Psychopathic From Outer Space 3 Rarest


« » 300 Comments • Dear Real Zionist News Family - It MUST be understood through what the Orthodox Church teaches THAT THERE IS **NO SPECIAL PLAN** For the Jews or ANYONE ELSE. ALL must give up their prideful identities and become CHRISTIANS. To identify as a “Jew” means to affiliate with the Anti-Christ religion of “Judaism” and thus in order for Jews to escape Hell they MUST repudiate Judaism, their “Jewish” identity AND BECOME CHRISTIANS.

As regards the “144,000″ of the Revelation of St John, THIS IS SYMBOLIC language of FULLNESS of “The EARLY Church” (the “first fruits” unto God) which was about to undergo horrible persecution under Nero and then Diocletian. As regards “all Israel will be saved” THIS IS The FULLNESS OF THE CHURCH at the end of time MADE UP of both the Jewish “remnant” who become Christians and Gentiles who become Christians WHO ARE ALL PART of THE “Israel of God” — THE CHURCH. The Orthodox Church ALSO teaches that “the fullness of the Gentiles” continues UP until the 2nd Coming of Christ. The Orthodox Church does NOT teach “a rapture” BUT this is taken out of context when Christ was warning of the coming DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM and instructing His disciples to flee Jerusalem WHICH THEY DID and fled to Pella in Jordan. The “Great Tribulation” refers to THE CARNAGE leading up to and during the Roman siege of Jerusalem when it got so bad from the forced starvation that mothers were eating their babies.

This is the first installment of the Psychopathics From Outer Space series that features rare cuts from ICP & Twiztid. Upon buying it i knew it had some songs i already have on other projects but i still bought it just because i'm a juggalo & i wanted it for my collection. Overall, the CD gives just what it promises: rarities and new.

This is ALL recorded in the Histories of Josephus, a contemporary of those times. All of this is NOT MY OPINION — But — This Is The TEACHING of the Orthodox Christian Church. We do NOT assert our “own” opinions BUT abide by the teachings of the Holy Fathers of the Church. All of this is SPELLED OUT specifically by St John Chrysostom in his Homilies On Romans AVAILABLE online in the Nicene Fathers Series. ——- On ANOTHER Note - This is my 2nd day in NYC for Street Evangelism and ALL is going even BETTER than I expected. I will give a full 3 day report tomorrow evening. Please Consider Helping Me To Continue With Financial Help!

Psychopathic From Outer Space 3 Rarest

(No Donations For The Past 3 Days Online BUT I keep on plugging along despite the very low numbers of donations) To Donate Simply Click: OR @ Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 547; Priest River ID; 83856. Christ’s ABUNDANT BLESSING To All! Your +Brother in Christ, Nathanael • – Text — Text — Text — Text – The Myth Of The Chosen People By Brother Nathanael Kapner Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved Are the Jews really God’s ‘Chosen People?’ Christians throughout the ages, embracing the New Testament, never really believed this to be so. They understood that the “Israel of God,” as St Paul teaches, was “The Church” – not the Synagogue. It wasn’t until the early 1900’s when the Scofield Reference Bible was published that a new idea infiltrated Christian thinking regarding the Jews. And thus was perpetrated the myth of the ‘Chosen People.’ Cyrus Scofield, a Protestant evangelical, formulated what is known as ‘dispensationalism,’ which assigns to a re-established State of Israel the role of being a ‘special blessing’ to the world. And this would supposedly occur just prior to the Second Coming of Christ through their belief in Him – yet maintaining their identity as Jews.

But, the traditional Christian understanding of those who come to Christ, even Jews, and even until the end of time, is that they take on the name of CHRISTIAN and become members of The Christian Church. There are NO SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS – NO SPECIAL PLANS for anyoneaccording to Orthodox Christian theologyregardless of what their ethnic makeup might be.

The Orthodox Church, of which I am a member, (and by the way, I grew up in Judaism), follows the teaching of Christ, that Jews who reject Him as the Messiah “are of their father, the devil, a LIAR and MURDERER from the beginning.” For ever since the time of Christ, unbelieving Jews have propagated the LIE that Jesus Christ is not the Jewish Messiah whom they MURDERED and continue in their murderous ways by what they’re doing to the Palestinians in the name of their strange ‘god’ of the Talmud and Zionism. This in a nutshell shows and confirms that truth of Christ’s words, that indeed, unbelieving Jews follow in the footsteps of the devil, imitating as true sons, his lies and murderous ways. In the Old Testament, Jews were ‘chosen’ to be God’s special people, by being an example to the world through their worship, and as the later prophets enjoined, by their ethical conduct, awaiting the coming of the Messiah, Who would conquer sin and death and give them and ALL people a new heart to love and follow Him.

But with the Jewish filth coming out of Hollywood, the unprincipled conduct of Jewish Wall Street bankers who have fleeced the American people, and the immoral behavior of the Israelis, (which, by the way, most Jews support), these are clear demonstrations that the former ‘chosen-ness’ of the Jews has been forfeited. The TRUE ‘Chosen People’ of today are those who have made a CHOICE to show their belief in God through their imitation of Jesus Christ – having made a decision to embrace, love, and serve Him. But the Zionists, who hide behind the false religion of Judaism as a cover in their pursuit of their geopolitical agenda to rule over the Gentiles – through the media – through finance – and genocidehave nothing to do with the God of the Bible or the Messiah, Whom He has sent, but everything to do with the devil’s lies, deception and murder. • Coming To Real Zionist News!

Psychopathic From Outer Space 3 Rarest

A BRAND NEW Venue for Vids! Soon I will be UNVEILING “Brother Nathanael Productions” DEDICATED To: Video-Documentaries & Special Movies. Coming Soon To A Real Zionist News Venue Near You! +Brother Nathanael • john king Dear Bro Nathanael, This was an awesome presentation.

You have written on this subject much in the past but into today’s fast paced world, you have just filled the gap. Full House 1987 Season 1 Torrent. This video debunks the whole Zionist LIE of the people ‘calling themselves’ Jews today being chosen by the real and sovereign GOD. By their obvious behaviour it should be obvious to anyone with the IQ of a pet rock or higher that these people who ‘call themselves’ Jews/’chosen’ — serve another deity known as Lucifer. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** If Bro Nathanael’s work has been a service to you, please consider donating.

Even the smallest donation is appreciated. Freedom is not free and Liberty must be purchased in every generation. Do your part! • I can’t afford much but I give my tithe to Bro Nathanael because he does what no American “Jew”-approved ministry will ever do: put a face to the people in this world who work for Satan. This used to be a rarely talked about subject but now many people are beating the drum. And the “Jews” have noticed. I believe that’s why they’re rattling their saber by upsetting our economies, which they have the power to do.

God bless, Dean • Gracie Dear Brother Nathanael, My husband and I are recent inquirers of the Orthodox faith hoping to become catechumens and ultimately be baptized sometime in the next year. We are both “refugees” from the Baptist church. Busting the myth of the Jews as the chosen people has pulled the mask off of the lies and deception offered as truth in our former church experience. We finally concluded that the main purpose of the Baptist church was to control our money and our vote. We were regularly instructed to “vote our values” which meant keeping the NeoCon Republicans in office, remaining uncritical of the State of Israel, and supporting our troops in never ending wars. We could not accept that the same Jews who produce the Hollywood filth, control and corrupt the banking and financial industries, confine and kill the Palestinians in an open air concentration camp, and operate in all realms through deceit and evil intent could possibly remain favored by God. So now both of us, who are past 60 years of age, believe we have finally found the true faithOrthodoxy!

The “Annunciation” of the Theotokos (Birth-giver of God become incarnate) is celebrated today, March 25 according to the New Calendar Church, the Orthodox Church of America. (OCA) Annunciation literally means “good news.” This refers to the information given by the Archangel Gabriel to Mary that she would conceive a Son without seed. That her Son, the Word of God, would be made man for man’s salvation. Therefore we celebrate today the greatest piece of news in historyfor ALL mankind.

Gracie • KathJuliane Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ, dear Bro. Nathanael, Wonderful presentation and change of pace in this video, more conversational or homelitical and “Christian to Christian.” Felt like I was out on “the front porch” (in my own parka) listening to you cover ground concerning “The Myth of the Chosen People.” As John King wrote, “This video debunks the whole Zionist LIE of the people ‘calling themselves’ Jews today being chosen by the real and sovereign GOD. GOD is Good.” Ancient Israel was chosen to bring forth the Messiah and the Savior of all Mankind, through the tribe of Judah, and the house of David. It was God’s sovereign choice to do so, to adopt Old Israel as His “peculiar people” not for any merits of the people themselves or any intrinsic differences from the rest of mankind, but chosen for the mission of bring forth Jesus the Christ, the Son of God as the fullness of God’s Revelation of Himself to the world.

Christians need to hear this time and again, and all the phony ‘Judeo-Christian’ and Zionist Nationalism propaganda agendas compared with the patristic teachings of the Church Fathers as the “mind of the Church” such as the great and holy St. John Chrysostomos, an “anti-Semite” that all Christians can love and appreciate for his candor and down to earth approach. Time and again St.

John Chrysostomos pointed out the physical, political and spiritual dangers to Christians of Judaizing, and the close association with volatile, carnal, unrepentent Jews of the ‘Synagogue of Satan,’ even though communities of Rabbinic Judaism were allowed to reside within their own quarters in the cities of the Byzantine Roman Empire of the East and West. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistle to the Romans ‏ On a last note, Abraham was never a “Jew” but a Hebrew, as were Ishmael, Isaac of Sarah, Jacob, Esau, and Abraham’s sons by Keturah.

The Old Testament clearly records that the “Covenant of Faith” which God unilaterally cut with Abraham and swore by His own Name, sealed with blood of the sacrificial animals, was when Abraham was still uncircumcised, or a “Gentile,” and before any of Abraham’s sons were ever born. • Dear KathJuliane - Thanks for pointing out that Abraham was NOT a Jew BUT a Hebrew. St Paul states in his Epistle to the Galatians that those who have been baptized into Christ are “Abraham’s seed” and that the Jews have forfeited that reality.

Thus, when God promised Abraham that he would Bless Those That Bless Thee - He was referring NOT to wicked Jews because of being of the same “race” as Abraham - BUT referring to those who are TRUE SONS of Abraham — those who walk in the same steps of FAITH IN GOD’s SALVATION who are truly “Abraham’s seed.” +BN • arjan What a great video. I am so glad you do this blessed work. Nathanael, Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Israel or (Isra-el) mean ‘he who struggles (or fights) with God’? I remember that a reference of this type is stated in the book of Genesis relating to Abraham. If this is the case, then no one need go any further than the name itself of the nation that affronts God more than all the citizens on Earth put together to understand the nature of the Talmudic ‘Jews’. They are beyond any reasonable doubt Satan’s chosen. I’d like to know you’re opinion of Neteurei Karta.

• Tosca The Bible itself, in the new testament says that Christians are the new chosen people of God: Peter 1:1 From Peter, apostle of Jesus Christ - To God’s chosen people who live as refugees scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia. You were chosen according to the purpose of God the Father and were made a holy people by His Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be purified by His blood. (Good News Bible) There you have it. Even going by the logic that Jews were the chosen people in the Old Testament, the New Testament clearly states that Christ’s believers are the chosen people - and not Jews. • I think that it was to show God’s greatness that He sent Jesus to be born in that part of the world where it seems that a place so filled with hate and injustice can be the starting point for the awakening of mankind.

Truly God does work in mysterious ways. • Stav Hi Br. Nathanael and KathJuliane, Great presentation! I felt exactly like KathJuliane described! Yes it is important to distinguish between Jew and Hebrew, which is what I do sometimes, mixing the words. A Jew is a follower of Judaism, which is by definition Anti-Christ.

If one finds themselves in a “Church” which promotes the myth of the “chosen people,” they need to think long and hard if this is a “church” they want to be in. Also, it’s in my humble opinion really important for us Orthodox to understand that the Church is the True Israel and that we are the seed of Abraham, who was a Hebrew.

As Christians, we are all truly equal before God’s eyes and His salvation is available for all of us, Jews, Greeks, Russians, Americans or otherwise. We must have in our hearts, always, the knowledge that EVERYONE is welcome to be a member of the True Israel, which is the Church. And that’s regardless of ethnicity, color or gender. That does not mean that we have to shed absolutely everything that comes from our worldly heritage, but rather only the things that are incompatible with being a true Christian. It is tragic to see so many “churches” no longer speaking and evangelizing about Jesus Christ, but instead promoting the Zionist views and agendas. Stav • Jarrad Br.

Nate, Great one here, especially the last bit about how Christianity should be understood. Not just the Jews, Br. Nate, but Muslims are guilty as well in killing in the name of their God. Well, that’s the inherent problem folks. There is no “their God” and “our God,” etc.

If you believe in a higher power of some kind, and you feel that you are a better person because of Him, it, or whatever, then I’d say you would be on the right track. Otherwise, as Br. Nate points out, a person whom does not belong to a loving religion would be inclined to be murderous and quite brutal. I must say Br. Nate, that even those whom have struggled to love God or those still struggling to love Him can be saved. This applies to Jews and Muslims as well. They just need to fully understand Christianity to be able to accept it’s real message.

Christianity always has and always will teach love for your neighbor and a thing a two like the Good Samaritan. When non-Christians fully comprehend this real message, then peaceful coexistence can be a reality. As long as folks remain stubborn in their beliefs (not thinking outside the box), or shall I say dogmatic, then a mutual understanding among different people cannot be possible. Hezbollah, Hamas, extreme Evangelists, and extreme Orthodox Jews all give their religions good reason to shy away from their murderous ways. Right audience? Yes, I know this is correct. What this means, in turn, is that we whom do not belong to these sorts of ill organizations or sects should be responsible to spread the Biblical word and what Christianity truly preaches and represents.

And, I believe Br. Nate is attempting to do just that with this website. Nate, you will reach more and more people as they wake up one day and realize they need to be better educated regarding the true nature of Christianity. Even I learned quite a bit about human nature by following your website updates. Not necessary about Christianity per say, but about human nature. • Stav In my previous post, I meant to say: Yes it is important to distinguish between Jew and Hebrew, which is what I don’t do sometimes, by mixing the words. The reason for this, is because in modern Greek (I am Greek), the word Jew is almost always translated as Εβραίος (Evraios).

This is in fact incorrect, because “Evraios” in Greek literally means “Hebrew.” So, in Modern Greek, when someone refers to Jews in the context of Zionism, they do actually use the word Evraios, which means Hebrew. Which, strictly speaking, is incorrect, or at least not entirely correct. So, because sometimes things can get confusing, it is important to be able to distinguish between the Old Law Forefathers like Abraham who were of God and Righteous, and todays Jews who are Anti-Christ. Stav • Jarrad Gracie, Your insight is pretty good, and I suppose it’s a good thing that you’re converting to a different sect. I never knew what you mentioned about the Baptist Church. That’s a first for me, as I’m not a Baptist. Well, to give you some insight into my own sect, Catholicism, one of the heads of the KKK happens to be Catholic.

That really made me think when I saw this person speaking on national television about his organization. And, I did lose some respect for Catholicism. To be frank, Gracie, I believe all sects have their issues. • Jeannon Kralj Anyone who believes that the Jews are the “chosen people” have never read The Acts of the Apostles, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of Paul, or the entire New Testament for that matter. The Darby and Scofield Bible scam did come about in early 1900s. A Jew named Untermeyer in New York financed con man Scofield and his bible in the USA.

But an important forerunner of that Scofield Bible was the Geneva bible of 1557. Two men – Theodore Beza, the successor of Calvin in Geneva Martin Bucer (Bucer was a contemporary of Calvin and Zwingli and one of the major “reformers” but he had very different take on OT prophecies about “Israel” ) This Geneva Bible was before the 1611 authorized King James Bible and 500 plus years before the KJV with Scofield’s extensive footnotes Bible. The main thing the Geneva Bible did was to interpret the references in the Old Testament to Israel’s restoration as referring to the [physical] NATION of the Jewish people. Luther and Calvin were contemporaries of Bucer and Beza and they held the same interpretation of Old Testament prophecies about “Israel” as the Roman Catholic Church, that is, Israel was a figurative picture of the “the Church,” the body of Christ in the New Testament, NOT A GEOGRAPHIC NATION AND NOT THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF THAT NATION. But somehow Bucer and Beza were able to push through the publication of the Geneva Bible over Luther and Calvin’s disagreement. This was the first major groundwork as far as manipulating the Holy Scriptures. I have not studied the Geneva Bible and noted just exactly this translation accomplished this subtle but major shift in conveying was “Israel” for Christians.

I also suspect that there were some Revolutionary Jews who were behind Bucer and Beza but I have not yet studied that. The entire Protestant Reformation (revolution) was the product of subversive manipulations of Revolutionary Jews so Bucer and Beza were part of that targeted group of people. So you have two entirely different interpretations of OT prophecy, starting with Bucer and Beza as this Protestant position developed, this whole dramatic shift in how to understand these scriptures came about. The other major change regarding the bible interpretation brought about by “the Reformers” was the idea that the thousand years of Apocalypse Chapter 20 was a literal one thousand year period. The Roman Catholic church had always for 1500 years interpreted the “thousand years” to mean “a long time” as the world “thousand” is used in several places in the Old Testament, and in this case from between the first coming of Christ and the second coming of Christ, when the Church in Rome would be in control.

So, all of these “bible manipulations” probably were instigated by some subversive, moneyed, behind the scenes revolutionary Jews, and they were primarily targeted at taking down and getting out of the way the Roman Catholic church. They have not totally succeeded in that goal yet but they have, all in all, been quite successful. • Jarrad KathJuliane, I enjoyed reading your response, as I did Gracie’s. You both have great reflections I see. And, you do indeed point out a very crucial fact.

You mention the distinction between Hebrews and Jews via Abraham. I like this point of yours. Also, related to that distinction would be that not all Jews are Israelis. Yes, Bro Nate stated that Most Jews support Israel but most Jews are not Israeli.

Nate, just a thought: the billions of Muslims around the world point to Israel as a hideous creature that is ill and needs to be eliminated. Israel, in many ways, does act in such a fashion and it just provokes the Muslims. In all fairness, these same Muslims do in fact support their brethren in the Occupied territories (aka the Palestinians). How is this different that non-Israeli Jews support Israel? Non-Palestinian Muslims support the Palestinians in many ways.

I don’t see a distinction. Do you see this Nate? This is why I always tell the audience that we as Americans should be as impartial/neutral as possible. It’s really for the best that we choose a lassez-fair government which does not back the Arabs nor Israel. This will force them to work together more or eliminate one another, the choice becomes theirs. Just like we have taken a back seat with Libya, we should do the same in the mid-East.

• Steven Rowlandson Thanks for telling the truth Brother Nathaniel. Steven • James Woroble Jr Furthermore, to debunk the ‘choseness’ of the contemporary ‘Jews’ inhabiting Israel and all other nations of the world, read Jewish author, Arthur Koestler’s book titled THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE which proves the Eastern European Jews are NOT related to Abraham. These contemporary ‘Jews’ are not Middle-East Semites, but Asiatic-Turk imposters from the Caucus region of southern Eurasia — their genetic ancestors having never set so much as a toe in ‘Judea’ in all of history. —- • Dirk de Boer So we choose and pick God? That’s how tares become wheat?

God does the choosing. And the Tares who are sown by that wicked one ripen with the wheat until the harvest. No, Bro Nat’ we don’t choose - He does He has already pre-ordained His people. • Thank you for this presentation. • Vox @ DWC Special Just for you: Gene Simmons on the Mike Douglas Show 1974 Take note beginning at 2:13 the Jewess sitting next to him remarks: “Wouldn’t it be funny if under this he was just a nice Jewish boy? You can’t hide the hook!” • “We could not accept that the same Jews who produce the Hollywood filth, control and corrupt the banking and financial industries, confine and kill the Palestinians in an open air concentration camp, and operate in all realms through deceit and evil intent could possibly remain favored by God” Funny, sad, and true at the same time. • “So, all of these “bible manipulations” probably were instigated by some subversive, moneyed, behind the scenes revolutionary Jews, and they were primarily targeted at taking down and getting out of the way the Roman Catholic church.” Interesting.

Things become challenging to keep together when you consider the possibilities of doctored Bibles. That’s my frame of reference for everything, I think it should motivate everyone to just keep reading the Bible as much as possible so that the possibility of counterfeit words become obvious. I came across the so-called gospel of Thomas on the internet and it struck me as -off-, and not the words of the God and Holy Spirit inspired men that I know • Turbo Hog Brother Nathanael – Yours is perhaps my favorite site on all the internet. I take great encouragement in all your articles and thoroughly enjoy all your videos.

Your insight and wisdom is unsurpassed, and your honesty is refreshing. I hope God blesses you in all your good works moving forward. Thank you for your great work Sincerely, TH • stevor 144,000 will go to heaven. What of the other Jews? Well, there’s another place for them to go. Maybe God doesn’t like what they’re doing.

God has done bad things to them before to “teach” them. • Dan Hi Brother Nathanael: Thank you for another thoughtful commentary.

I have been questioning this notion of the “chosen people” for the last few years. I cannot equate a loving God with the actions of Israel’s leadership. I have been reading Bart Ehrman’s text, “God’s Problem.” It of course deals with the problem of suffering. I can’t reconcile the God of the Old Testament and the God that brought us Jesus and Saint Paul. There is a problem here. However, you are correct: the true behavior of a Christian is to imitate Jesus, to love others, and to follow God.

Thank you so much! • “As regards the “144,000″ of the Revelation of St John, THIS IS SYMBOLIC language of FULLNESS of “The EARLY Church” (the “first fruits” unto God) which was about to undergo horrible persecution under Nero and then Diocletian.” The language of the entire book of Revelation is very symbolic, not sure what you are trying to say, it seems you are saying that you do not believe that 144,000 strict Orthodox *Jews, that do not accept Jesus Christ will be saved. Not 100% sure but I tend to think God allows 144,000 righteous Jews who follow the TORAH to the letter to make it to heaven. *As of now I don’t believe the theory that -Jews- are actually Asian Turks from circa 700s. I use the word Jew to refer to a lineage of people that has an ethnic identity and and ancient language Hebrew and has a calender that places humanity in the late 5700s • Sam I am a different ‘Sam’ than the one posting above. Here’s a good article by Gilad Atzmon about the growing movement in Europe against Israel: • Michael Kelley Dear Brother Nathanael, The topic you have picked has been the essential point of disagreement between myself and a recent convert to the Orthodox Church, who placed himself at odds with me when I dismissed the validity of Jews and the Zionist entity in an otherwise pleasant conversation. I was a little surprised that someone could be both catechized and christmated into the Church without internally accepting this most basic tenet of the faith, however in researching the topic I was even more vexed to see a coalition of supposedly Orthodox priests have been featured blaspheming the cross with their heresy in an ADL dog-and-pony show: ‘”We commend the courageous priests and academics who seek to rid their churches of the poison of anti-Semitism,” Greenberg said.

“Support of this declaration by church leaders would help build a more positive interfaith dialogue between Orthodox Christians and Jews, and help increase religious respect around the world.”‘ ‘Bishop Paul Peter Jesep, U.S. Director of Public Affairs for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Diaspora, said he supports the priests’ campaign as essential to the future of the Orthodox Church.’ ‘”The Church has not done enough to address anti-Semitism,” Jesep said, speaking in his individual capacity. “The Liturgy must be modified so that it is brought closer to the teachings of Christ.”‘ ‘The ten-page declaration endorses the eternal connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and calls for the repudiation of replacement theology, which erroneously contends that God’s covenant with the Jewish people is not eternal. “It is time that we called anti-Semitism a grave sin against God and man,” the declaration said.’ However, my research also turned up an excellent article defending supercessionism, often called “replacement theology.” And I think anyone, like Gracie, who is trying to learn more about the Orthodox faith would find this article edifying: “Replacement Theology is a term that has been coined and proliferated by Christian Zionism (and its various subdivisions such as Premillennialism, Dispensationalism, Pre-Tribulationism, Mid-Tribulationism, Post-Tribulationism, et. Al.) and distributed to its base as a talking point.” “It is intended to trivialize, marginalize, and demonize any and all who are not Christian Zionists. “In addition to the Apostles, that would included Clement of Rome, Athanasius, Jerome, Ambrose of Milan, Origin, Augustine, and John Chrysostom; and later on John Calvin, Jacobus Arminius, John Wesley, George Whitefield (Some moderns say Whitfield but I believe Whitefield is correct), G.

Campbell Morgan, Charles Finney, John Knox, Jeremy Taylor, and Jonathan Edwards to name a very few since none of them was a Christian Zionist and all of them believed that The Kingdom of God on earth in the New Covenant was the Church.” • Jim DeTexas Follow the yellow brick road The human toll here looks to be much worse then the economic toll and we can be grateful for that.WTHeck????? • Andrew Jackson Dear in Christ Gracie, My heart leaps for joy that you have finally come to the True Faith of the Bible: Christian Orthodoxy. The Chosen People are clearly the True Christians, as St. Peter says: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people.” (1 Peter 2;9) All the false prophets of Christian Zionism or other heresies have been condemned long ago, by the stern warning of Sts. Peter and Paul: “But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies.” (2 Peter 2;1) “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch.” (Acts 20;29-31) You are on the right track. But, I have to warn you. Like everything else in the accursed 20th century, a major part of the Orthodox Church has been subverted by the Judeo-masons and has fallen into the heresy of ecumenism, and the schism of new calendarism. The OCA (Orthodox Church in America) is part of the ecumenist new calendrist Orthodox. Rats In House.

Even though they have much that is good and Orthodox, their hierarchs and much of their clergy and laity are enthralled to heresy of ecumenism and modernism. I am sure that you and your husband will slowly research and understand these vital issues. The word “Judeo-Christian” is an oxymoron. It was coined by Zionist propaganda. Judaism is an anti-Biblical religion based on the Talmud. It is the religion of the Pharisees and their tradition of men, which Christ condemned in Matthew 15 and Mark 7. The True Christians are the Israel of God, not only spiritually, but also PHYSICALLY.

When we are baptized and receive the Holy Body and Blood of Christ in holy communion, we PHYSICALLY become true Jews, part of His Body, the Church. “For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh.

But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” (Rom. 2;28-29) ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear in Christ Joe, The Holy Orthodox Fathers, both East and West, teach that Jacob wrestled with the pre-incarnate Christ in Genesis, and asked for a blessing before Christ released him. So Christ called him Israel, which means “he who strives with God”, i.e. Who struggles and receive the blessing of God.

I believe God kept this terminology vague on purpose, in order to fulfill both meanings; positive struggle in accordance with God’s Law for the True Israel of the Church, and negative struggle against God’s Law by the false Israel of the Talmudists. 32: [24] And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. [25] And when he (the man) saw that he prevailed not against him (Jacob), he (the man) touched the hollow of his (Jacob) thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. [26] And he (the man) said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he (Jacob) said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. [27] And he (the man) said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.

[28] And he (the man) said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. [29] And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name.

And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. [30] And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. As for Neteuri Karta, they may be anti-zionists for their own religious reasons, or in order to confuse and disorient the goyim. They are still however the synagogue of satan, since they subscribe to the anti-biblical hateful and criminal Talmud. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear in Christ Jarrad, One crucial thing needs to be clarified, which is the teaching of the ancient True Church; not every one in the True Orthodox Church (TOC) will be saved, and not everyone outside the TOC will be damned. Christ is sovereign and He will save those whom He chooses on the Last Day, based on what they have received and what they have done.

Those who are ignorant of the Gospel, He will judge based on the natural law that He, as the Creator, has written in the heart and conscience of man. He will judge based on man’s free and willing obedience to this natural law. As for those who call themselves Christians, He will judge according to His Gospel, which is a much higher and stricter standard. More importantly, you are guaranteed salvation in the TOC, if you follow the True Faith in confession and in deeds. Remaining outside the TOC is a huge gamble. This is why, out of love for all men and women, we are commanded by Christ to tell them the truth which will set them free: to repent of their sins and false beliefs, and submit to Jesus Christ as their Lord, God, and Savior, according to the True Faith. The knowledge of the truth and the reception of the Holy Mysteries in the TOC gives you grace directly from God, which increases your capacity to receive more grace and to gradually grow to be more like Christ, in the image and likeness of God, if you continuously cooperate and work with God’s freely-given grace.

Outside the TOC, the capacity to know the truth and to receive indirect grace is limited, to different degrees, according to the closeness or remoteness of the individual’s beliefs, moral, and practical life, to the reality of Orthodoxy (correct faith) and Orthopraxy (correct conduct). Christ clearly showed us by His holy words and deeds that there is no genuine love of God or man without the revealed truth. Concerning Hezbollah and Hamas, they are patriotic resistance movements.

Please don’t fall into the propaganda trap which calls them “terrorists” or “hate” groups, even though they do viscerally hate the criminal Israelis, and for good reason. Those who receive the hard blows of the Zionists in the Middle East are not like those who count them comfortably and safely in the West or elsewhere. If you are a man of courage, I think you would do the same if you were in their shoes.

Today, those who claim to be Jews have very little or non-existent genetic relation to the Biblical Hebrews. They are genetically miscegenated with predominantly Khazars, Yemenis, Moroccans, Europeans, Ethiopians, and Edomites. Concerning the support of the state of Israel by Jews and the Palestinians by Muslims, the parallel is there, but the difference is that the Muslims’ support is very weak. Because the American Jews consider themselves Jews first, then Americans (or other nationalities), whereas the Muslims usually consider themselves citizens of their own country, them Muslims. In addition, the case of the Palestinians is just whereas that of the Zionists is not. The UN, manipulated by the Jews, voted in 1947, to give 55% of the land to the Jews, when they only owned 7%. That was the beginning of this enormous injustice.

This was not enough for the Zionists. They want 100% of Palestine, and all lands between the Nile and Euphrates.

This goal of the “Great Israel” is engraved at the entrance of the Israeli Knesset. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear In Christ Jeannon Kralj, Yes, you are right. The millennium or thousand years of Revelation 20 has always been interpreted by the Orthodox Fathers of both East and West, as the historic period between the First and Second Coming of Christ, which is the dispensation of the Church. And yes, you are right again. Protestantism was a Judaizing movement from its early days, in at least significant parts of Protestantism. The Jews exploited a legitimate grievance of the protesting Catholics against the abuses of the popes, and used the dissension for their own Judaic goals.

Divide and conquer has always been one of their successful modus operandi. The shame and guilt at the origin of this cosmic disaster falls back to the popes and western heterodox who have fallen away from the True Church in 1054, have propagated evil heresies, and have weakened the Church. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear In Christ Dirk de Boer, There is no predestination.

God knows in advance all of history. He is outside of time. He knows what we will do, but He gives us the free will to choose what we do. He will judge us because He gave us free will and we are responsible for our choices and actions. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear In Christ Dan, In the Gospel, Christ talks about hell and eternal damnation, more than any other place in the entire Bible. The Jesus meek and mild is a western aberration.

He is merciful only to those who REPENT. But to those who do not repent, He is more fearsome than any mortal man. Christ is the SAME GOD of the Old Testament, who appeared to Abraham and Moses, and spoke with all the prophets. Christ teaches us to fear Him more than any man, no matter how cruel that man can be. Luke 12: [4] And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. [5] But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear Him, which after He hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear Him. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • MICKEY Thank The LORD our God for men of Truth & Integrity such as Bro.

Nathanael Kapner! It is a Biblical fact that “The Man of Sin” will come with all Lying Deception from the mind of Satan. This is the main characteristic of Rothschild/Zionist Talmudic Judaism. We must expose all of the Lying Deception that emanates from Satanically motivated Organizations with The Truth of Holy Scripture in “Thus saith The LORD.” I support the Witness & Testimony of Bro. Nathanael Kapner. • Andrew Jackson Dear In Christ Craig Pepe, No matter what you think about the genetic lineage of those who call themselves “Jews”, please understand that this is a spiritual identity. Their racial descent is quite secondary.

Ruth was a Moabitess and was more faithful than many Hebrews. She was also an ancestor of Christ. We are fighting a spiritual power, and not flesh, as St.

It is the spiritual power of Satan, working through today’s Judaics. Christ says that flesh and blood shall not inherit the Kingdom, but only those who worship God in spirit and truth. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear In Christ Craig Pepe, The 144,000 of Revelation are the fullness of the Church, the Israel of God.

It is based on the 12 Old Testament Patriarchs and 12 New Testament Apostles. A thousand is the number of fullness or completion. It also has a connotation to the millennium of the Church, the thousand years of Revelation 20. Even if you want to interpret this literally as being 144,000 Jews who convert at the end of time, this is still less than 1% of all the Jews worldwide. Less than one percent! ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear In Christ Michael Kelley, That heretical Bishop Paul Peter Jesep, U.S.

Director of Public Affairs for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church Diaspora, is obviously pronouncing his own erroneous opinion and not the teaching of the Church. He is probably a paid stooge of the Judeo-masons, and is known to be also an Ecumenist. It has always been the teaching of the Church, since the Apostles and the Church in Jerusalem, that the True Israel is the Church, whereas the false Israel are the non-believing Jews. The faithful remnant of Israel is the one that accepted Christ. It is the true Israel. The other part of Israel which killed Him and rejected Him was cut off. It is no more in covenant with God, or His chosen people.

Peter makes this clear in his epistles. The Chosen People, Holy Nation, God’s own, are the Christians.

It is very simple. The Jews call themselves “Israel,” the papists “Catholics,” the Armenians “apostolic,” the protestants “evangelical,” etc. But these attributes all belong to the True Orthodox Church, the faithful remnant. Christ has one Bride only, not two, or three or many.

The Jews, the heterodox Christians (Ecumenist, World Orthodox, papists, protestants, non-Chalcedonians), and non-Christians are not part of His Chosen People. Only the True Orthodox are the Israel of God.

***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • oxymoron @ “Christ has one Bride only, not two, or three or many. The Jews, the heterodox Christians (Ecumenist, World Orthodox, papists, protestants, non-Chalcedonians), and non-Christians are not part of His Chosen People. Only the True Orthodox are the Israel of God.” Sounds to me like “The Myth of the Chosen People.” • Simeon Richard Dear Andrew Jackson - I am always amazed when I meet a truly brilliant and sane person. I don’t know your age, but if you don’t pursue the priesthood in the Orthodox Church - this will constitute a crime. Your words are like fresh air. God bless you!

Reader Simeon Richard • Jeannon Kralj A little unsolicited advice to the Orthodox Church regarding the Jews’ request (actually more like a threat and ultimatum than a request) ““Support of this declaration by church leaders would help build a more positive interfaith dialogue between Orthodox Christians and Jews, and help increase religious respect around the world.”‘ The Roman Catholic church fell for that “positive interfaith dialogue” garbage years ago. An successful attempt to change the official US adult Catholic Catechism to say “Paragraph 121 reads: “The Old Testament is an indispensable part of Sacred Scripture. Its books are divinely inspired and retain a permanant value, for the Old Covenant has never been revoked.” Robert Sungenis, E. Michael Jones, and the late Thomas Herron wrote to the Vatican and told them it was HERESY to claim that the Old Covenant (the Mosaic Covenant) “has never been revoked.” The Vatican ruled in their favor and immediately withdrew and republished the USCCB Adult Catholic catechism to omit that heretical statement.

But that’s how subversive and manipulative and powerful the revolutionary Jews who are trying to bust up Roman Catholicism are. They can get an outrageiously flagrantly heretical statement actually published in an official Church catechism. I surmised that the Orthodox Church was under attack and infiltration from the Jews just as much as the Roman Catholic church, and now from some of these posting I see the facts. The reward for the RC Church dialoging with the synagogue of Satan is find ourselves called the most wicked institution on earth and font of all evil, per Daniel Jonah Goldberg and Jonah Metzger and others. The Roman Catholic church gets to conitunally apologize the rest of our lives to the Jews. More and more traditional Catholics are just saying no to the evil that has metastasized the Church. Enough is enough people.

Expose the Satanic Jews who cannot be dialoged with and really do not want to dialog. They want to split up the Church and inject heresy and dicord and disorder! • oxymoron The 144,000 could also be of the number of Hebrews and their descendants who accepted Jesus Christ and became Christians. This would be in accordance with Yaweh’s promise to never forget his servant “Israel” no matter where they may be.

It is not at all wise to attach meanings to something which do not in any way reflect the words. This is especially so with Apocalypse and this warning is given at the end.

The Orthodox Church is not infallible. • Joyce Bravo Andrew Jackson!!!!!! You are one smart man.

Joyce • Stav Dear Dirk de Boer, As Andrew Jackson already stated, You are wrong, God does not choose us, we choose Him. Freedom of choice is at the core of salvation and the Plan of God. If we have no freedom, then nothing of Christianity (or anything else for that matter) has any value. And if you don’t believe me, then believe Jesus Christ’s own words: Mark 8:34 KJV: 34 And when he had called the people unto Him with His disciples also, He said unto them, Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. As you can see, the words “Whosoever will come,” makes it perfectly clear, that the choice is up to us, to follow Him. Further more, in the Greek original the words are: “όστις θέλει”, which literally, means: “whosoever wants.” He thereby, leaves it upon our individual wills (θέλημα/thelema) to choose to follow Him.

Also, take the opposite side: Satan’s followers have one Law as per the words of Aleister Crowley who called him self the Beast: It is: “Do as thou wilt.” If you ponder on this, you will realize that even the Devil wants us to choose Him over God FREELY, so that our damnation will be guaranteed. Thus, looking at this both ways, we see that we are to choose freely towards which direction we will go. Stav • Stav Dear oxymoron, You say: “The 144,000 could also be of the number of Hebrews and their descendants who accepted Jesus Christ and became Christians.” The number is not literal. As stated many times before in this website, it represents a fullness of the Church. This is a common way to express various meanings in the ancient times and indeed the Bible. I remind you here that there was a number mentioned by Jesus Christ for how many times we need to forgive people. Just like in that case, the number is simply mentioned to give a clear, pure and simple understanding of what is said.

You say: “This would be in accordance with Yaweh’s promise to never forget his servant “Israel” no matter where they may be.” There is no Israel, apart from the Church. Don’t be fooled by the use of the word to describe today’s Jews and/or Jewish nation. Nor does it match the Old Testament Israel. The “temple” was destroyed and rebuilt in three days, and that first temple was the Old Israel, and the new is the Church.

Any promises to Israel, therefore are applicable to the Church and not today’s Jews. You say: “It is not at all wise to attach meanings to something which do not in any way reflect the words.” See my answer above about forgiving people.

Matthew 18:22 (King James Version): 22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. Are you counting up to 70*7 when you are forgiving people? Or do you understand this to mean: “always forgive people”? You say: “This is especially so with Apocalypse and this warning is given at the end.” It is actually the opposite. The Apocalypse, is FULL of incomprehensible and otherwise metaphorical pictures and so much so, that simply because of the way it is written it BEGS for not taking the words literally and trying to find the real meaning.

Take for example the various monsters, dragons, and other events described in it. The same goes with the numbers mentioned there. You say: “The Orthodox Church is not infallible.” Orthodox People as individuals are indeed capable and in many cases make errors, mistakes and there’s plenty of fault to find in them. But, the Orthodox Church as a whole, is indeed infallible. This is because in it’s entirety, when it formulates doctrine or when it establishes tradition, these processes are guided and directed by the Holy Spirit it self. This is the process by which the Bible was composed, and this is the process by which Orthodoxy operates.

It is clear that you don’t like the subject of this article. But, the Truth, Who is Jesus Christ, cannot be hidden. And all of this is indeed an oxymoron dear oxymoron: With your protestant background, where arbitrary explanation of Scripture and God’s Will is rampant, it is you of all here, who criticizes the True Church of making mistakes when it interprets Scripture. We don’t do it arbitrarily.

We do it by way of Holy Grace and Ecumenical Councils in concordance with Holy Tradition which is the collective experience of our Saints. Without this combination, you would not even have the Bible and the limited understanding of Christianity you possess.

Stav • Susie Bro. Nathanael, Thank you for being a man of research. Your videos are excellent as is your writing. Jesus Christ, I’m sure a reluctant leader, was chosen by the people. People choose good leaders.leaders do not choose the people. As you so aptly clarified, many are called but few are chosen. Susie • Andrew Jackson Dear “Oxymoron,” There is no “Myth of the Chosen People.” The Bible is true and God is faithful to His word.

In the OT, God repeatedly said that he chose the stiff-necked people not for their goodness or greatness, but for the sake of the righteousness of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the sake of His promises to them, and later for the sake of David. In the NT, the Chosen People are the Church, which follow the Apostolic Church of Jerusalem, by apostolic succession of its bishops, the teaching of the Apostolic (Orthodox) Faith, and the worship practices of the early Church (mostly embodied in the Divine Liturgy of St. James, the Brother of the Lord). The Church was and is One, no matter how large or small it is. Truth is indivisible. Those groups who left the church (the non-Chalcedonians and papists) are outside the Israel of God. That does not mean that they have no truth.

They do, but it is partial and distorted, and contaminated with heresy, to different degrees. For example the non-Chalcedonians are much closer to Orthodoxy than the papists, both in doctrine, and in spirituality and practice.

The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is an item of faith, not because we are good; no, we are sinners, and have a great responsibility. It is an item of faith because Christ keeps His promise. Being in the True Orthodox Church puts us in a privileged position to know God better, and be closer to Him, but at the same time, it makes us liable to a higher standard and more severe judgment if we fail or betray Him.

***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear in Christ, Reader Simeon Richard, Thank you for your accolades. I am in my forties and have not considered the priesthood. I am not a good candidate.

I may need to stay a layman in order to keep an eye on the bishops and clergy of the True Orthodox Church, in order to make sure they divide correctly the word of truth. May God’s will be done. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear in Christ, Jeannon Kralj, You are absolutely correct. Dialogue with the Jews is very destructive to Christian doctrine.

The Church has historically had a monologue with the Jews and non-Christians, not a dialogue. The Truth revealed by Christ God is non-negotiable. This is why the True Orthodox Church is against this false ecumenism. It is an enormous heresy.

It believes in the “branch theory” of the Church, and that all religions really believe and worship the same God, but in different ways. This is completely inimical to the Gospel.

We believe in true ecumenism, which invites all peoples, nations, religions, and races to accept Christ, repent of their sins, be baptized, and work on their salvation with fear and trembling. Of course the Old Testament has been superseded by the New Testament. And the Judaics are no more in covenant with God. They are His enemies.

2: [14] For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews, [15] Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men, [16] Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always, for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. ***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear “Oxymoron,” Yes, you are right, the 144,000 could also be the Hebrews who accepted Christ in the early Church of Jerusalem, as a fulfillment of the faithful remnant of the Hebrew race.

Concerning the infallibility of the Orthodox Church, we DO BELIEVE it is infallible in its Seven Ecumenical Councils, and all its dogmas and practices that have been accepted by the Church as a whole and confirmed by Holy Tradition. On the other hand, an individual bishop, even if Patriarch, or a synod, or several synods are of course NOT infallible. They are liable to make mistakes and fall into heresy, as always and from the times of the Apostles (the Nicholaitians are an early heresy that Christ condemns in Revelation). Our situation today proves the fallibility of bishops and synods: most Orthodox churches, tragically, have fallen into the heresy of ecumenism.

***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Thank you, dear in Christ, Joyce! I am not smart. Orthodoxy has made me smart. Here are other examples of the fallibility of bishops, synods, and local churches. Rome fell into heresy around 1054, even though it had been orthodox heretofore. The “Robber Synod” of 449 AD in Ephesus was later repudiated as false at the Fourth Ecumenical Council of 451 AD, in Chalcedon.

***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Andrew Jackson Dear in Christ, Susie, The people did not choose Jesus Christ. He chose them to start His mission among them. He is God and chose to be incarnate. He chose to be born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. The people wanted to make Him king, but He refused. The time of His Kingship will be at the Second Coming, when He will rule the nations with a rod of iron, and no one can escape His judgment.

No privilege or money or ancestry can save from His hand. John 6:15: When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone. He calls all men to repent, be saved, and inherit eternal life. But few are they that respond to the invitation.

***I AM A FINANCIAL SUPPORTER OF BRO NATHANAEL *** In Christ Yahweh, The God of the Old and New Testaments, AJ • Simeon Richard Simeon Richard Dear Susie: What Jesus Christ were you taking about? “a reluctant leaderchosen by the people”?

Are you talking about a political leader, a revolutionary or maybe a mayor? We understand Jesus to be God (true God and true man) not anyone elected or chosen by the people. The end of humanist thought is to totally trivialize! • Georgios Romans 8:30 “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” NT gives the answer who the chosen people of God are. His One Undividable Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church WITH ALL HIS SAINTS, as Saint Justin Popovich used to say. In Christs Love Georgios • Jeannon Kralj “Mostly embodied in the Divine Liturgy of St. James, the Brother of the Lord” Say what?

Is that “orthodox” teaching? • oxymoron So there you have it. The Orthodox church is now infallible. But this is the very thing that separates you from the Roman Catholic church is it not? Can you understand the meaning of the situation you find yourself in.

Because in its essence it is called hypocrisy. But I digress. In the Old Testament there are repeated promises of God that he will never abandon the Hebrews (to distinguish them from ‘THOSE WHO CALL THEMSELVES JEWS BUT ARE NOT”) who are FAITHFUL to Him but he casts off repeatedly those who are not.

This promise is for all time and for all eternity. This is stated in the Bible, over and over. I understand “those who call themselves Jews and are not. ” I am NOT REFERRING TO THEM. This promise is fulfilled at Christ’s first coming. Their rejection of Christ was not their first rejection of God. He came in the middle of their rejection of God as is clear from his chastisement of their spiritual leaders and the fact that they were occupied by Rome a sign by God that they were not living according to the will of God.

Made plain BY the Old Testament prophets. However, they had no prophets for 800 years before the birth of Christ to tell them this. Yet Christ still chooses to be born among them. The promise is still kept.

It is a covenant which in eternity will not be broken because it issues from the Mouth of God. This covenant then with the Hebrews remains with those of the dispersion.

The 10 tribes called “lost” even before Christ was born. These are not guilty of Christ’s crucifixion.

They have no share in the blood curse the crowds brought down on all those who rejected Christ. They were not resident in Israel for the most part at the time of the crucifixion. But the Apocalypse shows and reinforces God’s promise in the Old Testament that God will never abandon His people. Christ’s reference to seventy times seven for the forgiveness of sins, in response to the number seven times proposed by one of his disciples has NOTHING to do with other numbers in the Bible, WHICH ARE always exact in detail, AND FOR A REASON, of which there are numerous examples. • Georgios To my Orthododx Brothers: God chooses us, not we God. Christ says: “I have manifested thy name unto the men WHICH THOU GAVEST ME out of the world: THINE they were, and THOU GAVEST THEM ME; and they have kept thy word.” JOHN 17:6 We CAN NOT come to Christ, if the Father does not send us to HIM!

The Father choses us. • @ Andrew Jackson “The 144,000 of Revelation are the fullness of the Church, the Israel of God. It is based on the 12 Old Testament Patriarchs and 12 New Testament Apostles. ″ ———————————— In my interpretation there are 12,000 people from each of the 12 tribes of Israel that are sealed and saved, I think these are going to be righteous Jews who follow the Torah strictly. Jews that convert to Christianity, (and there have been MANY for 2000 years and more to come), are Christians, they have nothing to do with the 144,000 in my interpretation of the Book of Revelation ———————————- Revelation 7 (New King James version) The Sealed of Israel 1 After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. 2 Then I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God.

And he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying, “Do not harm the earth, the sea, or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.” 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed.

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