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Hi Everyone!! I was asked by to share my holy grail textbooks and I did, but I thought I’d do you guys one better. I recommended that you should check them out in PDF versions before you buy them because honestly they’ll burn a hole through your pocket - so I gathered all the books I use and a couple of others for you to check out!!

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Dsa Wege Der Alchimie Pdf Free Download

I tried coloring some lineart form the and it was surprisingly fun! I tried different shading methods and coloring styles for each of them too, and yes, I gave everybody freckles. Because all of my children deserve freckles. Hello friends!!! I’m a language enthusiast (+ a language minor in college hehe). Originally i was gonna make a post of all languages, but that already exists + i don’t want to reiterate + i have SO many french resources and that’s my second primary language so i thought i’d focus on that???

General language • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by general french • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by french vocab • by • by • by yours truly • by • by • by • by • by • by @revisionandtea • by • by @pancake-studying french tenses • by • by ​ • by • by • by • by ​ • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by french grammar • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by french literature, film, + music • by • • by • by • by • by • by • by • by • by @teabeforeten • by •. I have so many books and links, my friend, that I am not posting most since they are on my laptop and I would have to upload >1 GB of books. But I hope that the following is more than enough.

• (my rec for beginners!!) • • • • • • (with audio) • • (with audio) • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • (with audio) • • • (with audio) • (with audio) • • (with audio) • • • • • (with audio) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • If you want to know which ones I like,. I can post, if you want, other specific Russian books if I have them, like stories and such, at a later date. As a witch with a chronic illness that can leave me extremely low on energy for weeks at a time, I’m always looking for witchy things to do that won’t leave me exhausted.

Even simple spells draw from your own energy pool so these are the things I do when my pool is running dry. • Cleansing - Negative energy always builds up in my space during a bout of sickness, after a good cleansing of my outer I find my inner much more positive also. Here are some easy ways to cleanse -Light some incense -Fill a spray bottle with water (moon water would be handy for this), herbs of your choice (I usually use sage), and some salt. Then go around to each room and spray some into each corner -Cleanse yourself by taking a bath or shower and using gorgeous smelling products -Open a window and let the fresh air blow positive energy into your house • Sigils - When I don’t have the energy for full-on spells/rituals I sit down and make some cute sigils.

I try to make them specific to my situation, so when I am feeling especially down because of health issues I will make a sigil with the intent “My health does not affect my mental state” or something similar. You can also -Put a sigil on your pill bottles for a little boost (although magic is NOT a replacement for medicine and you should never completely rely on it for any health issues) -Put a sigil on your heat bags/hot water bottle -Draw them on your wrist -Draw them at the bottom of your tea mugs with honey • Beauty Products - Being stuck in bed feeling like death himself can make me feel, well, not awesome appearance wise.

I found making myself feel nice on the outside can help my moral SO MUCH. I don’t mean you have to get up and put on a full face of make-up, but these little things can make a big difference -Rosehip oil spray. It smells amazing, has many magical benefits including health and feeling calm and sensual, and is super refreshing with the added bonus of being rly good for your skin -Scented lip balm for when your lips are feeling dry and sore eg I have pomegranate lip balm for when I want to make an offering to Persephone but have absolutely no energy.

They come in sooo many flavors and scents, just pick which ones resonate with what you need! -Perfume/essential oils. Just use a scent that corresponds with what you would like to do, like tea tree oil for health or lavender for relaxation. Also, smell pretty=feel pretty.

• Prayers - It can be hard keeping up appearances to the Gods when you have no energy so every night before bed, or generally whenever I feel like it, I say a little prayer. Of course if you are a secular witch you could just take some time to appreciate the things in nature/your life that makes it magical. • Tea - It’s so nice having a soothing hot drink when your throat feels like a huge cluster of quartz has gotten stuck in there. There are so many posts out there about magical uses for tea but here is a couple -Adding herbs for intent -Leaving a crystal in your mug overnight so your mug and tea is charged with intent -Blowing away the steam and visualize blowing away negative energy • Get to know your crystals - Lets be honest, I have so many crystals I’ve forgotten what half of them are.

I like taking them out and surrounding myself with them and then picking them up one by one and focusing on its energy to re-connect. This takes barely any of my energy as I can do it in bed, and makes me feel warm and fuzzy seeing all my pretties in front of me.

• Read/Study - This is what I spend the majority of my time doing. There is ALWAYS more to learn about witchcraft and I can do it while lying down. There are so many free witchy book pdfs on tumblr as well, just remember not to believe everything you read. • Witchy Crafts - This one could take a little more spoons than the others, but it’s super gratifying. To find some things to do you can scroll through the tumblr tag “witch diy”. Some things I have done are -Sewed cute tarot bags to hold my cards -Used thick cotton to make my own little necklace crystal holder -Bought gemstone beads and made my own jewelry • Visualization - This is in my opinion the foundation of all spells and a lot of the time I don’t even use any other ingredients because that takes too much energy.

I just focus on my intent and chant a little bit or sing and let the spell come to light all through visualizing it. I have charmed items, helped my plants grow and a lot more this way. I also like to visualize myself in a beautiful, flower-filled forest and feel the sun/moon pulling dark clouds of negative energy/illness out of my body to help when i’m feeling particularly unwell. • Meditation - My favorite spoonie witchy thing to do. It calms you, cleanses you, broadens your mind and senses and helps me personally deal with any pain caused by my illness. It can be done at any time and you really feel recharged afterwards. You can even light some candles, light some incense, sit outside under the moon, so many things.

So these are all I can think of right now, feel free to add on so we can all help each other out! Much love to every one of you 💕 -Auoria. Sure, I’ll try my best! I do have a beginner tag where you can find this original post, but I’m going to copy and paste the majority of it for the purpose of this ask. “I’m going to start off with three things you should consider before deciding to be a witch.

These are not necessary, but are suggestions. One - What is your primary goal or what you want to achieve from becoming a witch? If you are just interested in it for the aesthetic, or because you think it will make you look cool, I would reconsider the reason behind your interest. This isn’t to say that people haven’t come to witchcraft this way and have been successful, but it may take you longer to grow into.

Something else to consider is that having this identity can be dangerous depending on your location and situation. Those that dress as witches for the aesthetic are probably not trying to be harmful, but can sometimes cause a false sense of belonging to those that are practicing witches.

(I asked a girl once if she was a witch because she wore a pentacle and I was looking for a local friend and she laughed at me.) Being a witch is often lonely and kept as a personal identification. Two - Witchcraft can be happy and sunshine and rainbows, but at it’s base it is not something to laugh about. Witchcraft is about using the world around you and bending it to your will. That is a huge responsibility to have on your shoulders, as what you do can often affect others around you, whether you mean it or not. You have to be able to accept that witchcraft means work, responsibility and dedication.

It is not a toy. Three - Not everything you see is up for grabs when it comes to magical practices. There is (yes, there is) such a thing as Cultural Appropriation and it is a harmful thing to spread and practice. I’ll leave you more information on this later, but the point is that not all practices and paths are open for you to explore. You need to be able to look at everything objectively and do research and ask questions. Where does this practice come from?

Who started it? What culture is it from?

More often than not, when you engage in these types of practices, you are not even getting the original information. Why would you want to so something that is just a half-assed version?

It’s disrespectful and harmful to the actual, living people of color (POC) that still practice the original forms of magic or ideology that so easily gets passed off as “ancient and mystical” when it is really just a white-washed version. Some other tidbits to keep in mind.

Magic is not black and/or white. It is a neutral force that you bend to your intentions. Calling “good” magic white, and “bad” magic black only propagates racial inequality and the subliminal message that POC are evil.

You don’t have to be Wiccan to be a witch. Wicca is a religion/cult/practice where members worship the god and goddess, revere nature and often use magic in order to supplement worship.

They follow The Rede and the Three-Fold Law. Most of what you will see on Tumblr is actually Neo-Wicca, which does not require a practitioner to be initiated into a group by way of a Priestess or otherwise.

Wicca is an initiatory cult. Neo-Wicca is based off of Wiccan teachings, and often allows the practitioner to be solitary. You can follow a religion (any) or you can not follow a religion. Witchcraft can be viewed as a religion on its own, but generally speaking it is a practice that can be blended with religion or not. Witchcraft does not equal Satanism - as Satanism has many forms and ideologies it branches to as well, some not even involving magic. You don’t have to be pagan or worship any deities to be a witch.

You don’t need to be white to be a witch. (I’ve been asked this!!!) You don’t need to be straight to be a witch. You don’t need to be able-bodied to be a witch. You don’t need crystals. You don’t need fancy tools.

You don’t need to read Tarot. You don’t need an Ouija board. You don’t need to communicate with spirits.

You don’t need a familiar. You don’t have a spirit animal unless you are Native American and studying in a tribe. Smudging is also NA, see above. Please refer to it as smoke cleansing. You can curse. You can choose not to curse. You don’t have to practice every day.

You can take extended breaks. You don’t even have to call yourself a witch! Witch is a gender neutral term, but some feel uncomfortable using it because of its feminine history. You could use Wix, sorcerer(ess), magician, practitioner, cunning man/woman, etc.

You don’t even need a title at all. You don’t need a magical name unless you want one. I’m sure I’m forgetting something along the way, but the bottom line is that whatever you choose to do, you are valid. All you need is yourself and the drive to learn and practice, whatever that may mean to you. There is no right or wrong way to be a witch, unless you are doing something that is harmful to oppressed cultures and people.” Reading Material Mostly, I’ll be using my tags for this, so that you can peruse as you wish! - via - everything you’ll ever need, especially for beginner ideas like energy work and visualization. - to help you narrow down your focus on your path if you feel necessary!

- can get a bit heated, so take that into consideration. - offerings and masterposts of pantheons - beginner friendly tips - beginner friendly and good for low energy work - PDFs and book references for purchase - fun stuff mostly and some informational posts - associations and precautions - witchy essential - also a witchy essential - beginner friendly - low energy and beginner friendly - lots of pictures, some informational posts and precautions. - if you dare - side blog Anything else you are welcome to search on my blog by typing in torque-witch.tumblr.com/search/(enter word here) or you can visit my for more information. Blog Recommendations Witchcraft Divination Some of these blogs do overlap with witchcraft and divination, but these are people I follow and respect. If you have any questions please feel free to send me and ask or message me! That goes for anyone:).

PREORDERS OPEN IN SEVEN DAYS! [Please check out our beautiful cover art by ] Here’s what we’ll be offering once preorders open: Zine only- 25.00 USD (68 pg, soft cover, perfect bound) Includes forty illustrations and ten brand new fanfics.

Merch Bundle- 32.00 USD Includes the zine, a sheet of eleven Yuuri themed stickers, and four A5 prints of exclusive art not featured in the book. PDF version- Price undecided as of yet. This will be available for a limited time after all the books have been shipped out. These prices do not include shipping.

Many artists and authors have been posting previews of their pieces, which you can see on tumblr and on as well. We can’t wait to see you in a week!

We’ll continue to post previews as they come in. .

Night’s Black Agents: Cover Let’s face it – I am a fan of Ken Hites work. Simple Serial Transport here. He did the great pulpy, post-apocalyptic for Savage Worlds and Hero RPG published by Atomic Overmind Press.

For Pelgrane Press he designed the mythos game based on Robin D. Laws GUMSHOE system. His latest work – spies like Jason Bourne mixed with really creepy vampires – is also based on the same game engine. If you like the idea of spy thrillers with vicious vampires – get Night’s Black Agents! Enough chatter – here is the interview with the top agent Ken Hite.

Obskures.de: Hi, Kenneth Hite! Let us start with the usual introduction for new readers and fans. Please tell us about yourself and your gaming experiences?

Ken Hite Kenneth Hite: I’m a full-time freelance writer and game designer, and I’ve been gaming since I was ten or so — my dad played GETTYSBURG with me back when the hexes were still squares. I discovered D&D around 1978 or 1979, and I’ve played RPGs pretty much ever since, and I’ve been professionally writing them since the mid-90s. TRAIL OF CTHULHU and NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS from Pelgrane Press are my most recent games, but people might know DAY AFTER RAGNAROK, GURPS HORROR, GURPS INFINITE WORLDS, or GURPS CABAL, or either of the STAR TREK RPGs I co-designed for Decipher and Last Unicorn. I had lots of bits and pieces of lots of other books, too, as you tend to do in the RPG freelance biz. Obskures.de: What do you think about the market reception of Night’s Black Agents?

You and your publisher are satisfied so far? Kenneth Hite: I don’t know anything about the sales figures (part of the fun of being a writer instead of a publisher), but I am happy to say that all the reviews have been very positive. My publisher Simon Rogers seems pretty satisfied, if I can judge by the amount of new stuff for the line he wants me to write.

Night’s Black Agents: Cover idea obskures.de: Imagine a potential new fan. How would you brief pitch Night’s Black Agents and what would you suggest to read, watch and/or play – first – to get in the right mood for your game?

I watched the first two or three episodes of Ultraviolet (BBC), but though you give playing modes (Burn, Dust, etc.) like categories for spy stories, your game feels (to me) a bit more like a action-packed variant of the movies Ronin or the Bourne trilogy with drops of blood (instead of bread crumbs) to the elusive vampire lord. Kenneth Hite: The elevator pitch for NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS is: „The Bourne Trilogy, if Treadstone were vampires.“ In the Sources section of the corebook, I recommend the Bourne movies, Ronin, and Taken, the BBC series Ultraviolet, John Steakley’s novel Vampire$, and Tim Powers‘ novels Declare and The Stress of Her Regard. That gives sort of the baseline thriller mood of the game — then, you can tweak it by mode if you’d rather go in a Tinker, Tailor sort of direction or over into Alias or Nikita territory, or maybe something more like the Spielberg film Munich. Night’s Black Agents: Interior art (by Alessandro Alaia) obskures.de: Why did you chose vampires as the ultimate nemesis of the Night’s Black Agents?

In recent years the bloodsuckers got a lot of mainstream attention. Nice and somewhat ’silly‘ serials like True Blood, Twilight and Vampire Diaries etc. Softened their image a lot. You go back and create – in my opinion – dark, bestial monsters in (nearly) human disguise – not sexy boys and girls with small faults? What about other nightmares like werewolves, demons, ghosts or even secret societies? Kenneth Hite: I think I chose vampires specifically because of the shows and films you mention.

I wanted to go back to the vampires as horrors, as sources of evil and corruption. It’s that original myth that Stephenie Meyer and the Sookie Stackhouse books are all strip-mining, so I think it’s always a good idea to pump some more blackness, blood, and fear into the well. Plus, vampires are a great symbol for conspiracies and the sorts of bad guys thriller heroes fight: they work in the shadows, they drain the vitality of the innocent, they derive pleasure from killing, that sort of thing. As far as the other nightmares go, I basically get my secret societies snuck in there already with the vampire conspiracies in NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS.

I’ve already got other ideas for werewolves and ghosts, and I don’t think either works as top-dog Blofeld types anyhow. Vampires pretty much are demons, in Buffy and plenty of other sources — NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS can be about demons with the flick of the Director’s pencil. The Day After Ragnarok from Atomic Overmind Press obskures.de: Both games – The Day After Ragnarok and Night’s Black Agents – are heavily rooted in Europe (at least for me). Are you fascinated by the old world or do you have other reasons. I think the most popular vampire myth is still Dracula.

He comes from eastern Europe. The Midgard snake is based on northern European mythology. For me as a German it feels a bit like the opposite of our Wild West fascination. Kenneth Hite: Well, I guess DAY AFTER RAGNAROK is rooted in Europe since that’s where the Nazis and the Norse were, but I pretty much destroyed the continent in the book, so I imagine most of the game play happens in North America, or the Pacific, or the Middle East, or Africa. With NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS, I picked Europe because it’s the source of our vampire myth (as you note) and because virtually all good spy thrillers are set there.

I, personally, love Europe because I’m a history buff and you guys produced history by the shipload for a while there. But I’m also crazy about my home town of Chicago (which I just wrote up for the DEADLANDS NOIR COMPANION), I’m a giant Western fan (just like you Germans!), and my next big TRAIL OF CTHULHU book will be about China. Obskures.de: You seem to be a man of vast reading. It looks like you read a lot and you are not limited to a specific genre, but with a strong enthusiasm for horror. In your own books I really like the chapters of your sources and inspirations.

I read them first. Please tell us about your creative process and inspiration(s)? Do you talk to your fans, publishers and look for what they might like or to you follow your own interests? Kenneth Hite: I do read a lot, or at least as much as I can in between writing gigs. I do love horror best, but I read history and alternate history, SF, spy thrillers, folklore, and occult or conspiracy type books. As far as creative process, if I’m writing something I try to read and watch as much material in that same field as I can: when I was writing BOOKHOUNDS OF LONDON I read a bunch of murder mysteries involving book dealers, for example, and a bunch of London history and mythography, and bibliophiles‘ memoirs, and fantasy novels set in London. Because of that, I try to get assignments that play to my strengths, or that play to stuff I’d like to read about.

By now, my fans tend to be interested in things I’m interested in (which is probably my fans) and my publishers tend to hire me to write things I’m good at, which is pretty much the same deal. Night’s Black Agents stuff & Tim Powers Declare (just bought after this interview!) obskures.de: Mabye I am wrong, but from afar it looks like you have a weak spot for the author Tim Powers. What makes this author special for you and what is his best book in your opinion? Will you ever do a game inspired by his works? Kenneth Hite: As far as I’m concerned, with the possible exception of John Crowley, Tim Powers is America’s greatest living fantasy author.

I’d actually put him up against anyone writing in English today. What makes him special for me, personally, I guess is that he writes very much like I think: allusively and obliquely presented, historically-minded, with a great love for prose and poetry and their special qualities, and a finely controlled paranoia. Or perhaps apophenia is better: the condition of finding nonexistent connections between things.

He’s also just a terrific person in person, which is irrelevant to art, of course, but it does make me feel better about buying stuff in hardback. His best book, in my opinion, is probably Declare, although if I’ve just read Last Call or even Anubis Gates I sometimes change my mind. The Stress of Her Regard and Expiration Date both get better every time I re-read them, too. But he’s never written a bad book; even his very early stuff is only okay. Will I ever do a game inspired by his works?

Maybe a better question is when will I ever do a game not inspired by his works? As far as a direct inspiration — DECLARE: THE RPG or GURPS ANUBIS GATES or something — I don’t imagine there’s enough money in either direction to make licensing worth it for either party. Besides, anyone who can’t already play On Stranger Tides with any RPG set you want to name shouldn’t be allowed near the dice, and UNKNOWN ARMIES is already pretty much „Tim Powers the RPG“ at least for the modern-day stuff. Obskures.de: Please tell us about your current and future projects? There are at least three Night’s Black Agents supplements announced (Dracula Dossiers, Agent’s Companion and Dracula Unredacted). Do you plan a crossover of Night’s Black Agents and the Cthulhu mythos?

Will you ever write a Day After Ragnarok novel or another supplement for this wonderful setting? Maybe you get involved in the 13th Age project, but to be honest, I expect a Kenneth Hite Kickstarter within the next few month. Kenneth Hite: Right now, I’m in the planning and outline stages of my new stuff for Pelgrane. The „unredacted“ edition of Dracula is part of THE DRACULA DOSSIER, in that it’s the main clue handout — the version of Dracula before the Special Branch made Stoker take out all the „sources and methods“ detail, as annotated by three generations of MI6 specialists. The rest is an ARMITAGE FILES-style framework for improvisational campaigning around that handout. The AGENT’S COMPANION is just more, more, more: details on stuff to do with abilities, a gun list for all the people who wanted one, and some really interesting stuff some of which has already been in See Page XX and some of which will be new to the book. I’m also getting ready to tackle DEATHLESS CHINA for TRAIL OF CTHULHU.

As far as a NBA-Mythos crossover, there’s already a „drift“ in the back of the NIGHT’S BLACK AGENTS corebook to set up a modern-day NBA agents vs. The Mythos game. I’m still trying to talk Simon into green-lighting SHADOWS AND FOG, which would be my 1930s espionage TRAIL OF CTHULHU book, and if that happened it would wind up with a lot of NBA style content in it as well.

The Day After Ragnarok: Post Serpentfall World Map I do plan to write a Memphis city book for DAY AFTER RAGNAROK this fall or winter, and from that point we’ll see. I don’t know about a novel, although if I had a few grand laying around I’d get Jim Lowder to work putting together an anthology of short stories set in the DAR world.

Both Hal and I want to do more with the setting, and that may wind up being the Kickstarter you see in my future. I’ve also got a book on THE NAZI OCCULT coming in June from the military history publishers Osprey Books, and if they aren’t sick to death of me after that, there’s more I’d like to do with those guys.

I’ve been an Osprey fan and collector since forever, as anyone could probably have guessed without me saying so. Obskures.de: What do you think about the current state of the role playing community and the future of hobby games distribution?

Do you have the generational question in the US also? Currently, the RPG market over here in Germany is more or less stable, but there are only a few new and young role players as far as I can see it. Kenneth Hite: I think the role playing community is strong, and will only get stronger as we get more depth and more broadband capability tying more people together. The roleplaying design field is still milking its second Golden Age right now, as a consequence of the technological barriers to entry having dropped for publishers, and that helps drive community as well. As far as hobby games distribution, I’m frankly a little surprised it has a present, much less a future.

I suppose board games will keep the best of breed distributors afloat, but anything you can use from a PDF doesn’t need a third party warehouse soaking up 10 to 15 percent of the profits. As far as generations, the distribution in the US is what you’d expect from a hobby that saw its biggest numbers in the late 1970s and early 1980s — the majority of people in it are in their 40s and 50s, with a bump in their 30s to represent the White Wolf boomlet.

But there’s plenty of Generation Y gamers in America, and while today’s 12-year-olds can kill orcs far more satisfyingly on a computer than they could in my youth, I have to assume some portion of them will still want to build worlds and adventures with dice instead of waiting for someone else in California to build them out of pixels.

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