Strength Of Materials By Sadhu Singh Pdf Download


Download Annual Report PDF Format Directors Report Year End: Mar '17 Dear Shareholders, The, on behalf of the Board of Directors of your Company, am pleased to share with you the achievements and highlights of your Company during the financial year ended March 31, 2017 and to present the 24th Annual Report on the business and operations of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) and its Audited Financial Statements with the Auditors' Report and Comments on the Accounts by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India and the reply of the management thereto. The challenges that marked the macro environment, viz. Low commodity prices, uncertain demand outlook and slow global economic recovery, in FY'16 persisted in FY'17 as well.

Strength Of Materials By Sadhu Singh Pdf DownloadStrength Of Materials By Sadhu Singh Pdf Download

Crude prices today are distinctly higher than they were in early 2016. However, it would be prudent for oil and gas companies to remain wary as the recovery has not been as robust and stable as one would have liked it to be. It is reflective of the larger economic environment of the world where secular growth has not returned to the markets post the global financial meltdown and the subsequent Eurozone slowdown. While this extended period of low commodity prices poses challenges for E&P companies in terms of ambitious exploratory efforts and development from difficult areas, it is a source of meaningful monetary comfort for an import dependent economy likes ours. That being said, price-related pressures are likely to ease going forward as companies learn to adapt and improvise in this 'new normal' of low prices.

We must not forget that our industry has faced numerous challenges in the past and has always come out stronger each time. This 'new normal' will also be defined and influenced by the international political developments in the past one year and the remarkable growth (both in terms of investment as well as capacity addition) of renewable energy sources, adding a further layer of complexity to the operating environment of oil and gas. In this prevailing environment of increased volatility and uncertainty, it has become more important than ever for companies to sharpen their focus on promising growth avenues while consolidating their key areas of strength. For your Company, it meant a more aggressive approach to cost optimization and operational efficiencies in our legacy business and stepping up activity in the area of unmonetized discoveries with comprehensive planning and robust project management philosophy.

Strength of Materials. Khanna Publishers. Aug 31, 2013 - Strength of Materials. Strength of Materials. This PDF book incorporate Strength Of strength of materials by ramamrutham pdf free download guide.2 first published in 1930. Of Materials. TEXT BOOKS: 1. R.K.Bansal, “Introduction to text book of Strength of materials”, 4th Edition, Laxmi publications Pvt. Sadhu Singh, “Strength of Materials”, 2nd Edition, Khanna. Publications, 2001. S.Ramamrutham and R.Narayanan “Strength of Materials”. 11th Edition, Dhanpat Rai publications,.

Considering the critical importance of your Company in the country's overall energy infrastructure, the decisions and actions of today will, to a large extent, not only set the ground for a significant transformation that will enable it to contribute even more expansively to the country's energy sector but also ensure its competitiveness in any operating environment. Despite the challenges of the business and its surrounding environment, your Company along with its group companies has registered yet another year of strong performance and made substantial progress on most of these priority areas. In addition, performance in the other areas of business where your Company has significant interests also recorded important milestones.

Backed by an intensive and continuous exploration programme, your Company made 23 oil and gas discoveries in various basins of India out of which eight discoveries have already been monetized. During the year, your Company produced 22.25 MMT ofoil against 22.37 MMT during FY'16. Natural gas production was at 22.09 BCM against 21.18 BCM during FY'16, thereby recording an increase of 4%. Your Company's share in domestic joint ventures' production has been 3.28 MMT of oil and 1.18 BCM of gas. Combining the two, total domestic production has been 25.53 MMT of oil and 23.27 BCM of gas.

VAP production increased from 2.77 MMT in FY'16 to 3.24 MMT in FY'17 (increase of 17%) with contribution from C2-C3 and Hazira plants. All joint ventures of your Company established for value-chain integration i.e.,- ONGC Petro-additions Ltd. (OPaL), ONGC Teri Biotech Ltd. (OTBL), ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd., (OTPC), Petronet MHB Ltd. (PMHBL), Dahej SEZ Ltd.

(DSEZ) and Mangalore SEZ Ltd. (MSEZ) are now operational and have started generating revenue. The significant milestones achieved by your Company during 2016-17: - Your Company made 23 Oil and Gas discoveries out of which 13 were Onshore and 10 were Offshore. 4 of these discoveries are in New Exploration and Licencing Policy (NELP) blocks. Focusing on quick monetization, 8 of these discoveries have already been put to production.

- With these 23 discoveries, your Company accreted 64.32 MMtoe of 2P reserves in the domestic fields. RRR with 2P reserves during the year has been 1.45. - With Jabera discovery, Vindhayan Basin has made entry into the oil reserves map of India. - With recent discoveries in Kutch offshore, focus is on bringing this new basin on production. - Your Company has taken up development of KG-DWN-98/2 block in Krishna-Godavari (KG) Basin with an investment of more than US$ 5,000 million (approx.

Rs.340,000 million). Peak oil from the field is around 78,000 bpd and gas @ 15.57 MMSCMD. - Gas production commenced from S1 Deep Water field (water depth around 280M) in KG Basin @ 0.9 MMSCMD and the first Deep Water gas well to fetch a price of US$ 5.05 per MMBTU under government approved pricing and market freedom policy. - Gas sales increased from 16.08 BCM in FY'16 to 17.06 BCM in FY'17; an increase of 5.80%. - Your Company deployed 35 rigs in offshore, the highest ever and drilled 501 wells again the highest ever (401 development wells, the highest ever).

Commercial speed during the year has been 1,472; an increase of more than 24% compared to 2015-16. - Testing the efficacy of B-90 culture in the wells of Becharaji field Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) job was carried out in 3 wells of Bechraji in 2016-17. - Gas flaring during the year has been 529 MMSCM which reduced from 3.06% (FY'16) to 2.40% (FY'17); a reduction of21.6% over the previous year.

- Additional development of Vasai (East): facility creation (2 well platforms and Subsea pipeline) completed. 12 wells out of 20 wells drilled and added additional oil production of 7000 BOPD. - Besides 28 ongoing oil and gas development projects, 6 development projects worth Rs.76,700 million have been taken up during FY'17.

The projects are NW B-173A, B -147, BSE-11, 4th phase of NBP Field and R-Series and redevelopment of Santhal field. - Your Company signed Farm-in/Farm-out (FIFO) agreement with GSPC on 10th March, 2017 to acquire 80% PI with operatorship in block KG-OSN-2001/3. - Commencement of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) field development operations in Bokaro and North Karanpura. - Gross Revenue of the Company stood at Rs.779,078 million and for ONGC Group it has been Rs.1,421,490 million. - Your Company recorded a Net Profit of Rs.179, 000 million during the year under review.

Net Profit of ONGC Group increased by 59% to Rs.204, 979 million (Rs. Nelson Chemistry 12 College Preparation Ebook3000 on this page. 128, 752 million in FY'16). - ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), a wholly owned subsidiary of your Company, registered highest-ever production of 12.80 MMtoe of O+OEG during the year. It recorded Gross Revenue of '100,800 million and Net Profit of Rs.6,974 million (against loss of Rs.36,401 million in FY'16). - Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL), a subsidiary of your Company, recorded highest-ever throughput of 16.27 MMT during FY'17.

- MRPL recorded 17% increase in Turnover to Rs. Programs For Scoring Trap League Sec. 599,801 million (Rs.509, 623 million during FY'16) and highest ever Net Profit of Rs.32,932 million (Rs.5,058 million in FY'16). - ONGC Tripura Power Company Ltd. (OTPC) clocked highest-ever Annual Gross Generation of 4,170 million units. - Six ONGC team members successfully accomplished Mission Everest. This is first time that a Corporate has taken a Mission to send its team to mount the highest peak of the Earth. These achievements reflect your Company's proven commitment towards sustained growth and performance excellence. Consistently driven by well-defined growth strategies, your Company delivers and improves performance year-on-year basis which is the benchmark of excellence in various facets of E&P activities and has also been well recognized through peer-and-public evaluations.

Global Recognitions Your Company has been ranked number one E&P Company in the world by Platts Top 250 Global Energy Company Rankings-2016 and 20th among global energy majors based on assets, revenues, profits and Return on Invested Capital. The leading international business journal Forbes has ranked ONGC the 3rd largest in India and 220th worldwide based on sales, profit, assets and market value. Your Company has strengthened its brand position in India, climbing from 10th position during previous year to 7th position, according to a study conducted by consultant Brand Finance.

Further, the Rs.2016 EU Industrial R&D Scoreboard' listed your Company at the 12th position in the list of oil and gas companies based on Research and Development (R&D) expenditure. Performance 2016-17 During FY'17, your Company made 23 Oil & Gas discoveries out of which 13 were Onland and 10 were Offshore including 4 discoveries in the blocks awarded under NELP. All these 23 discoveries are healthy pointers to the continued performance of the Company's exploratory efforts. Details of these discoveries are tabulated as below: Sl.

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