Install Java Plugin Firefox Portable Browser


The upcoming version of Firefox, 3.6, will only support Java 6 Update 10 and upwards. I installed Java Portable, which is supposed to be Java 6 Update 17, to X: portableapps CommonFiles Java as requested. My Firefox is installed to X: portableapps browser. So Far From The Bamboo Grove Pdf Printer. When I load Firefox 3.6 Beta 4, it does not see.

Install Java Plugin Firefox Portable Browser

Is a fast, powerful and secure web browser that supports open standards and many of the latest web technologies. The program includes smart search, easy bookmark management, web development tools and built-in download manager. A powerful system allows for thousands of specialized functions, as well as a customized look and feel.

Versions available for Mac, Android, iOS, Linux and supports many world languages. Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition is a special build licensed by Mozilla.

It includes both the 32-bit and 64-bit builds and selects the appropriate one for each PC., and versions are also available. Alternatively, is also available. I am having a trouble restoring/importing the saved forms, passwords and so on from firefox on winxp sp2 (installed on HDD) to firefox portable on winxp sp2(installed on USB Flash drive).

I have no trouble importing the bookmarks, but it is the saved passwords & logins I REALLY need to export/import. Has anyone been able to accomplish this? I have tried copying the firefox profile from the original computer to the profile in firefox portable's folder in the thumb drive. I have tried to use mozbackup. I've googled and read just about every forum I could find but I'm still searching for the right answer.

Anyone able to help? This is for work:( Thanks in advance, Nate. If you want firefox portable without splash screen then just go to sourceforge and download the last firefox portable pre-release (beta or RC) and update it automatic to the last version ( last time i checked it was on one of the beta versions and there was no splash screen at all even after update!!! But don't count on me, maybe they changed those test versions and you cannot update them (but still check it anyway) go to: / download page 'all': go to: 'Firefox Portable Test' or 'Pre-Releases' download page 'Firefox Portable Test': (copy posted by AlephX, hoping that shimi-yeh does not complain). I use this portable version off of my hard drive. But i was always running into a bookmark/profile prob.

So i started to copy the fire port direct to another local drive as a back up. Until one time i had the prob and loaded a backup copy that had a prob. So i started 2 b/u dirs. 1 i never touch.

So one day im skimming through my add/remove software list and see the OOOriginal install of FF, thought i would remove it. Do you know that NONE of my 3 portable FF progs would start!! On 2 seperate drives. In 3 seperate folders. Luckily im in favor of over kill and i had a cd b/u.

But WhY do i have to go through this? * Tutorial * How to disable the crash report complete? The crash report is saved to your OS and send to / - anyone can see it. Your IP, all running processes and many more data from your system and browser - also the responsible url for the crash is saved. Mozilla show not all public.

I mean Mozilla should not know if your browser is crashed visiting a porn site.:) 1.) Open in Firefox folder the file application.ini with WordPad MFC. 2.) Change in [Crash Reporter] this 'Enabled=1' in that 'Enabled=0' and write maybe also the following variable.: MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DISABLE=1 Finished. If you start now firefox from a USB stick your browser create no longer several files on your system (. Application Data Mozilla Firefox Crash Reports ) and sending them to Mozilla is also stopped.

Mozilla ask you before it will send but internet teach me its better to be paranoia.^^. @Michael - download the nightly builds with the and doubleclick on firefox.exe.

/ --- Later you can create a own profile.: --- More later you copy all files with your own independent profilefolder to your USB stick. Create a textfile named start.doc and write as example.: start yourfolder firefox.exe -profile yourfolder Firefox yourprofilefolder (The path to firefox.exe and your own profilefolder.) Change the filename from start.doc in start.bat and after that klick on start.bat - voila! Your browser starts with your own profile. Some parameters for your start.bat.: With -turbo your firefox is in 1 second ready. With -fullscreen your firefox starts always in fullscreen modus. Personally i love Firefox.

It has some really cool plugins and themes, (though quite a few of the themes don't seem to work with FF Portable v3.0.2). I'm on a crusade to get people to use Firefox instead of Internet Exploder and although there are issues with Firefox, the development team are working to get them sorted so give them feedback about your issues, but don't give them any lip. Internet Exploder also has some issues, IE7, (i think), is absolutely awful, when i upgraded from an earlier version i completely lost the plot. I couldn't find how to change the layout or anything. Thank Mozilla for Firefox.

It says that Firefox doesn't keep logs of websites you visit. I was downloading portable classic PSX/N64 games, and opened the OpenFilesView app that comes with HiRen's boot CD v10. It showed certain files were in use. After opening a few files in the '[USER] Application Data Mozilla Firefox Profiles' subfolders, I found (after clearing private data in Firefox AND using CCleaner) a lot of references in files like COOKIES.SQLITE and PLACES.SQLITE of the website forums, and links to games I had downloaded. God damn stazi.

From their website 'Privacy Controls. Firefox 3.5 includes features designed to protect your privacy online and provide greater control over your personal data. While using the new Private Browsing mode in Firefox 3.5, nothing you encounter on the Web will be stored from that moment on during your browsing session.

Unique to Firefox 3.5, the new Forget this Site feature can remove every trace of a site from your browser. If you want to remove all private data or activity from the past few hours, Clear Recent History, another Firefox-only feature, gives you full control over what stays and what goes.' A few questions.1) does Firefox Portable support all of the addons the normal FF version uses?, 2) if so, when I install the addons are the placed in the same directory as FF Portable? I would love to move away from FF because it's a memory hog. It's like the federal government - once they pass a spending program it will never go away.

Once FF grabs memory, it never relinquishes it. But there are a few things about FF that I love. First is support for ad blocking. As far as I can tell the ad blocking is vastly superior to any other browser. Second all of my bookmarks are in Yahoo and I use the crappy Yahoo toolbar to access them.

I've considered moving away from Yahoo bookmarks but it's just not a big deal. I'm not a power browser user I just want something that I can customize, is fast, is not a memory hog, and can be run portably. I don't use FF portable for online browsing.

But for offline browsing it's useful. Update it with the UnMHT add-on and it becomes a nice.MHT (.MHTML) reader and converter. MHT files seem to be slightly more sophisticated and simpler to use than PDF files which are quite bloated with metaData.

The. The Key To Rebecca Epub Torrent. MHT files look just like web pages, but without some unneeded MetaData and all the info is squished into a single file-no subfolders needed. FF displays them just fine, and the HTML links remain working too.

This is a good way cross-platform way to archive web pages. Internet Explorer comes able to read MHT files 'out of the box', so support for MHT reading is ubiquitous as long as the otherwise annoying IE keeps being installed with the Windows OS. The MHT files can be written or read on Mac OS too. No need for another PDF reader if you transition to.MHT files for webpage archiving. By the way, add-ons can be manually edited to not expire, just set their internal xml version expiration date to something ridiculously high.

Browse the web for instructions on how to do that. That makes it possible to use many more add-ons that still have worth and functionality (at your own risk, of course). @Bob Carney: Internet use and anonymity/privacy are nearly mutually exclusive in this modern age. But you could experiment with re-routing data to a RAM drive. But then, that wouldn't exactly be portable, though, would it? @Steve: put the add-ons into the same app folder after you download them manually (save as.).

Next open them up manually using FF, and from then on, FF will know where they are automatically and you'll have them to use. There are some memory management add-ons too. Leaving one unimportant reg entry behind and two empty folders in appdata doesn't break the portability though.

Then again i have a cleanup.bat file that deals with some specific things some apps and windows leave behind. As for local homepages breaking and extensions incompatibility. Never had any problem.

Bottom line is, it should be up to the user if he wants to use a wrapper/launcher or not, and i thought the general view on this in this site was to list the official releases with tweaks/hacks first (if they do work portably even if not stealth), and only after, the alternatives. Well, if that's not enough for you, Mozilla calls the -profile switch a way to point to a specific profile. They don't document or support it as a 'portable' implementation as it is not designed to be used as such. If you request a portable version of Firefox, ours is as official as it gets. We negotiated a license to use the Firefox trademarks. And Mozilla sends folks our way when they want a portable version of Firefox to distribute on USB drives. Just because the handful of extensions you use don't break doesn't mean that lots of others do, particularly when a new version of Firefox is released and extension X isn't listed as compatible in its manifest but is actually compatible so lets your install of Firefox know.

Additionally, crash logs contain personal data, so while you may not care, I think most users would be uncomfortable with some of their personal data left behind on some random PC. Remember, lots of different users of differing technical abilities use portable software, and most of them won't manually code a batch file to clean things up. Oh boy, should have guessed i would keep being replied by mr portableapplications businessman and the usual formal defensive, passive aggressive mambo jambo. Not gonna insist more.

So please don't bother to reply again either cause i know your neverending speech quite well already. My original comment was just to point out something that, to me, seemed obvious, and i bet to others as well. I just wish for this site, that i love, to stay independent and not be subjected to this outside pressures. Oh and good luck on you mr haller on getting money off of people by selling pens with your launchers/wrappers of other people's apps (last time i checked most of them open source, most of them already portable).

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