a contract we have on file for the Parent Company.

A drop down list of all contracts will be provided; the user will simply select the contract of their choice. • Start Date/End Date The Start and End Dates are a calendar list of dates, which default to today's date but can be updated by the user to a date of their choice. Validation rules should apply to ensure that the Start date is great than today's date, and that the end date is greater than the start date.

• Cardholder Rebate%/Performance Fee% The user simply enters in the Percentage that will be collected to pay the cardholder and the Performance Fee • Total Rebate% This is the sum of the Cardholder Rebate plus the Performance Fee • Banners Included in Rebate Offer The Banners Available box is populated with all Banners set up in an Active status, and the Banners Selected Box can be populated by using the left and right arrows to move the Banners between boxes • Rebate Offer Status o Pending o Active Maritz Canada Inc. Functional Specifications P 37 Of 57 Administration Website. O Cancelled o Inactive • Validation Rules on Submit Check that any selected Banners do not already have a rebate offering during the period included in the new rebate offer. If they do, present an error message to the user indicating that [Banner X is already included in another Rebate Offer during the period you have selected.] PRE-SALE INFORMATION (NEW) We will be adding another tab to the Partner view called Pre-Sale Information; it will be located to the right of the newly added Rebate Offers Tab.

In order to support the pre-sale process, it has been determined that there is a requirement to collect pre-sale data at both a Parent and Banner level. This information will assist the PRM's in the negotiation status. Maritz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 38 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK [Business Rules: _ __ • The PRM can enter the Pre-Sale and Partner Targets, as it is known today.

This can be updated at any time. • The current ROI data process will continue, i.e. Transaction data will be extracted from SQL and will be populated in an Excel spreadsheet. The system will provide an import process that will import the excel sheet and summarize it at a Banner level and will populate the Banner Detail Grid. • Any items not excluded from the Rollup will summarize on the Parent Level Detail (Rolled up). The Monthly average will be multiplied by 12 to determine an aπnualized number. Maritz Canada Inc.

Functional Specifications P 29 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Find A Contact Log Create a new Find a Contact Log feature and add it to the Partner Navigation Tab after Find a Partner Business Rules: The user can select three types of finds either My Contact Logs, My Support Required, or My Action Required They can then add additional filters and criteria from the options. Maritz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 32 Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Content Manager The Content Manager application will launch when this option is selected.

Currently it opens in a new window. The intent is to integrate the look and feel of the content manager into the Admin. Financial Management In order to support the new Finance process, the following Admin Access rights need to be added.

• Finance Edit/QC This access level will provide access to the Finance module located on the Administration tab It will also grant the user access to Edit and QC the Banking Information and to Run reports, create Delinquency Resubmission Payments and the ability to view transaction history. • Finance Lock This access level will provide access to the Finance module located on the Administration tab. It will also grant the user access to Lock/Unlock the Banking Information and to Run reports, create Delinquency Resubmission Payments and the ability to view transaction history. • Finance Reporting This access level will provide access to the Finance module located on the Administration tab. It will also grant the user access to view the Banking Information and to Run reports, create Delinquency Resubmission Payments and the ability to view transaction history. The Financial Management section will be made up of three separate tabs.

A Reporting tab, a Delinquencies tab, a Transaction History tab and a Banking Information Tab. REPORTING TAB In order to reconcile the DDA file with the Maritz bank account a financial report will be available for review by the Finance Team.

DDA files will be sent daily to Scotiabank, in order to reconcile finance will need to be able to find/select the date of the file they wish to review. File approved - Send to Finance Print Close ADD: File approved - Send to Finance button.

This will call the stored procedure that copies the DDA file to a shared directory for use by Finance. It will also trigger an email to Nadia Rassool in Finance that the file is ready for her to process DELINQUENCY TAB Should a payment be returned as unpaid by the Bank, the Finance team needs to resubmit the entry for collection. The following screens will facilitate this process- Please enter any one of the following options to find a Transaction rTransaction ID I OR Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 34 Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK. § /l^ ^ __ _ _ _ _ _ When trie finance user checks the Resubmit for Payment box, the rebate processing system will create a new Transaction ID for the transaction, but will also create a link to the old transaction id for auditing purposes. A list of Reject Codes is located in Appendix 'A'. On submission, the transaction will be added to the next DDA file process.

Maritz Canada Inc. Functional Specifications P 35 Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK TRANSACTION HISTORY TAB In order to track the history on a specific transaction, the finance needs to be able to view the history of a specific transaction. The following screens will facilitate that process. Business Rules: • All mandatory information shown in red followed by an * must be entered in order to submit the form • Before the finance team QC's and Locks the banking information, it is available to edit • Once QC'd and Locked it cannot be edited except by the Finance QC & Edit role. • PAD Banking Level Partners will be allowed to provide banking information on a Parent, Banner or Outlet level Although separate DDA entries will be created based on the PAD level, overall reporting will roll-up to the Parent Here is a brief outline of what each of the levels means: o Parent This means that a single PAD (bank account) is provided by the Partner and covers all rebate payments across all Banners and outlets that roll up to that Partner Parent Company DDA entries will be generated at a Parent level only. Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 37 Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Banner This means that either one or many banners are covered by a single PAF (bank account) and covers all rebate payments across these selected Banners.

DDA entries will be generated for each PAD (bank account) provided based on the Banners selected Outlet This means that either one or many outlets are covered by a single PAF (bank account) and covers all rebate payments across these selected Outlets DDA entries will be generated for each PAD (bank account) provided based on the outlets selected QC'd & Locked View. Business Rules:, t __ The finance team will be provided a copy of the PAD and will then quality check the entry of the Banking Information Once they are happy that all information has been entered correctly they will check the Quality Checked box. Once this box is checked the PRM team will no longer have access to edit the Banking Information. Once the Banking Information has been Quality Checked, another role in the finance team will then check the Lock box This will lock the Banking Information altogether The finance will no longer be able to edit the banking information unless the Banking Information is unlocked. The Locked/Unlocked check box will toggle.

In order for Banking Information to be changed after the record has been locked, the Unlock role will need to check the unlock box and submit the record The Quality Checked box will then need to be deselected, this will allow the record to be edited. The QC and Lock process will then need to happen again in order to lock the Banking Information once updated. Mantz Canada Ino Functional Specifications P 38 Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK CUSTOMER SERVICE In order to support the Customer Service escalation/investigation process, we need to be able to receive cases from Scotiabank for investigation. Files will be received twice a day from Scotiabank, which will consist of all Case information and the investigation required. The following screens will be used to support the investigation process, as well as to bring resolution and populate the resolution file that is sent back to Scotiabank twice daily.

The Customer Service section will be made up of the following tabs Open Cases Tab, Case History Tab, Adjustments Tab Open Cases Tab. Business Rules: _ • If the transaction status is Not Eligible or Not Processed, the% Rebate and $ Rebate earned will be blank • Case Statuses: 01 - Received, 02 - In Progress, 03 - Requires Further Investigation, 04 -Adjustment Required, 99 - Closed • Transaction Status: Eligible, Not Eligible, Not Processed Mantz Canada Ino Functional Specifications P 39 Of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK If the Partner Lookup link is clicked, there are two options. • If the transaction type is Eligible, the system will automatically pull up the results screen for the Partner that was matched during processing, see below. • If the transaction type is either Not Eligible, or Not processed, the user will need to find the Partner using the following screens.

C Begins with. Adjustments Tab Any cases that are in a status of 04- Adjustment Required will be available for adjustment on the adjustments tab. They will be shown in a grid format. Cases will be ordered from oldest to newest.

KEISEEE1 Date/Time Date/Time Date/Time Transaction j Aging f Trans Type Escalated Received Adjustment ϊ Date I '...i: Requested 123456789 Eligible When the SB Case ID is clicked you will be taken to the detail screen. The user will select the Adjustment Type required, this will activate the correct adjustment wizard and saving of the case when the NEXT button is clicked.

Investi ation Detail - All of these fields are Pre- populated. New: Adjustment. If No, show the following message You will now need to go to the Partner menu and add the New/Correct Outlet and get it approved by the Partner. Once added and approved, return to the adjustment area and continue with the adjustment.

Please click on the SAVE button below before you exit the adjustment area. Savo Maritz Canada Ino Functional Specifications P 1 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK If Yes, continue as follows: Transfer from Original Outlet [Pre-populate] (Partner, Banner, Outlet ID, Outlet name, Outlet Number, City) To find the Outlet you wish to Transfer the VISA Descriptor to, complete the information below. If No, display the following message: You will now need to go to the Partner menu and add the New/Correct Outlet and get it approved by the Partner. Once added and approved, return to the adjustment area and continue with the adjustment. Please click on the SAVE button below before you exit the adjustment area.!i= Save If Yes, display the following message: Simply click on the NEXT button to initiate the following actions: • Resubmission of transaction for re-processing with corrected information • Review of all other transactions that may have been affected by this change Next Adjustment Wizard r- Incorrect Rebate Paid%Step 2 List of other transactions affected by this issue. Maritz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 3 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK REPORTING Adhoc Reporting These screens represent the steps in the adhoc report creation process.

Query Options The user can either create a new query or open a previously saved query. Queries are saved at a user level; your saved query will not be available for other users to view or use. Queries can be saved at any time during the set up process by clicking on the save link.

Partners Calendar Administration _[ SgjWg Please select one of the options below: O Create α new query. Step 5 - Query When the query tab is selected the system generates the query code, which is sent to the database. The user can then select the output type of the report, either HTML or Excel They can then select the View Report button and the result set will be provided in a new pop up window. *m * 7h h' ' SELECT VI_SBA»H1N_PARTMER_BANNER. [AΪDRESS_LINE_1] AS [BANNER ADDRESS LINE 1] Vw r- -fαl.xl Report Name Save ■g]Done ]UI Local intranet -A Step 7 - View Report (Excel). Business Rules: _ „, o Report is populated based on Start Date and End Date selected on Selection Screen o Partner PRM is populated based on list of all users in the system identified as PRM users that are listed as the Partner PRM for a specific partner o On the left side of the report the Partner PRM's are listed o At the top right side of the report, the Partner Status is listed with a Grand Total by PRM o The report identifies the number of Partners in each status assigned to a specific PRM o Each status total will be set up as a drill-down, e g.

You can drill down on Beth Madden - Inactive 2 and a pop up window will display the result Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 50 of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Popup Window result: PARTNER NAME PARTNER PRM PARTNER STATUS SUMMARY OF ASSIGNED PARTNER APPOINTMENT STATUS BY PRM REPORT. 'Business Rules ': _.,_ _„. *, „ _ *.• *... „ _ * _ o This report defaults to YTD results no matter what the selected date range is o This report can be filtered by PRM populated by the selection criteria on the selection screen o Only overdue action required items with status equal to Pending or In Progress, and # of Days Overdue is greater than 3 o Order the list by # of Days Overdue in descending order o See Contact Log Detail area for database changes required to support this report Overdue SuDDort Reαuired. Business Rules: ^ */ _.: _ ' X. ~_ *_ _ „ „;' _.._ Complete and # of Days Overdue is greater than 3 Order the list by # of Days Overdue in descending order See Contact Log Detail area for database changes required to support this report Overdue ADDomtments.

Business Rules: „ _ _ „.. _ o This report defaults to YTD results no matter what the date range is selected on the selection screen o This report can be filtered by PRM populated by the selection criteria on the selection screen o Only overdue appointment Status = 'Pending' and # of Days Overdue is greater than 3 should be displayed o Order the list by # of Days Overdue in descending order o See Contact Log Detail area for database changes required to support this report Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 52, of 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK CONTRACTS ΪSSUED NOT YET SIGNED AGING REPORT. Βuslness ' Rules: „_-_ *' • _ ^ _ ^ - _- '* ' X t ^ ^ __ *τ —^ o This report defaults to YTD results no matter what the date range is selected on the selection screen This report can be filtered by PRM populated by the selection criteria on the selection screen o This report is generated using the following formula First Partner Contact Log Date (regardless of the contact person) less Contract Signed date rounded to 1 week, it only includes entries that have a contract signed date NUMBER OF APPOINTMENTS BOOKED REPORT (Same as PRM Reporting - only add PRM Selection). {Business Rules ^ _ _ ___ __ _ o Start & End Date default to current week o Left side of the report shows the Contact Type (based on Contact Log Status) o Top Right side of report indicates any Next Steps required for the Contact o The data provided counts all Contact Log entries for the specified period created by the current PRM by Contact Type and Next Steps Type o New Title for report if filtered by PRM. Number of Contact Points by Type & Next Steps - Gayle Pearce (Selected PRM) Maπte Canada Ino Functional Specifications P 5 o 57 Administration Website SCOTIABANK Customer Service Reporting In order to manage and oversee the closure of customer service investigations, we will provide the following reports.

• Open Case Aging Report (based on Start/End Date Range) • Case Summary Report (based on Start End Date Range) SELECT A REPORT SCREEN. Total Open Cases for selected period is 1. ΒusJnes βυlesj _jsr h XlΛ,„„XA ^A _ X • Aging - Show hours mins if less than 1 day (0-30), otherwise so number of days plus hours mins since receipt (1 day 0-30) • Case Status - click on the status to drill down to the Case Detail • Report will be sorted by Aging - descending (from oldest to newest) • Open cases are all cases that are in the following statuses 01 - Received, 02 - In Progress, 03 - Requires Further Investigation, 04 - Requires Adjustment CASE SUMMARY REPORT Case Summary Report - From January 5, 2004 - January 19, 2004. [Business Rules: Average Period to Close - Show hours mins if less than 1 day (0:30), otherwise so number of days plus hours:mιns since receipt of adjustment required request (1 day 0:30) Number of Adjustment by Type - break down total adjustment required by Adjustment Type of current date and time. Total Adjustment Requests Rec'd - total cases received by Maritz (based on received Date/Time) for the period selected Mantz Canada Inc Functional Specifications P 56 Of 57 Administration Website Functional Specifications SCOTIABANK APPENDIX 'B-1 1 Financial Reject Codes. Marite Canada Inc. Functional Specifications P 57 of 57 APPENDIX C Functional Specifications Consumer Web Site [Participating Cardholder Website - 122] Consurner 'Werisrt 'e 1' ' Table of Contents INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW 114 SECURITY 115 USER LEVEL SECURITY 115 Guest Users 115 Authenticated Users 115 Single Login Users 115 PAGE LEVEL SECURITY 115 GUEST USERS 116 Navigation 116 Splash page 118 'Go to.'

And Top navigation pages 119 Content Manager topics: Contact Us/VISAPartners 123 Partners 124 More 127 Enrollment Process 128 AUTHENTICATED USERS 130 Navigation 130 'Go to.' And Top navigation pages 132 Search ScotiaStar Partners: 137 More 140 ADVERTISING 141 Tiles 141 Banner 141 APPENDIX 'C-1' - ERROR MESSAGES 142 Consumer website '••■• INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW Overview This document highlight the various sections that will be included as part of the consumer facing site of the Scotia Tristar Project. For the purposes of this document the name 'Scotia Rebates' will be used as a customer facing program name. Risks and Assumptions 1. Enrolled users may not 'sign-on' and use the non-enrolled functionality 2. Limited search prior to 'sign-on' may discourage some users 3. Multiple step enrollment process may discourage some users 4.

SSL encryption on every page may cause performance issues on web servers Systems Architecture Web applications will be developed using Microsoft Active Server Pages technology hosted on servers running Windows 2000 and Internet Information Server. Database server will be Microsoft SQL Server 2000 running in a cluster. COM components or applications will be developed using Delphi. Functional Specifications Consume iife 'istt 'e ' ■■ '■■. SECURITY User Level Security GUEST USERS Access will be granted guest users for pages that are not restricted.

A guest user become authenticated by using the 'Sign on' feature, this will change their access to that of the account they used to login. AUTHENTICATED USERS Authentication occurs after a valid usemame and password have been entered into the 'sign on' form and submitted via the program homepage.

SINGLE LOGIN USERS Authenticated user of the Admin, and Partner sites can access the consumer site viewing pages as if they were an authenticated user. Should track which site user and user the single login user came from. Page Level Security Each page will be coded to ensure only users with the correct security levels will be allowed access to content/functionality provided. If a user without the correct permissions tries to access a page for which they do not have permissions they will be redirect to a 'security error' page. The access attempt will also be logged. Functional Specifications Consumer 'feefeh ' GUEST USERS NAVIGATION Top Navigation The elements of this section are present on all pages available to a guest user (excluding the splash page). Contains the following elements: • ScotiaBank logo o Links to o Should link to the same language as the current user preference • Contact Us o Links to 'Contact Us' page • English/ Francais o Language toggle only the language that is not currently selected will be displayed o Default selected language to English (Franςais to be displayed).

O Links to the current page with the language preference changed. Left Navigation The elements of this section are global to the entire site. The section is divided into four groups which organize the elements under related topics 'Go To.' Group • Homepage o Links to the Homepage • Enroll Now o Links to the enrollment step 1 page • Sign On o Links to Sign on page • Program Information o Links to 'Program Information' page. • FAQ o Link to FAQ (frequently asked questions) page.

• Apply for Scotia VISA o Link to Scotiabank's main website VISA application from o Should link to the same language as the current user preference 'ScotiaStar Partners' group. • Shopping & Services o Drop down list of the categories o 'Go' button, clicking opens the category page • Restaurants o Drop down list of the restaurant subcategoπes o 'Go' button, clicking opens the category page • Search ScotiaStar Partners o Link to 'Search' page 'More' group • Legal o Links to 'Legal' page • Privacy o Link to 'Privacy' page • Security Functional Specifications Consumer ' website' ■■ o Link to 'Security' page.

If you do not iave a Scotiabank Visa* Card tiere s how you can apply Business JRules: ' _ l_ * _ ' _ ^ __ _ Page will contain the following functional elements. ScotiaBank Logo - Links to scotiabank com website 2 Language toggle - Defaults to displaying Francais, links to splash page changing the language preference of the user 3. Scotia Reward Points 'Enter' button - Links to homepage sets user preference to 'poιnts'=true 4 ScotiaStar Rebates 'Enter' button - Links to homepage sets user preference to 'points' -false 5 Apply for VISA link - Links to VISA application section of functional Specifications ConsumlrMsiielJ 'Go TO.' AND TOP NAVIGATION PAGES Homepage. Enroll Now The full process is detailed in the 'Enrollment Process' section of this document.

Sign On Sign-on Page (VISA card number, Password, Submit button). Link to 'Forgot Password Step 1' will be located under the 'sign-on' form. Submitting of the 'Sign on' form can result in one of the following cases: 1. 'Enrollment Accepted' sends users to a personalized 'My Homepage' for enrolled users. • If new account number has been issued, when user logs in for first time with new card number, system will be able match new card to old card using new account number plus password. Sign On Exception page Authentication error.

Sign On Exception page 'Enrollment Pending' error. Sign On Exception page 'Enrollment Declined' error. Page will display exception messages above the sign on form if an exception case occurs. The following exception messages are possible. Forgot Password Step 1 Forgot Password Step 1 will be content managed as a block above the form.

Content Manager topics: Forgot Password/Step 1 • Forgot Password form o VISA Card number o Submit button Forgot Password step 2. Program Information /Points or Program Information /Rebates. Program Information - Joining Business Rules' „ x ~''XX..

XχXχ X; x A..;v. ' X'lAA'X XhlX Program Information will be content managed. Based on the 'points' user preference, the user will be shown one of two possible Content Manager topics: Program Information /Points or Program Information /Rebates. Program Information - Earning Program Information will be content managed. Based on the 'points' user preference, the user will be shown one of two possible Content Manager topics: Program Information /Points or Program Information /Rebates. Program Information - Terms and Conditions i ilBii^^ Program Information will be content managed.

Based on the 'points' user preference, the user will be shown one of two possible Content Manager topics: Program Information /Points or Program Information /Rebates. FAQ FAQ will be content managed.

Based on the 'points' and 'authenticated' user preferences, the user will be shown one of four possible Content Manager topics: FAQ /Points Guest, FAQ /Rebates Guest, FAQ/Points Authenticated, or FAQ/Rebates Authenticated. Functional Specifications Consumer Wetosrt©' ι Contact Us Contact Us Business Rules: For guest users the Contact Us page will select the content based on the 'points' users preference, the user will be shown We're here to helpi one of two possible Content Manager Scotiabank is committed to providing the best possible topics Contact Us/Points - Guest or customer care to its Contact Us/Rebates - Guest clients.

To us that means ensuring that our The Content Management block is customers' personal located above the links. Information remains. Confidential and secure The links go to each following pages 1 Contact Us - General We adhere to appropriate sales practices within the 2 Contact Us - Become banking industry and resolve customer enquiries as 3 Contact Us - VISA quickly as possible.

General ScotiaStar Network Enquiries Would you like to become a ScotiaStar Partner? Scotiabank VISA Enquiries Functional Specifications Consu e eFsi'di! Contact Us - General Business Rules: General ScotiaStar Network Enquiries The block of text above the form is content managed (topic: Contact Us/General). Text on left for example For assistance with program enquires, refer to the only. ScotiaStar Network FAQ for the answers to many questions regarding the program including: The form will have the following fields: first name, last name, email, phone, • Enrollment subject, and message. Required fields: first name, last name, • ScotiaStar Partners subject, and message One of email or phone will be required. • Program Fees Submit button will go to the thank you page.

• Change or Cancellation of Account The following subject are possible If you can't find what your looking for in the subjects: ScotiaStar Network FAQ, feel free to contact a Scotiabank • Enrollment Customer Service Representative using the convenient form • ScotiaStar Partners below or by calling l-800-#######, • Program Fee • Change or Cancellation of Account My First Name: My last Name: Exception messages will be inserted into the body of the page between content block and Form. My Email Address; My Daytime Telephone Number: Subject: iJSelect an Option J. Contact Us - General Enquiry - Thank You Page Business Rules: _ Contact Us - General Enquiry - Thank You Page will be content managed. Content Manager topic: Contact Us/General Thank You Contact Us - Become a Partner Business Rulesi __ _ _ _ _ _ „__ The block of text above the form is content managed (topic: Contact Us/Become). The form will have the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Title, Company Name, Phone, Email, URL Required fields: first name, last name, Company Name, One of email or phone will be required.

Submit button will go to the Contact Us - Become a Partner - Thank You Page. Exception messages will be inserted into the body of the page between content block and Form.

Functional Specifications Consumlr fe 'sStel, I Contact Us - Become a Partner - Thank You Page Business Rules: Contact Us - Become a Partner - Thank You Page will be content managed. Content Manager topics: Contact Us/Become Thank You Contact Us - VISA Business Rules: ^ „ _ ___. _ „.._ _ _ Contact Us - VISA will be content managed. Content Manager topics.

Contact UsΛ/ISA Functional Specifications Consumlrfe 'Is eU PARTNERS Category. Functional Specifications ConsumέΛϊefcsrteli' ' Search ScotiaStar Partners Business Rules: Search ScotiaStar Partners Search Form • Keywords • Category Find ScotiaStar Partners using this search page. • My Postal code • Distance from My Postal code drop You can search by keywords and category by completing the down (any, 20km, 50km, 100km etc.) form below. The Postal Code and Distance are optional search criteria that can be used to find partners near your • Submit button address, Submitting the form goes to the Search ScotiaStar Partner Results Page Keywords: Drop downs will contain the following: Category I Any Category Categories: I Any Category T3 Any Shopping & Services Postal Code: Any Restaurants Pjstaπce from.Postal Code: Apparel & Accessories J Arry Distance _Z Z iϊϊ Automotive. Books & Music Electronics Entertainment Food & Beverage Health & Beauty Hobbies & Lifestyle Home & Garden Services Sports & Fitness Travel Casual Fine Dining International Distance Any Distance Less than 10km Less than 25km Less than 50 km Less than 100km Search Results Functional Specifications Consumlf et sitel S Business Rules: Search ScotiaStar Partners Results List of Partners in the based on the criteria of the search. Each Partner will display a name Order is based on the ranking in the search.

Partner name links to the partner page for the selected partner. List will contain a maximum of ten partners. If there are more than ten partners a paging system will present. With the page numbers displayed.

For example: 'Page- 1 2 3' where the numbers 1, 2 and 3 are links to the page displaying the partner for the selected page. Search image will be displayed in the right of the page even with the partner list.

Functional Specifications Consumer Stfefesitf i' '■ '.» MORE Legal Business Rules: Legal will be a link to's legal page opening in a new window. The URL for the ScotiaBank page is httpV/www LlDen.00.html for English and LIDfr.OO.html for French Privacy Business Rules: __ _ _ _, _.

„..„ _ Privacy Page will be content managed. Content Manager topic: Privacy Security {Business Rules: / ' ~ _ ~ _ ^. ' Security Page will be content managed. Content Manager topic: Security Functional Specifications Consumffr SWeB9.l t If:' ENROLLMENT PROCESS. Enrollment Page Submitting the 'Enrollment form step 1' can result in one of following cases: 1.

Basic validation error on Enrollment page Functional Specifications Consum ?βefsMei l,!: This page will maintain the data entered by the user. Possible errors: VISA card number not valid (fails the mod 10 or Scotia VISA bin) or expiry date not a valid date. 'Enrollment Form Step 2' Page Detailed in next section. 'Thank you' page but your account already enrolled. 'Thank you' page but your account enrollment pending. 'Thank you' page but your account enrollment declined.

Additional information may be provided to the customer based on the reject reason code. Enrollment Form - Step 2 Password validation rules: Must be 8 to 16 characters in length; Must contain at least one number and one letter; Cannot contain special characters (e.g. #,%, $, *, @, etc.) or spaces.

Cannot use the same letter or number to make up the entire password; Cannot use the same password on the same account Submitting the 'Enrollment - step 2' can result in one of following cases: 1. Basic validation error 2. Enrollment step 3 Enrollment Form - Step 3 Submitting the 'Enrollment - step 3' can result in one of following cases: 1.

Enrollment - step 4 Enrollment Form - Step 4 Enrollment step 4 1. Basic Validation error 2. 'Thank you' page with email 3.

'Thank you' page no email If check box is not completed - write error message Enrollment Step 1 Exception This page handles exceptions listed below: 1. Attempting enrollment on account with Pending status 2. Attempting Secondary enrollment 3. Attempting enrollment on account with Pending status 'Reject/Denied' status Enrollment Thank you The thank you page handles cases below: 1. Successful enrollment via web 2 web. Pending enrollment (web 2web failure) 3. Email submitted on thank you page.

Secondary enrollments Functional Specifications Consumlir- ijfe^sJrte J ' -. AUTHENTICATED USERS NAVIGATION Top Navigation The elements of this section are global to the entire site. Contains the following elements: • ScotiaBank logo o Links to o Should link to the same language as the current user preference • Contact Us o Links to 'Contact Us' page • English/ Francais o Language toggle only the language that is not currently selected will be displayed, o Default selected language to English (Francais to be displayed), o Links to the current page with the language preference changed. • Sign out o Appears only after the user is authenticated. O Links to 'sign out' page that will expire the cookie used to authenticate the user, 'sign out' page will then redirect the browser to the default homepage.

Top navigation visible to authenticated and 'single login' users of the consumer site. Functional Specifications Consumer itelsi J ' 'Go TO.' AND TOP NAVIGATION PAGES Personalized Homepage • Consumers are given the opportunity to personalize their homepage. General Search Preferences My Homepage ScotiaStar Partners in My ftrεa Categories Hobbles & Lifestyle Online Shopping Dmϊnt) Sports & Recreation Travel My Homepage You can personalize your homepage to include a list of ScotiaStar Partners in your area. Distance from My Postal Code; [ Less than 25km j_jjj You can choose the categories of partners you want displayed on your homepage. Categories Fi Apparel & Accessories Dining FI Electronics F Entertainment F Food Ss Drink π Health & Beauty Hobbies & Lifestyle IT Home & Garden PI Online Shopping V Services F Sports & Recreation F Travel Functional Specifications Consuml WelsitβL * My Preferences Business Rules: __ __ _ Give the user ability to update setting, divided into three sets: communication, web site and homepage.

Communication may include: Email address and Check box for 'opt in' to marketing emails. Web site may include Number of results returned per page of a search, postal code (defaulted to postal code of billing address Homepage management may include. Partner in my Area - partner categories, Partner in my Area - distance (10, 20, 50, 100km) from postal code. Preferences for 'single login' users will have default values, changes made will only be for the current session. What's New BusinessXRuhes _ _ _ ^ _ ' A ^. _ i _ Content Management topic: Consumer -What's new This is a multi-page topic where the content management tool will display the list of subjects and date released This list will be ordered by date.

Clicking on the subject will link to the full article. Back to Inquiry tools. Screen Layouts- Search for Rebates Received i ScotiaStar Rebate Received The Inquiry tools will provide you with the ability to review all of your qualifying ScotiaStar Rebate '' transactions processed during the past 60 days. For information relating to older transactions, please call 1-800-387-6555 for assistance, I j Please select the date of the VISA transaction you wish to review below and click on the 'Find Transaction(s)' button to!

Transaction Date — Ef PH3 Back to Inβulry tools. Functional Specifications ConsumW WefcitiL'. Screen Layout - Rebates Received Results ScotiaStar Rebate Received Simply follow the instructions below to review the VISA transactions that earned Rebates for the selected transaction date. These Inquiry tools will assist you in determining what the qualifying Rebate% is for each transaction listed below.

Instructions ®. Functional Specifications Consumer SfcfcitiF f? Partner Pages Company Name Business Rules: The Content area for the partner page will have the following sections- Company 5% Partner Name Logo Rebate Partner logo Descriptive Copy Descriptive Copy Rebate Level or Points Multiplier Closest Location Add to Favourites View Map Locations Add to Favourites If the partner does not have data for any of the fields then the section will be hidden. E-commerce only partners will not display the Closest location, View Map, or Locations sections.

'Closest location' is the location that is geographical Locations closest to the user's postal code as provided in the Ontario (6) Quebec (5) preferences This is based on distance between two postal code and may not represent the actual driving distance. 'View Map' links to the Partner Map page passing the outletjd of the Closest location. Locations are listed by province with the number of locations in brackets after the province name. Each province is linked to the Partner Locations page passing the partner and province identifiers. Right Side Marketing area will display the following Company items: Image • Image • 800 number • URL If the partner does not have data for any of the fields then the section will be hidden. Functional Specifications Cortsuml ϊ,SJ!!ll f Partner Locations.

Functional Specifications Consume elsit i f,; MORE Legal Business Rules Legal will be a link to's legal page opening in a new window. The URL for the ScotiaBank page is LIDβn.OO html for English and http7/www.scotι,1608,CID4171 LIDfr.OO.html for French Privacy ' Business Rules „.„ _. Privacy Page will be content managed. Content Manager topic: Privacy Security Business Rules: ' ^ '„,_, _. _ Security Page will be content managed. Content Manager topic: Security Functional Specifications. ADVERTISING TILES Two 'tile' ads will be located on the right side of the page.

Each tile will contain at most 3 partner logos rotating changing every 3 seconds looping back to the first ad 3 seconds after the last is displayed. Clicking on the ad links the user to the partner page of the logo that was present at the time of the click. BANNER One 'banner' ad will be located on the bottom of the page.

The banner ad will contain at most 3 partner logos rotating changing every 3 seconds looping back to the first ad 3 seconds after the last is displayed. Clicking on the ad links the user to the partner page of the logo was present at the time of the click. Functional Specifications Consum& «eIsjtetJ S. NAVIGATION TOP NAVIGATION The elements of this section are global to the entire site. Contains the following elements: • ScotiaBank logo o Links to • Contact Us o Links to 'Contact Us' page • English/ Frangais o Language toggle only the language that is not currently selected will be displayed, o Default selected language to English (Frangais to be displayed). O Links to the current page with the language preference changed.

• Sign out o Appears only after the user is authenticated. O Links to 'sign out' page that will expire the cookie used to authenticate the user, 'sign out' page will then redirect the browser to the default homepage. Top navigation visible to all visitors to the Partner site. LEFT NAVIGATION The elements of this section are global to the entire site. The section is divided into four groups which organize the elements under related topics.

Group • Homepage o Links to the Homepage • My Homepage o Links to the personal homepage after authentication. • Program Information o Links to 'Program Information' page. • What's New o Links to 'What's New' page. O Requires 'general' right. • FAQ o Link to FAQ (frequently asked questions) page.

• Become a Partner o Visible if the user is not authenticated. O Links to 'become a partner' page. • o Link to Scotiabank's main website • o Link to the consumer site for the Scotia Rebates program.

O If authenticated links to site as an enrolled user, else links to main homepage 'Manage' group (group is visible only after authentication, links in group may be hidden based on user's security permissions). • Partner Detail o Links to 'Partner Detail' page o Requires 'author', or 'approver' right • Locations Functional Specifications Partner'iWe iite o Link to 'Locations' page o Requires 'author', or 'approver' right • Users o Link to 'User List' page o Requires 'User management' right • My Preferences o Link to 'My Preferences' page o Requires 'General' right 'Reports' group (group is visible only after authentication, links in group may be hidden based on user's security permissions).

• Summary o Links to 'Summary Reports' page o Requires 'Report viewer' right • Rebate Reconciliation o Link to 'Criteria Selection' page for Rebate Reconciliation report type o Requires 'Report viewer' right • Customer Activity o Link to 'Criteria Selection' page for Customer Activity report type o Requires 'Report viewer' right 'More' group • Legal o Links to 'Legal' page • Privacy o Link to 'Privacy' page • Security o Link to 'Security' page. Functional Specifications PartnerWebsite CONTACT US Contact Us JBusiness Rules: content managed topic; Partner - Contact Us Content describing the 'Contact Us' form will be content managed topic Partner - Contact Us Your First Name: L, — _ _ „ _ 1 Contact Us form will be displayed similar to Your Last Name: __ 1 form on left. All fields will be required to be entered. Your Company; j _ _ _ _ Contents of the form will be saved to the database.

Note' Contact Us escalation process need to be defined Your Phone: J. Message: i- Send J Reset WHAT'S NEW Business Rules:,. ' ^ ' __ __ _ ' „_ '*_.,_ ~ ' „.XΑ-SΑ' * h ~_ '- ii'v Content Management topic: Partner - What's new This is a multi-page topic where the content management tool will display the list of subjects and date released. This list will be ordered by date. Clicking on the subject will link to the full article. FAQ _ Business Rules: Content Management topic: Partner - FAQ or Content Management topic: Partner - FAQ authenticated This is a multi-page topic where the content management tool will display the list of subjects (questions). Clicking on the subject will link to the full answer.

Content will change after a user is authenticated. PERSONALIZED HOMEPAGE Business Rules: Contains a contract summary and message center. The contract summary will contain the rebate and performance fee percentages plus contract dates. Message center area will show messages sent to the user.

For example if the user is an 'approver' they would receive messages when a change has been submitted Messages would have following format. Date, From, Subject, and Status. Clicking on the subject would open the message details. Status could be any of the following 'New', 'Read', 'Remove'.

Opening the message will change the status form 'New' to 'Read', setting the status to 'Remove' will hide the message from the homepage the next time the page is refreshed Functional Specifications Partner Website' MESSAGE DETAIL Business Ru[es: _ * _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ j Message will contain the following: Date, From, Subject, and Body. There will be a check box form to allow the user to set the status to 'remove'. The message body should contain a link to the banner or outlet page message refers to.

SIGN OUT ^Business Rules: _ _., Link in Top Navigation. A user will click the link to close their session.

This would remove the session cookie for browser memory and update the session table in database. User will be redirect to the homepage after the 'sign out' has been completed. E GLISH/FRANCAIS Business Rules: _ _ J Link in Top Navigation. Language toggle link change the user's language preference. All pages will display content based on the user's preference which is stored in a cookie. Clicking the link will redirect the user to the homepage or personal homepage (if authenticated) displaying in the language that was selected. The default language for the site is English and therefore the default text for this link is 'Francais' Functional Specifications Partner iWSi iϊte MANAGE SECTION Web Pages • The Manage section allows the Partner to manage the descriptive copy, image and logo that will appear on their web page on the Consumer web site.

• The Partner is able to view a Sample Web Page for reference purposes. • Once information is completed, the Partner can Preview their Web Page, as it will appear on the Consumer web site. • The Partner is able to edit the information. Once they are happy with the results they can submit the information for approval. • Once the information is submitted for approval, the Partner receives a notice within 5 to 10 business days advising of them of the approval and publication status of their web page. Screen Layout Manage Web Pages Ad ition-Elle Sample Web Page The information below will appear in your web paga on ha ScotiaStar Network Consumer web site as shown, If this information is incorrect, please select Edit link below.

Version: Live Status: Published The sections below allow you to manage the descriptive copy, image and logo that will appear on your web page on the ScotiaStar Network Consumer web site, Please ensure that all copy is complete and accurate. Once the information is submitted for approval, you will receive a notice within 5 to 10 business days advising of the approval and publication status of your web page. For more detailed information, please select the © below, Preview your Web Page Descri tive Co. Functional Specifications Partner jfre sfte Creation of Temporary VISA Descriptor On submit of the location information, the system will create a temporary VISA descriptor based on the combination of Location Name, Location Number, City and Province. This will be written to a temporary/staging table waiting for approval and matching by the client server application. Content Manager Changes Required In order to support the new location requirements, the approval of locations will be moved from the Content Manager to the client server application. Client Server Application Changes In order to support the new location requirements, the approvals of locations will be moved from the Content Manager to the client server application.

We will be able to reuse some of the functionality built to support the location file upload process. Each location will be approved individually through the client server application.

Once all of the locations have been approved, you will be able to begin the matching process. Again, we can reuse some of the functionality already built for partner matching. It will need to be changed to read the VISA descriptors that require matching from the new temporary/staging table. Also, it will be matching against the historical transactions table, as well and the ineligible transaction table for matches.

If a match is found the location will be set to Active and will be flagged with the 'Matched' status. If a match is not found, the location will be set to Active and will be flagged with the 'Not Matched' status. This will be useful for investigations. Adding Locations using the Excel Upload The Excel template will need to be updated to support the changes listed above: • Add Location Number (if applicable) to the Help page as well as the data template • Remove all columns related to VISA descriptor Client Server Application Changes Once all of the locations in the uploaded file have been approved, you will be able to begin the matching process.

Again, we can reuse some of the functionality already built for partner matching. It will need to be changed to read the VISA descriptors that require matching from the new temporary/staging table. Also, it will be matching against the historical transactions table, as well and the ineligible transaction table for matches. If a match is found the location will be set to Active and will be flagged with the 'Matched' status. If a match is not found, the location will be set to Active and will be flagged with the 'Not Matched' status. This will be useful for investigations.

Functional Specifications Partner Website User Management • The Partner is given the ability to manage the user community. • The Partner User Manager (setup by the Administration website) is given the access level required to add, edit or deactivate users and to assign user access level rights. Screen Layouts Users The User Manager can enter the names of people who will be authorized to access the ScotiaStar Partner web site to either view or manage your company's information If the name you are looking for is not listed in the table below, select the Add User opt on and complete the Add New User form The User Manager can Edit existing Users by making changes to a User's information and submitting the changes.

Functional Specifications Partner Website Financial Reporting As money is collected directly from the Partner's bank account to pay for the program fees, we provide financial reporting to the Partner to assist them with the reconciliation of their Bank account. There is also backup provided of all transactions pertaining to the withdrawal from their account. Partners are able to drill-down on activity to see more detail. They are also able to download all related transactions in an Excel format Screen Layout - Selection Criteria Rebate Reconciliation Report Θ Please select the Pre-Authorization Debit transaction you wish to report on. For additional information on FSAs as well as maps phase visit the Canada Post web site Functional Specifications Partner Website Program Performance Reporting Screen Layout - Program Performance Reporting Selection Criteria Program Performance Reporting €1 Please select the start and end dates of the periods you wish to compare' Pre-program Information €# Start Date End Date 2J02E004 4Λ1O004 Program Informatio onn V start Date End Date 2Λ2J2004 4/11/2004 j m Please select the Company/Companies you wish to reporton Available Company(s): F ' Select All. Please select the Cardholder Status you wish to report on: Cardholder Status Θ (a Both o Enrolled Non-Enrolled Please select the report format Report Format ^i (1 HTML Excel Functional Specifications Partner ^i sSte MORE PAGES Navigation Diagram More Left Navigation Legal Privacy Security LEGAL, PRIVACY, AND SECURITY Business Rules: _ - _ ~ ' -. L _ There will be three pages which detaiFthe 'Legal' issues related to the site Each will be content managed Content Management topics Partner - Legal, Partner - Privacy, and Partner - Security Note Possible linking to pages on scotiabank com may eliminate the need for these sections Functional Specifications Partner Website!

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