Sengoku Rance Save File Hongfire


On turn 3, first, I recruited an enemy foot-soldier from Hara that I captured. Then, I attacked Hara with my remaining commanders, being Rance, Ranmaru, that big guy, and the ranger. According to the walkthrough, I have to attack house Hara a second time, but all my commanders are greyed out. Would it be too much to ask for someone to post a save file that has everything unlocked? I lost all my save data and am way too lazy to unlock everything again. Tried and didnt get the results I wanted. Not at all here is mine SaveData.rar. All CGs unlock, finished all routes, family bonus+115. Hi Grade Va250d Drivers Xp.

Sengoku Rance Save File HongfireSengoku Rance Save File Hongfire

I need some help with some things. One thing is a purple??? Option I've noticed at Tamba, Yamato and Mamushi Oil Fields. They all add 5 to your nation power (there's a part in brackets that reads 国力を5), but what else do they do? Also, do they all do the same thing, or does each have different effects?) Second, I was wondering if it's OK to try installing the latest patch for the game (1.04).

I'm mainly concerned of anti-piracy detection + protection in the patch installation, (this is if the copy distributed here @ Hongfire is considered pirated, or if Alicesoft would go to this length at all). I've been too pre-occupied with enjoying the game as it is to attempt the patch (enjoying a slow 1st-playthrough, 115 turns before the demon army finally came out XD), and I just don't want to lose all my saves. I really want to try the Kill-monkey mode tho. He came out in that turn 115 and owned Takeda, who had 5 provinces, in a split second. I was like OMGWTF, why isn't that thing the ruler of Japan yet? Those options are to build buildings that increase the maximum troops of certain troop types each turn. After that, you can visit the buildings to add an additional amount but my turns are usually too precious to do that, really.

This game doesn't really have protection or has the usual Alicesoft 'protection' where once you inserted the DVD for the first start-up of the game, you never need the DVD anymore. As far as I know, the patch doesn't interfere. Saved game are compatible with the patches, HOWEVER, one thing I noticed is that they don't remember which scenes you have already viewed, so if you're speeding through the game using the skip text function because it's your 6th playthrough or something, you have to read them all again.

The problem I thought had fixed was only delayed a couple turns. Anyways, it's that I start losing satisfaction points (6-10) at the start of every turn, and I just can't isolate the reason why. It happens after I'm attacked by all 4 Shimazu bros., and after defeating them I face Yoshihisa in a duel.

I delayed my problem a few turns by doing all the Sil-frozen-in-ice events. Also that item #80, that decreases points needed for scouting by 4.

I've never seen it work. Scouting is always so low-cost anyways, so why do we need this item.- (altho it's a pretty gold item).

If anyone can help adding stuff to the wiki so newcomers wouldn't have to go through all the 80 pages, that'd be great ^^' Let me know if you need any help doing anything on the wiki!i have notice there is no guide to how you get the characters in the wiki. In the Walkthrough section there are information of how to get most of the characters simply by conquering their house, but there is no information about how to get any of the characters from Zeth. I have manage to get most of those characters, but they just appeared out of nowhere, so i have no real idea of how i got them. Would that be an idea to make for the wiki? Or am i the only one who is having problem finding these characters? While im at it, does anyone know how to get 魔想志津香 / Shizuka?

'i have notice there is no guide to how you get the characters in the wiki. In the Walkthrough section there are information of how to get most of the characters simply by conquering their house, but there is no information about how to get any of the characters from Zeth. I have manage to get most of those characters, but they just appeared out of nowhere, so i have no real idea of how i got them.' While im at it, does anyone know how to get 魔想志津香 / Shizuka?

Look again on the Satisfaction bonuses page of the Wiki. All the info that explains Zeth/Leazas chars is at the very top of that section. Download Videoiq View.

As for Shizuka, I think you can obtain her as a 2nd game bonus only. She's a new character introduced since patch 1.03, so you have download and apply the newest patch (see the Version History page of the Wiki for details). I agree that a separate section specifically stating how you obtain each character would be helpful. Maybe revamping the 'Captains' section to have detailed sections on each captain and including info like 'how to get'.

We can meld the bios pages into this section too. They're kinda out of place when they don't have that cool side-menu.

Probably should keep Character clears section separate because it's high-referenced material you'd want on its' own. I don't know how to set up new Wiki pages, but I've edited some things already, e.g. Akashi's stats. Look again on the Satisfaction bonuses page of the Wiki. All the info that explains Zeth/Leazas chars is at the very top of that section.

As for Shizuka, I think you can obtain her as a 2nd game bonus only. She's a new character introduced since patch 1.03, so you have download and apply the newest patch (see the Version History page of the Wiki for details). I agree that a separate section specifically stating how you obtain each character would be helpful. Maybe revamping the 'Captains' section to have detailed sections on each captain and including info like 'how to get'. We can meld the bios pages into this section too. They're kinda out of place when they don't have that cool side-menu.

Probably should keep Character clears section separate because it's high-referenced material you'd want on its' own. I don't know how to set up new Wiki pages, but I've edited some things already, e.g. Akashi's stats.Bio pages are for the characetrs across all games, so it wouldn't quite work to put the info there. Right now most recruitment info is in the 'Walkthrough' section. Do you think it should be separated into a 'Recruitment' section? I don't want too much redundancy between different sections.

BTW, thanks a lot for adding captain data on the wiki. I highly encourage you to create an account so it's easier to keep track of who-did-what instead of just seeing IP addresses (though if you really want to just remain as an IP address, that's fine too). I have one question about Yamanaka Kojika. (the small girl with sword that has some revenge issues with Mori house).

Could never get her. Wiki tells that I can get her after seeing all of her events yet never tells what ARE those events. So I am wondering if anyone knows what events do i excatly have to witness.

I already saw her talking with Ashitaka and Tenshiism houses and then trying to get into my army as well but she was rejected by Rance and since then I have never seen her. Also has pach 1.04 Shizouka in it as a second playthough character, as I have not seen her on available list at all. Maybe only version 1.03 does?

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